SECTION WFTO – ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Annual Report 2017 2 3 WFTO – ANNUAL REPORT 2017 CONTENT INTRO 2 – 3 A Message from the President A Message from the Chief Executive ABOUT US 4 – 7 Vision Mission World Fair Trade Organization What We Do Our approach to Fair Trade THE GOALS OF WFTO 8 – 29 Our five goals Our objectives in 2017 Credibility & Identity Learning Market Access Voice Capability WFTO WORLDWIDE 30 – 35 SUPPORTERS 36 – 37 1 INTRO WFTO – ANNUAL REPORT 2017 A Message from A Message from the the President Chief Executive t is a privilege and pleasure for me to am excited to join the WFTO family – with, but a few points jump off the page. Ireach out to our members, friends and I a movement that has already made such The rollout and promotion of the WFTO Fair Trade supporters through this report. an impact on the world. The members of label and our Guarantee System, as well as I would like to extend a sincere gratitude the WFTO are the embodiment of Fair stepping-up our marketing and commu- to the many dedicated people who contrib- Trade. Their persistent success, in the face nications – all whilst continuing prudent uted through our Board, Committees and of an economic and trading system tilted financial management are among our Working Groups. You have been key to against them, has given the world hope priorities. Fortunately, I have inherited making the World Fair Trade Organization result of nearly two years of analysis and that a better future awaits. a motivated and professional team, and a vibrant and dynamic global membership engagement. This process has involved our strong systems that place us in good stead organisation. members in various stages. This plan is People across the world are looking for an for 2018 and beyond. tailored towards a greater visibility of the alternative to business models that have Improving the livelihoods and well-being of WFTO, an active membership drive and of caused spiralling inequality, entrenched economically marginalised farmers and arti- further strengthening the recognition of the poverty and stretched our planet to its lim- sans, through linking and strengthening Fair Fair Trade principles worldwide. I am sure its. There is a growing appetite for change Trade Organisations, continues to be our that the approval of the new governance among consumers, workers, producers and main mission. Our vision for the WFTO as a structure and the definition of “marginalised citizens. The Fair Trade world has devel- movement of Fair Trade Organisations pro- producer” will also have long-standing im- oped a vision they can get behind. moting social and economic development, pact for the WFTO and our members. sharing ideas, finding solutions, debating What I see across the WFTO family is a issues, denouncing injustice and encouraging This report highlights our achievements viable and desirable alternative to a busi- long-term trading relationships, continue to and activities related to each of the five main ness world that works for billionaires but be not just a noble idea but an increasingly goals of our strategic plan. It also gives an fails the billions. The Fair Trade enter- necessary and realistic one. overview of the development of our mem- prises across the WFTO family work to bership, which continues to grow, and about a different business model, prioritising 2017 was another important year for the the stability of our financial situation. people and planet over maximising profits. progress of the WFTO with essential de- They have embraced the principles of Fair cisions taken that can be considered mile- I take this opportunity to express a word of Trade, and found diverse and innovative stones for the global Fair Trade movement. thanks to Natalia Leal, who served as Chief ways to instil these into their DNA. The most significant one is the decision to Executive of the WFTO for over four years. I and the team at the WFTO are commit- allow producers in Europe, North America Natalia’s energy and professionalism has The vision of a fairer world embodied in ted to a successful 2018 that sets us up as and other countries, based in countries that been critical to the development of our or- WFTO members can inspire the trans- a movement that can inspire the trans- traditionally import FT products, to become ganisation. Natalia finished with the WFTO formations that the world economy sorely formations the global economy needs. I members of the wfto as Fair Trade producer on 31 December 2017. The WFTO now has needs. But this will require us showcasing look forward to working with you in this organisations. With this decision, the door a solid foundation and is ready to promote the strengths of the Fair Trade model, and journey. is now open to domestic Fair Trade all over Fair Trade Organisations around the globe, will require us at the WFTO to roll up our the globe. Specific criteria for northern pro- which are fully committed to Fair Trade sleeves to help our members reach new Erinch Sahan ducer in addition to the FTO Standard has and for which traditional Fair Trade values markets, consumers and citizens with their Chief Executive. now been approved. continue to be the main target. stories, ideas and their products. Another important step is the approval of Rudi Dalvai Our priorities are set out in the strategic our strategic plan 2018/21, which is the WFTO President. plan that our members have tasked us 2 3 SECTION WFTO – ANNUAL REPORT 2017 ABOUT US World Fair Trade Organization he World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) has over 400 member organisations T from more than 70 countries spread across five continents. We represent hundreds of thousands of small producers, providing them with credibility and identity by way of Vision an international guarantee system. We are the home of Fair Traders: producers, marketers, exporters, importers, whole- WFTO has a vision of a world salers and retailers that demonstrate 100% commitment to Fair Trade and apply the 10 WFTO Principles of Fair Trade to their supply chain. We operate in over 70 countries in which trade structures and across 5 regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and the Pacific practices have been transformed Rim). The incredible work and achievements of our members around the world, make us a global authority on Fair Trade and a guardian of Fair Trade values and principles. to work in favour of the poor and promote sustainable development and justice. What we do Mission Working for a sustainable and fair importers, retailers, and consumers to global economy – it’s our job! connect and work together, exchange best WFTO’s mission is to enable We support, promote and bring together practices, forge synergies and speak out for enterprises and organisations who are fully Fair Trade – all working towards a sus- producers to improve their committed to Fair Trade. Our members tainable and fair global economy. are typically mission-led enterprises that livelihoods and communities through have Fair Trade in their DNA. They are Fair Trade. We are the global not ordinary businesses but are unique be- Membership and Guarantee System cause they have shaped themselves to align We are a global membership organisation network and advocate for Fair fully with the 10 Principles of Fair Trade. of Fair Trade enterprises and their sup- porters. As such, we facilitate membership Trade, ensuring producer voices are WFTO members work to a different busi- applications, ensure members follow the ness model that puts the needs of people 10 Principles of Fair Trade through the heard. The interest of producers, and planet first in trading relationships Guarantee System, and improve the Fair especially small farmers and and connects producers and consumers Trade Standard. through greater transparency of supply artisans, is the main focus in all the chains. There are over 400 of them, across Organisations interested in becoming a over 70 countries, and we are their organ- member of the largest global network of policies, governance, structures and isation. Fair Trade enterprises and organisations decision making within WFTO. must demonstrate compliance with the We support our members in pursuing WFTO Fair Trade Standard. Along with their Fair Trade mission. This means we the five regional branches in Africa & the provide spaces for producers, exporters, Middle East, Asia, Europe, Latin America, 4 5 ABOUT US WFTO – ANNUAL REPORT 2017 derpinning our Guarantee System, which is based on the 10 Principles of Fair Trade. This serves as the basis of the WFTO Fair Trade Standard for Organisations. By constantly drawing lessons and reflecting on the experiences of members, our Fair Trade Standard is continuously monitored and improved by the Standard and Guar- antee System Committee. Voice – Advocacy and Campaigning We were originally established to unite fair traders around the world to speak in one voice on Fair Trade and trade justice issues, economic sustainability, the em- powerment of economically marginalised producers, and the fight against poverty Our approach GreenNet and climate change. We work to serve this Ten Thousand Villages mission with our members and partners to Fair Trade through a range of events and activities, including the annual celebration of World and North America & the Pacific Rim, our Fair Trade Day and International Wom- “Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transpar- Global Office in the Netherlands coordi- en’s Day, as well as through international ency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. nates membership applications. conferences, campaigns and advocacy work throughout the year. We work with It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trad- We work to ensure our membership has other movements to foster and amplify the ing conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized produc- the highest standards of integrity and voice of the enterprises and organisations ers and workers – especially in the South.
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