Absorber 202 Acetaldehyde 130 Acidic Acid Butyl Ester 119 Activated

Absorber 202 Acetaldehyde 130 Acidic Acid Butyl Ester 119 Activated

219 Index a Aristotle 1 absorber 202 art 207 acetaldehyde 130 art gallery 205 acidic acid butyl ester 119 activated carbon 71 b activation energy 25 B(OCH3)3 167 Adalbert Stifter 211, 213 B(OH)3 167 Adolf von Bayer 61 B.Z. Sakhashiri XIV Ag2O 183 Ba(OH)2 · 8 H2O 39 AgCl 133, 134 banana 149 AgNO3 53, 109, 110, 111 beer can 159 AgSCN 213, 215 bell jar 11 air 169, 171, 181 Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction 138 Albert Einstein 17, 95, 111, 125 Berzelius 47 Albert Schweizer 7 bisdimethylaminoketone 191 AlBr3 154 blackbody 202 alchemist’s gold 163 Blauer Reiter 209 alcohol 203 bleach 47, 48, 78 alcohol fl ame 167 bleaching 77, 87 alcohol test 129 blood cells 12 aldehyde 69 blue bottle 73 Alexander von Humboldt 159 boiling water 23 Alice’s adventures in bond energy 25 wonderland 217 bones 2 alkali metals 80, 203, 204 boric acid 167 alkali silicates 95 boric esters 167 aluminum 153, 154, 159 brain 2 aluminum foil 154 brass 163 aluminum wire 155 brilliant green E 142 213, 215 ammonia 40, 79, 122, 123, 196 bromine 153, 155, 189, 199 ammonia solution 79, 121, 177, 211 bromocresol green 119 ammonium chloride 178 bromothymol blue 139, 140 ammonium molybdate 63 ammonium thiocyanate 213 c aniline blue 71 C.P. Snow xiii anode 34, 56, 57, 58 C2H5OH 129, 130 Antoine de Saint Exupéry 177 CaCl2 7, 8 aquacomplex 211 CaCl2 · 6H2O 7, 8 aqueous ammonia 212 CaCO3 44 aqueous phase 166 calcium phosphate 28, 170 Spectacular Chemical Experiments. Herbert W. Roesky Copyright © 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN: 978-3-527-31865-0 220 Index camera xiv d candle wax 181 D(+) glucose 69, 73, 103, 109 carbon electrode 159 D2O 25 Carl Gustaf Jung 177 Daedalus 201 cathode 34, 56, 57 dan clorox 47, 77 cellophane 11 Dante 189 cellulose 202 decanodioic acid dichloride 166 CH3OH 167 decomposition 17 charcoal 164 density 25 charge-transfer 35 depolarization 34 Charles R. Darwin 55 detergent 193 chemical education 205 detonating gas 29, 30, 31 chemical patterns 115 Dewar vessel 75 chemiluminescence 51, 52, 191 dextrose 73 chemistry 207 1,6-diaminohexane 165, 166 chlorine 87 digital camera 205 chlorophyll 49, 50 dinitrogen trioxide 75 Christian Morgenstern 49 dissipative structures 116 chromium(III) 129 Dostojewski 73 clay cylinder 37, 38 drinking water 2 cleaning liquid 77 dry ice 79, 173, 175 ClO2 27 dyestuff 91 CO 174 Co(NO3)2 67 e CO2 44, 45, 75, 80, 143, 173, 174 E.F. Schwenk 135 cobalt 67 Edgar Alan Poe 41 cobalt salt pearl 68 Edgar F. Smith 109 colloids 93, 101 effusion 37 color 53, 59, 81, 207, 209 egg 43, 44, 45 color brighteners 193 electric discharge 107 color composition 208 electric motor 159 colored indicators 207 electrolysis 34, 55 colorful 205 electrolytic trough 34 coloring substances 205, 213 electrolyzing 34 combustion 66, 201 electronically activated 52 concentrated sulfuric acid 17 emitter 202 congo red 207 emitting light 52 copper 158 entropy 40 copper(I) oxide 69, 70 Erasmus von Rotterdam 91 copper(II) oxide 158 ether 19 copper hydroxide 28 ethyl acetate 49 copper oxide 157, 158 ethyl alcohol 101, 115, 125, 125, copper sulfate 28, 69, 70, 170 129, 167, 168 Cr(III) 130 exothermic reaction 198 crystallization 41 explosion 142, 185, 186 Cu 211 explosive mixtures 146 Cu(II) 122 eyeball 2 2+ [Cu(NH3)4] 211 Cu(OH)2 122 f CuO 157, 158 Faust v CuSO4 121, 169, 211 FeCl3 89, 90 CuSO4 · 5H2O 61, 69, 137 [Fe(SCN)3(H2O)3] 89 Cyril Hinshelwood 171 Fehling’s solution 69, 70 Index 221 Ferdinand Fischer 1 Hermann Hesse 133 fi re 27 hexa-aqua cations 89 fl ammable 201 hexane 165, 166 fl our 186 HgCl2 53, 123 fl our dust explosion 185, 187 HgO 183 fl uorescein 11, 171, 207 HNO2 75 fl uorescence 50, 52 HOCl 87 food colors 77 Hofmann electrolysis apparatus formaldehyde solution 99 55 Franz Kafka xiv human body 2 Franz Marc 209 hydration enthalpy 7, 8 free enthalpy 40 hydrazine hydrate 105 freezing effect 39 hydrocarbons 19 fuel cell 33 hydrochloric acid 35, 43, 44, 63, 85, 86, 95, 110, 133, 171, 177 g hydrogen 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 55, galvanic battery 29 56, 79, 157 gas phase 12, 121 hydrogen bond 25 gels 93 hydrogen disulfi te 65 George A. Olah VI hydroxide 123 George Bernard Shaw 193 hypochlorite 28, 77, 78, 170 gluconic acid 74 glucose 74 i Goethe v, 3, 15, 59, 75, 79, 81, 87, Icarus 201 105, 113, 153, 161, 197, 205 ice 5 gold chloride 99 ice block 15 gold sols 99, 101, 102, 103, 104 ice water 5 gold solution 101, 105 ideal gas 12 graphite plates 33 Immanuel Kant 39 greek mythology 201 indicator 92 ground state 52, 191 indigo carmine 207 gunpowder 163, 164 iodate 54 gunpowder smoke 195 iodine 54, 83, 84, 115, 116 iodine-starch reaction 116 h iron ball 5, 6 H2 157 iron tube 197 H2O 25, 165 iron(III) chloride 90 H2O2 49, 51, 52, 61, 84, 137, 138 iron(III)thiocyanate 89 H2Si3O7 95 iso-propanol 139, 140 H2SO4 27, 75, 91, 95, 125, 129 H3PO4 170 j hair 2 Johann Nestroy 69 Hans Magnus Enzensberger 85 Johannes Kepler 83, 183 HAuCl4 · xH2O 97, 99, 101, 103, John Tyndall 101 105 Jöns Jakob Berzelius 53 HCl 43, 63, 87, 133, 134, 171, Joseph Rieckert 181 178 heart 2 k heavy water 25 K2[HgI4] 124 Heinrich Caro 61 K2CO3 99, 103 Heinrich Roessler 35 K2Cr2O7 129, 130, 131 Henry Cavendish 29 Karl Valentin 191 Heumann 29, 115 KBr 189 222 Index KCl 198 Mg 174 KClO3 27 Mg3N2 161, 162 KI 115, 123, 124 MgO 161, 173, 174 kinetics 47 Michael Faraday 101, 139 KIO3 53 microscope 93 Kipp’s apparatus 35 milk of lime 28 KMnO4 83, 87, 125, 127 Millon’s base 124 − KNO2 151, 164 MnO4 83 KNO3 151, 159, 201 molar mass 12 KSCN 61, 62, 137 molecular mass 199 molecular velocity 37 l molybdenum blue 63 Laotse 97 Münchhausen v lattice energy 7 Lavoisier 41 n lead(II) chloride 41 n-hexane 83 Leonardo da Vinci 43 n-propanol 139 Leopold Ruzieka 41 N2 195 Lichtenberg 5, 57, 89, 107, 119, N2H4 105 121, 141, 145, 173, 185, 203 N2O3 75 Liebig 33, 67, 110, 133, 195, 217 Na2CO3 51, 89 Linus Pauling 25 Na2O2 3, 4 liquid ammonia 80 Na2S2O4 47 litmus solution 65 Na2Si3O7 95 liver 2 NaCl 159 Louis Pasteur 93 NaH2PO4 · 2 H2O 57 Ludwig Börne 11 NaHSO3 53 luminescence 62 NaNH4HPO4 67 luminol 51, 52, 61, 62, 137, 138 NaNO2 75 lycopodium powder 186 NaOCl 78 NaOH 61, 62, 69, 73, 91, 109, 137 m Nessler’s reagent 123, 124 magnesia boat 157 NH3 55, 56, 80, 162, 178 magnesia stick 67, 68 (NH4)6Mo7O24 · 4H2O 63 magnesium 161, 175 NH4Cl 39, 55, 56, 178, 196 magnesium powder 161, 173 NH4NO3 39 magnesium ribbon 161, 173 NH4OH 55, 62 Manfred Rommel 77 NH4SCN 62, 89, 90 manganese(II) 83, 84, 125, 126 Nicolas Flamel 163 Marie Curie 37 nitrogen 55 Mariotte 91 NO 75 Mark Twain 23, 173, 217 NO2 75 Mars 1 Nobel laureate 61 Marshall McLuhan 1 Nobel Prize 93 Maxwell–Boltzmann 199 Novalis 51 medicine 217 nylon rope 146 melting point 15 mercury(II) dichloride 124 o metallic silver 110 orthophosphoric acid 170 methyl alcohol 75, 167, 168 Oscar Wilde 146 methyl red 11 oscillating chemical reactions 138 methylene blue 73, 74, 207, 209, oscillating 62 210 osmosis 11, 12 Index 223 osmotic pressure 11, 12 Ralph Waldo Emerson 41, 97 oxidation 151, 202 Raymond Chandler 207 oxidizer 3 re-gelation 15, 16 oxihydrogen 19, 157 red gold 97 oxygen 3, 31, 33, 58, 65, 66, 78, 83, redox reactions 73 88, 146, 147, 151, 158, 170, 171, rhodamine B 51, 52 183, 186 Richard Wagner 61 oxygen content 169 Richard Willstätter 19 Richard Zsigmondy 93 p rust 171 P2 170 P4O10 170 s Paracelsus 23, 29, 71 S2Cl2 196 particle diameter 93 S4N4 195, 196 particle size 111, 181 salt melt 151 PbCl2 41, 42 salt pearl 67 pecan kernel 149, 151 Saturn’s rings 181 pentachloroethane 197, 198 Schiller 63 pentane 141, 146, 147 SCl2 196 pentane–air mixture 142 sebacic acid dichloride 165, 166 peppermint tea 49, 88 self-organization 113 permeable 11 semi-permeable 12 Pfeffer’s cell 11, 13 semi-permeable membrane 11 pH value 105, 139 silica gel 95 phenolphthalein 20, 139, 166, 19 silver electrodes 107 phosphorus 27, 28, 67 silver nitrate 110, 111 phosphorus oxides 170 silver residues 134, 214 phosphorus oxoacids 170 silver sol 107, 109, 110, 111 photosensitizer 49 smoke rings 177, 179 physiology 217 SO2 163 plasma 57 sodium 3, 19, 20, 21, 79, 80, 139, plasma state 57 140, 203 plasmolysis 12 sodium chloride 2, 5, 11, 43, 166 platinum 29, 31 sodium dihydrogen phosphate platinum sponge 29 57 polycondensation 166 sodium fl uorescein 51, 52 polyethylene terephthalate 147 sodium hydroxide 30, 31, 35, 91, polysilicic acids 95 110, 119, 126, 166, 171 ponceau 4R E 124 47, 77, 213, sodium hypochlorite 47 215 sodium peroxide 4 potassium 19, 20, 123, 189, 197, sodium silicate 95 198, 203 solid state 5 potassium carbonate 99 sols 93 potassium chloride 198 solution enthalpy 7 potassium nitrate 164, 202 solvated electrons 79, 80 potassium permanganate 125 sparks 142, 153 pyrite 163 starch 53, 115, 116 pyrolysis 181 status nascendi 35 pyrotechnic 145 steel wool 171 styrofoam ball 141, 142 r sugar 17 radiation 202 sugar coal 17, 18 Ralph Lippmann 19 sulfur 65, 66, 164, 195 224 Index sulfur dioxide 65, 91 v sulfuric acid 17, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, van’t Hoff 11, 27 91, 125, 130 vitriol 29 sunlight 202 voltmeter 159 surface 93 w t wash bottle 3, 38 tannin 97, 111 Wassily Kandinsky 205, 209 tartaric acid 69, 70 water 1, 2, 3, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, teeth 2 27, 38, 53, 57, 9, 105, 107, 125, tertiary amines 19 137, 169, 171, 181, 193, 203, 209 tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethane water blue 71 191 water content 1 Thales 1 water percentage 2 thiocyanate 89 Werner Heisenberg 79 Thomas Alva Edison 137 white phosphorus 169 Thomas Graham 37 Wiener xiii tomato juice 87 Wilhelm Busch 165 toxic 129 Wilhelm Ostwald 141, 199 transformer 34 Willa Cather 43 transition 5 WO3 35 1,2,5-trihydroxybenzene 85, 86 Wöhler 109, 153 Turquet de Mayenne 29 Wolfgang Oswald 93 Tyndall effect 101 wood shavings 3 wooden splint 30, 56 u unbleached paper 193 z uv light 193 zinc 30, 35, 110.

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