MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE · 4th Division Honors I.ts Fallen Comrades Camp Enari - The 4th in South Vietnam are here To me it means my · uncle mountains of Burma anCi and that each of us, in our Infantry Division conducted to · deter another form of who gave his ll(e in Europe China in World War II. own way, dedicate himself · a Memorial Day service in communism .. Here I refer to Jn World. War I in· assisting The division commander to. the freedom and security honor of its fallen comrades to :Hanoi's- communism and out British and Fr~hch al.lies concluded by saying, of our own· people as well Tuesday morning in front of its- intent to deprive the in maintaininl) their.:....and "Collectively, we, in the 4th as that of other free p'eople division headquarters. people of South Vietnam of our-freedom. , '?,:.-; '. Infantry Division have an . throughout the world." With both the American their liberty and their right "It ·also means my. ·ve,ry obligation to uphold. It is ·a Lieutenant Colonel Herbert a~d Vietnamese flags flying· of free expression. In this debt which we owe to those A. Robimon, division adjutant at half-staff, Major General sense each of you is a cru­ close high school ·and college friend who gave his life il1 of this division who have general, and: Major H9ward - William R. Peers, 4th Divi­ sader-a crusader of the op­ fought and have died here M. Hupe, assistant adjutant sion commander, addressed pressed and a protector of the U.S. Army Air Corps in South Vietnam. ' general, then read a rosier tl).e assembled soldiers. those who would be taken over Berlin in World War· II. "It is our obligation to of soldiers from · the 4.th · The general pointed out, over by aggression. And it further includes those insure that their loss_ was Division's · I st · and 2 h d "Those of us in the 4th In­ "Memorial Day," continu­ with whom I fought and who­ not. in. vain; that we ·will Brigades and . th~ 25th.Infantry fantry Division and all other . ed General Peers, "means gave their live~ in the Amer­ continue our efforts in behalf · Division's 3rd Brigade .who American military personnel many things to many people. ican c~use in the jung l ~s and of the Vietnamese people; were killed in Vietnam: ~JJWYll!JJ:jjj w .FAMOUS FOURT VOJ,. I, No. 30 PLEIKU, VIETNAM JUNE 2, 1967 1st Brigade Companies Kill 133. Enemy In Two Battles Saigon- The heavy fight­ arms, mortar and approxi­ Ccmpany B in the same area i,ng of the past week in the mately 70 rounds of rocket reported taking enemy mortar Central. Hjg!1lands. !ias t~per- · fire. · . fire ·from . the -." sou.th ·of· its ed off;. The ·battalion's Company position. Units of the 4th Infantry C linked up with Company B Artillery and.. air strikes Division's I st and 2nd Bri­ after a long march through were called in as tl1e U.S. gades now report, only light, thick jungle and steep hills. 0 infantrymen linked their sporadic contact ' With the The two companies, along defensive perimeters ·to hold enemy as they continue to with artillery, gunship heli­ back repeate.d· charges. by the conduct Operation Francis copters and air. strikes, turn­ enemy. 'The enemy broke , Marion. ed back th e North Viet­ contact at 12: 12 p.m. Ivy troops from the I st namese ground attack after The results were 96 NVA Brigade battled enemy forces the enemy bad assaulted their and Ip t.J:s. personnel killed, May 24 and last Friday perimeter; The enemy broke . 54 . U.S. soldirrs wounded PIGGY-BACK STYLE before contact . ea~ed off. A contact at 5:50 p.m. and 20 individual and IO Specialist 4 Donald Van Hook {Manchester, Ga.), an total of 133 enemy were U.S. · troops · fom;id 35 · crew-served Y{tapons seized. advisor. from the Military Assistance Command; Vietnam, killed in the two battles. enemy bodies and captured working with the 4th Division, helps a disabled .Montagnard At 4: 12 p.m. May 24, Com­ six rifles, two B-40 rocket villager 'to an awaiting helicopter from the 52nd Aviation pany B of the 3rd )3attalipn, launchers and five B-40 3rd . Brigade. rocket r.ounds. Five infantry­ Battalion, as the villagers . mov~ from one of thei'r' villages 12th Infantry, . lQc ated ·56 to the Government of Vietnam-protected Edap E11ang kilometers west·southwest of men were killed and 14 Units Begin resettlef'!ent · grea. (USA Photo by PFC Steve Frye)_ · Pleiku, took heavy small wounded. A muiti-company force Diamond Head CIVIC ACTION IN RE.VERSE from the 3rd l:lattalion, 8th Irifantry battled an unknown­ Saigon - Uuits of the 3rd size force of NV A regulars Brigade, 4th Infantry Divi­ last Friday. sion are conducting Oper­ Monta.gnards .Landsc·ap~ Area For Engineers Company C, sweeping ation Diamond Head in Tay By Sp4 James E., Brunko · and flowers have been plant­ hands." Hill 521 just to the west of Ninh Province, it was an­ Camp Enari - Fifteen ed so as to form two engineer Second Lieutenant Marion Chu Coungot Mountain, 53 nounced Sunday by the U.S. Montagnards from the village castles and two 4th Division E. Dickerhoof (Trinidad, kilometer's southwest of Pleiku Military Assistance Com­ of La Son recently volun­ patches. The '_ enthusiastic . Colo.), the battalion civil af­ City, engaged the enemy at mand. teered to landscape the area villagers worked . for two. fairs of.ficer, added, "The 8:55 a.m. No major contact bas been in front of the 4th Engineer days on the project. · officers and men of the 4th From 9:50 to I 0:25 a.m. reported in the multi-bat­ Batta,lion Headquarters to E11gineer Battalion were talion operation which was The Montagn:ird "civil show their appreciation for -honored to have the people initiated May 16' in an area affairs'" team was led by Mr. the civil affair11 activities and: of La Son show their feelings 26 kilometers.north-northwest Le Unn, mayor of La Son; The "Ivy Leaf," which projects carried out in their 1 i.n such a pleasant and color­ of Tay Ninh City. · · village by tlie men of the 4th Mr. Vo Hua, chief. of police, ful way. has been published in an!f Sergeant an Army Two enemy and 14 U.S. Engineer Battalion. Ic~s, "The growth _of the plants Saigon, is In the pro­ of the Republic ' of Vietnam · infantrymen have been killed and flowers can be likened The villagers landscap~d a soldier and · the: battalion's cess of moving to a . and nine U.S. soldiers wound­ 1,700 square-foot area, sup­ interpreter. to : th e friendship exis.ting printing plant In .Tokyo. ed. Ivy troops have captured plying all th~ plants, flowers, between the people of La It was obvious that; as The next Issue Is three individu.~I weapons and and shrubbery necessary for San and the soldiers of the detained three suspects. the project. Sergeant Ichs · put it, "The 4th ·Engineer Battalion :which tenatlvely scheduled ta villagers were pleased to has and will continue to appear June I I. Diamond Head is under The actual landscaping show us how skillful they grow and blossom,'" said "the the or1erational control of the is unique in that the plants were with their tools and lieutenant. · 25th Infantry Division. Page 2 IVY LEAF June 2, 1967 COMMANDER'S NOTE.: Stop That Thief STEADFAST 1 ca11 reca"ll fro111 111y earliest days of service lhal·old barrllck's adage ilia/ if you can't trust .your bud_dy AND with your wallet, you can'I trust flim wilfl your life. [Jere i11 Viel11a111 l/1is adage has been brouglil /iome agai11 be cause we are in a situation where each day LOYA·L you 11111 sl lrusl your budd!J with your life. )Jul there is still the q11eslio11, ca11 1 lrusl hi111 with my Iva/lei? l' m sorry lb say that the division has experienced .fi111111l1111111111111111111mu111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111nu111111111111111111111111 1111111111111,111111111K111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ a si,q11ifica11t number of larcenies of private property Silver Star Capt. Ronald H. Thornquist-Co B, 4th. Avn Bn and 1ito11ay. fo mast cases the larceny occurred wherein Capt. Norman J. Dzingleski.:...co B, 4tb Avn Bn an in<lividual's wallet was slolcn from his clolhi11g Maj. James E. Moore Jr.-HHC, 1/35th Inf WO Phillip H. Webb Jr.-Co B, 4th Avn Bn Sp4 Garland A: Newhouse-Btry B, a/17th Arty Sp4 Gerald P. Polman-Co B, 4U1 Avn Bn during /he· 11ighl or was taken from a bunk or Capt. Douglas J. Mann-Co B, 4th Avn Bn 1wsec11red cot.'laiittr in a billet area. · i>oslhumous Silver Star WO Berle C. Bigelow-HHC, isl Bde, 4th Div Sgt. Frank D. Bazell-HHC, 1/35th Inf Maj. Jordan M. Kilgour-HBC, 4th Eng Bn Tire world would be belier off wilho11l l/1fr11cs-all Sp4 Edward Carrola-Co A, x/14th Inf Lt. Col. Leonard A. Morley-HHC, 1/22nd Inf kinds- whelher /he!]' sleri/ wallets or whole co.unlries. SFC William C. Poole-Co B, x/35(h Inf ·Sp5 Clyde B. Land- Co A, 4th Avn 'Bn Col/ecliuely we arc • fighling the laller here in Viel­ Posthumous Sp4 Harvey P. Best-Co A, 4th Avn Bn , mun and coUeclively each of' the us can fighl lite Sp4 Michael C. Brower-Co A, 4th Avn Bn Distinguished Flying Cros~ wallet thief loo.
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