Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1964-1965 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1964 Eastern Progress - 09 Oct 1964 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1964-65/4 Don't Blame Music Producing The Coach Artists Pafce 2 €<xsteR QQR&SS Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era Pa£e 3 42nd Year Number 4 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond Friday, Oct. 9, 1964 Float Cost Limit Heads List Of New Homecoming Rules A $100 limit on float budgets) each flo-U must be submitted Floats must be destroyed De- ls among the numerous changes to Sharon Dones or Larry Rees, tween the hours of 8:000 r m in regulations for homecoming president and vice president of, Sa'urday. Nov. 7, and 6:00 p.m. activities this year. KYMA KYMA before 10:00 p.m. Friday. Sunday, Nov. 8. made public the plans for the Nov. 6. Any club going over Each club must submit its first big occasion of the year at the $100 limit or failing to sub- theme, classification (whether a Monday atfernopn meeting of mlt a budget will be fined the float ir entering for beauty club presidents. $10.00 and disqualified. There' or originality), and the name of Centering around the theme Is an entry fee of $3.00 for each its candidate to Rees by Oct. 12. of "Our American Heritage," float. This information can be put In clubs may pick any related topic Floats must be completed mail box 239, Dupree. barring three exceptions. Wars, by 12 midnight Friday, Nov. There will be no duplication BBKY STAFFORD GLORIA GRAY SANDY UNDKRHILL JEANIE GAIL ASHE DIANNE HENDRICKS If portrayed, must not appear 6. of float themes. The first or- Ashland Senior overly bloodly; liquor Is not KYMA will not provide. cars gination to to submit a topic Louisville Junior Erlanger Junior Tennessee Junior Louisville Junior to be used In a theme; and for pulling floats this year, how- may use it. If another club John F. Kennedy can be used | ever if an organization is witn- should enter the same theme it only in the theme of the out a driver they may get one will have to be changed. This Young Democrat's float. | by contacting Rees. All drivers will be the only reason for a Five Coeds In Race For 'Miss Eastern' Title A budget stating the costs of must have a 2.00 standing. change. A chart is on display in the music room of the SUB show- Five Eastern coeds have duated from Durrett High education major is the daugh- ed by campus organization All candidates must be of ing themes which have already been nominated to compete School in Louisville. She is ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond presidents at a meeting held junior or senior classification, been chosen. for the title of Miss Eastern. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carr Gray of Louisville. Her this past Monday. The five never have been married, have The nominees are Misses: list of activities include Inter- nominees who received the a point standing of 2.5 or bet- Jefferson County Judge Brockton Is First Evan Hendricks, Jr. of Louis- Betsy Stafford, senior from ville. Her • college activities dorm Council, Milestone staff, highest number of votes are ter, and not be on academic or This year the parade, on Ashland; Dianne Hendricks, include PEMM secretary, Kap- Case Hall House Council, the candidates. social probation. Saturday, Nov. 7, will take junior from Louisville; Jeanle pa Delta Tau, vice president, Young Democrats treasurer, form in front of Brockton and Gail Ashe, junior from cheerleader, Women's Recrea- and Student Council. Will Address Assembly proceed through town, driv- Rogersville, Tennessee; Gloria tion Association, and KYMA Miss Underhill, the daugh- ing through the campus last Gray, Louisville junior; and Club. She was the E Club ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Election Wednesday Mr. Marlow W. Cook, coun- years later. He was recently of all. Student Council, Kap- Sandy Underhill, second se- Sweetheart In 1962-63, Miss Smith of Erlanger is an Eng- ty Judge of Jefferson County, appointed to serve on the Board pa Delta Tau, and eigma Chi mester junior from Erlanger. Congeniality of the Miss Rich- lish and business major. She will speak at the assembly of Trustees of the University Delta will be in charge of or- Miss Eastern, who la spon- mond Pagent In 1963, R.O.T.C. is a past active member of sponsored by the Young Repub- of Louisville for a 10 year ganizing the parade. sored by the Milestone, will be sponsor, and first runner-up in CWENS, and is active InH lican's Club Wednesday. term. Each organization may enter elected Thursday at the same tile Homecoming activities KYMA, Canterbury Club, Seventy - Seven Students Cook will center his speech a queen candidate if she meets time the class officer elections last year. Kappa Kappa Sigma, and around the points of the Na- the following qualifications. She will be held. Ballot box for Wesley Foundation. She Is must have a 2.0 over all stand- Miss Eastern will be placed Miss Ashe, who is presently tional Republican party plat- serving as the Tennessee well known on Eastern's cam- form and the main issues of ing, be on no type of probation, along aide the class officer pus for her activities as a Vie For Class Offices and have never been married. ballot boxes in each of the Dairy Princess, is the daugh- the campaign. ter of Mrs. Ida Ashe of Rogers- cheerleader. At assembly one week from Her name, major, age, classi- dorms, the Student .Union, fication, hometown, dormitory Building for off campus stu- ville, Tennessee. A Business Although Miss Eastern will A record number of 77 peo- more party with a ballot of Wednesday, Mr. Nicholas and English major, Miss represent the College at var- Johnson, chief administrator and picture must be submitted dents, and the laundromat tot pie are running for offices in these nine names. Donald Cole- along with the name of the club Brockton students. The. resi- Ashe's activities include Pi ious events, her official func- the class elections being held man, president; Ken Chesney, of the U.S. Maritime Commis- Omega Pi, CWENS, Counselor tion will be to represent East- sion, will speak on behalf of she Is representing to Sharon dents of Lancaster House and Thursday. Fifty-six of these vice-president; Pam Smith, sec- Dones no later than Oct. 21. Stateland Hall will cast'their at Burnam Hall, Christian ern at the annual Mountain are affiliated with one of the retary; Harry Oliver, treasur- the Young Democrats. Mr. Btudent Fellowship, Home- Laurel Festival to be held next Johnson was the first appoin- The candidates will wear only ballots In the lobby of Beck-, nine party organizations and er; Joyce Hormell and Bob Wil- formats on the floats, no cos- ham Hall. , coming queen candidate, and spring at Pineville. twenty-one are running in- burn, Student Council repre- tee under the administration Band. of President Johnson. tumes. They will all wear suits Miss Eastern will be crown-, The candidates for the title dependently. sentatives and Leah Strehlow, As county judge he in a on the football field and the ed at a dance sponsored by the Miss Gray an elementary of Miss Eastern were nomlnat- Sixteen students are vying reporter. queen and her attendants will Student Council Friday night. ; for positions in the senior class. county containing 650,000 peo- wear shashes across their suits -r« Independents In the sopho- ple he Is responsible for the The dance will be held in Wal- On the UNITED SENIORS more class are Jim Oswald, for operation of 23 separate coun- instead of formats. nut Hall from A p.nvto 12 ticket are: Jairies Black, presi- There to an additional .*J.Ou J [.president, Jerry Mitchell for ty departments Including waK1 $.m. Tickets' wl|l be • *itflB a : Two By 1966 . dent; Roy Quinn, vice-presi- entry for the candidates. This 1 fare, roads and police. couple or (1.00 ' stag.' Tro- dent; Marie Ogden, secretary; reporter and Mary Lee Wlfig-^J fee and the $8.00 float fee must phies will be presented to Miss Charles Spicer, treasurer; TM» The office of County Judge, be in twentyfour hours before tnton for treasurer. together with the city offices, Eastern as well as the run- Anderson and Mary Nash Ginn, The freshman class offers an the parade or the float will be ners-up by emcee, John Sulli- Student. Council representatives was won by the Republican disqualified. Fee Increases Scheduled equal number of independent Party in 1961 for the first time van. Music for the dance will and John McCracken, reporter. candidates as party affiliated All candidates and club presi- be furnished by a Campus i in Jefferson County in 28 years. dents are to attend a meeting Wheeler for President candidates. On the FER ballot Judge Cook is a 1946 grad- band. are Gary Jennings, president; MARLOW COOK Oct. 26 in the Little Theatre. Miss Eastern will be presnt- Running in the SENIOR uate fronV the University of At this time they must have REPRESENTATIVE party Patrick Jacovino, vice-presi- Louisville and received his law Assembly Speaker ed to the College at pre-game For State's Institutions dent; Sandra Strong, secretary the names of their escorts. activities of the Eastern-East are: Erlan Wheeler, president; defree from the University four Charlie Wells, vice-president; and Paul Nemlroff, Student Tennessee game Saturday.
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