Framingham Earl High School Spring Term 2021 Friday 26th March 2021 Another busy term at Framingham Earl High School with a whole array of different experiences for us all. I am so proud of all the children and how they have worked during the recent lockdown, adapted to the Lateral Flow Testing and returned to school full of joy and hope for the future. Staff too have worked together as a team, supporting our development of remote learning, running our bubble school and ensuring positive experiences for our young people. As families, you have contributed so much to the success of the school; motivating young people, communicating challenges and giving huge amounts of care and support. This end of term newsletter shines a light on some of the positives from the last term and looks forward to a range of experiences in the Summer term. Thank you to all and enjoy the delights of the Spring sunshine (with hopefully a few Easter eggs too!). Mrs Becky Arnold Headteacher’s Awards: Congratulations to the following students who have received a Headteacher’s Award this week: Ewan Delbridge and Ella Young. Site Works: Over Easter the finishing touches will be in place for our ‘Snack Shack’ by the MUGA. This will allow an additional outside food outlet for children to use to reduce queuing and close contact. www.framinghamearlhighschool.co.uk | 01508 492547 | [email protected] Framingham Earl High School Spring Term 2021 Friday 26th March 2021 Our planned improvement of the social area courtyard between the hall and Music/Drama rooms is on track for completion in the Summer holidays. This will include a new canopy, window replacements and resurfacing the area. Unfortunately, the work that was planned for Easter has been moved back to May, due to issues with the supply of the new windows. The revitalisation of areas of the school continues with the Art rooms ‘face-lift’ complete and work beginning in Food, following our successful bid to Savoy Education for new equipment. Many thanks to Matt, Marcin, Janet and Paul who work continuously to improve our facilities. Student Voice Groups: Congratulations to Headteacher’s Council for their fantastic non-uniform day! Over £800 was raised and will be split between WaterAid and our partner school in Malawi. Judy Jones, who knows Fram well, will be leading an assembly and starting some project work with our students that will carry on in Malawi. AtoBetter School Travel Plan work: Next term as part of our travel plan, the school will be offering: • Lessons with PSHE to all Year 7s on road safety • Bike Maintenance • Level 3 Bike-ability Courses In addition we will complete a travel plan survey to support our knowledge of how all students arrive at school and areas where they feel vulnerable or unsafe. We are also hoping to offer guided cycles to our local areas with the support of NCC, to show children and parents the safest ways to arrive at school. Attendance: Thank you so much to all families for your support with attendance. We are currently meeting our 96% target for all students across the school, which is fantastic! www.framinghamearlhighschool.co.uk | 01508 492547 | [email protected] Framingham Earl High School Spring Term 2021 Friday 26th March 2021 If your child is too unwell to come to school, please email the office [email protected] or call the school on 01508 482547. Mr James Edwards (Deputy Headteacher) School Lunches: Parents are asked to continue to book school lunches after Easter. The food outlets will all be open and serving breakfast, break and lunch. Please use this link to book lunches for w/c 12th April: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DOFJ4V491Ui- MgzsG50Ui2Lyk_RcYD1CrxS6b1L97lRUQ0JTR0Y1WEEwWlpaNjhKWFJEQlIzQVQ5Ny4u Festival of Sport: This Summer @ Holkham Rugby greats Will Greenwood and Austin Healey have teamed up to create Festival of Sport at North Norfolk’s beautiful Holkham Estate from 13th – 15th August 2021. “As parents, we were acutely aware of the impact this year has had on families and especially kids. We want to do something to bring the fun back into people’s lives and bring families together. We can’t wait to get families engaged and active outside in this beautiful environment.” said Healey. “We recognise that not every kid gets involved in the same way”, added Greenwood “Our mantra for the festival is that “no-one gets left on the bench”. It doesn’t matter if you’re a budding junior champion or just want to stick your toe in the water and try something new. There’s something for everyone. Festival of Sport will also have live music, outdoor cinema, a Taste of Norfolk food village and a spa and wellness area. And one of the country’s most stunning and unspoilt beaches is just a stone’s throw away. www.festivalofsportuk.com The school have been donated tickets for this event and these will be awarded by Directors of Learning to those who have shown excellence in attitude and engagement this year. Uniform: After Easter students are able to wear FEHS Logo tailored shorts as part of our Summer Uniform. All other rules remain in place and a full uniform list can be found here: Uniform - Framingham Earl High School Marks & Spencer will become our second uniform supplier from May, alongside Birds of Dereham. www.framinghamearlhighschool.co.uk | 01508 492547 | [email protected] Framingham Earl High School Spring Term 2021 Friday 26th March 2021 EasyFundraising: If you use online shopping – including Amazon - you can help support the school raise funds by being part of our easyfundraising scheme. Every purchase you make means money comes to the school at no cost to you. To sign up please follow this link or download the app from your app store: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/framinghamearlhs/?utm_campaign=raise- more&utm_content=cpl Parents’ Events this term: Thank you to all the parents and carers who have been involved with events this term including Parent Forum, Year 9 Options Evening, Year 7 Parents’ Evening, RSE Consultation and Re-Opening Q&A. Next term • 15th April Year 11 Parents’ & Students’ Question and Answer session https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82874378101?pwd=UkhIRU1hcjdoV1BpRUMzSW55UExYdz09 Meeting ID: 828 7437 8101 Passcode: 0GsweP • 20th April Year 6 Transition Event for new Year 7s https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84990810249?pwd=dld3VFNSTHE0QUxjcmxacVFFZWxYdz09 Meeting ID: 849 9081 0249 Passcode: 0sQEGS • w/c 26th April Year 8 Parents’ & Carers’ Consultation Evening • 19th May Full Governors’ Meeting • 24th May Parent Forum https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85481332151?pwd=cGg4K1VBY1BncHFvRnlKdVBGU2F0Zz09 Meeting ID: 854 8133 2151 Passcode: 2gYW5N TestRegister & Lateral Flow Kits: Your child will receive today a larger box of Lateral Flow Tests to use over the 2 weeks of Easter. When they return after the holiday, they will receive a box of 3 each week. As a school we are asked to log the kits we have distributed and collate results. This supports us working with Public Health England and the Track and Trace service. We are using the system ‘TestRegister’ which will send emails each Sunday and Thursday. On the email you will also be able to go to the NHS site to log your test result and receive your confirmation email. www.framinghamearlhighschool.co.uk | 01508 492547 | [email protected] Framingham Earl High School Spring Term 2021 Friday 26th March 2021 The information on TestRegister is only held by the school. Support for Families: Norfolk Support Fund: As part of this vouchers have been provided via Edenred for £30 per child for those families in receipt of Free School Meals over the Easter period. Laptop Scheme: Mrs Harvey and Mr Vandenbergh continue to provide support for families with our laptop loan scheme. Please be in touch with Mrs Harvey if you wish to discuss Access to Technology further. If you feel your circumstances have changed and you may be eligible for the Pupil Premium, please complete the application form via NCC website: https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/education-and- learning/schools/school-meals-and-milk Lost Property: We still have a wealth of PE kits, shoes, coats and school uniform in the main school office. Those items that have been in the lost property room since December will be taken to the local clothes bank over the Easter break. Any items that are named are returned to children – please do take a few moments to name clothes and shoes before children bring them to school. Clubs and Societies: The PE department will run year group bubble extra-curricular practices when students return to school in April. Specific details will be shared by form tutors. Levi’s - Youth for Christ Group meets in Mr Neville’s room on a Tuesday lunchtime. Please speak to Mr Neville for more details. No Outsiders Young people working with Mrs Andrews on a range of initiatives to engage with all parts of our community. Sports Clubs @ lunchtime for next half term: We have continued our very successful partnership with ProSport Coaching and Paul’s team have been superb with the young people. After Easter, the programme of activities has altered to offer sessions for Years 7 - 10. https://forms.office.com/r/q2DCUVEFMM www.framinghamearlhighschool.co.uk | 01508 492547 | [email protected] Framingham Earl High School Spring Term 2021 Friday 26th March 2021 Subjects Overview: Drama: 2021 has been a challenging year for the Drama Department, however we have been really impressed by work presented by all year groups. Our Year 7s and 8s have looked at the genre of murder mysteries and many of the students created brilliant video monologues.
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