Robledo Vista Nursery Inventory June 26, 2021 Plants featured in Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest by Marcy Scott Container Notes Pollinator Botanical Name Common Name # Cost Size (H = Hummingbird, Be = Bee, Bu = Butterfly or Moth) H Be Bu Acacia greggii (Senegalia) Catclaw Acacia #5 1 $30.00 Small tree to ~ H 12' x W 12' x Agastache rupestris Licorice Mint, Sunset Hyssop #1 11 $12.00 Locally native, good hummingbird plant, leaves used for tea x x x Agave americana Century Plant #1 2 $20.00 Large agave with gray-green leaves, to ~ H 6' x W 6' x x x Agave americana Century Plant #3 1 $40.00 Large agave with gray-green leaves, to ~ H 6' x W 6' x x x Agave americana var. variegata Variegated Century Plant #1 1 $25.00 x x x Agave americana var. mediopicta White-variegated Century Plant #7 2 $75.00 Reverse variegation to ~ H 5' x W 5' x x x Agave gentryi 'Jaws' 'Jaws' Agave #5 2 $75.00 Shade tolerant x x x Agave lophantha 'Splendida' 'Splendida' Agave 8" 1 $25.00 Double head x x x Agave montana Mountain Agave #1 3 $25.00 Hardy to 10°, ~H 3-4' x W 4' x x x Agave murpheyi 'Rodney' Variegated Murphey's Agave #1 3 $25.00 Hardy to 10°, about 3' tall and wide x x x Agave 'Mr. Ripple' 'Mr. Ripple' Agave #2 1 $40.00 x x x Agave ocahui Ocahui Agave #1 2 $25.00 Symmetrical rosette to about H 2' X W 3', hardy to 15° x x x Agave parryi ssp. parryi 'Estrella™' Star Agave 3 1/2" 9 $10.00 Attractive dense rosette to about H 30" x W 30" x x x Agave parryi var. truncata Artichoke Agave #1 1 $25.00 Medium agave to about H 30" x W 30" x x x Agave 'Sharkskin' 'Sharkskin' Agave #1 1 $20.00 x x x Agave 'Sharkskin' 'Sharkskin' Agave #2 1 $40.00 x x x Agave toumeyana Miniature Century Plant #2 4 $35.00 Small agave to H 12" x W 12", forms colonies x x x Agave toumeyana var. bella Fairy Ring Agave #1 4 $25.00 Tiny agave to H 6-8" x W 6-8", forms colonies x x x Agave victoriae-reginae Queen Victoria Agave 4" 11 $10.00 Small agave to about H 18" x W 18" x x x Agave victoriae-reginae 'Compacta' Compact Queen Victoria Agave #1 5 $25.00 Small agave to about H 12" x W 12" x x x Agave weberi Weber's Agave #5 2 $40.00 Large agave to about H 5' x W 8' x x x Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 'Mexican Fire' Flame Acanthus #5 19 $30.00 Great hummingbird plant x x Aquilegia chrysantha Golden Columbine #1 10 $12.00 Locally native, good hummingbird plant x x Artemisia filifolia Sand Sage #1 6 $12.00 Locally native Artemisia tridentata Big Sagebrush #1 2 $12.00 Asclepias engelmanniana Engelmann's Milkweed 3 1/2" 45 $10.00 Locally native, excellent butterfly plant x x Atriplex canescens Four-wing Saltbush #1 7 $12.00 Locally native Atriplex canescens Four-wing Saltbush #5 1 $30.00 Locally native Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold #1 5 $10.00 Locally native wildflower x x Berberis trifoliolata Algerita #5 7 $40.00 Edible fruit for wildlife or to make jelly x x Berlandiera lyrata Chocolate Flower #1 15 $10.00 Chocolate-scented native wildflower x x Bouteloua curtipendula Sideoats Gramma Grass #1 6 $10.00 Locally native grass bunch grass Bouteloua gracilis Blue Gramma Grass #1 5 $10.00 Locally native grass bunch grass Buddleja marrubiifolia Woolly Butterfly Bush #5 19 $30.00 Gray foliage, small orange flowers, great butterfly shrub x x Bulbine frutescens 'Tiny Tangerine' Orange Bulbine #1 9 $10.00 Great for pots Caesalpinia gilliesii Desert Bird of Paradise #5 2 $30.00 Yellow flowers with red stamens x x Caesalpinia pulcherrima Red Bird of Paradise #1 75 $12.00 Beautiful red and orange flowers x x x Carnegiea gigantea Saguaro 2 1/2" 63 $10.00 Hardy to 20° Carnegiea gigantea Saguaro 6" 7 $20.00 Hardy to 20° Carpobrotus edulis Ladyfinger Ice Plant #1 1 $10.00 x Chilopsis linearis Desert Willow #5 18 $30.00 Locally native x x x Chrysactinia mexicana Damianita #1 4 $10.00 Locally native, mound of yellow flowers in spring x x Conoclinum dissectum Gregg's Mistflower #1 9 $10.00 Locally native, excellent butterfly plant x x Coryphantha macromeris Nipple Beehive Cactus 2 1/2" 1 $10.00 Locally native, pink summer flower x x Cupressus dupreziana Saharan Cypress #5 9 $50.00 Rare, only 233 in native range in Algeria, evergreen Cylindropuntia imbricata Tree Cholla #1 7 $20.00 Deep pink flower, locally native x Cylindropuntia kleiniae Candle Cholla #1 17 $20.00 Light pink flower, locally native x Cylindropuntia kleiniae Candle Cholla #3 4 $40.00 Light pink flower, locally native x Cylindropuntia spinosior Walkingstick Cholla #1 28 $20.00 Pink flower, locally native x Cylindropuntia spinosior Walkingstick Cholla #2 3 $30.00 Pink flower, locally native x Cylindropuntia spinosior Walkingstick Cholla #5 2 $40.00 Pink flower, locally native x Dalea nigra 'Sierra Negra' 'Sierra Negra' Black Dalea #1 9 $12.00 Small purple flowers in fall to about 3' tall x 4' wide x Dasylirion texana Green Sotol #1 6 $12.00 Will live off of our rainfall once established x Dasylirion wheeleri Gray Desert Spoon, Sotol #5 4 $30.00 Locally native, will live off of our rainfall once established x Drosanthium speciosum 'Rosea' Trailing Ice Plant #1 10 $10.00 Masses of hot pink flowers in spring x Echinocactus grusonii Golden Barrel Cactus 3 1/2" 40 $10.00 x Echinocactus grusonii Golden Barrel Cactus #5 10 $60.00 Echinocactus texensis Horse Crippler 2 1/2" 5 $10.00 x Echinocereus bonkerae Arizona Pinkflower Hedgehog 2 1/2" 8 $10.00 x Echinocereus fendleri Pinkflower Hedgehog Cactus 2 1/2" 2 $10.00 Locally native, pink flower x Echinocereus reichenbachii Lace Hedgehog 2 1/2" 3 $10.00 x E. triglochidiatus 'White Sands' White Sands Claretcup Cactus 2 1/2" 11 $10.00 x x x Echinocereus viridiflorus v. chloranthus Las Cruces Rainbow Cactus 2 1/2" 3 $10.00 Locally native, green flower x Ericameria laricifolia 'Aguirre' 'Aguirre' Turpentine Bush #1 11 $12.00 Native evergreen shrub to about 3'x3', yellow fall flowers x Ericameria nauseosa Chamisa, Rubber Rabbitbrush #1 4 $12.00 Locally native, yellow late summer flowers x Euphorbia antisyphilitica Candelilla #1 1 $20.00 Locally native succulent Euphorbia antisyphilitica Candelilla #3 14 $40.00 Locally native succulent Euphorbia rigida Gopher Plant #1 1 $12.00 x Fallugia paradoxa Apache Plume #1 3 $12.00 Locally native x Forestiera neomexicana New Mexico Olive #5 4 $40.00 Locally native deciduous large shrub or small tree Ferocactus emoryi v. rectispinus Mexican Thick-spined Barrel 2 1/2" 24 $10.00 x Ferocactus hamatacanthus Texas Blue Barrel 3 1/2" 6 $10.00 x Ferocactus ingens Giant Barrel 2 1/2" 3 $10.00 x Ferocactus latispinus Devil's Tongue Barrel 3 1/2" 6 $10.00 x Ferocactus pilosus Mexican Fire Barrel 2 1/2" 5 $10.00 x Ferocactus wislizeni v. herrerae Twisted Fishhook Barrel 3" 12 $10.00 x Ferocactus wislizeni variety Yellow-spined Fishhook Barrel 4" 9 $10.00 x Glandularia pulchella Rock Verbena #1 2 $10.00 Good butterfly plant x x Gymnocalycium sp. Chin Cactus 3" 44 $10.00 x Hesperaloe capanulata 'MSWNNvevo Leon' 'Lionheart' Hesperaloe #5 12 $40.00 4' x 4', pink flower on a spike to 10' tall, hummingbird plant x Hesperaloe parviflora Red Yucca #1 31 $12.00 4' x 4', pink flower, great hummingbird plant x Hesperaloe parviflora 'Brakelights' 'Brakelights' Crimson Yucca #1 34 $20.00 2' x 2', crimson flower, good hummingbird plant x Hesperaloe parviflora 'Brakelights' 'Brakelights' Crimson Yucca #3 1 $35.00 2' x 2', crimson flower, good hummingbird plant x Hesperaloe parviflora 'Desert Dusk' 'Desert Dusk' Red Yucca #2 14 $30.00 3' x 3', maroon flower and seed pod, great hummingbird plant x Hesperaloe parviflora 'Desert Flamenco' 'Desert Flamenco' Red Yucca #5 16 $30.00 4' x 4', pink flower, great hummingbird plant x Hesperaloe parviflora 'Sandia Glow' 'Sandia Glow' Red Yucca #2 20 $30.00 3' x 3', watermelon red flower, great hummingbird plant x Hesperaloe parviflora 'Yellow' Yellow Red Yucca #5 1 $40.00 4' x 4', butter yellow flower, hummingbird plant x Lantana x 'New Gold' 'New Gold' Lantana #1 15 $10.00 Yellow blooms mid spring to frost x x Larrea tridentata Creosote, Chaparral #5 11 $35.00 Locally native x Leucophyllum frutescens 'Compacta' Texas Sage #5 3 $30.00 Great summer bloomer, good bee plant x Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green Cloud' 'Green Cloud' Texas Sage #1 50 $12.00 Great summer bloomer, good bee plant x Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green Cloud' 'Green Cloud' Texas Sage #5 13 $30.00 Great summer bloomer, good bee plant x Leucophyllum laevigatum 'Summer Snow' 'Summer Snow' Texas Sage #5 15 $30.00 Great summer bloomer, good bee plant, white flower x Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Heavenly Cloud' 'Heavenly Cloud' Texas Sage #5 10 $30.00 Blooms more than other Texas Sages, purple flower. x Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Lynn's Legacy' 'Lynn's Legacy' Texas Sage #5 12 $30.00 Great summer bloomer, good bee plant, evergreen x Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Rio Bravo' 'Rio Bravo' Texas Sage #1 3 $12.00 Great summer bloomer, good bee plant, evergreen x Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Rio Bravo' 'Rio Bravo' Texas Sage #5 10 $30.00 Great summer bloomer, good bee plant, evergreen x Leucophyllum pruinosum 'Sierra Bouquet' 'Sierra Bouquet' Texas Sage #5 12 $30.00 Great summer bloomer, good bee plant, fragrant x Lycium andersonii Wolfberry #1 5 $12.00 Great bird plant for cover and berries x Lycium andersonii Wolfberry #5 1 $35.00 Great bird plant for cover and berries x Malephora crocea Red Ice Plant #1 20 $10.00 Low water use groundcover x Malephora lutea Yellow Ice Plant 4" 24 $5.00 Low water use groundcover x Malephora lutea Yellow Ice Plant #1 14 $10.00 Low water use groundcover x Mammillaria elongata White Lace 3" 17 $10.00 x Mammillaria elongata Golden Lace 6" 1 $20.00 x Mammillaria montensis Mountain Mammillaria #1 13 $20.00 x Mammillaria plumosa Feather Ball Cactus #1 4 $20.00 x Mammillaria senilis Red-flowering Cotton Ball #1 1 $20.00 x Mammillaria tetrancistra Fishhook Cactus 3" 4 $10.00 x Mammillaria vetula ssp.
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