May 19, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E779 Japan, the Long Beach Bike Station is consid- in the classroom that long. At Hempfield High During consideration of H.R. 701, Congress- ered the first of its kind in the United States School, it is the end of an era. Thank you, Mr. man Shadegg offered an amendment that pur- and has inspired many similar facilities across Amway for your many years of service. ported to accomplish these goals. While I the nation. f strongly supported the spirit of my colleague's The Bikestation was launched primarily with amendment, it appears that its real intent was Congestion Mitigation Air Quality funds as part HILLEL ACADEMY OF PITTS- to prevent the strong conservation programs in of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Effi- BURGH'S RECOGNITION OF the bill from being funded. The amendment ciency Act of 1991, or ISTEA. Since its open- SOPHIE MASLOFF AND ZVI AND stated that the Congressional Budget Office ing in 1996, the facility has offered access to RINA SHULDINER (CBO) must provide ``certification'' that the Metro Rail and bus/shuttle services, free se- public debt will be fully paid by 2013, that cure ``valet'' bicycle parking, rental bikes for HON. WILLIAM J. COYNE there will not be an on-budget deficit, and that tourists and local businesses, a changing OF PENNSYLVANIA the Social Security and Medicare trust funds IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES room, repairs and accessories shop, bike/tran- will not fall into a deficit in the next five years sit information and a small cafe for refresh- Thursday, May 18, 2000 before any CARA funding could be dispersed. ments. Mr. COYNE. Mr. Speaker, today I acknowl- As the CBO has asserted, it is not able to Building upon the gains in ISTEA, Congress edge an upcoming event in my district. The make such certifications, but can only provide broadened its support for bicyclists in 1998 Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh will recognize estimates. Because of these technical imper- with the passage of the Transportation Equity three individuals who have made significant fections in the Shadegg proposal, I believe his for the 21st Century Act, or TEA±21. This law contributions to the quality of life in our com- amendment would permanently block all explicitly made bike paths and facilities eligible munity. CARA funding. For this reason, I joined 207 of for federal funding. It also mandates that Former Mayor of Pittsburgh Sophie Masloff my colleagues in voting against this amend- bicyclists and pedestrians will be included in will be honored for her many years of public ment, and supported the motion to recommit long range transportation plans and that bicy- service. Under her leadership the City weath- the bill to ensure that Social Security and clist access and safety must be addressed in ered some difficult challenges and laid the Medicare would truly be protected. transportation projects. groundwork for the prosperity that it is enjoy- I am a cosponsor of the Conservation and I comment those who are promoting bike ing today. I had the honor and pleasure of Reinvestment Act CARA, because I strongly safety and awareness by participating in Bike working with Mayor Masloff during that time, support increasing the federal investment in to Work Week. More information on bicycle and I was always impressed by her energy conservation. This bill will make an important, safety can be found on the National Highway and her dedication to the people of the City of dramatic change in the funding of conserva- Traffic Safety Administration's website at Pittsburgh. tion programs. It establishes a permanent Hillel Academy will also honor Zvi and Rina funding source for these programs by setting bike. Shuldiner, who have served Hillel in a number aside royalties earned from off-shore oil and f of capacities, including their work as faculty gas drilling. This funding will be directed to- ward, coastal conservation, land acquisition HONORING ANDREW U. AMWAY members and as volunteer chairpersons for major school events. They have been involved through the Land and Water Conservation FOR FORTY-ONE YEARS OF Fund, wildlife conservation, urban parks and TEACHING in a number of activities that have benefited the Jewish community in Pittsburgh. The recreation, historic preservation, federal and Shuldiners, it should be noted, are also the Indian land restoration, and endangered spe- HON. JOSEPH R. PITTS proud parents of three Hillel alumni. cies recovery. Additional funds are also des- OF PENNSYLVANIA I congratulate Mayor Masloff and Zvi and ignated to increase federal payments for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rina Shuldiner, and I want to thank both them Payment in Lieu of Taxes payments and the Thursday, May 18, 2000 and the Hillel Academy for their efforts to im- Refuge Revenue Sharing programs. I urge my prove the quality of life in Pittsburgh. colleagues to support his bipartisan legislation. Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, as the school year f f draws to a close, I would like to take this op- portunity to recognize a teacher who has CONSERVATION AND IN RECOGNITION OF SAVE THE spent the last forty-one years educating stu- REINVESTMENT ACT OF 1999 CHILDREN'S WORK TO STAVE dents in my district. OFF A LOOMING FAMINE IN Mr. Andrew U. Amway is a history teacher, SPEECH OF ETHIOPIA the head of the social studies department, a HON. DEBBIE STABENOW SPEECH OF coach, a club advisor and a mentor to count- OF MICHIGAN less Hempfield High School students. After IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SAM GEJDENSON spending one year teaching elementary stu- Thursday, May 11, 2000 OF CONNECTICUT dents in a different school district, Mr. Amway IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES came to Hempfield where he spent the rest of The House in Committee of the Whole his career. Many students learned not only House on the State of the Union had under Thursday, May 18, 2000 American history in his classroom, but also to consideration the bill (H.R. 701) to provide Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, today I call take pride in being an American. He is an old- Outer Continental Shelf Impact Assistance attention to the exemplary work of Save the fashioned teacher that believes that hard work to State and local governments, to amend Children, a relief organization based in my the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act home state of Connecticut. For nearly seventy is the key to success. And he has certainly of 1965, the Urban Park and Recreation Re- been successful in teaching and leading his covery Act of 1978, and the Federal Aid in years, Save the Children has worked to re- students. The accomplishments of his stu- Wildlife Restoration Act (commonly referred lieve the suffering of millions of men, women dents both in academics and in life speak for to as the Pittman-Robertson Act) to estab- and children worldwide. Save the Children has themselves. lish a fund to meet the outdoor conservation been on the front lines of humanitarian crises Not only is Mr. Amway a dedicated teacher, and recreation needs of the American people, in Africa, Asia and Latin America, delivering but he served as the coach for several athletic and for other purposes; humanitarian assistance to millions in need. In teams at the high schoolÐboys and girls ten- Ms. STABENOW. Mr. Chairman, I rise today the United States, and specifically in Con- nis, boys and girls swimming, and cross coun- in support of H.R. 701, the Conservation and necticut, Save the Children's relief workers try. During his thirty-nine years of coaching his Reinvestment Act of 1999, and in support of have lent their assistance to both adults and combined record is an astonishing 1397±254± the motion to recommit the bill to guarantee children in underprivileged communities. 4. His teams have captured numerous district that any expenditure of funds will not jeop- Save the Children represents the best of and league titles. ardize Social Security and Medicare. I strongly what America has to offer. Today, Gary It is safe to say that Mr. Amway knows how believe that eliminating the national debt and Shaye, Vice President of International Pro- to get the best out of his students both in securing the financial future of Social Security grams for Save the Children International, tes- class and on the playing field. and Medicare should be our top priorities. We tified before the House International Relations Forty-one years is a long time to work in must take advantage of our economic good Committee on the organization's efforts to any job, but it is particularly unusual in this times to secure these successful programs stave off a looming famine in Ethiopia. Save day and age to find a teacher that has been and rid this nation of its public debt. the Children's relief workers were among the VerDate 11<MAY>2000 06:07 May 20, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.018 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT1 E780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2000 first on the ground in Ethiopia, helping to de- ders Independence is one of 13 nationally-ac- seen in every modernized classroom and liver critical food and humanitarian assistance claimed ``Programs of All-Inclusive Care for every successful student that walks the halls to victims in the hardest-hit areas. The organi- the Elderly'' (PACE); and Resources for Com- of an Anchor Bay school. Please join me in zation has spearheaded education, public munity Development is a developer of low-in- wishing Dr.
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