Environmental Protection Agency § 98.304 § 98.302 GHGs to report. with SF6 or PFCs, you must report emissions from the equipment after the You must report total SF6 and PFC emissions from your facility (including title to the equipment is transferred to emissions from fugitive equipment the electric power transmission or dis- leaks, installation, servicing, equip- tribution entity. ment decommissioning and disposal, and from storage cylinders) resulting § 98.303 Calculating GHG emissions. from the transmission and distribution (a) Calculate the annual SF6 and PFC servicing inventory and equipment emissions using the mass-balance ap- listed in § 98.300(a). For acquisitions of proach in Equation DD–1 of this sec- equipment containing or insulated tion: where: § 98.304 Monitoring and QA/QC re- Decrease in SF6 Inventory = (pounds of SF6 quirements. stored in containers, but not in energized (a) For calendar year 2011 moni- equipment, at the beginning of the year) toring, you may follow the provisions ¥ (pounds of SF6 stored in containers, but not in energized equipment, at the of § 98.3(d)(1) through (d)(2) for best end of the year). available monitoring methods rather Acquisitions of SF6 = (pounds of SF6 pur- than follow the monitoring require- chased from chemical producers or dis- ments of this section. For purposes of tributors in bulk) + (pounds of SF6 pur- this subpart, any reference in chased from equipment manufacturers or § 98.3(d)(1) through (d)(2) to 2010 means distributors with or inside equipment, in- 2011, to March 31 means June 30, and to cluding hermetically sealed-pressure April 1 means July 1. Any reference to switchgear) + (pounds of SF6 returned to the effective date in § 98.3(d)(1) through facility after off-site recycling). (d)(2) means February 28, 2011. Disbursements of SF6 = (pounds of SF6 in bulk and contained in equipment that is (b) You must adhere to the following QA/QC methods for reviewing the com- sold to other entities) + (pounds of SF6 pleteness and accuracy of reporting: returned to suppliers) + (pounds of SF6 sent off site for recycling) + (pounds of (1) Review inputs to Equation DD–1 SF6 sent off-site for destruction). of this section to ensure inputs and Net Increase in Total Nameplate Capacity of outputs to the company’s system are Equipment Operated = (The Nameplate included. Capacity of new equipment in pounds, in- (2) Do not enter negative inputs and cluding hermetically sealed-pressure confirm that negative emissions are switchgear) ¥ (Nameplate Capacity of not calculated. However, the Decrease retiring equipment in pounds, including hermetically sealed-pressure in SF6 Inventory and the Net Increase switchgear). (Note that Nameplate Ca- in Total Nameplate Capacity may be pacity refers to the full and proper calculated as negative numbers. charge of equipment rather than to the (3) Ensure that beginning-of-year in- actual charge, which may reflect leak- ventory matches end-of-year inventory age). from the previous year. (b) Use Equation DD–1 of this section (4) Ensure that in addition to SF6 to estimate emissions of PFCs from purchased from bulk gas distributors, power transformers, substituting the SF6 purchased from Original Equip- ment Manufacturers (OEM) and SF6 re- relevant PFC(s) for SF6 in the equa- tion. turned to the facility from off-site re- cycling are also accounted for among the total additions. 901 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:49 Jan 08, 2015 Jkt 232169 PO 00000 Frm 00911 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\232169.XXX 232169 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR ER01DE10.053</GPH> § 98.305 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition) (c) Ensure the following QA/QC meth- must contain the following informa- ods are employed throughout the year: tion for each electric power system, by (1) Ensure that cylinders returned to chemical: the gas supplier are consistently (a) Nameplate capacity of equipment weighed on a scale that is certified to (pounds) containing SF6 and nameplate be accurate and precise to within 2 capacity of equipment (pounds) con- pounds of true weight and is periodi- taining each PFC: cally recalibrated per the manufactur- (1) Existing at the beginning of the er’s specifications. Either measure re- year (excluding hermetically sealed- sidual gas (the amount of gas remain- pressure switchgear). ing in returned cylinders) or have the (2) New during the year (all SF6-insu- gas supplier measure it. If the gas sup- lated equipment, including hermeti- plier weighs the residual gas, obtain cally sealed-pressure switchgear). from the gas supplier a detailed month- (3) Retired during the year (all SF - ± 6 ly accounting, within 2 pounds, of re- insulated equipment, including her- sidual gas amounts in the cylinders re- metically sealed-pressure switchgear). turned to the gas supplier. (b) Transmission miles (length of (2) Ensure that cylinders weighed for lines carrying voltages above 35 kilo- the beginning and end of year inven- volt). tory measurements are weighed on a scale that is certified to be accurate (c) Distribution miles (length of lines and precise to within 2 pounds of true carrying voltages at or below 35 kilo- weight and is periodically recalibrated volt). per the manufacturer’s specifications. (d) Pounds of SF6 and PFC stored in All scales used to measure quantities containers, but not in energized equip- that are to be reported under § 98.306 ment, at the beginning of the year. must be calibrated using calibration (e) Pounds of SF6 and PFC stored in procedures specified by the scale manu- containers, but not in energized equip- facturer. Calibration must be per- ment, at the end of the year. formed prior to the first reporting (f) Pounds of SF6 and PFC purchased year. After the initial calibration, re- in bulk from chemical producers or dis- calibration must be performed at the tributors. minimum frequency specified by the (g) Pounds of SF6 and PFC purchased manufacturer. from equipment manufacturers or dis- (3) Ensure all substations have pro- tributors with or inside equipment, in- vided information to the manager com- cluding hermetically sealed-pressure piling the emissions report (if it is not switchgear. already handled through an electronic (h) Pounds of SF6 and PFC returned inventory system). to facility after off-site recycling. (d) GHG Monitoring Plans, as de- (i) Pounds of SF6 and PFC in bulk scribed in § 98.3(g)(5), must be com- and contained in equipment sold to pleted by April 1, 2011. other entities. (j) Pounds of SF and PFC returned [74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 78 6 FR 71966, Nov. 29, 2013] to suppliers. (k) Pounds of SF6 and PFC sent off- § 98.305 Procedures for estimating site for recycling. missing data. (l) Pounds of SF6 and PFC sent off- A complete record of all measured site for destruction. parameters used in the GHG emissions calculations is required. Replace miss- § 98.307 Records that must be re- tained. ing data, if needed, based on data from equipment with a similar nameplate In addition to the information re- capacity for SF6 and PFC, and from quired by § 98.3(g), you must retain similar equipment repair, replacement, records of the information reported and and maintenance operations. listed in § 98.306. § 98.306 Data reporting requirements. § 98.308 Definitions. In addition to the information re- Except as specified in this section, all quired by § 98.3(c), each annual report terms used in this subpart have the 902 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:49 Jan 08, 2015 Jkt 232169 PO 00000 Frm 00912 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\232169.XXX 232169 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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