MERRY CHRISTMAS BEST WISHES FOR TO YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR THE * MERCIAD Published at Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania VOL. IX DECEMBER, 1937 NUMBER THREE Sodality Breakfagt Collegians Bishop Gannon Honored Held On December 8 Felifcitate At Annual Reception Prefect Welcomes Head of Charities President College Guest Feature of Program iNew Members At For Bishop Day ] Mother Xavier is Guest of Yearly Affair Honor at Shakespearean Is Choral Verse Presentations Impressive Ceremonies Com­ College Chancellor and memorate the Feast of the A very important and happy Seniors Are Entertained! ^Immaculate Conception event took place at Mercyhurst At Dinner The Sodality of our Lady is a College, Thursday evening, Decem­ Another red letter day in the spiritual society working enthu- ber 2 when the student body took annals of Mercyhurst has come siastically for Christ, rendering the opportunity to felicitate and gone. Bishop's Day, the day service to His Church in its inter­ Mother M. Xavier, president of the on which the Mercyhurst student est and in the quickening of the college on the eve of her Feast body formally entertains His Ex­ spiritual life of its members. It Day. This is the first time (that cellency, John Mark Gannon, Bis­ is the echo of four Holy Father's the student body has expressed its hop of Erie and Chancellor of plea a or Catholic Action resound­ homage and love for Mother Mercyhurst College, is a tradition ing in terms of life. Today, this Xavier in a public demonstration. at Mercyhurst. echo is heard in every country of Therefore, this occasion was dear Once annually this Ihonor be­ the world, for in every country to the hearts of the students all of comes our privilege, and this year there is a Sodality working for the whom participated in honoring our the J happy f occasion was slated for advancement of the Kingdom of beloved president on the occasion December 13. On* that afternoon, Christ, in the reign of Christ of her Feast Day. the entire student body had the through Mary, Mother of the God- The opening song, dedicated to honor of being presented indivi­ Man. Mother Xavier, was sung from the Reverend James M. Powers lips and hearts of her loving as­ Most Rev. John Mark Gannon, D.D, dually to our Bishop. Following It is the Sodality of Our Lady this formal reception, an enter­ and so we, her Soda lists, observe sociates and collegians. The words, . composed by Evarita Flaherity, tainment was presented in the in an' especial manner her feasts auditorium for the pleasure of and on December 8 we celebrated College Entertains '39, expressed the wishes of the Christmas Party? singers: Bishop Gannon. the most sublime of them all—her Former Chaplain Is Scheduled The program included the fol­ Immacula te Conception. "On this day, O Mother^ Xavier, On Friday evening, December lowing numbers: Fully aware of the spirit of this On Thursday evening, ^December We sing to you songs of praise, 17, at eight o'clock the annual Chorus — Seminarians; day, the Mercyhurst Sodality cele­ 9, the entire faculty and student To the one whose feast we honor, Christmas^party will be given with Welcome—Margaret Thompson; brated it in a singular way. Her body of Mercyhurst were privi­ Glad hearts and voices raise. the Freshman class as hostesses, Verse Speaking Choir — Colle­ members attended Holy Mass and leged to entertain at a testimonial (Continued on Page 4) the entire faculty! and student gians; Communion, and new members banquet and reception for the Rev­ -r»- body as guests, j The usual mystery The School For Scandal, Act II were received into the Sodality. erend James Powers, for four years and delightful secrecy surround Scene I—Mary Carroll, Carol There was breakfast in the stu­ beloved chaplain and professor at DR. BEHREND this party, while behind the scenes Russel; dents' dining room, followed by an Mercyhurst. 1 ADDRESSES Carolyn Feeley and her committees The House of Christmas by G. K. appropriate program: Hymn, The guest list included, in addi­ STUDENTS work diligently in an j effort to Chesterton — Eugenia Andreco- Christ the King, by the Sodalists; tion to Father Powers, Rev. Alfred make this the most brilliant and vich; Welcome Address, Helens Gowans; Watson, chaplain and professor of Dr. Ernest R. Behrend, President beautiful Christmas party in the The Rivals, Act III, Scene III Talk, Margaret Quinn; Our Lady religion at Mercyhurst; Rev. John of the Hammermill Paper Compa­ history of Mercyhurst. The vari­ Ann Morin; in Art, Frances Malaney; Address, Keating of Sts. Cosmas and Dami- ny of Erie, addressed the Mercy­ ous committees and their members Chorus — Seminarians; Father A. M. Watson and Father an parish in Punxsutawney; Rev. hurst students at a special assem­ are as follows: & The March of Time — Colle­ John Obendorpher. John Cooper, Rev. Lawrence Meko bly on Thursday, December 9. Edu­ gians; and Rev. Enis Connoly of Erie; General Chairman, Carolyn Fee- | * —Rita Maley, '38 cated in the Univer. ities of ^'Dres­ (Continued on Page 3) Rev. Leo Anderton of St. Francis ley; Program Committee, Elinor :-o- den and Berlin, and with the de­ Mayer, Mary Alys Klinger, Doris :-o- :• Church in Clearfield; and Rev. gree of L.L.D. from Thiel College, Erie Novelist Is Jerome Maher, of St. Callistus Kellam; Refreshments, A. Stout Greenville, Pa., Dr. Behrend was and L. Ribsen; co-chairmen, M. Original Monologues Guest Speaker Church, Kane. The three last especially interesting to the colle­ named were classmates of Father Klampher, A. Nasoni, J. Senior, O. Are Presented by gians as a representative of both At Assembly Powers at St. Bonaventure's, Reagle, M. Martini, B. Trippe, A. Noted Artist Olean, N. Y. | | the educational and business view­ Cotter, M. Neuberger, R. McCann, The well-known novelist, Charles points of life. Following the banquet, a recep­ B. J. Clark, M. Carroll; Song Com­ Miss Juanite Bauer, whose ori­ Dutton, of Erie, was guest speak­ Philosophy in life and business mittee, A. La very,! chairman, M. er at the Book Week Program tion was given in the foyer. At this was the theme of Dr. Behrend's ginal monodramas delighted her time the faculty and students were Winston, J. Prendergast, J. Weir, audience on Wednesday night, No­ held at Mercyhurst on Friday, No­ address. "There is no dividing M. Hutton; Decoration Commit­ vember 19. privileged to {present to Father line |between education and busi­ vember 10, inaugurated the series Powers warm personal wishes in tee , D. Scalzo and A. Bough ton, of entertainments which Mercy­ Mr. Dutton, who writes detective ness," he said. "Education is for co-chairmen, H. Liu, E. Dumitru, stories and biographies, chose as the form of testimonial speeches hurst will present during the com­ the 'purpose of giving you the in­ A. Crowley, J. Franklin, A. Lennon, the subject of his talk, "How a delivered by various members of : ing months. telligence to justify your duties in V. Freir, R. Klos, C. Bellucci, B. book came to be written." The the group. Music and song inter­ life.'" I I f, | Offering a wide range of se­ mingled with words of sincere Schutte, L. Blanchard, V. Connor, book, his "Samaritans of Molokai," Dr. Behrend emphasized the lections featuring the amusing praise and gratitude for one, who, H. Sullivan| F. Gallagher, V. Ha- was a recent selection of the Cath­ point that a school is judged not "Company to iDinner" which de­ during four years, was a loyal and berberger, J. Kinney; Entertain­ olic? Book of the Month Club. Ac­ by its buildings but by the kind of picted a modern young matron devoted friend to MercyhursteCol- ment, C. Russell and M. .E. Mar- cording to Mr. Dutton, some of the material it turns out. An obliga­ who reared her children scientifi­ lege, its facuity, and its students. kel, co-chairmen, J. McClenathan, statistics.'for the writing of the tion, therefore, rests upon the stu­ cally; the pathetic and lonely fig­ JFr. Powers has been honored in V$Guynes, M.| McGrath, B. A. book were: two years' time, the dent. Then, too, business could ure of the Pioneer Mother, who being made {Director of Catholic English; Service, R. Brugger and reading of 3500 letters, over 3,000 not continue to live in a healthy watched her daughter set out for Charities of the Erie Diocese with B. Leahe. —Marion Weschler, '40 corrections, and four stenograph­ manner unless young people were the new frontier; and the hilarious chaplaincy at Gannondale and res­ ers. But, said Mr. Dutton, "Be­ coming! along to put new life into from business. First of all, em­ younglgirl from Georgia, attend­ idence at the Bishop's home. ing a prom at Washington and Lee hind every great man is a woman it; which fact makes a college ployment according to your quali­ who does the research—his secre­ "Ave," dear Fr. Powers, but education "not fa claim but an University, Miss Bauer kept her fications; and secondly, promotion audience completely*captivated. tary." ®i n never "Vale" to such a fine and de^ obligation." —reward for effort. .(• The story of Father Damien and voted friend. In discussing the civic respond With reference to the philosophy This talented young artist needed Brother Leo, who were the "Sa­ —Rosemary McGee, '40 sibilities of the young people, Dr. of a beginner in life, Dr. Behrend no properties or elaborate stage maritans" was especially interest­ Behrend emphasized the necessity said: J'Don't try to look too far effects to convey her impressions. ing to this author because of his devotion of its two heroes on the of knowing history, economics and into the future.
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