MUSEUMS & MONUMENTS Forts, TREncHES, WAR CEMETERIES & otHER WorKS Val di Sole 33 47 59 74 Forte Corno Bosco Caproni Trenches Matassone Trenches Monte Rust Observatory Val di Fiemme 21 3 48 75 Forte Strino 60 & Val di Fassa Busa dei Capitani Zugna Trenches Virti Tactical Command 91 49 Forte Dossaccio Monte Nozzolo & Monte Cadria how to get there Info Valle di Ledro Trentino is easily reached from the North and from the South, by train on the Verona- Tourism Consortium, Brennero-Munich line and by car on the A22 Brennero highway. The closest airports are 1 6 11 16 Ph. +39 0464 591222 the Dolomiti San Giacomo of Bolzano (57 km), the Valerio Catullo of Verona (90 km), the vallediledro.com Gabriele d’Annunzio of Brescia (135 km), the Marco Polo of Venice (163 km), the Bergamo- Pejo 1914 –1918 Museo Garibaldino e della Centro Documentazione Luserna Museo della Grande Guerra Ingarda Trentino Orio al Serio (180 km) and those of Milan, Linate and Malpensa (approx. 250 km). For Via Trento 6, Luserna 34 The War on Our Doorstep Grande Guerra (The Garibaldi 1914-18 (Museum of the Great War) Tourist Office internal travel, there is the Trento-Malè railroad for reaching Valle di Non and Val di Sole, Forte Carriola Salita San Rocco 1, Pejo Paese and Great War Museum) Passo Fedaia - Canazei Ph. +39 0464 554444 and the Trento- Venice railroad that crosses through Valsugana, as well as the Trentino Via Lungassat Salvator Greco 14, Bezzecca Ph. +39 0464 789638 22 gardatrentino.it Trasporti bus lines. 35 61 Ph. +39 348 7400942 lusern.it Ph. +39 0462 601181 / +39 347 7972356 Forte Zaccarana 76 SUMMER 2016 museopejo.it Ph. +39 0464 508182 [email protected] Forte Clemp - Trenches Monte Pasubio Opening times: visittrentino.it Museo delle Palafitte (Pile-Dwelling Museum) Slaghenaufi Austro–Hungarian 16th April - 2nd November & 26th 23 trentinograndeguerra.it Opening times: palafitteledro.it Opening times: 62 December - 6th January every day 10- Forte Pozzi Alti 36 Rovereto Military Cemetery Christmas and Easter periods, museostorico.tn.it summer only 10-12.30am & 2-5.30pm; 18th June - 31st July, 29th August 12.30am & 2-6pm; 1st January 2-6pm; closed Tuesday Corno di Cavento Cippo di Serravalle by appointment at other periods & Vallagarina together cultures and peoples bringing - 18th September every day Opening times: 24 Tunnel 10-12 am & 4-7pm; 1st - 28th August 63 footpaths to line front I War World From June - September Wednesday - Sunday Forte Mero every day 10-12 am and 3-7 pm; ar to Peace to ar W 50 From 10am-6pm; by appointment at other 37 Villetta Trenches by appointment at other periods 92 periods; Colle di S. Stefano Church & Bondo Austro–Hungarian Forte Valmorbia – Pozzacchio 25 Forte Buso Ossuary May - September 10-1pm & 64 3-6pm, closed Monday Pejo Blockhouse Military Cemetery Passo Buole 93 38 26 Forte Moena-Someda 65 Strino Barracks Rio Caino Trenches Marani Trench 94 39 27 Cima Bocche Trenches 66 Passo Paradiso Tunnel Malga Clef War Cemetery Busoni Artillery 95 Enplacements Costabella & Monzoni Trenches 40 77 and Tunnels 17 Linea dei Lupi Trenches Info Costalta Military Cemetery 12 Rovereto and Vallagarina 51 Museo Nazionale Storico degli Tourist Office, Mostra permanente della Info Monte Creino Trenches Alpini (National Museum of the Ph. +39 0464 430363 Info Grande Guerra in Valsugana Madonna di Campiglio, Alpine Troops) visitrovereto.it Alpe Cimbra Folgaria, 2 Pinzolo, Val Rendena Tourist Office e sul Lagorai (Permanent Trento, Doss Trento 52 Lavarone and Luserna Tourist Office Museo della Guerra di Vermiglio Ph. +39 0465 447501 Exhibition on the Great War in Dosso Casina Ph. +39 0464 724100 7 campigliodolomiti.it alpecimbra.it (Vermiglio War Museum) Valsugana & Lagorai) Via di Borgo Nuovo 15, Vermiglio Ph. +39 0461 827248 Valle del Chiese Valsugana and Lagorai MAG Museo Alto Garda Ex Mulino Spagolla, Vicolo Sottochiesa 11, Piazza Battisti 3/A, Riva del Garda museonazionalealpini.it Tourism Consortium, 53 Tourist Office Borgo Valsugana Altipiani di Folgaria, Ph. +39 0465 901217, Ph. +39 0461 727700 Ph. +39 0463 758200 Vermiglio Tourist Office Malga Zures Opening times: 28 visitchiese.it visitvalsugana.it vermigliovacanze.it Ph. +39 0464 573869 Lavarone & Luserna Ph. +39 0461 757195 / +39 0461 754052 Tuesday - Thursday: 9-12am, 1.30-4pm; Punta Linke sulletraccedellagrandeguerra.it museoaltogarda.it Borgo Valsugana Public Library Friday 9-12am; Saturday & public holidays: 54 mostradiborgo.it by appointment only; closed Monday Malga Campobrun 67 Opening times: Opening times: 29 January - March, June and December 12th March - 6th November Forte Dosso delle Somme Opening times: Passo Tonale Military Shrine Valle di Ledro Lagorai, Valsugana, Monday - Saturday 9-12am & 3-6pm; 10am-6pm, Monday closed 55 Opening times: July-August: every day 9-12am & 3-6pm; June - September every day 10am-6pm 16th April - 2nd November, 26th & Alto Garda Monte Vignola 68 Primiero & Vanoi at other periods Monday - Friday 9-12am 27th - 30th December / 2nd - 8th 30 December - 6th January every day Corno della Paura Forte Sommo Alto Aziende per il Turismo & 3-6pm January 10am-6pm; 31st December 10am-12.30pm ans 2pm-6pm; 1st Ossana Austro-Hungarian 96 10am - 5pm 41 78 January 2pm-6pm; by appointment at Military Cemetery Italian Underground Passages Trento, Monte Bondone, Rovereto Forte San Nicolò 56 69 Forte Colle delle Benne other periods at Mesola Valle dei Laghi e Vallagarina Nagià Grom Trenches Forte Cherle-Sebastiano (San Biagio) Via Manci 2 Piazza Rosmini 16 31 38122 Trento 38068 Rovereto 42 Ph. +39 0461 216000 Ph. +39 0464 430363 San Rocco Cemetery 97 Forte Garda 70 10 [email protected] [email protected] Fango Trenches discovertrento.it visitrovereto.it Forte Belvedere-Gschwent Info Valli di Sole, Info Pejo and Rabbi Tourist Office, Val di Fiemme Tourist Office Ingarda Trentino Ph. +39 0463 901280 Val di Fiemme Largo Medaglie d’Oro Ph. +39 0462 241111 Via F.lli Bronzetti 60 valdisole.net visitfiemme.it al Valore Militare 5 38033 Cavalese 38066 Riva del Garda Val di Fassa Tourist Office Ph. +39 0462 241111 Ph. +39 0464 554444 18 Ph. +39 0462 609500 [email protected] [email protected] visitfiemme.it Museo Storico del Trentino fassa.com gardatrentino.it (Museum of the History of Trentino) Val Rendena Via Torre d’Augusto 35-41, Trento Terme di Comano - 57 79 Val di Fassa 3 & Valle del Chiese Dolomiti di Brenta S.c.a.r.l. Strèda Roma 36 8 Monte Faé Trenches Trento & its Via Battisti 38/D Forte Strino Ph. +39 0461 230482 Forte Tenna 38032 Canazei 38070 Ponte Arche Via Nazionale (SS. 42), Vermiglio Museo Storico Italiano della museostorico.it 43 Ph. +39 0462 609500 13 32 Ph. +39 0465 702626 58 surroundings [email protected] Guerra (Italian War Museum) Mostra permanente della Forte Larino Forte Batteria di Mezzo [email protected] Opening times: fassa.com Ph. +39 0463 758200 Via Castelbarco 7, Rovereto Casteldante Military Shrine visitacomano.it Grande Guerra sul Lagorai Piedicastello Tunnels (Trento) Tuesday 71 Vermiglio Tourist Office 98 (Permanent Exhibition on the - Sunday 9am-6pm; library & archives 44 Forte Campo di Luserna vermigliovacanze.it Forte Bus de Vela or Cadine Ph. +39 0464 438100 Great War in the Lagorai Monday - Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday Forti di Nago sulletraccedellagrandeguerra.it museodellaguerra.it San Martino di Castrozza, Madonna di Campiglio - Via Ghiaie, Caoria 9am-1pm 72 Passo Rolle, Primiero e Vanoi Pinzolo - Val Rendena Via Passo Rolle 165 Via Pradalago 4 Opening times: Opening times: 45 Forte Verle (Valsugana) till 31st March every Tuesday and 38054 San Martino di Castrozza 38084 Madonna di Campiglio Tuesday - Sunday 10am-6pm Ph. +39 328 8311575 / +39 348 5736704 Colle Santo Stefano Ph. +39 0439 768867 Ph. +39 0465 447501 Thursday 2-5 pm; 31st May - 17th Monday closed except public holidays, Gruppo Alpini di Caoria 73 [email protected] [email protected] July and 1st - 27th September every 24th, 25th,31st December, 1st January; Ph. +39 0439 719106 Ecomuseo Vanoi sanmartino.com campigliodolomiti.it 46 day 9.30-12.30am and 2.30-5.30 pm, War Artillery section open May - October alpinicaoria.it Cima Vezzena – Spitz Levico 18th July - 31st August every day ecomuseo.vanoi.it Dromaé Trenches Observatory (Valsugana) 9.30am-6.30pm; by appointment at Valsugana other periods Valli di Sole, Opening times: Lagorai - Terme - Laghi Pejo e Rabbi Christmas and Easter periods, 26th Soc. Coop. Viale Marconi 7 Viale V. Emanuele, 3 June - 4th September every day 2.30pm- 38027 Malé 38056 Levico Terme 6.30pm; by appointment at other periods Ph. +39 0463 901280 Ph. +39 0461 727700 [email protected] [email protected] valdisole.net visitvalsugana.it 80 Monte Civerone Cemetery 99 Altopiano di Piné Valle di Non e Valle di Cembra Forte Civezzano Via Roma 21 81 Via Battisti 106 38013 Fondo 19 38042 Baselga di Piné Val Maora War Cemetery Ph. +39 0463 830133 100 Ph. +39 0461 557028 [email protected] Museo dell’Aeronautica Gianni [email protected] Roncogno Battery on Cimirlo visitvaldinon.it Caproni (Aeronautical Museum) visitpinecembra.it 82 Via Lidorno 3, Trento Malga Sorgazza Cemetery 9 101 Doss Trento - Cesare Battisti 4 Opera Campana dei Caduti Ph. +39 0461 944888 Alpe Cimbra APT Dolomiti Paganella 83 Folgaria, Lavarone Piazza Dolomiti 1 (Bell of Peace) museocaproni.it Mausoleum Museo della Guerra Bianca Caoria Military Cemetery e Luserna 38010 Andalo Colle di Miravalle, Rovereto 14 Via Roma 67 Ph. +39 0461 585836 Adamellina “Recuperanti in Val Opening times: 38064 Folgaria [email protected] Cauriol Refuge Memorabilia Tuesday - Friday 10am-1pm & 2-6pm; Ph. +39 0464 724100 visitdolomitipaganella.it Rendena” (Museum of the White 84 Ph. +39 0464 434412 [email protected] War in the Adamello “Salvage Collection Saturday, Sunday & public holidays fondazioneoperacampana.it Val Sàdole, Ziano di Fiemme 10am-6pm; closed Monday except Levico Cemetery alpecimbra.it Archaeology in Rendena”) public holidays, 25th December & 1st Via San Vigilio 2, Spiazzo Rendena Opening times: January 85 January - February.
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