Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1932 Campus Comment, February 1932 Bridgewater State Normal School Volume 5 Number 5 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Normal School. (1932). Campus Comment, February 1932. 5(5). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/27 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Sh-----­ Sh-----­ Are ya list'nin'? ~.ue ya list'nin'? Reds! Rah! Rah! CAMPUS COMMEN 'Whites! Rah! Rah! STATE NOR~lAL SCHOOL, BRIDGEWATE·R. MASS. Vol. V FEBRUARY, 1931 No.5 w. -'ot\.. A. Plal18 Winter Two Seniors Explore l·-,-u-"-c)-I_"_(~r_"_(-)-"·i_· , A Hint for Revelers Normal Five Plan Meet with Rhytlul1 New Field in Science! Have you noticed the exquisite " I drawings on the Library Bul- = i letin? They were done by ! Like all physical education in the Bozoian, Reckards Experiment i Marie Louise Horsin, a. former ! Vacation In Maine modern manner, the winter meet's With Microphotography ::: m e m bel' of the school, a t --------------------------------~ "got rhythm". A program of crea- ! Parisian. They are hints that i I tiYe rhythm, rhythmic stunts and I may gain you the "most beau- i "The College Flapper" To Play Four Games in Four mimetics, and dances will be held by An eight-hour biological drawing I tiful costume" prize - a prize i Nights the Reds and the Whites at the in- can be achieved in one-seventy-fifth , sent from Paris by Marie and ~ of a second according to two seniors, Leaves Trail of door meet February 18. Dolores Rousseau, class of '31. By J. Sweeney K. Merton Bozoian and Herbert Reck- i ! The winter meet's "got pep". Here's luck! Conquests Just about the time you'll be look­ "Rah! Reds!" ards, who are experimenting in micro- ! ! • ..·tl ..... {).-.()--.o ..... C) ....(),-.(!.-,(, .... (J..-.(,.-.().-.c>--.(.:. ing up the old boy friend on arriving "Whitesl Rah!" photography, a process of taking pic- By Grace Grant back in the home village for the win­ The juniors, B1 and B3, offer ex- tures through a microscope. Is B. N. S. Slallg ter vacation, Eddie Welch and the rest citement in the form of tournament By means of this process, Bozoian Did you see "The College Flapper" of the boys that heave basketballs, finals for captain ball between such and Reckards have obtained pictures Up to Date in the Horace Mann Auditorium, hither and yon in Dave' Moore's do­ exotic teams as the "Japanese i of slides magnified 215 times. Thursday or Friday evening, Febru- main, will be entraining for Maine Beetles," "Blue Plagues", and "Red "We know," says Bozoian, "that Look to your "slanguage" and label ary 11 or 12? If you didn't you where they are due to play a few Terrors". The seniors, adding their what we are doing is being done eveTy it. Smith College girls are all steamed missed one of the greatest comedies of games during vacation. bit to the general upl'oar, will run off day in some of the larger high up over the implication that theirs is the season. The Lions Club, com- The first tilt on arriving in the Pine the finals in their vollev ball tourn- schools. Nevertheless, it is an en­ behind the times. Of course they posed mostly of Bridgewater business Tree state will be with Eddie Leahy's ament. ~ tirely new field of endeavor at Bridge- say "Scram", instead of "Seadoo"; men, presented the production. Alma Mater, Gorham Normal, on Feb. B1, with Beatrice Hunt as general water and one which may have prac­ "He's all wet", for "He's a lemon"; George Durgin, the Reverend King 22. The next night will see Bridge- chairman, is directing the meet. Dr. tical results. Biology classes of the and tcfussing", rather than Udating"; 1. Evans" Thomas Carroll, and Fred water's colors on the basket ball Arthur C. Boyden is to be honorary near future may be taking pictures "illuminating", rather than "smoking". N. Gassett were members of the Col- court at FarmingJ1am where the future Referee, and the chief judges will be of the things you draw so painfully. But does this constitute' up-to-the- lege Alumni Glee Club who sang old teachers of Farmingham Normal will Miss Alma Porter, Miss Lucy B. Bra- I believe, too, that Reckard's knowl­ minute slang? time songs. be met, and let us hope, conquered. ley, and Miss Lois L. Decker. The edge of the camera has made it pos­ According to the dean at Smith, The principals of the cast were Wil- The next two nights will see the remaining officials are: referee, Miss sible for us to get better than average collegiate improvement on the dic­ fred Thomas (Jerry), star football team at Waterford to play Coburn Mary 1. Caldwell; announcer, Beatrice results." tionary is more eloquent than ele­ player; H. J. Leahy (George), Jerry's and at Bucksport to clash with Hunt; starter, Eleanor Schreiber; (Continued on page 4) gant. Nothing is more distasteful to friend; Rose Tinsley (Jean), Jerry's Bucksport Academy. That's quite a chief scorer, Doris MacGinnis; vol- her than the out-moded variety. In­ girl; Phyllis Dorr (Mary), sorority list for any ambitious group to wade ley ball referee, MYl·tle MacLeod; and stead 0:1; "cracking" fog-bound "slan­ president; Dorothy Turner (Ne~lie), through but here's wishing them captain ball referee, Ruth Marsden. 1(appa Delta Phi guage" which gives people the "jit­ freshman; and Leo Mondeau (BrIck), luck. They'll need it sez you! Since December, plans for the meet ters" she advocates spending time freshman. ' . Those making the trip will be the have been in preparation under these Holds Lunchpon aCId effort to acquire the incongruous The Reverend Wlll1am L. McKm- regular five consisting of Welch, committee chairman: Aloise Mitchell, patois of the moment. ney played the part of Cl~ra Bow; IMorey, Lowder, Cullen and Leahy, E. dward M. acMastel's, sororIty pr.·es- while one utility player will also go. programme; Dorothy Chatterton, hos­ The players from this school gave d Cl ff d P t fl t pitality; Eleanor Schreiber, official; 'Go1 I· .,~ R ~ 1 1 ent; 1 or u ney, campus 1r; At this writing it appears that Leo Irma Waaranen, equipment; Doris a musical programme at the annual tc lIngs eveR David Sweeney, a gold-digger; and Ash will be the other traveler. Boston reunion of the Kappa Delta F I S F C 1 G G b MacGinnis, scoring; Barbara Vinal, Phi fraternity, comprising alumni of acu ty ecret \ed lar sOln'B ~dcta atr 0.. 't' "Fouquet" Daly and Patty Carroll are - Nhi e al n gewa er IS wal mg the others to gravitate Maineward to decoration; ]:Dvelyn Chasec, publicity. state normal schools and educational f f th It is expected that Miss Schoedler, " , . ,-.-- .. f~l' the next pel' :ol'manc~ o' c see that no Normalite is lost, strayed, :. institutions of New England, held I m glad I stIll have them gucss- I LlOl1S, sev81'al members ot the cast .. .j._ 1",. ,.~" ..~ ,r........ _ .• _ .1. _~ 'ji!-+:";;I~J~~;:;M~~i~!!!j;~)I!:i;:n:g;,,l; .. -...........' .. "•... ;,; ....... 6.·.. ·... ··"""~""rn.... .~ •. '..... ·.0.:1:-.. t:i..·.,.;,·,..,. ·:'C'i\\.'t;"r ' . .. .. ~.".<.'.'" .. '. ,'.. ' '.:' ,;O' ,·",c'''''''~·r~ ",.. ... "~""""~.~, , .. '''';$:1 "VA ,,.le:. C,.u,.I:""" ... u... """;"U,,,",,"'''''. i - .-.~. ""'! ..~,,~.:".MX .,... ., ..... '0.1..' ;,.;"~,,,.,1. ....... ," maybe ea'g"eriy snl1,t'Cnetl:~tip .by 'some .. cn, \) r· >, who broke mto prmt YIa last month s Boston stock company. oolumn called "I:mpudl,mt but Irresis- e held inthedhiiIlgrodm: The honor guest and tible Itchings for Informationl" EITtire Board mediately after the meet. Alice Mag­ speaker was Clarence H. De Mar of "One of the marks' of the g09d Has been' a College nant is in general charge of the ban­ Marathon racing fame, now of the teacher is to keep the pupils wonde'r­ to Resign from quet with these committees. faculty of the Normal School of ," the instructor continued, draw­ Since 1921 Campus COlnment (Continued on Page 4) Keene, N. H. ing pedagogical morals from our in- nocent item. "The device is most effective in dis­ By J. Leo Ash ., For one month onlY-"A" jour- Mary Childs, Class of '31, Views ciplinary matters. As long as we "The life of the name 'Bridgewater nalists to put out April issue, have people guessfng, we can keep Normal School' is about over", said which will be "best of our hold on them. N ever promise a Doctor Eoyden when recently inter- the year". Passin£Ytj Phase of AUlericanism punishment, because fear of the un­ viewed, "it has lived its life and now known deters people from doing it is time for it to change". Dr. Boy­ By H. Brewer "I packed three times the' first I "The second night I was here there things they might otherwise dare". den continued, "Bridgewater Normal The April issue' of Campus Com­ week," said Mary Childs, Class of '31, i was shooting. I didn't get muc~ sleep School has had a four year course ment will be printed under the super­ who is teaching at the Caney Creek that night) but I'm hardened to It now. Men's Glee Club since 1870 and. in 1921 the legisla­ vision of the "A" Journalism classes. Community Center, Wayland, Ken- Three men were killed during Tha:r:ks­ ture gave Bridgewater the power tQ The editors of the' Main Board are as tucky, "but the first six weeks were giving and Christmas celebratIOns Is Resurrected grant degrees.
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