TRANSACTIONS THE LEICESTERSHIRE anfc SOCIETY. VOL. VII. — PART III. LEICESTER: CLARKE AND HODGSON. 5, GALLOWTREE GATE, 1891. Contents. PAGE. LIST OF OFFICERS, &c. 1890 .. .. .. .. 201 SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS .. .. .. .. ... 203 MEMBERS DECEASED IN 1890-91 .. .. .. .. 205 RULES .. .. .. .. .. .. 205 ANNUAL MEETING, 2;th January, 1890 .. .. .. 207 THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT .. .. .. .. 207 TREASURER'S ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 208 BI-MONTHLY MEETING, 3ist March, 1890 .. .. .. 210 BI-MONTHLY MEETING, igth May, i8go .. .. .. 211 ANNUAL SUMMER MEETING, SHREWSBURY, I7th and iSth June, 1890.. 212 VISIT TO URICONIUM, HAUGHMOND ABBEY, BATTLEFIELD, &c. .. 215 BI-MONTHLY MEETING, 28th July, i8go .. .. .. 217 BI-MONTHLY MEETING, 2gth September, i8go .. .. .. 218 HALLATON CHURCH, AND THE RECENT DISCOVERIES THERE, by Colonel Bellairs .. .. .. .. .. ..218 BI-MONTHLY MEETING, 24th November, 1890 .. .. .. 222 THE FAMILY OF GOODACRE, OF LEICESTERSHIRE, by Hugh Goodacre, Esq. 223 THE PARISH REGISTERS OF ST. NICHOLAS, LEICESTER, (Continued from page 200), by the Rev. T. W. Owen, M.A. .. .. .. 227 SOME FURTHER NOTES ON THE FAMILY OF BAINBRIGGE, OF LOCKINGTON, by the Rev. W. G. D. Fletcher, M.A., F.S.A. .. .. .. 233 THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1890. patrons. His Grace the DUKE OF RUTLAND, K.G., G.C.B. The Eight Eev. the LORD BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH, D.D. The High Sheriff of Leicestershire. The Worshipful the Mayor of Leicester. The Most Noble the Marquis of Granby, M.P. The Eight Honourable the Earl Howe, C.B. The Eight Honourable the Earl of Denbigh. The Right Honourable the Earl Ferrers. The Eight Honourable the Earl of Dysart. The Eight Honourable the Earl of Lanesborough. The Kight Honourable Lord Braye. The Eight Eev. the Bishop of Leicester, D.D. The Right Rev. Bishop Mitehinson, D.C.L., D.D., Archdeacon of Leicester. Major the Honourable Montagu Curzon. The Honourable Harry Tyrwhitt Wilson. Sir Frederick Thomas Fowke, Baronet. Sir Henry St. John Halford Baronet, C.B. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Baronet. Nathaniel Charles Curzon, Esquire. Edward Finch Dawson, Esquire. James Ellis, Esquire, M.P. William Unwin Heygate, Esquire. VOL. vn. 202 LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL Presidents— (Continued.) Edwin Joseph Lisle March-Phillips-de Lisle, M.P., F.S.A. Colonel Frederick Palmer. Major George Thomas Mowbray. Harry Leyeester Powys-Keck, Esquire. Thomas Tertius Paget, Esquire. Ctemmittef. The Patrons. The Rev. W. H. Marriott. The Presidents. The Rev. W. E. Mangan. All Rural Deans (being Members.) The Rev. W. B. Moore. The Honorary Secretaries. Fred. E. Morley, Esq. All Professional Architects (being G. C. Neale, Esq. Members). Thomas Nevinson, Esq. All Honorary Members. The Hev. T. W. Owen. The Eev. C. W. Belgrnve. A. H. Paget, Esq. E. H. Harding, Esq. The Rev. A. M. Rendell. T. Harrold, Esq. The Rev. J. E. Stocks. Thomas Ingram, Esq. The Rev. A. Trollope. The Eev. E. Jackson. John Wade Wartnaby, Esq. W. F. Johnson, Esq. The Rev. C. Henton Wood. S. Knight, Esq. ffixturgfon Sub-fflommt'ttff. The Honorary Secretaries. I J. W. Wartnaby, Esq. T. Holyland, Esq. I lionorarj) lotal Market Harborough District. Melton Mowbray District. The Rev. Charles James Eeade, Thed- (Vacant.) dingworth Vicarage. Lutterworth District. Hinckley District. The Eev. Lewis Weyman Wood, Dunton The Eev. Eichard Titley, Barwell Bec- Bassett Vicarage. tory. 3|onorarj9 fflomgpontifng Jtttmlitit for Cobtntrj). William George Fretton, Esq., F.S.A., Coventry. %onorar$ Smrtarieg of tljf Sotietr. Colonel G. C. Bellairs, The Newarke, Leicester. (Financial.) William Jesse Freer, Esquire, (Hon. Local Sec., Soc. Antiq., London), Stoneygate, Leicester. (Corresponding.) The Rev. William George Dimock Fletcher, F.S.A., S. Michael's Vicarage, Shrews­ bury. (Editorial.) Thomas Holyland, Esq. HONORARY MEMBEES. The Worshipful the Mayor of Leicester. Sir Henry J. Dryden, Bart., Canons The Eight Eev. the Lord Bishop of Ely Ashby. (Lord Alwyne Compton), D.D., The James Neale, Esq., F.S.A., 8, Adelpbi Palace, Ely. Terrace, London, W.C. The Eight Rev. Edward Trollope, D.D., H. J. Toulmin, Esq., The Pre, St. Alban's. F.S.A., Bishop of Nottingham, Leas- ingham Rectory, Sleaford. AND ABCH^IOLOGIOAL SOCIETY. 203 SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS. Adcoek, Wm., Esq., Melton Mowbray. Dickenson, James Sherwin, Esq., Friar Alien, Mr. H., Leicester. Lane, Leicester. Alien, Mr. Wm., Market Harborough. Dickinson, Rev. F. B., Manor House, Arnall, Josh., Esq., Leicester. Ottery, St. Mary. Baker, Charles, Esq., Leicester. Donaldson, A. B., E*q., Bitteswell. Barfoot, Wm., Esq., Leicester. Draper, A.T., Esq., Leicester. Barfoot-Saunt, W. H., Esq., Market Drummond, Captain, Enderby Hall. Harborough. Elmhii-st, The Kev. E., Shawell. Barwell, Mr. T., Leicester. Emberlm, H. E., Esq., Oadby. Basaett-Smith, Wm., Esq., Drummond Fast, Mr. J. G., Melton Mowbray. Chambers, John Street, Adelphi, Faulkner, R. A., Esq., The Ashlands, London, VV.C. Illston. Bastow, Rev. T. C. V., Little Peatling Fawssett, The Rev. R., Smeeton Rectory. Westerby. Belgrave, The Rev. C. W., North Kil- Ferrers, The Right Hon. the Earl. wortb. Staunton Harold. Bellairs, Col. (Hon. Sec.), The Newarke, Fenwicke, The Rev. G. C., Blaston. Leicester. Ferneley, C. L., Esq., Melton Mowbray. Bickley, John Wm., Esq., Acacia House, Fewkes, J. M., Esq., Glen Magna. Melton Mowbray. Fisher, Edward, Esq., Abbotsbury, Bigge, F. E. Esq., Carlton Curlieu. Newton Abbot. Billson, Wm., E*q., Leicester. Fisher, E. K., Esq., Market Harborough. Billson, Chnrles J., Esq., Clarendon Park, Fisher, The Rev. H., Higham-on-the-Hill. Leicester. Fletcher, The Rev. Wm. Geo. Dirnock, Bird, Rev. John, Walton-on-the-Wolds, F.S.A., (Hon. Sec.), St. Michael's Loughborough. Vicarage, Shrewsbury. Bland, Charles, Esq., Gaddesby. Fosbrooke, Thomas Henry, Esq., Blunt, Mrs. G. H., New Walk, Leicester. Leicester. Bragg, W. D., Esq., Market Harborough. Fowke, Sir F. T., Bart, Lowesby Hall. Braye, The Right Hon. Lord, Stanford Freer, Wm. Jesse, Esq., (Hon. Sec.), Hall, Rugby. Stoneygate, Leicester. Brooks, T., Esq., Barkby. Freeston, Mr. H., Market Harborongh. Broughton. The Rev. Canon, Leicester. Garner, J. H., Esq., Knighton Drive, Browne, Mr. Montagu, F.Z.S., Curator Stoneygate, Leicester. of the Leicester Museum. Gleadow, Mrs., The Friars, Leicester. Bruin, Mr. W. J., Leicester. Goddard, Jos., Esq., F.R.I.B. A., Leicester. Canner, Mr. T., Leicester. Goodacre, R. J., Esq., F.R. I. B.A., Catchpole, Mr. T. K., The Fosse, Lei­ Leicester. cester. Grimsdick, G. J., Esq., Kibworth. Chaplin, C. W., Esq., Burrough-on-the- Gruudy, Chas., Esq., 11, Queen Victoria Hill. Street, London, E.G. Chaplin, W. A., Esq., Wyndham Lodge, Hamel, Miss, 9, Abbey Street, Chester. Melton Mowbray. Hardcastle, Thos., Esq., Bradshaw Hall, Clarke, Mr. Samuel, Leicester. Bolton. Clephan, Edwin, Esq., Leicester. Harding, Harry Roland, Esq., Kirby Clerk, John, Esq., Eolleston Hall. Muxloe. Cooper, J. H., Esq., Evington Hall. Hanbury, The Rev. T., Church Langton. Crick, Fred., Esq., Glen Magoa. Harris, Joseph, Esq., The Fosse, Crewe, Hugo Harper, Esq., Spring Hill, Leicester. East Cowes, Isle of Wight. Harrison, G. F., Esq., Southgates, Croome, The Rev. W.M.,Islip, Thrapston. Leicester. Crossley, C. R., Esq., M.O., Leicester. Harrold, Thomas, Esq., Hinckley. Curzon, The Hon. Montagu, Beaumanor Hassall, The Kev. T., Rearsby. Park. Hazlerigg, Sir Arthur G., Bart., Nosely Curzon, N. C., Esq., Lockington, Derby. Hall. Dawson, E. Finch, Esq., Lauude Abbey. Hazlerigg, Rev. W. G., Hallatou Rectory, Denbigh, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Uppingham. Newnham Paddox. Herrick, Mrs, Perry-, Beaumanor Park. Deakins, Mr. John, Leicester. Heygate, W. U., Esq., Roecliff. 204 LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL Howe, The Eight Hon. Earl, C.B., Rendell, The Rev. A. M., St. Margaret's Gopsall Hall. Vicarage, Leicester. Hodges, Geo., Esq., Oadby, Leicester. Richardson, Major J. G. F., Leicester. Hodgson, Mr. J. G., 5, Gallowtree Gate, Robinson, C. S., Esq., Leicester. Leicester. Rodgers, H. P., Esq., Maplehurst, Holyland, Thomas, Esq., Leicester. Knighton. Home, The Rev. E. L., Whissendine. Rodwell, Rev. Christopher, Kimcote Humberstone, R. H., Esq., Leicester. Rectory. Hunt, Mrs., Holly Bank, Stoneygate, Roper, Joseph, Esq., Hastings Street, Leicester. Leicester. Ingram, Thomas, Esq., Wigston Magna. Rowley, Geo. Fydell, Esq., Morcott Hall. Jackson, Kev. Edmund, Gilmorton, Rowley, Mrs. Dawson, Brighton. Rectory. Rutland, His Grace the Duke of, K.G., Johnson, Mr. T. Fielding, Brookfield, G.C.B., Belvoir Castle. Leicester. Salt, Sir W. H.. Bart., Maplewell. Johnson, W. F., Esq., Leicester. Sforza, The Duchess, Ragdale. Jones, Thomas, Esq., Leicester. Smith, H. A., Esq., 4, Middle Temple Joyce, Mr. J., Blackfordby. Lane, London, E.C. Keck, H. L. Powys-, Esq., Stoughton Spencer, Mr. Charles Alfred, Leicester. Grange. Spencer, Mr. John, Leicester. Kelly, Win., Esq., F.S.A., Leicester. Stevenson, George, Esq., Leicester. Knight, S., Esq., Leicester. Stocks, The Rev. J. E., Leicester. Lanesborough, The Right Hon. the Earl Symonds, Rev. H., Thornton. of, Swithlaud Hall. Taswell, Rev. L. T. T., Witherley Rectory, Lawford, Jas., Esq., Leicester. Atherstone. Lb'br, G. A., Esq., Leicester. Taylor, Mr. John, Longbborongh. Lyne, H. E., Esq., M.R.I.A.. Dublin. Thomson, C. S., Esq., Barrow-on-Soar. Mangan, Eev. W. R., New Humberstone. Tidswell, Rev. S. W., Groombridge, Tun- Marriott, The Rev. W. H., Thrussington. bridge Wells. Marris, Mr. S. A., St. John's Villa, Titley, The Rev. R. (Hon. Local Sec.). Clarendon Park Road, Leicester. Barwell. Martin, R. F., Esq., Mountsorrel.
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