lO THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1907. DAMAGE FROM THE r ' imm m mm 'a my :mm:- :V: ;;'0: r Zmmm FLOOD IS GROWING Rpr "! PER l mim mmm'mmmm xm,J imm x mm m' 4 -- Strong Current Carries Away ? s s, ,s s N Of if Clubhouse of Portland iifiiaiiwiiii N Rowing Club. ;m-- " S':. V'.. A ?.mmm.m ? ? a, m:smj2' - Ill A matt ' WATER IS STILL RISING Measured 20 Feet Last Xlprht and (set? Will Reach Maximum of About 2C Feet by Friday If Pres- ent Conditions Continue. HEIGHT OF WILLAMETTE. x, Albany 30.3 above low-wat- mark, V falling. Salem 31.2 above mark, rising. Eugene 18 above mark, falling. Portland 10.7 above THE PORTLAND ROWING CLUB BOATHOISE STARTED DOWN THE RIVER FROM THE OAKS AT :13 A. M. AT 2:30 P. 31. THE PORTLAND ROWING CLUB BOATHOUSE BROKE A WAV FROM THE SCHOONER AND - mark (at S o'clock), rising. AN HOUR LATER IT CRASHED INTO THE BOWSPRIT OF THE SCHOONER VIRGINIA, AT INMAN, POUL-SEN'- S. STARTED DOWN STREAM, ACCOMPANIED BY DRIFT, Yamhill River. MILL. AS SHOWN IN THIS PHOTOGRAPH. McMlnnvllle, 33.8. a rise of 2 feet during yesterday. llllllli Rising steadily all day. the Willamette flood did Its worst damage at Portland yesterday. Drift which increased towards night tore a number of houseboats from their moorings and carried them down sr stream. The clubhouse of the Portland Rowing Club was swept away, the dam- age amounting to 510.000. Logs and drift accumulated on the bridge piers and seriously Interfered with the movements of shipping in the harbor. Ax i On account of the rapid current craft could not move along the harbor front WfAfOic nor get through the bridges with safety. f The river is expected to continue to rise-toda- y until It reaches a height of AVa 'about 22 iywA A feet by Friday. It will probably a then commence falling as the crest of the I flood Is thought to be near. The river .Mini! wjwimvsi!ii1fm?vi had reached 20 feet above low water mark last night. The upper river Is falling as fast as It rose early in the week. This means the worst is over up the Vailey. and it is v hoped that more damage will not occur 5 i i here, although a higher stage will be 3 reached today. The swift current run- ning is an element of added danger. 4 The O. R. & X. Is still blocked, but Mill Ceneral Manager O'Brien hopes to have the line cleared tonight or tomorrow. s . Steamers are being run to bring passen- i -- , - - - . x - - gers to Portland, and eastbound travelers v ..Ci. .. t"- ' can probably get away today by making a steamer trip from Portland to Cascade Locks. Belated Passengers Arrive. AT 3 P, M. THE BOATHOUSE CRASHED INTO THE MADISON-STREE- T BRIDGE, AS SHOWN IN THIS PHOTO- THE BOATHOUSE AFTER STRIKING MADISON-STREE- T BRIDGE. The first passengers to reach Portland GRAPH TAKEN AT THE TIME OF THE CRASH. from the Upper Columbia since last Sat- urday came In yesterday afternoon on the steamers Harvest Queen. Joseph Kellogg and Capital City. Bach boat carried full loads and brought down belated O. R. & this he was successful. He reported the position last night, and a force of men hit upon the plan of sliding down the cuse for the company's neglect, but as it Dalles, who was on his way to Steven- N. passengers who have been stalled in weather warm and said it was chlnooking was sent to the scene in order to make stairs on suitcases, boards or anything was it was simply shameful. Just to add son to conduct a funeral. the snow along Upper Har-rima- drifts the river all along the line. Iter fast. If the derelict should break that was availaole. to the discomfort of the passengers, the HUNGRY BUT HAPPY "Ben Kline, a burher who shaved n since Sunday and Monday. side-trac- Steamers Transfer Passengers. loose it would cause great damage to Mr. Krueger said: train was placed on a k at least on his last visit to Portland, and Train No. 6, which was held in the the bridges. "Personally I have no complaint to a mile from the town." who operated a shop at the Kxposition, snowdrifts near Hood River for 36 hours, Steamers will probably be put to work Shipping interests are suffering un- make. 1 was in the Pullman, and be- - E. H. Foster, of Baker City, who was set up a chair in the rear of the car and was released Tuesday and backed to today transferring passengers around the told losses on account of the high yond the fact that I was delayed, I have also a passenger on the same train, de- shaved everyone who desired such an Hood River, where Kellogg on points the took still blockaded. Trains can now be water. Above the Madison-stre- et bridge no kick coming. What I did object to was clared last night that Mr. Krueger's story operation, free of charge. He would not 150 passengers and brought them to Port- run from Portland to Bridal Veil and are several sea-goi- vessels which the way the railroad people treated the was true. He Said the condition of the even take a tip for the service. land, arriving here at 6 o'clock last eve- from The Dalles to Cascade Locks. This cannot move on account of the current poor unfortunate people who were housed passengers was frightful beyond words. Passengers of Stalled Train "A mixed quartet was soon organized ning. The Capital City arrived from leaves a distance of 17 miles still blocked in the Willamette. It is a dangerous like cattle in the day coaches. Men and and some good music was given the wait- by slides. women had been in the car for five days. ing passengers, under the somewhat novel p matter to attempt to take the craft Damage in Eastern Multnomah. Arrive in Portland. The tie-u- of the O. R. & N. is causing was ankle-dee- p surroundings. Sandwiches were ' through the bridges. Suspended traffic Filth in the car. There furnished much concern. The Southern Pacific is on all rail lines makes it impossible to were no lights and no water. I Jtnow ORES HAM, Or.. Feb. 6. (Special.) by the O. R. & N".. which also paid for WATER ON RAILWAY TRACKS. so hard put to it for coal since the usual secure wheat, and most of the craft in there was no excuse for this, for we were Effects of the recent storms of snow and the entertainment of the belated passen- Water Ilea 14 Inches deep over the supplies from the Huntington gateway are at The Dalles and men could have easily sleet are becoming noticeable, now that gers at the Mount Mood Hotel at Hood are unavailable two the harbor unable to load. rails of the Southern Pacific a mile that freight trains ben secured to at least clean the cars and the weather has moderated. Scarcely a River. were yesterday Albany, in has "Perhaps most fun throughout the north of Oregon City and extends stalled at unable give the passengers water. Together tree orchard or forest but what TRAINMEN HIGHLY PRAISED the for a to proceed. A few cars were purchased COMPLAINS OF TREATMENT with about 50 of the passengers I waited suffered and the roads are obstructed in blockade was caused by a coon hunt. A quarter of a mile. A similar condition by the Hurriman lines from Pacific on conductor, my many places by fallen trees. All the up exists near Canemah, two miles south the the and for pains was coon was discovered by someone a Coast Company and sent to Albany to by Pas- telephone systems were put of busi- tree, one man possessed of Oregon City. The is backed grossly insulted him. I also saw out nearby and who permit the trains to come on to Port- Portland Man Says Conditions in senger Agent O'Neill, and on my first in- ness and service is only being resumed ttn a immediately got out and up by the Willamette. This does not land. terview wi;h him he promised to"take care short circuits. The now Farmers' line fired 50 shots at the animal at close range stop the operation of trains, although Anxiety has been caused on Railroad Coaches Were Unsanitary. of the passengers. On going through the with its 50 miles of wires was a heavy Walled in by Snowdrifts, Travelers without so much as shooting a hair oft the water comes well up on the trucks. Row by the blockade of traffic, for the J. H. Krueger, of this city, reached car some time later I discovered that sufferer and the stockholders have been its tail. Trains are delayed from half an hour pay checks for January many Organize Quartet, Play for of the Portland last night after being held at nothing had been done. While the pas- assessed J2 a share for repairs. The Cards Coon Is Finally Killed. to on hour by these stretches of water, officials and clerks are in the delayed sengers were complaining,. O'Neill came Bull Run pipeline wires were down in as oblijied mail Ueld in The Dalles since Monday. He complained many places, were lines of the and Carry Out Laughublo "An old soldier on the train then called trains are to proceed slowly the snowdrifts. Passenger of the passengers through the car and he began to abuse as the because of danger of running Into float- trains are collecting at The Dalles, where treatment of the held me for 'butting in.' he me ar- Pacific system between all for volunteers and organized every man in The by & Later had Portland and Coon limit.
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