The Inventory of the Tammy Grimes Collection #1023

The Inventory of the Tammy Grimes Collection #1023

The Inventory of the Tammy Grimes Collection #1023 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center GRIMES, Tammy #1023 INVENTORY OUTLINE I. WRITINGS & MANUSCRIPTS. [Box 1, 4-5; Inventory page 1) A. By Tammy Grimes. 1. Full-length works. 2. Short Works, speeches. 3. Screenplays, miscellaneous and fragmented items. 4. Holograph notes and sketches. B. By Others. IT. CORRESPONDENCE. [Box 1, 4; Inventory pages 2-3) A. Grimes Family. B. To Tammy Grimes. C. From Tammy Grimes. Ill. CAREER FILES. [Box 1-2, 4; Inventory pages 4-6) A. Performance files: film, television, and stage. [includes programs, playbills, reviews, correspondence, and other related materials] B. Nightclub reviews. C. Readings, lectures, guest appearances. D. Production notes, schedules, etc. E. Record reviews. F. Biographical materials. G. Publicity. GRIMES, T. ii. IV. PHOTOGRAPHS. [Box 2, 5; Inventory page 6] A. Color and black & white snapshots, most including TG. B. Black & white, most 8 x 10" of TG. C. Contact sheets, negatives (color), 1 black and white TG portrait. V. MEMORABILIA & PERSONAL DOCUMENTS. [Box 3-5; Inventory pages 6-7] A. Invitations. B. Diaries and journals. C. Mementoes and miscellany. D. Awards. VI. FINANCIAL, LEGAL, & MEDICAL RECORDS. (Box 3; Inventory page 7) VII. ARTWORK. [Box 4; Inventory page 7] VIII. MUSICAL SCORES & LYRICS. (Box 4; Inventory page 7] IX. PRINTED. [Box 3-5; Inventory page 8] A. Playbills and pr~grams (not featuring TG). B. Programs and catalogs. C. Newspapers and magazines. 1. Whole issues. 2. Clippings and fragments. D. Newsletters, bulletins, and reports. E. Brochures, pamphlets, and maps. F. Books. G. Miscellany: schedules, advertisements, press releases, etc. GRIMES, Tammy #1023 December 14, 1994 I. WRITINGS & MANUSCRIPTS. A. By Tammy Grimes. 1. Full-length works. a GROUNDSWELL (autobiography). Box 5: 1. Holographnotebook. [fl] Box 4: ii. Notes, research, correspondence, etc. [f.1] 2. Short works and speeches. [f.3] 3. Scr~nplays, miscellaneous and fragmented items. [f.4] 4. Holograph notes and sketches. [f.5-7] B. By Others. 1. · "Social Security", computer typescript with holograph notes. [f.2] Box 1: 2. "Concerning the Tammy Grimes Reading", computer typescript with holograph notes. [f.1] GRIMES, T. p.2 II. CORRESPONDENCE. Box 1: A. Grimes Family. [f.2] B. To Tammy Grimes. 1. 1950s-1960s. [f.3] Including: Burton, Richard. Carson, Johnny. Harrison, Rex. Leslie, Colin. McDowall, Roddy. /Saltonstall, Leverett (US Senate). ✓ Toklas, Alice B. (page 2 only) 2. 1970s. [f.4] Including: Beame, Abraham. (Mayor, NYC). 3. 1980-1983. [f.5] Including: Koch, Edward (Mayor, NYC). Yates, Sidney (US Representative). 4. 1984. [£6] 5. 1985. [f.7] Including: McDowall, Roddy. 6. 1986. [£8] Including: Lapham, Lewis (Harper's Magazine). McDowall, Roddy. Onassis, Jackie Kennedy. 7. 1986. [f.9] Including: Reagan, Nancy. 8. 1987. [£10] GRIMES, T. p.3 B. To Tammy Grimes, ( continued). Box 1: 9. 1987. [£11] Including: Bush, George, Sr. Lindsay, John V. (NYC Mayor). McDowall, Roddy. Robards, Jason. 10. 1988-1993. [£12] Including: Dinkins, David (NYC Mayor). McDowall, Roddy. 11. Undated- notable correspondence. [£13] Including: Gielgud, Sir John. Harrison, Rex. MacLaine, Shirley. McDowall, Roddy. Olivier, Sir Laurence. Simon, Neil. Vanderbilt, Gloria. 12. Undated. [£14] 13. Greeting cards. [£15-17] Box 4: C. From Tammy Grimes. [£8-12] GRIMES, T. p.4 III. CAREER FILES. A. Performance Files: film, television, and stage. [Arranged alphabetically by title of production. Includes programs, playbills, reviews, correspondence, and other related materials] Box 1: 1. "Albertine in Five Times," 1986. [f. 18] 2. "The Amazing Adele," 1956. [f. 19] 3. ''Blithe Spirit," 1972, 1982. [f.20] 4. "Bus Stop," 1955. [f.21] 5. "California Suite," 1976. [f.22] 6. "Clerambard," 1957. [f.23] 7. "The Cocktail Hour," 1990. [f.24] 8. "The Cradle Will Rock," 1960. [f.25] 9. "The Datchet Diamonds," 1960. [f.26] 10. "Destry," 1964. [f.27] 11. "Father's Day," date unknown. [f.28] 12. "Four For Tonight," 1960. [f.29] 13. "45 Minutes From Broadway," 1959. [f.30] 14. "42nd Street," 1980. [f.31] 15. "Gabrielle," 1974-1975. [f.32] 16. "The Gimmick," 1956. [f.33] 17. "Goodbye Charlie," 1970. [f.34] 18. "Gracious Living," 1978. [f.35] 19. "The Great Catherine," 1982. [f.36] 20. "Henry IV," 1959. [f.37] 21. ''High Spirits," 1964. [f.38] 22. "Hollywood Sings," 1960. [f.39] 23. "The Importance of Being Ernest," 1986. [f.40] 24. "In Praise ofLove," 1975. [f.41] 25. "King Henry IV," 1957. [f.42] 26. "The Last Unicom," 1982. [f.43] 27. "Libel," 1954. [f.44] 28. "The Littlest Review," 1956. [f.45] 29. "Look After Lulu," 1959. [f.46] 30. "Mademoiselle Columbe," 1988. [f.47] 31. "The Millionairess," 1981. [f.48] 32. "Mr. North," 1988. [f.49] 33. "Molly," 1978. [f.50] Box 2: 34. "A Month in the Country," 1978. [f.1] 35. ''Musical Jubilee," 1970. [f.2] 36. "My Fat Friend," date unknown. [f.3] GRIMES, T. p.5 A. Performance Files: film, television, and stage, (continued). Box 2: 37. "New Dramatists Spring Luncheon," 1984. [£4] 38. "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever," 1968. [f.5] 39. "Orpheus Descending," 1989. [£6] 40. "Outward Bound," 1983. [f.7] 41. "Over My Dead Body," date unknown. [£ 8] 42. "Paducah," 1985. [f.9] 43. "Private Lives," 1969. [f.10] 44. ''Pygmalion," 1991. [f.11] 45. "Rattle of a Simple Man," 1963. [f.12] 46. "Save it With Music," 1982. [f.13] 47. "Scenes, Music, and Anecdotes," 1984. [f.14] 48. "Slaves ofNew York," 1989; [:f.15] 49. "Social Security," 1987. [f.16] 50. "Star Award Luncheon," 1986. [:f.17] 51. "Sunset," 1983. [f.18] 52. "The Tack Room," date unknown (TG, director). [f. 19] 53. "The Taming of the Shrew," 1973. [£20] 54. "The Tammy and Eddie Albert Show," 1960. [:f.21] 55. "The Tammy Grimes Show," 1966-1967. [f.22] 56. "Tartuffe," 1977-1978. [f.23] 57. "Trick," 1978-1979. [f.24] 58. ''TwelfthNight," 1959. [f.25] 59. "The Unsinkable Molly Brown," 1960-1988. [f.26-28] 60. "Waltz of the Toreadors," 1985. [f.29] 61. "The Warm.Peninsula," 1966. [f.30] 62. "The Winter's Tale," [1957?]. [f.31] 63. "You Never Know," 1955. [f.32] B. Nightclub Reviews. 1981-1988. [f.33] C. Readings, lectures, guest appearances. [f.34] D. Production notes, schedules, etc. 1. Production notes, schedules, etc. [f.35] Box 4: 2. Production notes, schedules, etc. (some oversize). [f.13] Box 2: E. Records Reviews. 1962-1963. [f.36] F. Biographical Materials. [f.37] GRIMES, T. p.6 G. Publicity. Box 2: 1. General: 1959-1961. [f.38] 2. General: 1950s-1980s. [f.39-41] 3. Plummer, Amanda [f.42] 4. Plummer, Christopher. [f.43] IV. PHOTOGRAPHS. A. Color and black & white snapshots, most including TG. Includes some negatives. [f.44-46] B. Black & white, most 8 x 10" of TG. 1970s-1980s. [f.47] Box 5: C. Contact sheets-, negatives ( color), 1 black and white TG portrait. Oversized. [f.2] v. MEMORABILIA & PERSONAL DOCUMENTS. A. Invitations. Box 3: 1. Invitations-1980s-1990s. [f.l] 2. Invitations - 1970s-1980s. [f.2] 3. Party/dinner RSVPs. [f.3] B. Diaries and journals. 1. Green spiral notebook with gardening records, information. 1980-1986. [f.4] 2. Three jourruils: 1980, 1985, 1986. [f.5] 3. 1984 daily planner, labeled "Theatre Diary." [f.6] C. Mementoes and miscellany. 1. Paper mementoes, menus, drawings, business cards, etc. [f.7] 2. Notes, ticket stubs, information re: pet cremation. [f.8] 3. "Uncle Sam's Army Songster" Civil War songbook, 1862. [f.9] GRIMES, T. p. 7 C. Mementoes and miscellany, (continued). Box 3: 4. Pill bottle (case against Dr. Joe Hoffinan). [f.21] 5. Blue comb, ring, and small pin. [f.21] 6. Rock (undetermined significance). [£22] Box 4: 7. Amanda Plummer, holograph notebook, 1966. [£14] Box 5: 8. Amanda Plummer, Kindergarten diploma, 1963. [f.3] Box 4: D. Awards. - certificates. [f.15] VI. FINANCIAL, LEGAL, & MEDICAL RECORDS. Box 3: A. Financial records. Receipts, bills, invoices, cancelled checks. [f 10] B. Legal records. Contracts and AFTRA reports. [f. l O] C. Medical records. Doctor's surveys, prescription notes, veterinary papers. [f 10] VII. ARTWORK. Box 4: . A. Sketches and drawings, etc. [f.16] B. Japanese prints (Hiroshige). [f.16] C. Virginia Lynch Gallery. [f.16] VIII. MUSICAL SCORES & LYRICS. A. Various titles. [f.17] B. "Ideas for Concert- New and Old Songs." [f.17] GRIMES, T. p.8 IX. PRINTED. A. Playbills and programs (not featuring TG). Box 3: 1. Christopher and Amanda Plummer. [f.11] 2. Various. [f.12] B. Programs and catalogs. [f.13-14] C. Newspapers and magazines. Box 5: 1. Whole issues - newspapers. [not foldered] a. BostonPost; December 8, 1941-PearlHarbor. b. Boston Herald; December 8, 1941 - Pearl Harbor. c. Chicago Daily News; November 22, 1963 - Kennedy dies. d. Chicago Tnbune; November 23, 1963 - Kennedy dies. e. New York Times; July 21, 1969-Manonmoon. f. Boston Globe; July 21, 1969 - Man on moon. g. Boston Herald Americ@; January 23, 1973 - Johnson dies. h. Boston Herald Americru!; August 9, 1974 - Nixon resigns. I. Miscellaneous 1980s newspapers. 2. Whole issues- magazines. 1959-1990s. [f.4-6] 3. Clippings and fragments. Box 3: a. Articles re: Tammy Grimes, 1961-1981. [£15] b. Miscellaneous articles. [f.16] Box 4: c. Miscellaneous articles. [f.19] Box 3: D. Newsletters, bulletins, and reports. [f.17] E. Brochures, pamphlets and maps. [f.18] F. Books. 1. Harper's Ferry, Barrie Stavis. G. Miscellany: schedules, advertisements, press releases, etc. [f.20] Grimes, Tammy 2/15/02 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 5 I. Correspondence. A. Personal. 1. ALS to Dr. Howard Gotlieb from TG, 12 p., 2002. (Grimes, Tammy 2/15/02) Page 1 of 1 Grimes, Tammy #1023 3/13/12 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 4 I.

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