E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2005 No. 130 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. The yeas and nays were ordered. erend Holley has organized 10s of cru- The Reverend Henry Holley, Director The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, sades worldwide, many attended by lit- of Asian Affairs, Billy Graham Evan- rule XX, further proceedings on this erally millions. The Hong Kong crusade gelistic Association, Marietta, Georgia, question will be postponed. in 1990, for example, extended its mes- offered the following prayer: f sage of hope and faith to over 100 mil- O Lord, You have said that first of all PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE lion people with the gospel, an effort prayers, supplications, and interces- directed by Reverend Holley. sions be made for those in authority. The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- He has served as a special assistant I pray for this Chamber of Represent- woman from Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN) to Dr. Billy Graham on projects and atives, that they may have wisdom, in- come forward and lead the House in the missions too numerous to count, and tegrity, courage, faithfulness in their Pledge of Allegiance. has recently lent his talent to Rev- performance. I pray for the Speaker of Ms. BALDWIN led the Pledge of Alle- erend Franklin Graham. Reverend this House and our President. Bless giance as follows: Holley is the embodiment of love and each one with Your presence, enfold I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the compassion and humility. He has been United States of America, and to the Repub- them with Your love and strengthen supported in his life work by Betty, his them by Your spirit. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. dear wife of 56 years, who joins us May all remember that government today. For the past 33 years they have f is an institution ordained by Almighty made Georgia their home. They have God, for Thou does not desire that INTRODUCTION OF REVEREND three children and four grandchildren. mankind should live in anarchy in HENRY HOLLEY, GUEST CHAPLAIN Reverend Holley has brightened and which everyone does that which seems (Mr. PRICE of Georgia asked and was made more meaningful so many lives, right in his own eyes. given permission to address the House and I am privileged to have been able I pray for all citizens of our land. for 1 minute.) to add my name to that list. I appre- Cause us to know that righteousness Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, ciate the opportunity to share him exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach. what a distinct privilege and honor to with the House today. May we do justly, love mercy and walk come before you today to introduce our f humbly with Thee. God bless America. guest Chaplain, the Reverend Henry I pray this with all respect for per- Holley. As Members of Congress we are ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER sons of other faiths. I pray this in the truly blessed with the opportunity to The SPEAKER. The Chair will recog- name of my savior, Jesus Christ. meet and get to know many wonderful nize five 1-minutes on each side. Amen. Americans from all walks of life, many f f of whom have dedicated their lives to CAREFUL ADHERENCE TO MEDICA- THE JOURNAL the betterment of the human race. TION THERAPIES SAVES LIVES The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Henry Holley is one of Georgia’s and ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- America’s greatest treasures and a (Mr. MURPHY asked and was given ceedings and announces to the House man who has given all and then some permission to address the House for 1 his approval thereof. in his work on behalf of a grateful na- minute and to revise and extend his re- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- tion followed by his glorious affiliation marks.) nal stands approved. with the Billy Graham Evangelistic As- Mr. MURPHY. Mr. Speaker, failure Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, pursu- sociation. to take prescription medications prop- ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote Following service in World War II in erly accounts for approximately 125,000 on agreeing to the Speaker’s approval the Pacific, Reverend Holley continued deaths, and an additional $100 billion of the Journal. on active duty in the United States per year in preventable hospitaliza- The SPEAKER. The question is on Marine Corps until 1966. He then joined tions, emergency department and re- agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of the Reverend Billy Graham, ultimately peat physician visits. Twenty-three the Journal. becoming ordained into the gospel min- percent of nursing home admissions The question was taken; and the istry by the Johnson Ferry Baptist and 10 percent of all hospital admis- Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Church in my district in Marietta, sions result from patients failing to peared to have it. Georgia. take medications properly. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, on that He has literally given his life to fur- Why do they skip their medications? I demand the yeas and nays. ther outreach and evangelism. Rev- Some forget, some want to save money, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8737 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:16 Oct 08, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07OC7.000 H07OCPT1 H8738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 7, 2005 some did not believe that drugs were The Oak Hills Local School District Floyd County Superintendent Kelly effective. Some doubted they needed to was also rated excellent, continuing in Henson, Coosa Principal Lisa Landrum, take them, or experienced unwanted its long-standing tradition of academic the Floyd County Board of Education side effects. Much of this can be solved excellence. Superintendent Patricia and all the teachers at Coosa Middle by improving communication between Brenneman has a lot to be proud of. School deserve our praise and admira- doctor and pharmacist and patient. With a graduation rate of 98.4 percent, tion for the fine work they do edu- Under the new Medicare bill, phar- Oak Hills boasts the highest rate of cating Rome’s schoolchildren. macists will manage and monitor any high school its size in the entire Their efforts show how much our stu- medications for patients with chronic State of Ohio. dents can achieve when we give them a illness. These programs have the poten- These numbers are a testament to solid educational foundation based on tial to save billions of dollars and thou- the hard work and dedication of the high expectations and the resources sands of lives each year. It is a wel- teachers, administrators, parents, and needed to help students meet these ex- come addition to the Medicare bill and last but not least, the students of Wyo- pectations. one that will help many seniors. ming City Schools and the Oak Hill Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me To learn more about the careful ad- School District. I would like to con- in congratulating Coosa Middle School. herence to medication therapies and gratulate both communities on this how they can save lives and money, I outstanding achievement. f would encourage my colleagues to visit f my Web site at murphy.house.gov. IRAQ AND THE WAR ON TERROR f HOUSE OF SHAME (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY (Mr. PALLONE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 minute.) (Ms. BALDWIN asked and was given minute.) Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, the permission to address the House for 1 Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, Repub- President’s speech yesterday proved minute.) lican cronyism here in Washington is one thing, that this administration is Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise something that has become quite evi- intent on war and nothing else. They today to recognize the importance of dent to people outside the Beltway in are intent on sending more troops to National Coming Out Day. Next Tues- recent weeks. I just wanted to ref- die for a shifting tale of pure fiction, day, October 11th, will be the 18th an- erence today an article in the last issue about WMDs, about trying to establish nual National Coming Out Day. As public officeholders, we know the of Newsweek magazine by Jonathan a democracy, about a war on terror. power of telling real life stories and Alter called ‘‘Tom DeLay’s House of Come home, America. Deal with the putting a human face on the policy Shame.’’ It talks about how Mr. Alter a terror of joblessness in the United issues that we deal with to convey the decade ago called on TOM DELAY in his States. Deal with the terror of lack of ideas that a dry public policy speech ornate office in the Capitol and what adequate health care, of people losing could not convey. he found there. their homes and their hope. Deal with In the movement towards full equal- Alter goes on to say, and I quote, things here at home. Give people a ity for gay, lesbian, bisexuals and ‘‘Thus began what historians will re- chance to make things work for their transgender Americans, no actions gard as the single most corrupt decade families.
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