JERSEY COURIER. p i o n e e r n e w s p a p e r o f o c e a n c o u n t y . 5 C t n l i * C o p y TOM* aiV IE.W J.. FRIDAY AFTIRMOON. MARCH 14. 1*18 VOLUMI 03 NUMERE 14 Atlantic County ItN koldm Mim i tb Claim» a» Victim* Many Well Co to Jo.l lo. Biovdin* Park*» * Conference Made County it to Give Let Contract for [¡town People in Thi* Part of State Lo»« weak tbo Supreme Court upheld Ut» coovtction of FtevholJ.fi John a Sudden Change $6000 to Kimball Town Hall and l'ntworth Md Estel D. Righimi», and W . r r . n Couoty Kngrovvt Frank Endeilfn. »ho for Toms River HospitalThitYear Fire Co. House «re» convicted oI holding up Otcor •Wurf#" Fn'kar and Elmer King, two West Ra*. Loon Chamberlain Goat to Refuted to Repair Main Street, Cfeik meo. and eompelUng ibemto pav Petition Againat Merrygoround Paulaboro; J. C. Kulp Come* Toma River; At Utual N o Kh IO. •( tHO belo» thvlr road bilia « >ulj ba Filed by V. 1. A.j Another ap">«e>l aod paul by il» Alleali. Here from Mi. Holly Koad Money for Dover ymt1 cw .;*- Co inlv H a .J ol F.evbotder» Road to Tidewater Claaed h* ’ Alter convic.lon tbo thrve delendanta At i >* Jrnty M. The Board of FroehoMers at tbeireea- m * ,r - ,n ere etch eentencrj to Impriaonmeol E . » marette* al Atlanti. : City, Rev. *• *. ««a I» » lion Sami day last voted to p»y (eODU lo. un# year in tb» »tal» pnaon Lau Chamba.lain w»e moved Irom toward lb* running expense- of lb# at Turn* Rivet was »weeded ->o »0-1 ••• * tJ thi* They appeated to tb» Suprema court >1 * • la Paulaboro, In hi* ataad Kimball hoapiiai at Lakewood thi* Frida > Iasi by th* Dover Township will omeRav. J. C. Kul ’• " n i * « « b««n , , * <'u d I Ono ol tb» ground* ol appeal belngtbat \ from Mi. y *«t, refuted to put a crushed ston* Commute* to David R. Anderson foe Hut . Tb# latter will preach hie first * „previous •• , tb* indict.nant egainst tb«m wae noi pavement on Main streei, Toms River; »4680, Ml. And*r*«.n »a- th* loweei tarn s-^klktn. with the fudonM»n>*al | la «lui ber-eua* il « a * lound by a grand ondav morning next. Mr. end elected a Sealer of Weight* tod of four bidder», the other iiguree bring; .r,,,rh.«vr.r., Jury drawn by «llaor». Th» lod k tm .n t ChamberUio will move to Paulaboro Measure*, Ralph C. Sptckmsn of Charl.a Foicaneer, »1845, L. j. Hutch- 'JL , ,■«.at*»:'out I iminit- »a. louod Novambar 9, 1911. neat week and Mr. Kulp will move In Tuckerton ioeon of Pine Beach »5569.20; A. J. lb * pais,nag* here. ,“ ,00».....« U '< . «■» h*d Ju ,‘ Jiu'icaUarrlaoa aava in b» opioloo The motion to appropriate |oOOO to­ Harris »3794 ÜO...DO. WttooD thal tb* allag»d errar.to *h>ch maoy ol Mr. Kulp ha* been in tb* M. E. Con- ward th* Laktwood hospital expense* Tb* buildiog ia to be a fireproof fafenc* sine* 1897, when he was located jM U M k U boior* •#•*!«« t<* th* aatlgarnenta m th* ca»a reler, nani*, was made by A. S. Tilton and seconded structure, o( hollow tile, and wUl eland ... |U had b*a«|Mck •<* • ly, t|»« Andine ol tba todietmant by an at Mulllca Hill for two 'years. Hi* ap- by Dr. Disbrow. C V. Hanes moved on the township lot on Robbins urea«, 'J L „ th d<«b«U* « 8*>«>ft»U tUaor drawn grand jury ba* barn da- poiatments sines then have ba-n. 1899, to amend, bv making it a condition baiwean Washington and Water «treat*. Naw Lisbon. 19<>0-1. Newport: 1902-4, Tto.B'k»»" ‘»a *»• tarruined by th* court ol error and ap- that tb* Board of Freeholders should It will hav* room (or fir* apparatus ^ .-n ersl •,r»«Ulü( down of paala, in tbe ra t* ol th* alata againat Farmingdale. 1905-10. Spring Lake: hav* two members on th* Hospital downstairs, meeting room and towaship T t j,llo.ffd 'il'un««l service»! Ztller. ibia daciaion bemg ad ver** to 1911, Woodetown: 1912, Ml. Holly. Board of Maaagere, and this amend­ office* up stair*. Parr of th* cost will ^ *rdt>e»d»v, 2eJ0 t>. n».. In j thè contention ol th*»* Atlaotic county H* it a brother to E. J. Kulp, who left ment w tt agreed to. It it estimated be met with th* pro-aads'of th# self of baked** etri«.-*. B a ro eg sl; I defrndante. Broadway church. Camden, tbitconfar- that tbe running expanses of ih* hospi. lhaFoor Farm at Shark River,and part , 7es buned in i ImAMmooic ance, to go to one of th* big churches I tal will be »12000. and the couoiy will was taised at tb* last election in St. Louie 7 ^ *tn c b h .| « ** loon on» ol , Guzzled and Nearly Blind Warrior ' thus pay half. It ta alto understood Saul Applegata Jr. and Edwnrd T. Rev Alooto Chamber* will come rfolBonig*'» B aforo Legislative Invastigators that th* hospital it to b* open for Applegate appeared before thaicom- A C. HcCfM. j-Mlor ol th . Aaron E. Johnaton home to the Silverron, Pleesant Plaint emergency surgical cases snd for free mine« at the same meeting and asked grthod.*« church ol Jersey City ' and C -far Grove charge, and live on hit treatment of poor patterns from thia relief. Thay said they owned ernnber- i Aaron E. johnaton, ona of th» best Kearny, N. J., March 9 .—General E. tb. services. aselated by ih» (arm at Pleasant Plaint. Kev.i Joseph county in return (or the appropriation ry bogs at the head of Mnnqulto Cove, lawyers in thia -action,«bed suddenly at Burd Grubb, Minister to Spain under c y, p, Conover ol the BUarnr- S. Moore, for two year* past on shit Spnckman was the only candidate for and that the road to the bogs had al­ hi» hum« in I'atiiung lal» on Monday. Benjamin Harrison, and now superin­ ^tpdituburch «nd Rev. O. W. charge, retire*. He is now tick with the petition of Seiler of Wright* aod ways run serosa the Rowland property, News of hi* death cam * a* n shock to tendent of th* New Jersey Home for (|ib»r.e*bvu, inn church ol pneumonia at theSitverton parsonage, Measures, when it was learn.d that the now owned by Mis* A. L. Ransom, tl at ; hi» m ioy friends. Lawyer Johnston Soldiers here, sst before four leg relative having c im* home III on Saturday from salaiy had been fixed at »200, the for as long ns anyone could remember bad been in ill health for some year», investigators today at the home snd large gathering ol eela- conference official to p»v hit own ex|i*nse«. He thi* road had barn used to rtach their bur was not supposed to b» losing beard charges made against i.im. Th* Irinylt. and while not a Mat- Rev Wm. Mitchell was returned to j was accordingly elected. He has been bugs.and al-o lor fishermen who wished ground. He was stricken early Sunday General is 71 year* old, feeb'e and al welthf.**»' * l»,H* number Lakewood; Rev. A. C. Oliver to Island in the undertaking bueiness at Tucker­ to reach the cove with their nets, and morning, but managed to get up and most blind. By him sat his wife, an si- K tueihrm present. Inter. Height. Wm. Megsam >o Bayville and ton and Barnegat for carting bay from the bay; that for l occupy a chair m his room. At II tractive young woman of 40 years hit «■tilt in the lamllv plot at Lanvka, C. Y. D. Conov.r to Barnegat; A rtaulution wa* pasted atk'ng As­ perhaps twenty years the road had had o'clock h* became unconscious and re­ junior, who took in every word said R. N. Atpinwall to West Creek; S. K. semblyman Conrad to oppose Senate a got* ar it* entrance, but the gat* mained in a comatose state until death and bit her lips with anger at the ac­ •aWarren was born at War*- Moore to Tuckerton; H. E . Garriton to j bill 19|, which wculd increasethetalary swung open and tbe road was used at ensued. Drath was due to uraemic cusations. taHir ISth. U 50. He wa* a Baa hH.iven, A C. Polhetmit toGreer.- of the Prosecutor in this county from will; thal Miss Ransom had lately had poisoning and |>neumonia. The investigation is the result of a John and Catherine H. tight between General Grubb and the ville and Herbertsville; E. F. Apple- »1500 to »2000 the gate takeD out and a post and wire The deceased visit*d his law offices in m m-ther »»* a daughter six members of the Board of Managers gate to Harmony and Southard A.ivsolution signed by the road com- fenct put across, blocking them off Asbury Park last Thursday for the last lW| A , ambers, who e e .e of the home. The investigators are Rev. L. L. Hand goes from New m iite, recommending that Mam street, from thsir bug?. A resolution wa» pass­ ■¡me. He is survived by a wifeandone I»*,,,. N. J. Ralph Warren Senators Barber and Gaunt and Assem­ Egypt to Milltown, and is followed by Toms River, be covered with crushed ed that theTownshipCIrrk shouldwriie | child, little Mi»s Marion.
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