SURNAME Initials RANK NUMBER Year EVENT Year/pages Abbott J E Sgt 1945 Engagement 1945/191 Death - Town Crier and Beadle Abgliss W B CSgt 1889-1948 of Marlborough 1948/71 Abrahams M D Mne RMV202773 1957 NS Commission 1957/95 See also GENERAL INDEX - Adamson H Cpl 1938 Poetry - H A 1938/464 Gunnery PSI City of London Agass F CSgt 1952 RMFVR 1952/80 Ahern Gerald Mne Chx 5110 1951 41 Cdo - Died as POW 1954/38 Ainscough T H Mne 1955 Sportsman of the Month [Riding] 1955/131* Mace Bearer to Mayor of Akhurst H G 1947 Chatham 1948/11 Alderman T H Mne RMV9/13007 1954 NS Commission 1954/99 Aldrich A J Mne RM 9440 1951 Missing in Korea 1951/302 Aldrich A J Mne RM 9440 1951 41 Cdo - Died as POW 1954/38 Aldrich P B B Cpl Pox 6129 1951 Corps Commission 1951/55 Died of Wounds - Malaya - 40 Alexander C Mne 1952 Cdo 1952/69, 86, Named on 40 Cdo Malayan Alexander C Mne RM 9324 Memorial at Kuala Kangsar 1954/123 Allan J H B Mne Chx 1655 1939 Corps Commission 1939/42 Certificate of Merit 998 (988?) Allen D E Rct 1949 NS Squad 1949/291 Allen E G B A/Cpl RM 9425 1952 Corps Commission 1952/211 Allen G B Mne RM 128880 1951 NS Commission 1951/349 Allen J S Mne RM 129985 1953 NS Commission 1953/295 Allen M H Mne RM 128890 1951 NS Commission 1951/349 Chx Missing - mother seeking Allen R P Mne 10112[sic] 1942 information 1942/247 Allen W J Cpl 1943 Letter from Stalag 4C 1943/164* Alltimes Sgt 1935 Relieved by Sgt Dallen 1935/241 Alvey Jack LCpl 1940 Corps Commission 1941/25 Ambrose F Cpl 1933 Joined Shanghai Police 1933/59 Story - In HMS Stormcock from Amor W Gnr RMA 1900 Malta 1933/370 HMS Unicorn - missing Amos Peter Musn RMBx 1803 1951 presumed lost overboard 1951/56 Amy D O Mne RM 129311 1952 NS Commission 1952/168 Anderson R G J Sgt 1952 Dismounted Champion-at-Arms 1952/159* Fencing - Royal Tournament Anderson CSgt 1953 and World Championships 1953/161 Release from Chatham Band Andrews George Musn 1948 after 38 years 1948/280 Andrews T J Sgt Chx 3263 1951 Lost in HMS Affray disaster 1951/121 RMB Eastney - Died in QAMH Andrews Walter Mne RM 7440 1953 Millbank 1954/38 Promoted to C/Sgt and Det. Andrews C/Sgt 1935 Sgt.Major 1935/266 Invalided home from Andrews Mne 1935 "Dorsetshire 1935/329 Angell R L CSgt Ch 24209 1958 To be A/Recrt Officer 1958/99 Awarded R Humane Society's Angell S Sgt Pox 2492 1947 Testimnialon Parchment 1948/116 Awarded DSM in "St Angelo", Anthony R T Cpl Pox 3614 1944 for service in "Aurora" 1944/150 Appleton (?) K W Rct Chx 4100 1945 King's Badge - 426 Squad 1945/380, 381*, Winner Sten Championship - Armitage D Mne 1952 Malaya 1952/Jan Cover* Certificate of Merit & Good Arnold A T Rct Chx 114157 1944 Shooting Medal 326 HO Squad 1944/222 Arnold Harold CSgt Rectr Po 18892 1954 Promoted to A/Cd Rectr 1954/188 Arnold L H A Staff BM RMBx 885 1953 Promoted to Cd BM 1953/196 Ascheron C N Mne RM 128828 1951 NS Commission 1951/252 Awarded C-inC's Certificate for Ash J W Sgt 1945 Good Service 1945/328 Ashby H A Cpl Po 1933 The Ashby Family 1933/278 Ashby H A Sgt 1939 Letter - Ashby Family 1939/292 Ashby H T Sgt Po 1933 The Ashby Family 1933/278 Ashby H T QMSI 1939 Letter - Ashby Family 1939/292 Ashby J CSgt Po 1933 The Ashby Family 1933/278 Ashby J CSgt Letter - Ashby Family 1939/292, 365 Ashby J W Sgt Po 1933 The Ashby Family 1933/278 Ashby J W QMS 1939 Letter - Ashby Family 1939/292 Ashby R G Sgt Po 1933 The Ashby Family 1933/278 Ashby R G CSM 1939 Letter - Ashby Family 1939/292 Ashby R J Sgt Ch 1933 The Ashby Family 1933/278 Ashby R J QMSI 1939 Letter - Ashby Family 1939/292 Ashley William Pte Po 8785 1953 "Old Comrades" 1953/98*, 128 Ashton S L J Mne Plyx 1143 1937 Corps Commission 1937/360 King's Badgeman 560 Squad - Ashton S S Rct 1950 last at ITCRM 1950/204 Awarded C-in-C's Certificate for Atkin J A/Ty Sgt 1945 good conduct 1945/61 Retirement as a messenger in Atkins T J CSgt 1931 Barclays Bank 1931/212 Attempt to rescue man Austin Mne 1937 overboard from "Neptune" 1937/89 Avens RMA 1936 Lord Mayor of Portsmouth 1936/440 Ayling A W Cpl RM 8262 1953 Corps Commission 1953/248 Ayling A W M Rct 1949 King's Badgeman 538 Squad 1949/291 B ennett Edward Mne Ch 19821 1937 Death 1937/194 Babb Dave' Cpl 1950 Killed in action in Korea 1950/321, Backlog B P F Mne RMV 202460 1956 NS Commission 1956/139 Badlan T J Sgt Plx 345 1942 DSM on Dieppe Raid 1942/257 Bain R K Mne RM130325 1954 NS Commission 1954/144 Baker John Cpl 1940 Marriage 1940/410- Baker John CSgt 1944 Birth of a son 1944/203 Certificate of Merit 303 HO SS Baker R G S Rct Chx 113969 1944 Squad 1944/101 Died whilst on leave from Baker R.H. 1937 "Cardiff" 1937/221 Presented with US Bronze Star Baker Roy Sgt Plyx 5068 1955 at US Naval HQ 1955/134, Released Korean POW & Letter Balchin G F Mne Pox 6273 1953 from father 1953/219, 226 Balchin G F Mne Pox 6273 1950 POW in Korea 1951/184 Baldwin D Rct 1949 King's Badgeman 526 Squad 1949/180 Baldwin David Sgt RM 7784 1958 45 Cdo killed in Cyprus 1958/202 Ball Jasper Pte 1876 Grave at Kuala Kangsar, Malaya 1954/123 Ball R A W Pte Ch 21776 1900 Letter - Bayonet Fighting Cup 1958/314 Awarded R Humane Society's Ball W J A/Ty Cpl Pox 100726 1944 Testimonial on Vellum 1944/172 Ballard Boy Musn 1955 Cassels Silver Medal 1956/29 Banfield P H Mne Chx 4489 1951 Missing in Korea 1951/302 Banfield P H Mne Chx 4489 1953 Released Korean POW 1953/219 Banfield P H Sgt 1959 In the Trucial States 1959/148 Banks P C Mne RMV 201846 1956 NS Commission 1956/195 Marriage [Released POW Barber Robert LCpl Chx 2723 1945 Captured in Crete] 1945/356 Royal Tour of Canada & USA Barker J W Mne Po 22784 1939 detachment 1939/410 Grave on Yodo Island, Wonsan Barnes C E Sgt Harbour 1953/146* Barnes C E Sgt Pox 4003 1951 KIA in Korea 1951/302 Awarded C-in-C's Certificate for Barnes L LCpl 1945 Gallantry 1945/291 Barnes R M Mne 1959 King's Badgeman 711 Squad 1959/326, 347* Barnett H W Bd Cpl 1940 Death in New Zealand 1940/21 Killed in accident on duty, 45 Barnett T W Mne RM 9023 1950 Cdo, Malaya 1950/339 Barnsley A W LCpl 1954 Article - "Calkais - 1940" 1954/204 Barret Musn 1935 Joins "Nelson" 1935/320 40 Cdo -Drowned during a CL3 Barrett D J Cpl Pox 6473 1953 Course in Malta 1953/125, 147 Invalided home from Barrett Mne 1935 "Dorsetshire 1935/329 "A Royal Marine serving in Bartup John Mne 1950 Malaya" 1950/Dec Cover* Bassett George CSgt 1946 Engagement 1946/131 Bassett H H Cpl Ch 21045 1946 RMOCA New Zealand 1946/125* Letter - KIA at Brac - Grave at Bates G H Mne Ex 962 1944 Vis 1945/268 Letter - Requesting words of the Baxter J C Sgt 1953 Regimental March 1953/57 45 Cdo - Sir John Harding Baxter J C CSgt 1957 presenting LS&GC Medal 1957/281* Baxter Peter CSgt Pox 4955 1958 Promoted 2Lt (QM) 1958/99 Baylis T P Rct 1949 King's Badgeman 530 Squad 1949/212 Awarded C-in-C;s Certificate for Beacham J W Ty Sgt 1945 Good Service 1945/291 Beadle F Cpl Pox 5924 1950 POW in Korea 1951/184 Beadle Frederick Cpl Pox 5924 1953 Released Korean POW 1953/219 RM(V)9/1237 Beale C D Mne 6 1953 NS Commission 1953/196 Bean A C Musn 1943 Birth of a daughter 1943/257 Beardsall Boy Musn 1950 Certificate of Merit 1950/179 Beattie J H Mne RMV 202726 1956 NS Commission 1956/283 Death when RQMS 40 Cdo, in Bedborough QMS 1949 Hong Kong 1950/38 Died from Appendicitis whilst Beddoes D J Mne RM 7115 1948 serving at ITCRM 1948/383 Beer Louis D Maj 1950 Retirement 1950/172 See GENERAL INDEX - Bees V R Mne Illustrations Letter - Son (RAF) killed in Beet C F CSgt Ch 1942 action 1942/127 Bell T A Dmr 1863-90 RM Family 1931/111 Bellgrove Arthur Sgt 1941 Birth of a daughter 1941/123- Named on Memorial at Bennett B B Musn RMB/X 228 1942 Wembury 1942/264 Bennett C J Mne RM 130047 1953 NS Commission 1953/295 Bennett J D Rct 1949 King's Badgeman 531 Squad 1949/212 [45 Cdo] C-in-C SEALF Bennett TSM 1948 Certificate of Merit 1948/52 Captured in Crete - father Benson A R Mne Ex 2463 1941 captured in France, 1917 1941/425; 1942/22 POW - Missing from sunken Benson J A Mne Plyx 100147 1945 transport 1945/354 Benton M H Mne Chx 877 1936 Corps Commission 1937/40 Grandson of Carl Von Betteridge Max CSgt WWII Froenherdt 1958/203 Five inch group , 10 rds rapid at Bettinson A K Mne Chx 112594 1944 300 yds 1945/46, 84, [Master Tailor] Dauighter's Beynon G G CSgt 1947 marriage to Cpl J M Churchward 1947/155 Bignell C S Musn RMBx 888 1951 Died in RNH Chatham 1951/87 Binger D K Mne RMV9/13297 1955 NS Commission 1955/44 Birch William Rct Chx 4505 1947 King's Badgeman 449 Squad 1947/108 mentioned-in-despatches in Birchon Ashe Mne 1943 "Sirius" 1943/179 Birley R E Mne RMV(9/12695 1954 NS Commission 1954/144 Bitts R A Bug Plyx 2215 1955 HMS Ark Royal - Cartoon 1955/255* Joined Chatham Division - Bizley H M Ch 4652 1888 brother Drum Major 1944/79 Blaber Ernest Rct RM 15103 1956 King's Badgeman 644 Squad 1956/173 Blackah F R A/Cpl RM 10142 1954 Corps Commission 1954/235 Blackham A J CSgt Po 22130 1958 To be A/Recrt Officer 1958/99 Blackledge D H Mne RM 129902 1953 NS Commission 1953/248 Shown in 'Tatler ' Cartoon - Blackmore J Mne 1940 Mess Waiter 1940/276* Mentioned in Despatches in "St Blair James Cpl 1943 Angelo" 1943/35 Tailor - presented with bar to Blake E P Mne 1951 LS&GC Medal 1951/289* Blake J F H Mne RMV9/13118 1954 NS Commission 1954/188 HQ 3 Cdo Bde - Died of Blakeway B G Mne Chx 5377 1956 exposure in Cyprus 1956/85, Blandford RSM 1948 RSM Victoria College, Jersey 1949/40* Bleasdale N H C Mne RMV9/13312 1954 NS Commission 1954/287.
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