THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND,UQST WIDELY ClKLULATiD WEEKLY NEWSFATE* IN UNION COUNTY IXTIETH YEAR—No, 4 Font Office, iWe.tfleld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1949' Published M Kinney Elected Outdoor Art Show Methodists Begin Centennial This Saturday Vs Men's Club Board of Education Appropriates Name Section (Celebration at Sunday Services President of The annual fall outdoor show of Lists Hallowe'en Chairman For the Westfield Art Association will $3100 For Increased School Costs Ky N. Merrill, Republican Club take place Saturday at Mindow»s- Parade Plans LuteniU United Drive [V Methedut Lay leader kin Park. The show will give Supplied, Service Newark Lay Leader, WesUlelders an opportunity to see Price Rbee Force I Nt Merck Says Active the work of many local -artist and 1500 Expected H. E. Thonuu lo Head To Speak in Evening there will be a number of excel- Local Action Interest in Politics lent paintings for sale. To Take Part Advance Gift* Groupt The start of Centennial Week Exhibitors are asked to deliver Increased costs of supplies and till be observed Sunday by Bp«-' Now Essential In Annual Event Twd Aiilra Appointed pictures by 9 a. m. to Mrs. Stacy -ii \ ices forced the. Board of Eilu- ial services both morning and eve Bender, who is chairman of the CIIUM to appropriate a total of at the First Methodist "An intelligent, active interest The Y's Men's Club of Westfleld, It. Emerson fhomai, S tUm- ,ing in politics on the part of all of uscommittee arranging the show. announced further plans for the I IKK) additional funds Tuesday lelgh park, hat been appoint** 'hurch Bishop John W«sle; is absolutely essential if we are to annual community Hallowe'en pa- I niiiht at its meeting in the Koose- chairman of tho Advance Oify preserve our business and home |\iit School. Clancy I).'Connell, ovd pa«torof fothre WestAel10 ye«d« Met»ndh rade at its semi-monthly dinner j Section of the 11)49 Wmtfleld Uitt. 'dis t O for 10 ye«« »nd i life in the form we now know it," meeting Sept. 28. This year's event 111 airman of the finance cominit- ,ow Miiop oi tlle denomination's ed Campaign, it WM innouiWtd George W. Merck, president of Plan to Install will be the second such affair held tit, reported that Increased tui- ioston area, will speak at identi last evening by Charles A. DMrr, | Merck and Co., Rahway, told near- under the auspices of the club. i tu us at special schools In Eliza- J BwrnintJ worship services Sun 26 Fair Hill road, (cncril eh«ir>- ly 100 men at the organization The Town Council lms granted a Ibith put Weitfleld |900 over the lay *t 9:30 and 11 a. m. The 87 New Parking nian of the drive. Asiltlinf Mr. : meeting of the Westfleld Republl- petition of the club to hold the ainuunt anticipated and accounted jnctuary choir, directed by Rich- Thomas as vice chairmen of the I can Club in the YMCA last night. parade on Oct. 31 starting at 7 for in the present budget. Trans- ird R. Alford, will sing Carl F. Advance Gift* Section will he B*V Prior to Mr. Merck's address, p. m. The planners hope that the portation costs also had Incrensed [ueller's anthem, "Laudamus Te," Meters Next Week ward F. Anderson,'526 Hlllcre«t the group passed a Constitution buccees of last year's parade will he said, and the additional amount tith Ionio Hart, Lucille Douglas, avenue and Judson T. Pi»rn»n, mid By-Laws and elected as offi- be surpassed in both attendance to take cure of this item was velyn Morris and Margaret Hen- 842 Bradford avenue. In accept* cers the following: President, Sam- Warn Offenders by the town's children and by the placed at 1700. iksw taking a solo quartet part, ing the chairmanship of thia work, uel M. Kinney of 251 East Dud- support of the citizens of West- [he choir will also present the first KIXIKV !». MF.IIRI11' Police Warning The board hud budgeted $2700 Mr. Thomas stated, "United C»m- ley avenue; executive vice presi- field. [rformance of a hymn written es for Janitors' supplies, Overpay- rmlgn work in the outstanding vol. dent, Charles A. Doerrj vice pres- Offenders at New As many as 1500 children are ment to date In, this acccdunt untary activity of the year, with «iilly for the church's 100th an- ident from the first ward, Bruce livenary by the organist, Gladys expected to participate and com- amount! to $000 and It Is antici- 700 volunteer workers participat- Wetzel; vice president from the Eighty-Kven new parking me- pated another $800 will have to b« 'roifcy Gould. Mabel Faux will More Pupils in pete for the many prizes that will Mr,.*v\ii in.lit ii ing. The values gained for Weft* second ward, Hugh D. Clark; vice ters are expected to be installed be awarded, The club is enfleav- spent before the end of the school field in heulth, character-building, ing a solo part in this number, president from'the third ward, T. next week at the new municipal es. Fred E. Miles, minister of Local Schools* oring to contact all merchants and year, All of the additional amounts recreation and welfare are an In- George Van Hart and vice presi- parkins lot at the westbound sta- business organizations In the town were approved, vestment in good community life. IN church, will conduct the wor- tion of the Jersey Central Lines, dent from the fourth ward, former for voluntary donations of prizes Musical Club The appointment of Mrs, Ver- Each participating agency «lw U kip service and present Bishop and on Elm street north of Broad Mayor Robert Purvis. John W. or "goodies" that will be given to onica Guns to teach first grnde in run through ttie year largely by ii'd. 3,594 Students Here; Glendening Jr. was elected secre- street. the children. Euch child will be the Franklin School and of Mrs, volunteer woikcrs." Sunday evening at 8 o'clock there tary and Robert 8. Messerimith, Slates Unusual Increase of 178 In order to accustom parkera to given a bug of "goodies" and a Ruth Wellman at a part time ill be another in the series of treasurer. These officers, together Raymond 8. Grant, campaign di- the rules which will be enforced balloon. Prizes will be awarded teacher In the third grade of the tntennial evening services, with with seven members chosen from rector, announced that the public A total of 3594' students, 178 when the meters are installed, po- in each age group for the best cos- Program Oct. 12 Woodrow Wilson School, were »u- liuey N. Meritt, Newark conger- more than last year, are enrolled the group, will serve aa the exec- phase of the cumpniKn will ope* nee lay leader and a vice presi- lice have begun placing warning tumes in five classifications: the pioycd. Thursday, Oct. 20, with an open in Westfletd public schools, Dr. utive committee of the new organ- tags on cars of offenders. most original, the most beautiful, ent of Railway Express, bringing Stacy N. Etvan Jr., supervising ization. Suzanne Bloch, The applications of two" over meeting at the RooMvelt Junior message on "The Greatest Thing Recently the mayor disclosed the best clown, the most humorous, age students for permission to High School arid that report meet- principal, reported to the Board of The group voted unanimously to that meter revenues indicated that and the ugliest witch. , the World." This service is Education Tuesday night. Singer, Lutenist, continue studies in the system inggs will be held on Oct. 24 and *ing planned by the Methodist instruct its executive committee to the machines installed last Novem- There are 31 more in th* senior The children participating in without payment of tuition were Oct. 27. AA g volunteer worn- leu's Club and the church's lay contact other Republican groups in ber, would pay for themselves by Guest Artist high school which has an even the parade are to assemble on also approved- eii'm committee, under the chalr- eader, Dr. Lindley H. Lcggett Jr. town, the Young Republicans, the the end of this year. The result- number of boya and girls, 347 of Ferris place at 0:30 p. m. in areas Only one bid wai received for mnnahlp of Mrs, Edward N. Pool* K'illiam Henseler, president of the Women's Republican Club and the ing greater increment to the town, On Wednesday the Musical Club each, for the first time in years. marked out for euch age group. transporting Wcstlltld students to H completiiiK the clerical work ot fai's Club, extends a special ih- Republican Town Committee, and he said, would probably make it of Westfleld will present one of Enrollment in the junior high the school for phyilcally disabled itation to men of the community work out plans to co-operate on an possible to further the parking (Continued on Page 6) its most unusual programs of the (Continued on Page I) school hiiE increased by three and at Elizabeth. The bid was refer- o hear Mr. Merritt. i intensive drive for Driscoll in theprogram. yenr—a recital by Suzanne Bloch, red lo the committee on instruc- there are 144 more students in the November elections, lulcnist, singer to the lute, player Mr. Merritt has long been prom- elementary schools, where the Whether the next step in the To S/ieak Monday tion for action.
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