SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL RETURNS TO CANTON'S VILLAGE THEATER LOCAL NEWS, A4 LOCAL SOCCER PLAYERS PREPARING FOR TRIP OVERSEAS SPORTS, B1 THURSDAY 06.22.17 II HOMETOWNLIFE.COM II PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK Corvette owners to host fundraiser ey will go to Ca m p A.B.L.E., a S h o w will raise m o n e y to help special-needs children c a m p for special-needs chil­ dren at the historic Cherry Hill Darrell Clem in Heritage Park. School on Canton’s west side. hometownlife.com Event chairman Jim Rees, Canton Leisure Services w h o has a 1998 purple pearl Director Greg Hohenberger T h e y love to sh o w their Corvette, said the sh o w typical­ said the department he over­ flashy Corvettes and raise ly draws 130-170 cars from sees relies on charitable contri­ m o n e y to help others in need. owners in Canton, Plymouth, butions to ma k e pro g r a m s like T h e y found a wa y to do both. Livonia, Westland, Northville C a m p A.B.L.E. succeed. Chevrolet Corvette owners and Farmington Hills, am o n g “It’s very important, espe­ are expected to turn out in other communities. cially for pro g r a m s like Ca m p large nu m b e r s Saturday, July In its 13th year, Corvettes at A.B.L.E. It really helps to off­ 8, wh e n the Corvette Legends the Su m m i t typically raises set the cost for the individuals Club returns to Canton for its about $2,000 for charity. For a Corvettes at the Su m m i t show second year in a row, the mo n ­ See CORVETTES, Page A2 Event chairman Jim Rees with his purple pearl Corvette. College for RIP-ROARING FINALE Creative Fireworks close Studies Liberty Fest with a bang coming Brad Kadrich hometownlife.com to PARC T h e rain stayed away, but Darrell Clem the people didn’t. hometownlrfe.com Despite lurking dark clouds that threatened to turn Regarded as a leading art the final day of the 2017 Ca n ­ and design school, the Detroit- ton Liberty Fest into a flood based College for Creative zone, the rains that loomed Studies is coming to Plymouth never fell, leaving the three- — a decision officials say day fun fest for crowds esti­ raises the education bar in mated at mo r e than 40,000 western Wayne County and people over the course of the boosts Ply m o u t h ’s profile as an weekend. arts community. “W e ’re having a wonderful This fall, CC S plans to offer year,” said an exultant Pe g 13 courses such as designing a Stevens, standing beneath the d r e a m car, we b design, devel­ canopy next to the Canton oping a strong portfolio and LIVE! stage Saturday, while computer animation. The the International Festival acts classes will be taught at the performed on-stage. "W e Plymouth Arts and Recreation changed our footprint a little Complex, or PA R C . bit and it’s working out really “W e are thrilled,” said Jane well.” Stewart, CC S director of pre­ O n e of Saturday’s top at­ college an d continuing studies. tractions wa s the annual Inter­ “W e are on the mo o n with this national Festival, wh ich fea­ one.” tured cultural demonstrations It ma r k s the first time CC S from opera to dance, from has offered its courses on this cultures including China, scale aw a y fro m its Detroit India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, campus. By next winter, high N e w Zealand, Tahiti, the Unit­ school juniors and seniors can ed States, Native American, begin earning college credit African American and Hawai­ TO M BEAUDOIN for courses in foundation ian/Polynesian. E mm an u el Mum bi r o of Westland takes a spin on the merry-go-round during a wa r m Saturday afternoon at the drawing, 2D design and funda­ With mor e than 300 per­ C a n t o n Liberty Fest. mentals of imaging. formers, organizers said the T h e project also brings an International Festival is an TO M BEAUDOIN education anchor to PA R C and important part of the Liberty T h e threat of rain raises Pl y m o u t h ’s profile as an Fest. held off as the Can t o n arts community, potentially “They com e and represent Liberty Fest closed m a k i n g it "the focal point for their cultures," said Arine with the popular the arts in western Wa y n e Jahn, wh o headed up organiza­ fireworks display County,” PA R C president Don tion of the festival. “It’s a Saturday evening. Soenen said. “This is a game- great wa y for the audience to changer.” be exposed to different music A decision by CC S to lease and instruments. It also repre­ three classrooms and an office sents Canton and the richness at PAR C , formerly Central of its cultural diversity. In this Middle School, culminates day and age, it’s important for talks that spanned nearly two people to understand each years. Classes typically have other’s cultures.” no mo r e than 15 students and, T h e three-day event also cumulatively, the courses per semester are expected to ac- featured a wide variety of See COLLEGE, Page A2 See LIBERTY, Page A2 © The Observer & Eccentric CONTACT US hometownlife.com Volume 43 • Number 2 Call 866-887-2737. Press 1) for Classified, Death Notices; 2) Retail Advertising ; Obscrvor&tccontrtcNowjpopcri ruitcximiusatoomwiyw** 3) Billing, Subscription, Back Copies, Delivery Issues; 4) leave message 6 9 for newsroom. Send press releases, calendar items to [email protected] PRICE: $1.50 INDEX Classified......... B4-5 Obituaries.......... A 4 Home Improvements in your future? W e ’ve got an equity loan for you. C o m m u n i t y Borrow up to 100% F i n a n c i a l of your home’s equity. CFCU.ORG/HELOC 877.937.2328 Tun.!} We- NMlS Cede-,-., -w-ej r-. NCUA 02017 ■■■■■■■■■■■ =, 'Ik A 2 (C) 0 & E Media | Thursday, June 22, 2017 LOCAL NE W S hometownlife.com Rees has a theory of CORVEHES the enduring popularity of the Corvette. Continued from Page A1 “It’s probably Am e r ­ ica’s true sport car,” he w h o are participating,” said, adding he has he said. “If we do n ’t get k n o w n of so m e Cor­ donations, we have to vettes that auctioned pass mo r e of those for close to $1 million. charges onto the partic­ Corvettes on the ipants. This ma k e s it Su m m i t features a bas­ m o r e affordable.” ket raffle, door prices Corvettes at the and 50/50 ticket sales — S u m m i t also has donat­ all to raise mo n e y for ed to other groups such charity. Ow n e r s wh o as Canton Goodfellows, want to simply attend which helps families at p a y a $5 fee, while those Christmastime, and the w h o want to enter a now-defunct Detroit competition pay $25 in Area Diaper Bank, advance or $30 the day which collected and of the event. Cars are distributed diapers to judged in nine different metro Detroit agencies classes, based on wh e n that helped struggling they were made. mothers and families. The show features “W e try to keep it food, music and a varie­ local,” Re e s said. “That ty of vendors. Regis­ way, it benefits the local tration starts at 8 a.m. community.” July 8 and the day This year, a traveling wraps up with an store fr o m the National awards presentation at Corvette Mu s e u m in 3 p.m. Bowling Green, Ky., is For more informa­ TOM BEAUDOIN c o m i n g to the sh o w to tion or to get a regis­ Elly Th o m p s o n of Westland feeds on e of the py g m y goats at the petting zoo at the Canton Liberty Fest. The festival ope ne d sell merchandise. Cor­ tration form, go to June 15 in Heritage Park. vettes, first assembled http ://www. corvettes in Flint in 1953 an d then atthesummit.com. in St. Louis, are no w “They come and held its annual spaghetti It all ma d e for a family m a d e in the Kentucky [email protected] LIBERTY dinner. Th e mo n e y raised friendly weekend, which town. Twitter: @CantonObserver represent their is used to help local fa m ­ is the point. Continued from Page A1 cultures. It's a ilies in times of need. “It’s great for the kids, The Canton Lions Club it’s fun to get out there carnival rides, the Taste great wa y for the sponsored its 22nd annu­ and be able to do things hometownlife.com of Liberty Fest (Twisted audience to he al pancake breakfast. with them,” said Melissa Observer & Eccentric Newspapers PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK Rooster wo n the Supervi­ T h e club raises mo n e y to Caouette, a Canton High sor’s Choice award), a exposed to dif­ buy eyeglasses and other School grad wh o was Published Su n d a y an d Thursday by Observer & Eccentric Me d i a beer tent and a variety of ferent music ...” visual aids for those in there Saturday with her other carnival attrac­ need an d also to provide family.
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