YA BASEBENZI Journal of the Marxist Workers' Tendency of the African National Conqress January 1982 No retreat from the YA BASEBENZI Freedom Charter! The ANC is 70 years old ihis year. and therefore on brutal dictatorship Unless the ANC leadership is And il is 26 years since Ihe ANC lo secure Ms profits in SA. Now, prepared, consciously and openl). programme, ihe Freedom Charier, with world capitalism in crisis, Ihe to organise ihe struggle for the over­ was adopted al (he Congress of Ihe bosses in SA are all Ihe more throw of capitalism—il will be forc­ People. threatened by a programme of ed to retreat from (he demands in The Freedom Charter is Ihe most democracy and social reform. Ihe Freedom Charier. Inevitably, far-reaching programme for change To implemenl Ihe Freedom Ihe demands for national liberation ever put forward by a mass political Charier and build a new society, il and democracy would have lo be organisation in SA. will be necessary lo overthrow ihe walered down. Today we are in a new period of bosses and end capitalism. Other­ Anticipating Ihis problem, many mass movement—broader, more wise, even if the ruling class is forc­ of Ihe middle-class leaders in SA to­ conscious, and more militant than ed in a lime of weakness lo concede day who proclaim the Freedom ever before. With Ihe workers Ihe partial reforms, Ihey will fighl Charter advocate only its "prin­ driving force, Ihe bosses and their viciously al Ihe first opportunity lo ciples" while failing lo publicise its government do not know which wa> reverse ihem. concrete democratic and social to turn. The cornerstone of Ihe Freedom demands. The Irade unions, Ihe youth, the Charter is the demand for na­ Instead of helping lo mobilise a community organisations are rally­ tionalising Ihe banks, mines, and mass revolutionary force headed by ing ever more boldly around ihe call monopoly industry. Only by ending Ihe organised workers, they argue lo implemenl ihe Freedom Charier. private ownership of the main lhal agreement can be reached with The banner of (he ANC is being means of production can Ihe way be Ihe rulers of SA al a National Con­ displayed more openly al workers' opened to secure our democratic vention to implemenl the Freedom meetings and in the townships. and social demands. Charier. This is impossible, and This reflects Ihe popular desire of But the slate machine is Ihe in­ would lead lo retreating from Ihe Ihe oppressed lo build one mass strument which the bosses depend Charter. political organisation to unite the on for maintaining control over Ihe The task of all consistent struggle against Ihe present factories, banks, mines and land. So democrats, as well as socialists, is lo system—and overthrow il complete­ long as police can be called into the prepare Ihe mass movement for the ly- factories and the army into the revolutionary overthrow of the Is Ihe Charter an adequate pro­ townships, the bosses retain the stale. We must build Ihe ANC as a gramme for abolishing white power ultimately to reverse Ihe gains mass organisation above all of the supremacy and national oppression: of Ihe mass struggle. millions of oppressed workers and for fully democratising society: for No demand in Ihe Charter can be their families, on a clear programme eliminating poverty; for ending all secure until Ihis state is swept away. to establish a democratic workers* oppression and exploitation: for Only a new stale, buill and controll­ stale. That is Ihe only way lo ge­ beginning to build a socialist ed by the working people and based nuine liberation for the working society? on their own armed power, can class and the oppressed middle class too. The Freedom Charter is not a secure liberation, end poverty and programme of socialist revolution. implemenl Ihe reforms in the While arguing for a socialist pro­ But its radical democratic demands, Charter. gramme for the ANC, supporters of and the immense reforms which it A democratic workers* state INQABA will implacably oppose all spells out in Ihe fields of housing, would also pass on lo Ihe tasks of attempts to retreat from the transport, education, wages, work­ socialist construction. Freedom Charter. We will join ing conditions and welfare are im­ The great weakness of ihe wholeheartedly in every struggle to possible for the capitalist system to Freedom Charter is its failure lo ex­ carry ihe demands of the Charter in­ afford. plain these realities of our struggle to force. Each victory along ihis Capitalism has always depended and point Ihe way forward to road will strike a real blow against on cheap labour, on mass poverty, workers' power. Ihe racist and capitalist enemy. 3 Ha Ho Khutlelo Morao Ka Freedom Charter YA BASEBENZi Selemong stria ANC e Memo li Africa e Boroa a oele feela ho ba Charier ke ho hloloa ho hlalosa lin- mashome a supileng e Ihehiloe. Ke kaholimo pusong. Ka ho lemoha nele Isena Isa nloa ea rona le ho lilerno tse mashome a mabeli a met- hore mafalse a kapitale a lebane le bontsa basebelsi Isela ea lokoloho. so e Iscletseng leano la ANC* "The maihala a maholo, bailailapi ba SA Ha eba baelapele ba ANC ba sa Freedom Charier**, le amohelsoe ba Isosilose ke leano la sechaba ka ikemiselsa ho loanlsa le ho hlola lekhotleng la sechaba. ho loanlsa llallapo le khalello ho bollatlapi, ba lla tlameha ho ikhula Ka leano lena (Freedom Charier) llisa lokoloho ho bohle. ho Freedom Charier. Ha ba sa la sechaba sa Africa Boroa, Ho phelhahalsa Freedom Charter ikemiselsa puso ka sechaba lipheloho Ise bonahalang li lla ba ho aha bosechaba bo senang molemong oa sechaba e ke ke ea teng. llallapo, hoa lokela hore ba bonoa lokoloho Africa Boroa. Re le sechaba sa Africa Boroa, re kaholimo—bailailapi—ba keloloe Malebana le maihala ana, kajeno ipopa le ho fela pele ho loanlsa sera ho felisa khalello. Le ha ho ka ha el- baelapele ba bangala Africa Boroa sa sechaba. Basebelsi ke bona sahala hore lequloana lena la ba hlalosa hore Charier e emela baetapele ba lokoloho* bailailapi le bahalelli le leke ho felisa Ise ling Isa leano la eona empa ba hloloa ke ho muso oa bona ba Isielsing, Hkhalello, le lla balla mano a mang phallalalsa ka bophara lilokelo le Ele ho Isehelsa Freedom Charier, a ho khulliselsa linlho morao. bosechaba balhong Africa Boroa. mekhallo ea kopano, bacha ham- Molheo oa Freedom Charier ke Ho fapana le ho Ihusa ka ho moho le sechaba ba sebetsa ka hore libanka, limaene le indasleri, e lhaoia le boiho la nloa ea lokoloho Ihala. Balho ba scbelitseng ka malla be Isa sechaba, eseng li be llas'a Ilasa basebelsi, ba re lilumellano li lilibelong ea ANC, ba bonahala ka Isamaiso ea balho ba 'mala bal- ka fihleloa le babusi (ba basoeu) ba kolloloho liphulhehong Isa soereng puso. Re ka fumana bona Africa Boroa e le "National Con* basebelse esila le makcisheneng. ha feela ho ka elsoa hore moruo oa venlion" ho phelahatsa leano la Ka hoo ho bonahala hanlle hore naha o se ke oa eba oa balho ha Freedom Charier. sechaba se halelelsoeng se ilseng empa oa sechaba ka kakarel- Hona ho ke ke ha phelahala ka ha ikemiselilse ho ipopa ho loanlsa le so. e le ho Isoileng Iseleng ea Charier. ho felisa ka hohle Isela ea puso e Empa puso ea joale ke eona e Ke mosebetsi oa bohle ba emelang Africa Boroa. fang bailailapi bana malla a ho puso ea sechaba ele ka "nele ho elsa Freedom Charier na e be ke leano isamaisa lifeclori, libanka, limaene liiokiso Isa ho ketola *muso ka nloa le malla a lekaneng ho felisa esila le mobu. Ha feela mapolisa a ea boikelso. Re llameha ho aha boikhohomoso ba bailailapi ba nlse a sebelisoa Hfeklori le masole ANC ele mokha oa I'millione isa basocu le ho llosa khalello ea liahelong Isa balho ba balso Africa basebelsi ba halelelsoeng hammoho sechaba ka kakaretso, ho llisa puso Borwa, bahalelli bana le bona ba le malapa a bona, ka mohoo o ea sechaba ke sechaba, ho felisa Isoelapele khalellong ea ho selisa hlakileng oa ho Iheha sechaba se bofulsana, ho felisa khalello le sechaba ho loanlsa llallapo. lokolohileng. Ke eona Isela feela e llallapo, le ho aha sechaba se secha Ha ho lelho le ka fumanchang ka lebisang lokoloho ea *nete ea se senang khalello? Ilasa Charier haeba muso oa basebelsi le ea bohle ba halelel­ soeng. Freedom Charier base leano la ho bailailapi o sa keloloe. "Muso o llisa lokoloho ea socialism. Kmpa mocha a ahiloeng, o bileng o Nakong ea ho aha molheo oa bo- seo e se emelang ka malla laoloang ke basebelsi Ilasa malla a socialist ho ANC, balsehelsi ba IN- molemong oa sechaba, ke bolulo ba bona ke oona feela o ka sirelelsang QABA, ha ho pofang, ba lla ba balho, mokhoa oa lipalangoang, bolokolohi, o ka felisang bohloki le khahlanong le ho n>ahlalsoa ha Ihtilo, mepulso, boemo ha khiro, bofulsana esila le ho elsa ka hohle Freedom Charier, Ke lla kopana re bophelo le boikello ba sechaba ka seo Charier e se hlokang molemong le pelo *ngoe linloeng Isohle Isa kakarelso. oa sechaba. lokoloho ho phelhahalsa Freedom Puso ea bailailapi e ilsellehile I^cfalse la puso ea basebelsi le ka Charier. Tlholo e *ngoe le e "ngoe holim'a basebelsi ba fumanang nlselsa pele mokhoa oa ho bopa Iseleng eena e lla o lla ka malla mepulso e llase, le bohloki bo sechaba ho se ea phelang ka mofui- khallanong le bahalelli le pharalclseng, esila le khalello ea so oa phalla ea e mong.
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