October 1, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 18161 of S. 1467, a bill to amend the Hmong will award a gold medal on behalf of have distinguished records of public service Veterans’ Naturalization Act of 2000 to the Congress to Reverend Doctor Mar- to the American people and the inter- extend the deadlines for application tin Luther King, Jr., posthumously, national community; and payment of fees. (2) Dr. King preached a doctrine of non- and his widow Coretta Scott King in violent civil disobedience to combat segrega- S.J. RES. 12 recognition of their contributions to tion, discrimination, and racial injustice; At the request of Mr. SMITH of New the Nation on behalf of the civil rights (3) Dr. King led the Montgomery bus boy- Hampshire, the name of the Senator movement. It is time to honor Dr. Mar- cott for 381 days to protest the arrest of Mrs. from New Hampshire (Mr. GREGG) was tin Luther King, Jr. and his widow Rosa Parks and the segregation of the bus added as a cosponsor of S.J. Res. 12, a Coretta Scott King, the first family of system of Montgomery, Alabama; joint resolution granting the consent the civil rights movement, for their (4) in 1963, Dr. King led the march on Wash- of Congress to the International Emer- distinguished records of public service ington, D.C., that was followed by his famous address, the ‘‘I Have a Dream’’ speech; gency Management Assistance Memo- to the American people and the inter- (5) through his work and reliance on non- randum of Understanding. national community. violent protest, Dr. King was instrumental S. RES. 109 As one of the premier champions of in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, At the request of Mr. REID, the name basic human rights, Dr. King worked and the Voting Rights Act of 1965; of the Senator from Washington (Ms. unselfishly to combat segregation, dis- (6) despite efforts to derail his mission, Dr. CANTWELL) was added as a cosponsor of crimination, and racial injustice. In King acted on his dream of America and suc- S. Res. 109, a resolution designating 1963, Dr. King led the March on Wash- ceeded in making the United States a better place; the second Sunday in the month of De- ington, D.C., that was followed by his (7) Dr. King was assassinated for his beliefs cember as ‘‘National Children’s Memo- famous address, the ‘‘I Have a Dream’’ on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee; rial Day’’ and the last Friday in the speech. Through his work and reliance (8) Mrs. King stepped into the civil rights month of April as ‘‘Children’s Memo- on nonviolent protest, Dr. King was in- movement in 1955 during the Montgomery rial Flag Day.’’ strumental in the passage of the Civil bus boycott, and played an important role as S. CON. RES. 69 Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting a leading participant in the American civil At the request of Mr. WARNER, the Rights Act of 1965. Despite efforts to rights movement; name of the Senator from Connecticut (9) while raising 4 children, Mrs. King de- derail his mission, Dr. King acted on voted herself to working alongside her hus- (Mr. LIEBERMAN) was added as a co- his dream of America and succeeded in band for nonviolent social change and full sponsor of S. Con. Res. 69, a concurrent making the United States a better civil rights for African Americans; resolution expressing support for tu- place. (10) with a strong educational background berous sclerosis awareness. Mrs. Coretta Scott King, working in music, Mrs. King established and per- AMENDMENT NO. 1583 alongside her husband, played an im- formed several Freedom Concerts, which At the request of Mrs. CLINTON, the portant role as a leading participant in were well received, and which combined name of the Senator from Oklahoma prose and poetry narration with musical se- the American civil rights movement. lections to increase awareness and under- (Mr. NICKLES) was added as a cosponsor Dr. and Mrs. King worked together to standing of the Southern Christian Leader- of amendment No. 1583 proposed to achieve nonviolent social change and ship Conference (of which Dr. King served as H.R. 2590, a bill making appropriations full civil rights for African Americans. the first president); for the Treasury Department, the After the assassination of her husband, (11) Mrs. King demonstrated composure in United States Postal Service, the Exec- Mrs. King devoted her time and energy deep sorrow, as she led the Nation in mourn- utive Office of the President, and cer- to developing and building the Atlanta- ing her husband after his brutal assassina- tain Independent Agencies, for the fis- tion; based Martin Luther King, Jr. Center (12) after the assassination, Mrs. King de- cal year ending September 30, 2002, and for Nonviolent Social Change as an en- voted all of her time and energy to devel- for other purposes. during memorial to her husband’s life oping and building the Atlanta-based Martin AMENDMENT NO. 1599 and his dream of full civil rights for all Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social At the request of Mr. LOTT, the Americans. Mrs. King also led the mas- Change (hereafter referred to as the ‘‘Cen- names of the Senator from Virginia sive campaign to establish Dr. King’s ter’’) as an enduring memorial to her hus- (Mr. WARNER), the Senator from Vir- birthday as a national holiday which is band’s life and his dream of nonviolent social change and full civil rights for all Ameri- ginia (Mr. ALLEN), and the Senator now celebrated in more than 100 coun- cans; from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN) were tries around the world. (13) under Mrs. King’s guidance and direc- added as cosponsors of amendment No. In recognition of the contributions tion, the Center has flourished; 1599 intended to be proposed to S. 1438, made by Dr. and Mrs. King to the civil (14) the Center was the first institution a bill to authorize appropriations for rights movement and this Nation, Con- built in honor of an African American leader; fiscal year 2002 for military activities gress should honor these two out- (15) the Center provides local, national, of the Department of Defense, for mili- standing individuals by enacting legis- and international programs that have tary constructions, and for defense ac- lation that would authorize the Presi- trained tens of thousands of people in Dr. King’s philosophy and methods, and boasts tivities of the Department of Energy, dent to award a gold medal on their be- the largest archive of the civil rights move- to prescribe personnel strengths for half. Now is the time to honor two of ment; and such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, this Nation’s greatest public figures, (16) Mrs. King led the massive campaign to and for other purposes. the late Reverend Doctor Martin Lu- establish Dr. King’s birthday as a national f ther King, Jr. and his widow, Coretta holiday, and the holiday is now celebrated in Scott King. more than 100 countries. STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED I ask unanimous consent that the SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS text of the bill be printed in the (a) PRESENTATION AUTHORIZED.—The Presi- By Mr. CLELAND (for himself dent is authorized to present, on behalf of RECORD. the Congress, a gold medal of appropriate de- and Mr. MILLER): There being no objection the bill was sign to Reverend Doctor Martin Luther S. 1476. A bill to authorize the Presi- ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as King, Jr. (posthumously) and his widow dent to award a gold medal on behalf of follows: Coretta Scott King, in recognition of their the Congress to Reverend Doctor Mar- S. 1476 service to the Nation. tin Luther King, Jr. (posthumously) (b) DESIGN AND STRIKING.—For the purpose Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- of the presentations referred to in subsection and his widow Coretta Scott King in resentatives of the United States of America in recognition of their contributions to (a), the Secretary of the Treasury shall Congress assembled, strike a gold medal with suitable emblems, the Nation on behalf of the civil rights SECTION 1. FINDINGS. devices, and inscriptions, to be determined movement; to the Committee on Bank- Congress finds that— by the Secretary. ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (1) Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, SEC. 3. DUPLICATE MEDALS. Mr. CLELAND. Madam President, I Jr. and his widow Coretta Scott King, as the The Secretary of the Treasury shall strike rise today to introduce legislation that first family of the civil rights movement, and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold VerDate jul 14 2003 19:21 Apr 25, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S01OC1.001 S01OC1 18162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE October 1, 2001 medal struck pursuant to section 2, under treatment of animals in commercial tionwide who support this bill printed such regulations as the Secretary may pre- breeding facilities. Let me be clear, in the RECORD. scribe, at a price sufficient to cover the costs there are many responsible breeders There being no objection, the mate- of the duplicate medals and the gold medal throughout the United States who ex- rial was ordered to be printed in the (including labor, materials, dies, use of ma- RECORD, as follows: chinery, and overhead expenses). ercise appropriate care and judgment ENDORSEMENT LIST FOR PUPPY PROTECTION SEC. 4. NATIONAL MEDALS. in their breeding practices. This bill is ACT The medals struck under this Act are na- not intended to be punitive to those (827 Endorsements—Updated 10/01/01) tional medals for purposes of chapter 51 of breeders.
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