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At that point, the Milwaukee Gay Arts Cen - it’s always been about principle and our rights. the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center (MGAC - a 501C3 ter approached the American Civil Liberties Union When the city claimed the unlawful closure was in nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers). In (ACLU) to review the case. The ACLU found merit in fact a PR coup for MGAC, it just baffled me. That’s existence barely 6 months, the little arts center that MGAC’s claim and agreed to represent the arts cen - not the way it works in a city with a not so sterling could originally filed against the city in 2005. The ac - ter. It filed a new suit against the city in November history of LGBT community relations. It’s important tion, filed in U.S. District Court, alleged the city un - 2008. The ACLU based its complaint against the city that the LGBT community understands it can exer - fairly targeted MGAC because it’s a gay organization on 1st amendment issues. The claim for damages cise its rights to bring about a just and positive vic - when it closed an August 2005 run of Naked Boys was significantly reduced and the ACLU requested tory for us all. Singing. the city change the ordinance that it deemed un - But most of all, I would like to thank the ACLU Naked Boys Singing is well-known musical constitutional. for taking our case and lawyers Larry Dupuis, Steve revue that ran for years in cities around the world. After arbitration in 2009 failed to resolve the Porter and Jeff Scott Olson for their dedication and As the name implies, it contains male nudity. After claim and trial dates were set for later this year, Mil - hundreds of hours of work. Their commitment to a successful opening weekend, the MPD’s Vice waukee and MGAC met again. Both parties agreed MGAC’s rights and, by extension, the rights of all Squad threatened to arrest show participants if it to the settlement that gives $20000 to the Mil - underserved communities, gave me the fortitude to continued. Police said the center lacked the license waukee Gay Arts Center to drop its suit. Half of that continue through this. needed to run a theatrical production. MGAC, a amount will reimburse the ACLU for incurred legal I am also very grateful to the members of the nonprofit organization, is exempt from the license fees. MGAC board of directors and community individu - ordinance. The City License division later acknowl - MGAC executive director Paul Masterson stated als like Craig Bodoh, Bea Green, Joe Pabst as well as edged its mistake, saying the center didn’t need a “The whole process been an emotional and ex - organizations like Equality Wisconsin, Washington theater license after all. hausting exercise – as well as an education. I have a Heights Rainbow Association, PrideFest and many The original suit called for punitive damages, at - certain degree of satisfaction over the settlement. The others who have given MGAC both moral and fi - torney fees and reimbursement for lost ticket rev - award will pay for a several month’s rent and a nancial support throughout the years.” health services and resources for youth and families; The health fair committee consists of 9 members; UMOS HOSTS TEEN & • Motivate teens and their families to make positive Leonor Rosas-Director of UMOS Health and Family FAMILY HEALTH FAIR health behavior changes; Services, Tina Rivera-UMOS Tobacco Program Coor - Milwaukee - UMOS will host a Teen and Family Health • Teach self-care practices; dinator, Abraham Calleros-UMOS Case Man - Fair on June 25th 2010 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at • Promote health awareness to teens at critical ager/Health Promotions Assistant, Earl Blair-City of Kosciusko Community Center located at 2201 S. 7th decision- making times in their lives. Milwaukee Health Department, Gina Allende-UMOS Street in Milwaukee, WI 53215. This health fair will be • Teach teens the importance of volunteerism. Health Promotions Manager, Kerry Hoey - Kosciusko for all teens and their families including the LGBT youth. • Offer an opportunity for youth leaders to Community Center Manager, Jose Salazar-Program Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender positively influence their peers. Coordinator at 16th Street Community Health Clinic, (LGBT) youth are coming out at younger ages, but • Provide interactive and engaging medium for teens to Mike Aragon-UMOS Project Coordinator - Milwaukee schools and communities have not changed as fast learn about the benefits or consequences of their actions. Hispanic Youth Partnership and Milwaukee County as the culture, leaving many youth isolated and at The health fair will be held indoors in the gym at Supervisor-Peggy West. risk of violence, harassment and limited resources. We will diligently work to bring in health agen - For Latino LGBT youth, these problems are intensified Kosciusko Community Center. We have reserved a hos - pitality area for volunteers and agencies who participate cies/schools/organizations to provide health screen - by racism and the risk of rejection by their ethnic with two private rooms for HIV and STI testing. We will ings areas such as like diabetes, blood pressure, community. Children of LGBT parents are also com - also have free ethnic food and bottled water, t-shirt and mammograms, HIV/STI testing, and healthy teeth monly targeted and harassed by peers. key chain give-aways, a DJ and an array of different agen - demonstrations (Marquette University). We will also Families in the Latino community face many chal - cies to provide community resources. show case our UMOS programs such as HIV/STI pre - lenges. Some of these challenges are due to language Our goal for the health fair is to secure 40-50 vention, Tobacco Prevention, UMOS Tobacco Teen barriers, unemployment, undocumentation, and lack agencies to participate with a booth. We have al - Mentors program, Domestic Violence, Human Traf - of resources. For this reason, UMOS will bring Latino ready secured a few agencies such as 16th Street ficking, Immigration services, Welfare-to Work (W- families , teens and LGBT youth together for a health Community Health Clinic, Milwaukee County Health 2), UMOS Workforce Development, Migrant Farm fair in their own community. Department, LGBT Community Center (Project Q for Workers and Housing programs. The purpose of UMOS Health Fair event is to: youths), Diverse and Resilience, Pathfinders (Run-a- This event will serve to bring much needed infor - • Increase health awareness by providing health screen - way shelter for youth), Milwaukee Christian Center, mation to the Latino community. The benefits will be ings, activities, materials, demonstrations, & information; and Milwaukee County’s “NO CONDOM, NO immeasurable! Thanks you once again for the oppor - • Increase awareness of local, state, and national WAY” campaign for youths. tunity to provide this service to our community. 2010 MILWAUKEE LGBT FILM/VIDEO FESTIVAL RUNS OCTOBER 21-24 Festival Continues with Monthly Screenings Throughout the Year Milwaukee - The Peck School of the Arts Film De - Film Department. "This new format allows us an op - and Wisconsin in general." partment at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee portunity to showcase LGBT films and videos - new The Festival is co-sponsored by UWM Union Pro - (UWM) has announced the dates for the year-round and classic - all year long while still hosting a Festi - gramming, the UWM LGBT Resource Center, the Milwaukee Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual (LGBT) val that remains one of the annual highlights for the UWM LGBT Studies Certificate Program, the UWM Film/Video Festival, made possible thanks to the LGBT and film-loving communities. And, we will Women's Resource Center and other supportive in - Greater Milwaukee Foundation's Johnson & Pabst have even more opportunities to partner with com - dividuals, businesses, and campus and community LGBT Humanity Fund. As one of Wisconsin's longest munity groups while working to present an even organizations. Up-to-date information about the running film festivals, the 23rd annual LGBT Festival richer selection of films that reflect the diversity of Festival, films, dates, and general information can be will open on Thursday, October 21 in Milwaukee's our community and the diverse accomplishments of found at arts.uwm.edu/lgbtfilm. signature Oriental Theatre, with additional film international film culture." showings on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the At a Festival kick-off meeting in early May at the Event and Ticket Details The Festival will take place from October 21-24; con - UWM Union Theatre. As announced in Quest pre - home of Festival supporter and Milwaukee philan - firmed dates for monthly films are November 4 and viously, new this season, the Festival will continue thropist Joseph Pabst, leaders from the LGBT com - December 2, with additional dates forthcoming. throughout the year with film events on the first munity enthusiastically embraced the new format. "I More information about prices and purchase loca - Thursday night of almost every month at the UWM always look forward to the annual LGBT Film/Video tions for festival passes and tickets will be available Union Theatre.
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