IffSeS? CLAYTON POWELL HITS RACE MISLEADERS * t**i ' •EDItlfN CENTS PER COPY VOL. 3 — No. 22 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 24-OUNCE BABY IS BORN IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, (ANP). — A prematurely born baby boy, weighing just 24 ounces, Jim Crow Car Suit In U. \ S. Court was fighting for his life at Provident Hospital this week aided by the staff's leading specialists utilizing all the skill of medical sci­ ence. This was the second child weighing two pounds Or less born at Provident Mitchell this year and one of the smallest in the history of the institution. This baby arrived early Saturday morning. Mrs. Dorothy Owens, the mo­ Fights To ther, has no other children. He was immediately placed Last Gibson County G.A.R. in an oxygen incubator where small amounts of breast milk have- been fed End Evil Member Succumbs In Princeton through an eye dropper. According to Drs. Edward HIGH COURT SAVES NEGRO W. Beasley and R. N. Jef­ PRINCETON, Dec. 6. — (By But going on other persons notes ferson, attending pediatri­ Jimmie Trice)—Cato Powell, 95 proved a mistake and Powell cians, and Dr. Pedro San­ Contends RR one of the country's well known lost everything. tos, obstetrician, the baby Flounting of farmers passed away at 3:15 He started again, however, and has a good chance of sur­ o'clock Sunday morning at his eventually became one of Gib­ viving. Violates U.S. home, four miles west of here son county's most successful far­ Democratic after a lingering illness of sev­ mers. At his death he owned eral weeks. Mr. Powell, the several hundred acres of farm Constitution STATE CLUB WOMEN IN MEET SUNDAY last of Gibson County's Civil land. Concepts Hit war veterans was active in af­ Surviving are three sons, Cato WASHINGTON, D. C— The The district meeting of the fairs of the church and com­ Powell, Jr., Marion; Frank Pow­ Flying Cadet M clerk of the United States Su­ Women's Clubs of Indiana will be munity until he was seized by ell, Princeton and the Rev. Wil­ preme Court received Monday held in the city Sunday, Decem­ TEXAS WILL RELEASE old age. liam Powell, west of Princeton; the case of Arthur W. Mitchell ber 8, 1940, according to reports Knox Gets Protest of Negro Born in slavery, Mr. Powell two daughters, Mrs. Amanda in which the congressman is SMITH FROM PRISON sent out from the local Phyllis enlisted in the Eighth U. S. Casey, Einkstaff, 111., 15 great- Drive Begun J| suing the Rock Island Railroad, HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. Wlheatley offices by Mrs. Sallie Wi Stewart, its president. Mrs. heavy artillery of 1863. He was grand-children and three great- et al because of discrimination 25.—As soon as the * man­ discharged in June, 1865, going great-grand-children. made possible by the Jim Grow Lena Harris, state president will Attendants Who Complained date of the Supreme Court preside over the one day session to Evansville and from there to Funeral services were held at By Jaycees law of the South. Gibson county. 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon The case has been in the courts .setting aside" the life sen­ which will include a business meeting, luncheon and lecture !He bought land with money at Wayman Chapel, the Rev. The Junior Chamber of Com­ •since 1937 having first been tence of Edgar Smith on a Of Treatment In U. S. Navy saved from his army pay and H. J. Thompson officiating. Bur­ brought before the Interstate session headed by Mrs. Harris. merce yesterday opened a cam­ charge of criminal assault This lecture will be held in the acquired several hundred acres. ial was in Sand Hill cemetery. paign for establishment here of Commerce Commission in April NEW YORK.—A vigorous pro­ of that year and through adverse arrives Edgar Smith will afternoon at the Liberty. Bap­ men in the armed forces of the a school to prepare young men be freed. Court attaches tist Church, three o'clock. test against the reported deten­ nation. We wish to enter a most for flying cadets of the U. S. decisions it finally reached the tion and punishment of nine Ne­ Army. highest legal tribunal of the na­ said that because of the vigorous protest against this ac­ The NACG groups will take gro mess attendants attached to Famous New York Minister Captain Matt. C. Carpenter, In­ tion, which will pass upon the statute of limitations on the U.S.S. Philadelphia was sent tion and to request you, as Sec­ diana National Guard, and three question of whether or not a rail­ active parts in the afternoon ses­ the charge is one year in sions. Clubs in Evansville, fed­ to Secretary of the Navy Frank retary of the Navy, to intervene. men arrived aboard an army road company has the right to dis­ Knox November 15 by the Na­ ship loaded with air corps equip­ criminate against Negroes in the Texas, Smith cannot be erated in the state are the Asso­ "The Army has made some Speaks Over Ohio Radio Station ciation of College Women, Miss tional Association for the Ad­ ment which will be displayed matter of first class accommo­ reindicted. The 20-year-old vancement of Colored People. gestures toward improvement, here to stimulate interest. dations for first class pay and al­ youth had been held in the Zerah Priestley, president; the but the Navy seems unable to CLEVELAND—(Courtesy Call- the Negro "fiifth columnists," 1. Phyllis Whej&tley Association, Post)—Issuing a clarion call to A. Junior Chamber of Com­ so in the matter of providing Harris County jail since The nine men were reported adjust itself to the times. This misleadership in high places; 2 Mrs. Stewart president; and the association believes and urges Negroes to support Negro owned merce committee hedaed by Vie Pullman accommodations for in the press to have been placed refusal to exercise divitae rights Hoerath, will attemt to obtain a Negroes even if only one such Aug. 1, 19o8. Bud Billiken Mothers, Mrs. O. E. under virtual arrest with a view once more—as it shall continue business and rid themselves of and civil liberties; 3 ignorance Childers. president. Other clubs sufficient number of enrollees person desires this accommoda­ to punishing them for writing to urge—that the United States the "fifth columnists" of the concerning our own plight; 4 in­ to accept the offer of School tion. are invited to attend the after­ and singing a letter to the Pitts- Navy maintained by the money ( WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 25. noon session whether federated race, Rev. Mr. Clayton Powell, difference to the problem. Superintendent Ralph Irons to It will be remembered that burh Courier in which they out­ of all the people for the pro­ pastor of Abyssinia Baptist "Democracy is a myth" as far provide a class meeting place —In a sweeping,; unanimous or not. tection of all the people, should Congressman Mitchell was forced opinion Written by Justice Black, lined the treatment of Negroes Church, New York City, spoke as the Negro is concerned," he and instructors. to leave a Pullman car. enroute Representatives from Evans­ in the United States Navy. tear down every restriction Requirements Listed the U. S. Supreme- (Jourt rulea against enlistment and training to an overflow crowd at Anti- declared. "What we do in the from Chicago to Hot Springs, Monday that exclusion of color­ ville, Mt. Vernon, Rockport, The NAACP letter declared to och Baptist" Church. Monday next six; months will 'determine Flying cadets for the army Ark. in 1937. ed citizens from a Texas grand Princeton, Vincennes and Wash­ which is based upon race, creed, Colonel Knox that the colored or color, and should open uc en­ night. our course. This is the hour in air service are . required to pass The legislator has fought the jury was ground for reversing ington, all in the southern dis­ physical examinations and to people of this country "are bit­ listment in all branches of the Dr. Powell was presented by which we must strike a blow for case continuously and is determ­ the conviction of £,dgar bmun trict are expected to be present Navy to American citizens with­ freedom. We are bound by have at least two years of .col­ . sentenced to lite imprisonment at the sessions. The first session ter about the treatment of their the Radio Committee of the lege education or its equivalent. ined to prosecute it tj a success­ out regard to color." chains, though invisible, that are ful conclusion, and whether he on a charge of rape. will start at ten o'clock in the Progressive Business Alliance Purpose of the school is to wins or loses, will affect the 12,- ! Refers To Democracy morning at the Phyllis Wheatley The NAACP letter upheld the commemorating the first anni­ nevertheless secure. tutor applicants lacking the col­ 000,000 Negroes in the United "It is part of the established House, 656 S. Governor street. BURIED IN TENNESSEE action of the nine mess attend­ versary of the Negro Business ". ... After the armament lege work to enable them to pass States in their ranroao accommo- tradition in the use of juries as Mrs. Edna Isom of Washington ants in bravely signing their Hour, sponsored by the Alliance program now being carried out, examinations which will deter­ uations. j instruments oi public justice tnat is resident of the district and (The body of Walter Bell, 55, names to the published letter of and heard every Sunday morn­ America will experience the mine whether they have educa­ j the jury be a body truly repre- will lead thp various representa­ 700 Oak street, was taken last complaint, saying they had done ing over radio station WHK.
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