Lobbying 101 — Page 2 Support the Free Press — Page 4 Growth and change — Page 5 e&P Production All-Stars — Page 13 Vol. 19 • Issue 10 PRINTNew Jersey Press Association • www.njpa.org OctOber 2008 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Sammy Papert, Belden CEO, tuesday, October 7 11 am, teleconference BIG IDEAS FOR to speak at annual meeting BIGGER SALES with Lynne Meena Envision a bright future. Come to PA’s member services man- thursday, October 9 NJPA’s Annual Meeting & Luncheon ager, at (609) 406-0600 ext. 15 9 am – 4 pm to hear Sammy Papert, chairman and or email her at: [email protected]. NJPA conference room CEO of Belden Associates, tell us For more information and the res- NJPA EXECUTIVE what he sees ahead for newspapers. ervation form, go to NJPA’s website, COMMITTEE As the head of Belden, he is in a www.njpa.org, and click on Events. thursday, October 9 unique position to understand what Papert was named chairman and 10 am, teleconference is driving the changes that are alter- CEO of Belden Associates nine years ing our industry. ago. VIDEO 101 NJPA Executive Director John Prior to joining Belden, he was INTRODUcinG INSIDE JERSEY: FOR NEWSpapER O’Brien said, “I asked him to address the president of Papert Companies, the Star-Ledger | NJ.com launched a Papert WEBSITES ‘what’s going on, where are we head- a 75-year-old newspaper sales and glossy new magazine this month. At with Loren Fisher ed and what to do?’ marketing organization. During his tenure, thursday, October 23 152 pages and chock full of advertis- “Knowing Papert, that will be the foundation the company doubled its number of clients to 8:30 am – 1 pm ing, features and photos, Inside Jer- of his remarks, which are always thought-pro- 500 daily newspapers. Papert is an experienced NJPA conference room sey is an exciting move that coun- voking. And he’s usually right on target!” newspaper marketer and knows first-hand the ters gloomy news about the health Belden Associates has provided research and value of newspaper research. of print media. Thursday, October 30 consulting services to newspapers large and Earlier he gained retail experience as own- NJPA BOARD OF small, private and public, for 65 years. It con- er and operator of the Executive Toy Store, DIRECTORS Star-Ledger moves tinues to be a pioneer in the newspaper website a Sharper Image before its time. 10 am arena and now is focused on top line revenues. Papert is a native of Texas, a graduate of St. Hilton east bruswick forward though its The annual meeting and luncheon Mark’s School of Texas and Stanford University. ANNUAL MEETING will be Thursday, Oct. 30, at noon, at He has been involved in many civic organiza- 12 noon luncheon future is uncertain the Hilton East Brunswick, located at tions, including the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Hilton east bruswick Tower Center Boulvevard in East Brunswick, He is married, and enjoys swimming, tennis, Speaker: Sammy Papert, By Catherine Langley just off Route 18 North at Exit 9 of the NJ Turn- reading and writing. Papert hopes to visit all of ceO, belden Associates. “The paper” arrived late last Thurs- pike. The cost is $65 per person. the Caribbean Islands. And he collects Hawai- NJ PRESS FOUNdaTION day morning. Usually it’s there before Please RSVP to Peg Stephan, NJ- ian shirts. TRUSTEES we are showered and dressed. But that 2 pm day, we were leaving for work when a Hilton east bruswick car pulled up at the end of our drive- Asbury Park Press way. The driver handed us The Star- Ledger, with apologies for the tardy NIE & YOUTH names new editor READERSHIP delivery. COMMITTEE We forgave him for three reasons: Hollis Towns has been named executive edi- First, because his young daughter tor and vice president of news for the Asbury New Jersey Education Association Convention was “helping” him deliver papers, just Park Press. thursday, November 6 & like I used to with my daddy on Thurs- Towns, 44, said he plans to pursue local news Friday, November 7 day mornings when I was a little girl. and investigative stories that will solidify the Atlantic city convention center And secondly, because they deliv- newspaper’s role as a Committee Meeting ered an extra treat — Inside Jersey, a force in the community. thursday, November 6 thick new magazine from the Star- “I want to continue aus, RKP 5:30 pm Ledger | NJ.com. the proud tradition the R d K Sonsie, the Pier Shops We went right back into the house Asbury Park Press has R @ caesars, Atlantic city to look it over. Needless to say, we had in the past,” Towns were late to work that day. said. “I want to continue BUdgET REPORTING Photo • Richa Like all Star-Ledger subscribers, we along these lines, as well 101 will receive the magazine free every as enhance some of the thursday, November 13 month. Inside Jersey will also be avail- things the paper has THE BEAUTY OF NJ NEWSPAPERS: Miss 9 am – 4 pm New Jersey 2008, Ashley Fairfield, grac- rutgers University’s busch able at more than 200 stores and news- done by putting more es the NJ Press Foundation poster. She campus center, Piscataway stands in the state, according to an ad Towns focus online.” in the magazine. And the masthead Since May 2004, knows that reading newspapers can make ETHICS SEMINAR indicates it will be available online at: Towns has been the executive editor for the a difference in who you are and what you thursday, November 13 www.nj.com/insidejersey. Cincinnati Enquirer, where he directed the become. She will be autographing copies 9 am – 4 pm The third reason we forgave the newspaper’s print and digital coverage for Cin- of the poster on Friday, Nov. 7 at NJPF’s the record driver is that his future delivering the cinnati and Northern Kentucky. booth at the NJ education Association 150 river Street, Hackensack paper is uncertain, like that of so many He served as a juror for the 2008 Pulitzer convention in Atlantic city. — Continues on Page 4 — Continues on Page 3 Page 2 • October 2008 • InPrint INPRINT a monthly publication of New Jersey Press Association As I see it... 840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 305 West Trenton, NJ 08628-1019 Lobbying 101 PHONE .............................................609-406-0600 FAX ....................................................609-406-0300 Most of you reading this column forward approach. This is in direct EMAIL [email protected] are quite familiar with the many and contrast to many “experts” who, while NJNN FAX.........................................609-406-0399 varied services offered by NJPA. We well-versed in a particular subject, are NJNN EMAIL .................................. [email protected] receive positive comments on our unable to get to the point quickly and EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR John J. O’Brien seminars and webinars, on our weekly clearly enough to communicate with COMMUNICATIOns MGR Catherine Langley NJPA Notes, our monthly publication these over-burdened public officials. MEMBER SERVICES MGR Peggy Stephan BUSINEss MANAGER Denise Sawicki InPrint, our popular legal Hotline, and A veteran lobbyist once told me, ”If ACCTG COOrdINATOR Jane Hartsough our classified, 2x2 and display adver- you can’t say it in 45 seconds or print IT MANAGER John Viemeister tising networks. We pride ourselves it, triple-spaced, on one piece of paper, NJNN DIRECTOR Amy C. Lear on our ability to answer your ques- don’t waste your time.” MEDIA SERVICES MANAGER Christina Larkin MARKETING/RESEARCH MGR Brian Critchley tions on a broad range of newspaper Protecting newspapers MAjOR ACCT SPECIALIST Jennine Remington related subjects in a timely manner. The NJPA Government Affairs SENIOR MEDIA SPECIALIST Carolyn Winters One service that occupies much of Committee is constantly monitoring ADVErtISING AssISTANT Erin Rozansky our time, effort and resources is the the New Jersey Legislature for pieces SCAN/2x2 NEtwORKS MGR Diane Trent John J. O‘Brien NJPF DIRECTOR George White one that probably is the most misun- executive Director of legislation that we can support and NJPF PROGRAM DIR Thomas E. Engleman derstood by our members. That is our New Jersey Press Association those we find objectionable. In recent lobbying effort. Every few years I up- sessions, for example, bills have been BOARD OF DIRECTORS date this column because the underly- you must admit that lobbyists, like introduced that would: CHAIRMAN ing message never gets old and should lawyers and journalists, are rarely on • Exempt municipal clerks from Richard Bilotti The Times, Trenton be reinforced. anyone’s top 10 list! penalties for OPRA violations un- PRESIDENT The NJPA Government Affairs Com- In actuality, however, lobbyists pro- der certain circumstances. Arthur R. Hall mittee, chaired by The Daily Journal vide a beneficial service. They supply • Require newspapers publishing Cape May County Publisher Charlie Nutt, is responsible the information that is invaluable in public notice advertising also to Herald Times, Rio Grande for overseeing this endeavor and pro- helping our legislators make decisions publish views of certain candidates Vice President • dailies Walt T. Lafferty viding guidance for those of us in the on literally thousands of bills that for office, free of charge. Courier-Post, Cherry Hill trenches who lobby for New Jersey’s come before them during each legis- • Allow governments and individu- Vice President • Weeklies newspaper industry in the state leg- lative session. When our forefathers als to place public notices on gov- Ray Worrall islature. Other members of the com- wrote the Constitution, America was ernment websites instead of pub- Worrall Community Newspapers, Union mittee are: Richard Bilotti, The Times; a simpler (and smaller) place. All an lishing them in newspapers.
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