CES Trenscwiver DX's the World! WHITE'S RA RADIOR 010-T LOG U AM -FM STATIONS WORLD -WIDE EXPERIMENTER SHORT -WAVE LISTINGS! IS THERE p SOViET \ 3-BOMB III ORB1T? PROJECTS THAT LET YOU - Multiply with Neon Bulbs Control Photofloods 100% Dial Any Resistance TEST REPORTS Hallicrafters CB -15 * 4- TRANSISTOR AM /Part -I5 Walkie- Talkie AUDIO COMPRESSOR Lafayette Model HA -520 Dual -Band VHF Receiver GIVES YOUR Jensen Model CC -1 MODULATION Headset Control Center A BOOST Be creative -and thrifty too! Save up to 50% with EICO Kits and Wired. EICO supports your sense of people, ages 8 to 89, have built EICO achievement with no-compromise kits. If you love to create, EICO is engineering, finest parts, dramatic for you. And if you want the best esthetics, simple step -by -step buys in ready -to -use factory - instructions and large pictorial assembled equipment, again EICO diagrams. You need no technical is for you. Judge critically for Elcol background -just pliers, screw- yourself. Send for your free catalog. driver, soldering iron. Three million See EICO at your local dealer. KITS & WIRED TEST EQUIPMENT C11lZENS BAND! HAM RADIO STEREO /HI -FI New Model 3566 All Solid -State Automatic FM New Model 779 Sentinel 23 CB Transceiver. 23 MPX Stereo Tuner 'Amplifier. "Very satisfactory . bannel frequenry synthesizer provides crystal product, very attractive price" -Audio Magazine. nnVnlled transmit and receive on all 23 chan- No tubes. not even nuvistors. Delivers 112 watts nr-ls No additional crystals to buy ever' Features IHF total to 4 ohms, 75 watts to 8 ohms. Com- include dual conversion, illuminated S RF meter, pletely pre.wired and prealigned RF, IF and Model 232 Peak.ln Peak YTVM. A mud for color adjustable squelch and noise limiter. TVI filter, MPS circuitry, plus plug-in transistor sockets. ei BAW TV and industrial use. 7 nen.k,p 117VAC and 12VDC transistorized dual power $219.95 kit (optional walnut cabinet $14.951, on all 4 Ignitions With Uni Probe. $29.95 kit, supply Also selves as 3.5 watt P.A. system. $325.00 wired including walnut cabinet. UL $49.95 wired. $169.95 wired. approved. New Model 712 Sentinel 12 Dual Conversion 5. v.att CB Transceiver. Permits 12- channel crystal - Model 5T70 70-Watt Integrated Stereo Amplifier, controlled transmit and receive, plus 23- channel Best buy of highest ranked stereo amplifiers Model 460 Wideband Direct Cnupled 5° 0'.,,t. tunable receive. Incorporates adjustable squelch according to independent testing. $99.95 kit, Inscope. DC.45mc for color and BOW TV service A noise limiter, & switches for 3.5 watt P.A. $149.95 wired. ST40 40 Walt Integrated Stereo and lab use. Push -pull OC vertical amp.. nal n spotting. & Part 15 operation Transistorized Amplifier. $79.95 kit, $129.95 wired. ST97 Match- octal. input. Automatic sync limiter and am0. r.I?VDC A Il7VAC dual power supply. $99.95 ing FM MPX Stereo Tuner, $09.95 kit; $139.95 599.95 kit, $129.50 wired. wired only. wired. FREE 1966 CATALOG EICO Electronic Instrument Co., Inc. 131.01 39th Ave.. Flushing, N.Y. 11352 10'r\F. -0 Send me FREE catalog describing the full EICO line of 200 best buys, and name of nearest dealer. I'm interested in. ttß test equipment [ I ham radio E stereo hi -fi [ I Citizens Band radio a New Model 753 lie one and only SSB AM CW Name 1i, Nand r,., ' - vi Nit. "The best ham trans- . wer buy for 1966" -Radio TV Experimenter Address Magazine 200 watts PEP on 80. 40 and 70 Model 324 Rf Signal Generator. IrrOkr to 44tinir iet.i Receiver offset tuning, built-in VOX. high City range For IFRF alignment and si; rial tram¡ I Ir vnl dynamic ALC. Unequaled performance. lea - TV, FM. AM CB and molli^ P -it m and i rt. and acii',eanee. Sensationally priced at modulation $32.95 kit, 544.95 wired. $109.95 kit. $299.95 wired. State Zip 1945.1965: TWENTY YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN CREATIVE ELECTRONICS A r- - - - - - - - - - - - - INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS I Dept. 1976 Scranton, Penna. 18515. (In Hav,aii: P.O. Box 418, Honolulu. In Canada: I.C.S. Canadian, Ltd. In other countries: I.C.S. World, Ltd.) Yes! Send me your three -booklet Career Kit, including the new "ElectronlCS" Career Guide. I understand these booklets are absolutely FREE. Name Age__ Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employed by Working Hours A.M. to P.M. I'm a member of U. S. Armed Forces. Send me facts about special low rates. 1 L-------------Convenient payment plan. Special training programs for industry Cut this out. Cut yourself in on 16 extras: 1 More electronics courses (22) than 9 I.C.S. mails progress reports to your employer, any other school. This lets you choose if you request. one that's just right for you. 10 Programed courses (optional) for quick, 2 Or, to meet special needs, I.C.S. will easy study. tailor-make a course for you, personally. 1 1 I.C.S. constantly reviews all texts to assure up- to- dateness. 3 You may pay for your course month by month, as your study progresses. 12 Complete courses in Telephony available only from I.C.S. - 4 Famous Heathkit* equipment (only I.C.S. has it). 13 Greater experience in correspondence education 5 Complete library of texts included than any other school in price of course. (75 years -over 71/2 million students). One out of every 14 top executives in America Your money back if you fail to pass test for 14 has at one time studied with I.C.S. 6 1st or 2nd Class Radiotelephone license after studying the appropriate I.C.S. All courses accredited by course. 15 National Home Study Council. Experienced home -study counselors New 64 -page "ElectronlCS" fact book. always available to help you. 16 lust off the press, is yours FREE. It answers the most -otter -asked questions 8 Broad career guidance facilities. about breaking into electronics. Any number of schools can teach you electronics. All of them offer some of these extras. But only I.C.S. has them all. Why should you settle for less? Cut yourself in on electronics success. Mail the coupon that brings you all 16 electronics extras. Do it right now. Cover Photo NOW THERE ARE 85 RADIO by Don Lothrop RADIO-TV SHACKS COAST TO COAST! ARIZONA EXPERIMENTER PHOENIX -3905 East Thom.. Rd. CALIFORNIA ANAHEIM - 507 East Kt.11a An.. BAKERSFIELD - 1308 19th St. LA HABRA - 1511 Wut Whittler Blvd. J LONG BEACH - 3976 Atlantis An. LOS ANGELES: 1966 .. Downy - Sto..veed Shop. Ctr. June -July H á Lad.. Shep. Ctr. - 5305 C.ntin.l. Av.. G 7 Minion Hill.- 10919 S.pulv.dO Blvd. - V Rued- 19309 Victory at Tampa \ - 22519 Hawthorn. Blvd. CONTENTS /INDEX ` = c.; - Wut Crin. -2516 Ent Workman Ave. 1. m d Woe L. A. - Mee Blvd. at Overland OAKLAND (San L..ndr.) - Bay FIr Shop. Ctr. P.- A SACRAMENTO - BOO Fulton Ave. *Cover Highlights SAN DIEGO IL. Mes.) - Gr.um.nt SMp. Cl,. u_ = 1- cg SANTA ANA - Bristol lu. Shop. Ctr. 1 c á COLORADO DENVER: 795 South Santa F. Dr. 33 Wetland Shopping ants *Audio Compressor CONNECTICUT HAMDEN - Hamden Mart. Shop Ctr, MANCHESTER - Mon. huts Shoo. Prk.d. NEW HAVEN - 92 York St. Ohms Range Expander 37 NEW LONDON Ctr. STAMFORD - 29 HghRi.iLd. pÿ WEST HARTFORD - 39 Sa. Mun St. ILLINOIS 40 CHICAGO - Evr Pr..n man at 95th N. *Dial -a -Ohm MAINE PORTLAND - Pln. Tr.. Seep. Ctr. MARYLAND *Atomic Destruction from Space 42 LANGLEY PARK - N.mpshir.L.ngley Ctr. MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON: 167 Wuhlnoton St. 590 St. Will Rogers and Audio Tape 46 derlal Stn BRAINTREEi - South Sher. Plu. BROCKTON Westgate Moll - Ave. B R 00 K L I N E- 730 Cem menrulth CAMBRIDGE - Fresh Pond Shop. Clr. *NeonLamp Calculator 49 FRAMING HAM World W ELL N Control Shop. Plan SAUGUS -N. E. Shop. Ctr. SPRINGFIELD - 1162 Mln St. WEST SPRINGFIELD P100. Shop. Ctr. *Lab Check -Lafayette HA -520 53 WORCESTER MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS - 1121 Nireliet Ave. ST. PAUL - 473 North Snelling *SCR Photoflood Controller 55 MISSOURI ST. LOUIS: I125 Pine St. (WII.r Ash. Div.) South ty Shopping ter, nShopping Cuts, Join a Radio Club 62 Northland NEW HAMPSHIRE MANCHESTER - 1247 Elm St. NEW MEXICO Electronic Dial -Lock 63 ALBUQUERQUE - 611S Loom. N. E. NEW YORK B INGHAMTON (V..t.n- V.sl.l SMp. Pion Shop. Ctr. B UFFALO (Clarence) - Trusltovn NEW YORK - 1128 Ave. of the Americas *Lab Check-Jensen CC -1 69 SCHENECTADY IRott.rdaml - SMper.m. Clr. SYRACUSE: 3057 Erie Blvd. East. Foirmount Fir Shop. Ctr. 15 11 OHIO ,Lab Check- Hallicrafters CB- p CINCINNATI - 852 Swift Ctr. OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA Shop. Ctr. Screamer 13 TULSA 27301South Harrvvarrd Perf-Board Project- OREGON PORTLAND - 1921 N.E. 42nd St. PENNSYLVANIA 75 PHILADELPHIA: Propagation Forecast 2327G Cettm.n Ave., R Il Moll 1126 Walnut St. PITTSBURGH -309 Se. 141110 VIII... RHODE ISLAND New Angle for Your Work Bench....16 - CRANSTON -1301 Reservoir Ave. rI EAST PROVIDENCE - Shopper.' Ton TEXAS El ABILENE -2910 North First St. the World on Your CB Rig 18 ARLINGTON - Collins at Park Row *Hear AUSTIN - Hanooth Shopping Cent*. B ROWNSVILLE -847 S. E. Elirah.th St. DALLAS: Mdoilhsa Center 81 125 W Nage Calling All Vampires Plymouth Pork Shop. Ctr. FORT WORTH: ISIS Se. Unlurelty Dr. 900 East Sorry St. Light Watchman 83 3524 Donlon Hiohwq' Electronic 2618 West 7th St. HOUSTON: 5455 Gull Frrway 322 N.rthlln M.11 DX 81 8.II.In - 4759 (Gunton Language SAN ANTONIO: 150 Wonderland Shop.
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