ACTA GEOLOGICA HISPANICA, v. 34 (1999), nº 1,p. 3-87 Proyecto 410 Revisión bioestratigráfica de las pizarras del Ordovícico Medio en el noroeste de España (zonas Cantábrica, Asturoccidental-leonesa y Centroibérica septentrional) A biostratigraphical r eview of the Middle Ordovician shales from NW Spain (Cantabrian and Westasturian-Leonese zones, and northernmost part of the Central Iberian Zone) J.C. GUTIÉRREZ-MARCO(1), C. ARAMBURU(2), M. ARBIZU(2), E. BERNÁRDEZ(3), M.P. HACAR RODRÍGUEZ(4), I. MÉNDEZ-BEDIA(2), R. MONTESINOS LÓPEZ(5), I. RÁBANO(6), J. TRUYOLS(2) y E. VILLAS(7) (1) Departamento de Bioestrat i g rafía y Biocron o l ogía, Instituto de Geología Económica (CSIC-UCM), Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, E-28040 Madrid (2) Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, Jesús Arias de Velasco s/n, E-33005 Oviedo (3) Departamento de Paleontología. Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, E-28040 Madrid (4) Geólogo. Naves 5, E-28005 Madrid (5) Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidade da Coruña, Paseo de Ronda 47, E-15011 A Coruña (6) Museo Geominero (ITGE), Ríos Rosas 23, E-28003 Madrid (7) Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, E-50009 Zaragoza. RE S U M E N La revisión completa de más de un centenar de localidades fosilíferas del Ordovícico Medio situadas en el noroeste del Macizo Hes- périco, muestra que el depósito de las pizarras y limolitas oscuras (Formación Luarca y equivalentes), que siguen a las cuarcitas del Ar e- nig, no fue tan uniforme como se consideraba hasta ahora. Las pizarras se sedimentaron esencialmente durante el Oretaniense en la Zo- na Asturoccidental-leonesa y en la parte septentrional de la Zona Centroibérica (Dominio del Ollo de Sapo), donde el techo de la unidad se sitúa muy próximo al límite Oretaniense/Dobrotiviense, sin existir ningún yacimiento paleontológico de probada edad dobrotivi e n s e (= "Llandeilo inferior" en sentido clásico). En la Zona Cantábrica, la sedimentación arcillosa se inicia en el Oretaniense superior tardío y prosigue durante el Dobrotiviense. Pa- ra el conjunto del área estudiada se caracterizan, o proponen, diversas lagunas estratigrá ficas de alcance local o regional, y se discuten las 3 circunstancias paleoge ogr á ficas generadas por las hipótesis más recientes, que son contrastadas a la luz de los nuevos datos paleoecoló- gicos y paleobioge ogr á ficos. Éstos indican que la sedimentación tuvo lugar en áreas ext e rnas y abiertas de la plataforma, relativam e n t e más profundas que en la región surcentroibérica, con áreas de surco donde ingresan elementos mesopelágicos. Desde el punto de vista paleontológico, se reconocieron un total de 97 formas distintas (67 especies presentes en el Oretaniense y 45 en el Dobrotiviense), entre las que destaca la primera aparición conocida de determinadas especies de trilobites y ostrácodos, el registro más moderno de otros, y al- gunos taxones en común con Avalonia y Baltica, desconocidos hasta el presente en otras áreas del suroeste de Europa. Pal ab ras cla v e : Or d ovícico. Darriwiliense. Oretaniense. Dobrotiviense. Revisión Bioestratigrá fica. Correlación. Macizo Hespérico. Es p a ñ a . AB S T R AC T A complete revi ew of more than one hundred Middle Ordovician fossil localities, distributed within the north we s t e rn part of the Hes- perian Massif, shows that the sedimentation of the dark shales (Luarca Formation and equivalents) that overlie Arenig quartzites with Cr u z i a n a (the 'Armorican Quartzite' facies) was not as uniform as it has been supposed for the whole NW Spain. These shales were mainly deposited during the Oretanian in the West Asturian-Leonese Zone and in north e rn Central-Iberian Zone (Domain of the Ollo de Sapo An- ti f o rm). In these zones, the top of the unit is close to the Oretanian/Dobrotivian boundary, without any fossils with proved Dobrotivian age. In the Cantabrian Zone, clay sedimentation started in the latest Oretanian and continued during the Dobrotivian. Several local or re- gional stratigraphic gaps are proposed and characterized for the whole study area. In addition, the most recent paleoge ographical recon- st ructions proposed are discussed, in accordance with new paleoecological and paleobioge ographical data. These data indicate that sedi- mentation took place in open shelf areas, relatively deeper than in the southern Central Iberian shelf, and with trough areas where some mesopelagic elements are recorded. We identified a total of 97 different fossil taxa (67 from Oretanian rocks and 45 from Dobrotivi a n rocks), remarkable among which are the first known appearance of certain trilobites and ostracodes, the latest record of other taxa, and also the presence of some taxa in common with Avalonia and Baltica, that were previ o u s ly unknown from any area of SW Europe. Keywo rd s : Middle Ordovician. Darriwilian. Oretanian. Dobrotivian. Biostratigraphical revi ew. Correlation. Hesperian Massif. Spain. EXTENDED AB S T R AC T The presence of Middle Ordovician fossils in NW Spain has been known since the nineteenth century (e.g. Schulz, 1835; Prado, 1857), although only recently modern paleontological and biostratigraphical studies have been pursued. These studies have mostly focused on echinoderms (e.g. Chauvel, 1973; Chauvel and Truyols, 1977), graptolites (Skev- ington, 1974; Gutiérrez-Marco, 1986), trilobites (Montesinos López, 1978; Rábano, 1989b a.o.), brachiopods (Villas et al., 1989), bival ves (Babin and Gutiérrez-Marco, 1991a, 1991b) and ichnofossils (Radig, 1964; Mayoral, 1991), as well as a few general paleontological studies on some units of the Cantabrian Zone (Gutiérrez-Marco et al., 1996a; Truyols et al., 1996). Because of the lack of detailed studies, a significant part of the N Iberian Paleozoic was omitted in modern N Gond- wana paleobioge ographical reconstructions. These Paleozoic outcrops were assumed to have the same characteristics as the Central-Iberian "Tristani beds", and even part of NW Iberia was associated with S France in a separate paleoge o- graphical domain (Paris and Robardet, 1977, 1990). This study attempts to revi ew all avai l a ble fossil data relative to the Middle Ordovician sequence from NW Spain. Most of these data are scattered in many short papers dealing with diffe r- ent aspects of regional geology published between 1835 and 1989. These data have been analyzed again with modern cri- teria, relocating most of them, and adding new paleontological material. Li t h o s t ra t i g ra p hy The sedimentary units curre n t ly regarded as of Middle Ordovician age in NW Spain are mainly correlated with the Lu- arca Shale Formation (Barrois, 1882). These units crop out in a large area of the N Hesperian Massif (Fig. 1). The studied 4 region includes the N Central-Iberian Zone (Domain of the Ollo de Sapo An t i f o rm), the West Asturian-Leonese Zone (WALZ, including both the "Navia-Alto Sil" and the "Mondoñedo Nappe" domains), and the Cantabrian Zone (including a few outcrops in the so-called "Fold and Nappe Region" and "Nappe Region") of this Hesperian Massif. The Luarca Fm. (s. l . ) of the Ollo de Sapo Domain, as well as the units of the WALZ, conforma bly overlie thick Ar e- nig quartzites referred either as "Armorican Quartzite" or as the upper unit of the Los Cabos Group, respectively. Tra n s i- tional beds between the shale and quartzite units are norma l ly reduced to a few meters of sandy/shaly alternations inclu- ded as part of the basal Luarca Fm. However, these beds reach a thicker development in the north e rnmost part of the Ollo de Sapo An t i f o rm, where they are known as Rubiana Fm. (75-150 m). This latter formation hosts the widespread Cr u z i a- na ic h n o facies assemblage, together with isolated occurrences of late Arenig trilobites and graptolites (Hammann, 1983; Pérez-Estaún, 1974a; Fig. 1, locality 12 and 13). The over lying Luarca Fm. (s. l . ) consists of 150 to 1,000 m of black sla- tes and shales. In the Castrillo and Villaodrid/Rececende synclines it presents widespread interbeds of oolitic ironstones located towards the middle part of the formation (e.g. Lunar Hernández, 1977; Lunar and Amorós, 1979; Gutiérre z - M a r- co et al., 1984a; Young, 1992). Several thick beds of roofing-slates of outstanding quality are intensively quarried along the Caurel syncline, the Truchas synclinorium and the Los Oscos thrust-sheet (Villar Alonso et al., 1987; Hacar Rodríguez, 1990; Wagner et al., 1994, 1995). Thickness of the unit shows great variations due to active synsedimentary tectonics whi c h favored the formation of graben to half-graben basins in which some syn-rift sequences were deposited. The thickness of the Luarca Fm. (s. l . ) is 500-700 m in the north e rn branch of the Ollo de Sapo antiform, 180-300 m in the southern branch of the same domain (Caurel-Peñalba syncline, Sil and Truchas synclinoria, Alcañices synform), 150-250 m in the north e rn pa rt of Mondoñedo Domain (Vil l a o d r i d, Rececende and Real synclines), 200-300 m in the wes t e rn part of the Navi a - A l t o Sil Domain (Los Oscos thrust-sheet and the Ancares-Castrillo syncline), and 700-1,000 m in the eastern part of the Navi a - Alto Sil Domain (Parlero-Oneta and Pesoz synforms, Vega de Espinareda synclinorium). In the latter area, late Oretanian mesopelagic faunas were recorded in a relatively deep trough. Here, the Luarca Fm. (s. l . ) is overlain by a thick, often tur- biditic Upper Ordovician sandstone unit, the Agüeira Fm.
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