BRISBANE TO BATHURST. 507 At Windsor, Liverpool and Parramatta, to the Chairman of the 1825. Bench of Magistrates, and, at other Stations, to the Commandants 8Feb - in order that, if found correct, it may be verified by the SignaturesEegu iations for of such Officers respectively. issue 0f rations The Return thus signed, with the Gaoler's receipt for the Pro- to convicts. visions actually received and expended in each month, will form the final voucher in the Commissariat accounts for the Issue. IX. Mode of accounting for the Issue of extra allowances of Provisions. Method of The Issue of all extra Allowances to Overseers, Constables and ^tra issues'0' others beyond the established Ration, with the exception of the of rations. Penal Settlements and clearing Gangs, is to be accounted for by a monthly nominal Abstract of the persons receiving such extra allow­ ance, with their respective receipts for the Same. The issue of the Extra allowance earned by Clearing Gangs is to be Supported by a monthly Abstract for each District, specifying the Station, the No., and the name of the Overseer of the Party, the number of Acres cleared and in what manner, for which the allowance is granted, and a Satisfactory certificate from the Pro­ prietor or Chief Assistant Engineer, as to the correctness of the quantity of labor stated to have been employed; as well as by a receipt from each Overseer of the regulated allowances issued there­ upon. P. GOULBUBN. WM. LITHGOW, AS. Cy. Genl. WILLIAM COEDEAUX, D.A.C.G. FRANCIS AIXMAN, Capt. 48 Regt. J. OXLEY. JAS. TOD. GOODSIR, D.A.C.G. P. ROBERTS, D.A.C.G. Sydney, 27th December, 1824. [Sub-enclosure No. 1.] RETURN of Male Convicts in Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney, en- Return titled to and supplied with Rations from the Commissariat vi/tuaHed? Stores from the 25th September to the 24th October, 1824, inclusively, accounting for the Numbers and the amount of Uecrease. Eations issuedIncrease on eac. h day of that period. c3 •V •a ­ s e . B V •a n 3 re tn O OJ s CD 0 me a <a h Date. ration y a advanc 0 c n OJ Received from wit Discharged to . a p d i discharged Ration dail SI d n f O 0 f s o o me . ceive joined o 0 . issue 0 t 1. No 2; Zi No 6-a 1824. i? Sept. 25 •g None. None. 439 439 3 •*= eS 02 28 None. 439 G None, m 3 03 508 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF AUSTRALIA. 1825. [Sub-enclosure No. 1]—continued. 8 Feb. RETURN of Male Convicts in Hyde Park Barracks, &c —contd. Regulations for Increase. Decrease. issue of rations •o •o s . e to convicts. n » Return re- •i s ! 9 of convicts CD me '3 h Date. c ration e £ y victualled. is advanc c n Received from © Discharged to m wit 4} . o d a discharged S3-a i C Ration n d dail f s f c .2 Q) o me o oeive o joined "3 . o o . issue t S No t d No Z o K c Sept. 27 5 Hospital. 1 1 = •2 1 Carter's Barracks. 1 Gaol 4 3 Private Service. 5 Private Service 5 5 I" •a 1 Clearing Party (Mr. 1 Grose Farm 5 a 1 Chandlers). 1 2 o Runaway Mr. Cox's 3 2 (C.J., Pr.). 10 1 Pennant Hills 441 442 Emu Plains. 28 3 Hospital. 1 Hospital. 1 Carters' Barracks. 1 Carters' Barracks.. i 1 Private Service. 9 Private Service 5? 2 9 IS 2 Clearing Party (Mr. 2 Clearing Party (Mr. 2 1 Brown's). Blaxland). Runaway (Emu 1 Plains). 1 Pennant Hills 437 449 Carried forward 1,769 [Sub-enclosure No. 2.] RETURN of Male Convicts in Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney, from 25th September to 24th Octr., 1824, continued. Increase Decrease Date. Received from 3-g Discharged to 23 .JB d o Brought f or*d... Septr. 29 Hospital. Hospital. Private Service ... Carters' Barracks. Out of Barrack P. Tickets of Leave. 436 (Boats). 437 And so on, to the 24th of the Month inclusively. Total Amount of Rations issued from to BRISBANE TO BATHURST. 509 I do hereby declare that I have kept daily Registers and taken 1825. at least Weekly Musters of the Convicts under my Charge; that I ' have Carefully Checked the foregoing Return by such Registers P68"^"1?„fo5 1 • • -[/••> r i r~i C 1SSU6 01 rations and Musters; that it contains a true and faithful Statement of to convicts. the Number of the said Convicts and of the Rations issued them Certificate of on each day of the abovementioned Period; and that I have used for return" every means in my Power to limit the Issue of Rations to the number due to the Persons entitled to receive them. Signature of the Superintendent. I Certify that I carefully and minutely mustered the Estab­ lishment of Convicts abovementioned on the following days, Vizt. on the ; that from such Musters, and after a strict and careful examination of the foregoing Return by com­ paring it with the Nominal Lists and Registers of the said Con­ victs and from every other information in my possession, I be­ lieve the same to be correct in every particular. Signature of the Principal Superintendent or Inspecting Officer. [Sub-enclosure No. 3.] I THE UNDERSIGNED Certify that the quantities of Provisions and Form of articles expressed below opposite my Signature have been ra«ons Issued. actually issued to the Parties within described, being for the Number of Rations for each Weekly Period, as Stated within, as well as opposite each of my Signatures respectively. Sumber of full weekly Period. Pounds in— Rations in— From the date of To Friday Signature. Words each issue inclusively 01 at Length. on the V Saturday u the 3 in s Total Amount. 510 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF AUSTRALIA. 1825. [Sub-enclosure No. 4.] 8 Feb. ABSTRACT of the Nominal Lists of the Detached Parties of Male Regulations for issue of rations Convicts (not Clearing Gangs) in the employ of Govern­ to convicts. Form for ment entitled to and supplied with Rations Weekly from nominal lists His Majesty's Stores at from the 25th of convicts in detached of to the 24th of 182 , parties. inclusively. Actual number on the Saturday or Issuing day of each week, being « Dates on which the first day of 'J each Party Discription Overseer or ZZ 09 the following Weekly was Mustered in the of Person in charge Remarks. Periods. above Monthly the Several of each Party. Parties. Period by o the Principal c Superintendent. S 2 < So o So *- o Total Ai nount of Weekly <M C C <U Signature of 1h e Commandant, d d Q 6 Signature of the £ lgineer. ft ft i ft GO BRISBANE TO BATHURST. 511 [Sub-enclosure No. 5.] 1825; 8 Feb. ABSTRACT of the Nominal Lists of Male Convicts on Government Employ in the several Clearing Parties in the District of iSsue of rations entitled to and supplied with Rations to convicts. Weekly from His Majesty's Magazines at nomTnaUists from the 25th of to the 24th of 182 , °f convicts , . T in clearing inclusively. parties. u a Actual number on the >> OS Saturday or Isuiug Dates on which <n Vvhere day of each Week, being u each Party s s . employed the first day of the V was mustered in 0. following the above Monthly Remarks Weekly periods. o 43 C Period liy the Sub-Inspecor or fl> 4) Name of Name of S a 2 3 §1 Superior the the Pro­ o i S o O ox Inspecting Officer. Estate. prietor. Se t- c o o o JH C t~ c U- o• 5 0* tub- j-H Total Atnoun t of Weekly . e r th f o r o e o o o o o ft Q Q ft In-peuto Superintendent Signatur SIR THOMAS BRISBANE TO EARL BATHURST. (Despatch per ship Mangles.) Government House, Sydney, New South Wales, % Lord, 8th February, 1825. I do myself the honor to forward for your Lordship's Transmission of information the General Monthly Returns of the Troops serving monthly returns in this Territory from 25th October to 24th December, 1824, oUroops' inclusive. I have, &c, THOS. BRISBANE. [Enclosure.] [Copies of these returns are not available.] 512 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF AUSTRALIA. 1825. SIR THOMAS BRISBANE TO EARL BATHURST. 8 Feb. (Despatch No. 33, per ship Mangles; acknowledged by Earl Bathurst to Governor Darling, 31st July, 1825.) Government House, N. S. Wales, My Lord, 8th Feby., 1825. Appropriation The enclosed Copy of a Deed of Trust, which I have the of land for honor to transmit, has been executed, subject to your Lordship's benefit of aborigines. approval, in furtherance of the endeavours of the London Mis­ sionary Society to improve the condition of the Aborigines of New South Wales. The success of the Members of the Society in the South Seas has induced me to accede to the application, which has led to this appropriation of so large a Tract of Land. I understand that a condition will be proposed to your Lord­ ship, in London, securing the reversion to the Crown in case of the failure of the present project. I have, &c, THOS. BRISBANE. [Enclosure.] Deed of trust DEED OF TRUST TO ABORIGINAL MISSION. appropriated By His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane. to mission to KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that, Whereas the Revd. Daniel Tyerman and Geo. Bennet, Esquire, the Members of a Deputation sent by the London Missionary Society to visit and establish Missionaries in the South Seas and in the East, have undertaken on behalf of their Society to provide for the maintenance of one Missionary or more to be settled in New South Wales for the improvement of the religious and civil condition of the Abor­ igines thereof.
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