7. S.B. 9197(1,Rt)Mar

7. S.B. 9197(1,Rt)Mar

MAR (Earldom of) . - -- [Collection of papers, MSS., newspaper cuttings ... relating to the Mar Peerage case in the House of Lords, 1875 -83.1 Df.3.94. MAR ( ANNABELLA MURRAY, afterwards ERSKINE, Countess of). - -- See JULIUS (A.). Mater compellat filium sibi superstitem. (Illustrissimae dominae ... Annabellae Murraviae Comitissae Marriae ... vitae ... et mortis beatae s peculum ...) MAR (JOHN ERSKINE, 6th Earl of) . - -- A journal of the Earl of Marr's proceedings, from his first arrival in Scotland, to his embarkation for France. repr. Lond. [1715.] Df.5.7o/5. - -- A letter from the Earl of Mar to the King, before His Majesty's arrival in England; with remarks on my Lord's subsequent conduct, by Sir R. Steele. Lond., 1715. FZ.8.11/10. MAR (JOHN ERSKINE, 11th Earl of). - -- Lord Mar's legacies, 1722 -27. See WARISTON (Sir A. JOHNSTON, Lord). Diary ... ».7. MAR (JOHN FRANCIS ERSKINE GOODEVE- ERSKINE, 33rd Earl of). - -- Ancient and modern. [A history of the Earldom of Mar by the claimant J.F.E. Goodeve -Erskine, together with a report of the judgment given in the House of Lords, 25th Feb. 1875, on the claim of Lord Kellie to the "Earldom of Mar.] (And Appendix.) [Anon.] 3 pts. (in 1). Priv. pr. [Loud. ?] 1875. Yq.3.50. 5.g .929 T (49rictr - -- Another copy. S.B. 9197(1,rt)Mar - -- Another copy. Scott. Stud. Lib. MAR (NORMAN DEL). See DEL MAR (NORMAN). ADDITIONS MAR (ELtAS). -- Eftir Grnstuttan leik. Skaldsaga. [Nÿir Pennar.] Reykjavik, 1946. LL.108.5.16. MAR (JOSÉ MATOS). See MATOS MAR (JOSE). MAR AND KELLIE (Earl of). - -- Report on the manuscripts of the Earl of M. and K. preserved at Alloa House, N.B. [Hist. MSS. Comm.] Lond., 1904. Ref.Hist.Q. - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. - -- Supplementary report on the manuscripts of the Earl of Mar & Kellie, preserved at Alloa House, Clacmannanshire. Ed. by ... H. Paton. [Hist. MSS. Comm.] Lond., 1930. Ref.Hist.Q. MARA BAR SERAPION. - -- Epistle. [Syr. and Eng. See CURETON (W.) ed. and tr. Spicilegium Syriacum ... MARABELLI (FRANCESCO). - -- Compendio di alcune analisi fatte sopra diverse piante ... n.p., n.d. H^ 25.16/21. xxx Title -page wanting. - -- De Zea Mays planta analytica disquisitio. Papiere, 1793. *L.22.100/2. - -- Lezioni di chimica-farmaceutica. 3 vols. Pavia, 1805 -9. '1.22.43 -45. MARABINI (CLAUDIO). - -- Gli Anni Sessanta narrativa e storia. [Doc. Lett.] Milano [1969.] .8539104 Mar. MARABINI (JEAN). - -- Naissance d'un monde. Tom. 1. [Clefs de l'Aventure, tClefs du Savoir 56.] Paris. .9(4707 -0841) Mar. 1. L'Etincelle. Lénine, organisateur de la Révolution russe. [1962.] ADDITIONS A MAR YAHBH- ALLAA III, Patriarch of the Nestorians. See YAHBH-ALLAHA. MARA (SALLY) pseud. of RAYMOND QUENEAU. See QUENEAU (RAYMOND). MARA (Did fit_ A-ry l.) - Bacteriology for sanitary engineers. Edin., 1974. Engin. Lib. - -- Appropriate sanitation alternatives for low- income communities; a brief introduction. See APPROPRIATE technology for water supply and sanitation. Vol. 16. MARABOTTINI (ALESSANDRO). - -- Polidoro da Caravaggio. 2 vol. (in 1). Roma [1969.] .75(4506 -07) Pol. Mar. MARACHE (RENE). - -- La critique littéraire de langue latine et le développement du goût archalsant au IIe siècle de notre ère. Rennes, 1952. .87 Mar. - -- Mots nouveaux et mots archaYques chez Fronton et Aulu- Gelle. [Rennes, Univ. Fac. des Lett. Tray. Sér. 1, Vol. 1.1 [Paris, 1957.] .8763:.8789 Gel.Mar. MARAFIOTUS (HIERONYMUS). - -- De arte reminiscentiae Venetiis, 1602. EE.13.36/1. MARAGALL (JOAN). - -- Obres completes ... edició definitiva. Diicc i6: Joan Estelrich. Vols. 1 -4. Barcelona, 1929-30.9 9 -30. Span. Lib. 1. Poesies, visions i cants ... amb un prbleg de J.Ma. Capdevila. 1929. 2. E. Hello: Fisonomias de santos, versio castellana, amb una introducció da P. Antoni ti. de Barcelona. 1929. 3. Elogios, amb prbleg de M. dels S. Oliver. 1929. 4. Epistolari. Vol. 1. Cartes a Antoni Rouva, amb prbleg de Carles Soldevila. 1930. - -- Joan Maragall; conferències en commemoració del centenari de la seva naixen2a, 1860 i del cinquantenari de la seva mort, 1911. (Prefaci per F. Millet i Maristany.) Barcelona, 1963. .849915 Mar. A#4. - -- See ALONSO (DAMASO). Cuatro poetas espanoles; Garcilaso, Góngora, M. ... - -- See TERRY (ARTHUR). La poesia de J.M. ADDITIONS NIARAI3UDIN (A.A.). - See BOBTON (GEORGE K.) ana M. (El.%. ). MARTGHE'I (OUHADI). See AUHADI ESFAHANI. MARAGHI (AHMAD MUSTAFA AL -). - -- [Tafsir al- Maraghi.] 3 vols. Cairo, 1946. Islamic Lib. - -- [oUlum al-balágha: al-bayá.n wa'1-macáni wa'1-badic Ed. by Abu al-Wafá, Mustafá, al-Marághi. 3rd impr.] [Arab.] [Cairo] n.d. .89275 Mar. MARAGHÌ (IcTIMAD AL-SALTANAH SANIc AL-DAULAH MUHAMMAD HASAN KHAN). See E'temad as-Saltaizé (Hasan). MARAGHIANNIS (G.). - -- Antiquités crétoises. 1re Sér. Cinquante planches par G.M. Texte de L. Pernier et G. Karo. Vienne [1907.] L.A.B. .913(3918) Mar. * *x Lord Abercromby Bequest. - -- Another copy. *** Baldwin Brown Bequest. MARAGONE ( BERNARDO). See MARANGONE ( BERNARDO). MARAHRENS (AUGUST). - -- Grammatik der plattdeutschen Sprache. Altona, 1858. Zt.11.21. MARAI (SANDOR). - -- Egy polgár vallomásai. Budapest, n.d. 0.S. .8945113 Mar. MARAIS ( BAREND JACOBUS). - -- Colour; unsolved problem of the West. Cape Twon [1953.] .30145/Mar. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS NARATMAT.AT ADIGAL. - -- The Saiva Siddhanta as a philosophy of practical knowledge. By Swami Vedachalam, alias M.A. ... Ed. 2. Madras, 1966. .294551 Mar. MARAINI (DACIA). -- Don Juan. [Coll. di Teatro, 208.] Torino, 1976. .85291 Mar. MAR.AINI (FOSCO). --- Japan; patterns of continuity. 5th pr. Tokyo, 1976. F .9(52)01 Mar. MARAIS ( BAREND JACOBUS) [continued]. - -- Another copy. C.A.S. - -- The two faces of Africa. Pietermaritzburg, 1964. C.A.S. MARAIS (BEN J.). See MARAIS ( BAREND JACOBUS). MARAIS (EUGENE NIELEU). - -- The soul of the ape. Introd. by R. Ardrey. Lond., 1969. Psychol. Lib. - -- The soul of the white ant, by E.N.M. With a biographical note by his son & translated by Winifred de Kok. Lond., 1937. .59573 Mar. MARAIS (JOHANNES STEPHANUS). - -- The Cape Coloured people, 1652 -1937. Repr. Johannesburg, 1957. .9(68) Mar. - -- Another copy. C.A.S. The oolonioation of New Zealand. Repr. [Colon. Hist. Scr,] .3253(931) 1484,1r7 - -- The fall of Kruger's Republic. Oxford, 1961. .9(6804) Mar. - -- another copy. R.R. (IIi15. ) - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. - -- Repr. Oxford, 1962. C.A.S. - -- Maynier and the first Boer republic. Cape Town [1944.] .9(6874) Mar. AI)1)IIIVIV MARAIS (EUGÈNE NIELEU). --- See FUGARD (ATHOL) and DEVENISH (ROSS). The guest; an episode in the life of E.M.. MARAIS (GENOVEVA). Kwame Nkrumah as I knew him. Chichester [1972.] C.A.S. - -- Another copy. .9(667) NKr. Mar. MARAIS DE BEAUCHAMP (PAUL). See BEAUCHAMP (PAUL MARAIS DE). MARAKOVIC (MILAN). - -- Studien über die Bora. Ti. 1. [Zur Kunde d. Balkanhalbinsel, 1, 18.] Hft. Sarajevo, 1913. P .55151$Max. MARAMBAUD (PIERRE). - -- William Byrd of Westover, 1671 -1744. Charlottesville, 1971. .8181 Byr. Max. MARAMtTRES. MUZEUL JUDETEAN MARAMURE. 1-3. - -- Marmatia. Baia Mare, 1969- -N. Archaeol. Lib. MARAN, Prudentius. gentilium - -- See SAS, the Philosopher. Hermiae philosophi irrisio philosophorum ... Illam ... recensuit ... J.C.T. de Otto ... Insunt et Marani prolegomena in Justinum, Tatianum, Athenagoram, Theophilum, Hermiam. MARAN (ARNOLD GEORGE D.). - -- See STELL (PHILIP MICHAEL) and M. (A.G.D.) MARAN (RENÉ). - -- Savorgnan de Brazza. Éd. définitive. Paris [1951.] .91(672) Say. Mar. MARAN (STEPHEN PAUL). - -- See BRANDT (JOHN CONRAD) and M. (S.P.) MARANDA (ELLI KÖNGÄS). - -- See MARANDA (PIERRE) and M. (E.K.) [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS )a.'.L,a L.CJ.__ itu , ed. Iry rtebrate tissue culture; research applications. New York, 1976. ':5001. Lib. MARAMUR. MU7.EtTL JUDETr:PSi MAtcAMUN. --- E}hidul expozitiei de arheologie. :sedactat de C. Kacaó. Baia Mare, 1972. Archasol. Lib. --- See CHLRILX ( &tXEN) and SOCOLAN (AUREL). Tezaure pi desooperiri monetare din colectia Muzeului Judetean Maramure®. TMIARAM7IN (YLAllIMIR RAFAILOVICH). ,310H,ljr1Ii obeero ipET£l; B3a3.YihdHa3.H IIODE1C;Tb. Ann Arbor L1975.] .9917342 Mar. --- °MCimeo roti upei ,e; :oaCCRaau H IIobecTV4. Aontger on, 1979. .8917342 Mar. MARANA (GIOVANNI PAOLO) . L'esploratore torce e le di lui rclazone segrete alla porte ottomane. See TURKISH SPY. Letters writ by a Turkishsh spy ... MARAUDA (ELLI KÚNGXS) [continued]. - -- and MARAUDA (PIERRE. - -- Structural models in folklore and transformational essays. [Approaches to Semiotics, 10.] The Hague, 1971. .398018 Mar. MARAUDA (PIERRE. - -- French kinship; structure and history. [Janua Linguarum, Ser. Practica, 169.] The Hague, 1974. .30142(44 ) Mar. - -- ed. Mythology; selected readings. [Penguin Mod. Sociol. Readings.] Harmondsworth, 1972. .29113 Mar. --- Repr. Harmondsworth, 1973. Scott. Stud. Lib. - -- Another copy. Soc. Anthrop. Lib. - -- ed. Soviet structural folkloristics; texts by Meletinsky [and others], with tests of the approach by Jilek [and others]. Introd. and ed. by P.M. Vol. 1. [Approaches to Semiotics, 42.] The Hague, 1974. .398018 Max. - -- See MARAUDA (ELLI KÚNGAS) and M. (P.) - -- See POUILLON (JEAN) and M. (P.) and MARAUDA (ELLI KÚNGÄS). eds. Structural analysis of oral tradition. [Univ. of Pennsylvania, Publ. in Folklore and Folklife, No. 3.] Philadelphia [1971.] .398018 Mar. - -- Another copy. C.A.S. - -- Another copy. Soc. Anthrop. Lib. À 1)1) I'I'I( NS MARANDA (PIERRE). - ed. Mélanges offerts à Claude Lévi -Strauss à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire de naissance. [Anthropologica, N.S. Vol. 20, Nos. 1 -2, 1978.] Ottawa [1978.] .572 Lev. Mar. - -- and MARANDA (ELLI KÖNGÄS). -- eds. Structural analysis of oral tradition. [Univ. of Pennsylvania, Publ. in Folklore and Folklife, No. 3.] Philadelphia, 1971. Reid Music Lib. MARANDE (LEONARD). See MARRANDE (LEONARD). MARANDET (LAON). - -- See GUITARD ( LUCIEN) and M. (L.) MARANDON (SYLVAINE). - -- L'image de la France dans l'Angleterre victorienne, 1848 -1900. [Paris, 1967.] .9(lJJi07- 08:42)01 Mar. MARANELLI (CARLO). - -- and SALVEMINI (GAETANO). - -- La questione dell' Adriatico. 2a ed. ampliata e corretta. [La Giovine Europa.] Roma, n.d. .3r(45)0128 d,l 3201Z (4.5 ) Mqr. MARANGONE (BERNARDO). - -- Gli annales Pisani di Bernardo Maragone. A cura di M.L. Gentile. [Muratori, Rerum Ital.

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