.-......... All forlns of 'fint Anniversary '. Insurance Used Car Sale Now On. Water St. a Nova Motors ltd. Elizabeth Ave. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1963 16 PAGES SEVEN CENTS NO. 71 s ltatemala Declares lJfartial, L'aw. s * Flu Hits * * * ~s Maritimes Fears Revival By THE CANADIAN PRESS Although it has not been posi· tively identified, the illness Red Terrorism sweeping Nova S cot I a and Prince Edward Island gives ev· GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - The Guatema­ ery appearance of influenza. lan government declared martial law for the Latest to be hit by the virus' which has forced a number of second time in 15 months Monday because it hospitals to close their doors to claimed Communist terrorists were seeking to visitors, were the premiers of the two !I'laritime provinces. overthrow the government by force. Premier Stanfield of Nova President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, who has Scotia was stricken Friday but reported beller Monday, He was said he considers his country a prime target for to forccd to cancel a speaking en· Communists from Cuba, decreed martial law for gagemcnt in Yarmouth Sunday night, but Monday his orfice 30 days to prevent the extension of "Communist said he would' he, back to work terrorist subversive activities reported from dif­ "shorlly," Premier Waller S h 11 w of ferent parts of the country on Saturday." Pl'ince Edward Islaml, also stricken Friday, mlsscd thnt According to a government day's session of the legislature announcement two days ago, hut was expected to he in, the troops and rebcls clashed in .TOIl:\' PROFUMO house today. northeast Guatemala where a Premier Shaw's office said he subversive movcment b r 0 k e , • will 1(0 slow for the remaindcr out. of the wcek and may eliminate The decree Monday added ~~IIIO' I l ",- . ~ ~/Iodel a few puhlic appearances. thnt known Communist leaders Nova Scotia's dircctor of com· , managed to e Iud e frontier guards and were entering the rllllllicable diseascs, 01'. H. B. I i country to direct terrorist ac· Collord. said ~Ionday his de· ti\'ities. tHlll(l III Spaill partmcnt has "not hecn aille to The decree suspended consti­ Isolate an in[Jucnza ,\'irus." He tutional articles guaranteeing , '~" l':" ._. 11\,:\11. AUt'I' she \'i~itcd thc emhassy, said he believcd the [cdcral ~c. human rights and authorized ',' !,,',';''l'. IIII' l1li>~. nffirials issued their statement, plIrtment had also becn runlllnq the defence minister to take all ",,' ,b;ll'pl'ar;~IH'I' whkh said she had lcft with I into difficulty in isolating R vi, necessnry steps to restore or· - '" ,",1',~1 '1111,,1111115 h('ardt'li mcing dril'el' i'aullrus. dCI·. .. : . :':, ·.".IY 1~'11I\'11 tn' ~lal1l~ "[Ill' m~ 1~!lkn()~"n .~Icstina. SCIIOIll.S CJ.OSED Last NOl'ember, element~ or . , thl 1\111l,h lion 111 the :\ladl1l1 at ca. \ S I I . N \IT t"f '1 the air force slaged a short­ " • \10' I,I~\'. • ' C 100 S 111 ew a el 01 ( , . : Whl'n ~he lalked 10 reportcrs 1\l'llh a lotal.enrollment o[ 3.500 lived rehellion which Ydigoras said was incited hy Commu· ," ,,' '",:,',I a ,1;lIt'·. Sunday ni::ht. Christine said she I students WCIC forced to closc ,', : ',' ~I.\'l'ar.,'hl 1'1',1.. Ilast wcek when both tcachers nisls backed by Cuban Pre· · ".: :" 1';"".1»\' ,,(fi. I(,[t 1.I111110n "becausc of all the and students \\,CI'C strickcn. mier Castro. YDIGORAS FUENTES " . ,. ",,''',11''\11'11 "h~'r I"l" things peoplc \\'ere saying about I The pl'Ol'inec's chief inspcclor POLICE (,IlIEF lULLED , i Ydigoras declared martial . 1'\'1\11'11 h. Ihe ml'-and which arc not tme." of schools said they "used up " ~ .:: ',':11 ill the rOl11in~ all their substitute teachers." KNOXVILLE-Negroes tried to gain entrance to a local movie house. but It'law in .1anuary, t 1962. after h'the f hcrs sinceof thethe lawcurrent expired. distur· Thl.' affair hit the l1eadlincs In r ~Iuch some were stopped by white spectators. Here a white boy is shown' pulling' coun ry s secre po Ice c Ie .. bance was believed to be due ,Britain when three members o[ Howcver, the high school en· • P E' H T I Ranulfo Gonzales. was assassl- rolling about 700 pupils was three negro girls out of the t 1eatl'e. (U I TEL P 0 0) . nated and it remained iri force to the projected return to the ",' 1 1:1:"."'11 11'11111 I.l1n· the ollposition Labor party rose 1 ()pened Monday. It· was not 1m· . I' fOI' four months. country o[ former president ." .. , ,::111 111>1 hdure shl' . Juan Jose Arevalo. principal '. : I,,' Ih~' ,ll1nd as II! III PlIl'lmmcnt Thursday night mcdiately known when the com­ 1 In l\Iarch. 1962, rioting broke contender to succeed Ydigora5 · .. ~ "ill1l'~S a~l1in~t lI' til say· there were rumors that mon sch()ols would open. · Ollt over charges of· fraud in jn the_ elections this. November, "'.1:1 ,~'111 irlrd of ~hoot· I a member of the government Last week, 25 crew members , . .' , . congressiillial' 'electiolls:' and . .in' .'Arevalo, author of. the anti· : 'r" ~l'''rtl11rllt. Iwas involved in Christine's dis· of the CNR ferry Bluenose SU rv IV e April four students were killed American book The Shark and , .. ' trJl't'd 10 n "ilIa In aPllcarance. missed a regular run from Yar' Man, Woman I in a clash with soldiers during the Sardines says he is an anti· mouth, N.S. to Bar Harbor, · 'f.l,itlr ~p:l1li,h "iII,,!!e I Next dar War Minister John Me., due to being stricken. all' S' a demonstration. Commuuist.his followers 'He from has exile appealed in 1\Iex- to :'.,. \I N'kl'nll. nnd then ' ' d • '" '1\ a ~1:1(lrid almrt- Profmno made 8 personal state· No s c h 0 0 I s are rep()rted Guatemalan Com m u n i.sts ico City to cease their cam· ni~hl. accompa.1 ment in Parliament that he and closed in Prince Edward Island were exiled for five years by a paign 01 violence against Ydi· alth()ugh the Charlottetown su­ W law pass cd after the overthrow goras.' • ) !',wtlt'll mall.' friend. I his wife knew the girl socially, perl'isor reported 10 per cent o[ President Jacoho Arbenz hut had nol seen her since De· Ordeal In B.C. I absenteeism Monday. WATSON LAKE, V.T. (Cf'I- married and havc; bahies." ~ait1: The two were ~ a flight Guzman, whose pro· Communist Guatemala, with a population \,,'.,,: :nfnnnation mini~.l ccmbcr, 1961. A man and woman were :es- lIligs I\laben as shc joked with I from Whitehorse t~ I"ort SI. regime was ousted with United of about 3,000,000, has an IlIit· ~··\··'::'.in s:1ill ('hri~linl.' I lie said there had been noth· WON AND J.QST cued from the fl'ozen wilds o[ reporters on the plane brin;:illg, John, B.C., 011 Felt 4. Flores States hacking in 1954. They eracy rate of 70 per cent and is Pueblo Indians of New i\!exico nOl.them British columbia Mon. her here." said they were off course hal'e returned in sizable num· beset by. economic ills. ~ ":-.l: IlIIrnl nllli wcnt 10 I ing improper in his relations blo\\~ successfully revolted against day, 50 days after their p;anc Sullering [!'Om' a left arm into a narrow valley between --------------~-------.,- .... '1~lh1\l. saying she wilh her and that he had noth· their Spanish conquerors in crashed into a mountain side 75 fracture alid an' injurcd leg peaks of 6,500 and 7,500 fect. tl': 16~O, but wcre reconquered in I" in Inuch wilh the Iin!! to do with her disappear· milcs southeast of here. Both which was by TI'ey Jl i 1 e d into a heavily 1692 by Spanish Gen. De Vargas. arrc~ted ~an· ','~':I: ance. ~ , were injured and had bcen with. grcne, she told bf thc ordeal woodcd mOll n t a i n, 20 miles France Faces out food for morc than a month. from a stretched soulh of the regular air route Helen Klabcn, 2t, of Brook· I NEVER GAVE UP near Aeroplane Lake. lyn, N.Y., and pilut Rnl'ph I "We never gavp lIJl at any The only food in. the plane was New Strikes Flores, 42 of San Brun.o, C~hf., time." said Flores who ignored 'I two c!:ns of sardmes,. two cans Candidates To reached hcre at 4:30 p.m. aftcr his own rib inju!j'~' _ several of fnut salad and a box of throws Paris traffic Into chaos. being picked up by a Canadian were bclieved fractured-as he 1crackers. PARIS <Reuters) - A new Further strikes al!o were Pacific Airlines plane at wat.\ fought the clements to rig a They . warme~ el'er~th1llg be· rash of strikes throughout na· feared in the state·owned g8S son Lake, 240 miles southeast. makeshift shelter; and save his fore they ate It but m a wcek tionalized industries threatened and electricity corporatlollJ as "I just want to go home, get passenger. 1 I the food was ~one. France Monday following the __________.-:.'_ ....:.. _____....:..___ "After that It was water for collaps'! Sunday night of talks to the conflicts between the JOv­ III Maritimes brcakfast, water for lunch and settle the strike paralyzing the ernment management and em­ ployees hardened Into I grim Jist of 10, two more than in FEWER NDP CANDIDATES "\1.
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