Original article Swiss Sports & Exercise Medicine, 66 (4), 56–63, 2018 Osmolality, pH, and titratable acidity of sports drinks on the Swiss market Mettler S1,2,*, Weibel E1 1 Department of Health, Bern University of applied sciences, Switzerland, [email protected]; 2 Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, [email protected] * corresponding author Abstract Zusammenfassung The regular consumption of acidic drinks can erode dental Der Konsum von säurehaltigen Getränken kann zu erosiven enamel and promote caries. As many sports drinks on the Schäden am Zahnschmelz beitragen. Weil viele kommer- market feature critically low pH values, it is possible that zielle Sportgetränke einen für den Zahnschmelz kritischen athletes with regular sports drink consumption harm their pH-Wert aufweisen, kann sich ein regelmässiger Konsum oral health. As neither pH nor osmolality values must be la- entsprechend auf die Zahngesundheit auswirken. Da weder beled on products, it is difficult for athletes to make informed der pH noch die Osmolalität deklariert werden müssen, ist es choices. schwierig, diese Parameter bei der Produktauswahl zu be- We screened the Swiss market for sports drinks and gels rücksichtigen. for domestic and international brands and products and ana- Wir haben Sportgetränke und Gels von nationalen und lyzed products for their pH, titratable acidity, and osmolality. internationalen Markenherstellern auf dem Schweizer Markt For all analyzed parameters, the results varied widely. We auf pH, titrierbare Säure und Osmolalität analysiert. identified several products with a neutral pH and or low ti- Für alle analysierten Parameter wurde eine starke Streu- tratable acidity. On the other hand, there are still many prod- ung festgestellt. Einige Produkte wiesen einen neutralen pH- ucts on the market with a critically low pH and significant Wert und/oder eine tiefe titrierbare Säure auf. Andererseits titratable acid content. Acidity was not only variable between wiesen viele Produkte kritisch tiefe pH- und hohe Säurewer- different products, but also between different flavors of the te auf. Die titrierbare Säure hat sich nicht nur zwischen ver- same product. Osmolality also featured significant variabil- schiedenen Produkten, sondern auch zwischen verschiede- ity, with some products showing dedicated hypotonic osmo- nen Geschmacksrichtungen desselben Produkts lality and a few products exceeding 300 mosmol/kg. Overall, unterschieden. Bei der Osmolalität wiesen verschiedene Pro- osmolality values have clearly dropped since our last market dukte deutlich hypotonische Werte auf, während andererseits screening in 2006. einige Produkte 300 mosmol/kg überschritten. Seit 2006 Today, athletes can choose from a variety of products with sind die Osmolalitätswerte auf breiter Front reduziert wor- low acidity and optimized osmolality. Athletes who prefer den. drinks with a high dental erosive potential should consider a Heute haben Sportlerinnen und Sportler mehrere bzgl. special focus on dental hygiene and health. Osmolalität und Säuregehalt optimierte Produkte zur Aus- wahl. Wer Getränke mit erhöhtem erosivem Potenzial bevor- Keywords: zugt, sollte die Zahnhygiene entsprechend beachten. Sports nutrition, gel, carbohydrates, oral health, dental ero- sion, caries Schlüsselwörter: Sporternährung, Gels, Kohlenhydrate, Zahngesundheit, Zahnerosion, Karies 56 Mettler, Weibel Introduction Methods Over the last three decades, a significant body of literature In this investigation, we searched for liquid products de- has documented the ergogenic effects of exogenous carbohy- signed to deliver carbohydrates during exercise for athletes, drates and the delivery of fluid during longer exercise activ- i.e., sports drinks and gels. ities [1]. Since the invention of Gatorade, commercial as well From October 2016 through January 2017, products on the as self-made sports drinks have become staple products in Swiss market were screened through internet searches on the field of sports nutrition to deliver carbohydrates and fluid retailer platforms as well as identified websites of manufac- during exercise. turers. Further, local retail stores and fitness centers were Of course, it is advisable to use these products to demand screened for offered products. For some selected products, only. The excessive consumption of sugary drinks is not war- we analyzed several available flavors to identify differences ranted for the general population as well as for athletes. How- in the pH, acidity, or osmolality between different flavors of ever, even the meaningful consumption of sports drinks may the same product. It was beyond the capability of this study have its side effects. One potential problem associated with to purchase and analyze all available flavors of all products the regular consumption of sports drink is their erosive effect on the market. Some of the products were provided by man- on dental enamel. Dental erosion is tooth structure loss re- ufacturers via e-mail request. If products were not provided, sulting from acid challenge to the enamel surface [2]. Poor they were purchased from local retail stores or from the in- oral health is a significant and often neglected issue in sports, ternet. which may also negatively affect performance [3-7]. Several For comparison reasons and because athletes occasion- aspects from individual oral hygiene to nutritional behavior ally use them during exercise, we included a few selected all contribute to the oral health outcome. Regular exposure soft- and energy drinks in the study. In the case of carbonat- of the teeth to acidic drinks may contribute to tooth decay ed beverages, we measured the product as it came from the over the years or over an athletic career [2], particularly as shelf and after removing the carbon dioxide by intensive the erosive potential of some commercial sports drinks has shaking until no gas bubbles could be identified in the bev- been shown to be worse than with Coca Cola [8]. erage. The erosive potential of drinks is significantly determined Liquid beverages were directly analyzed. Powders, tabs, by the pH of the liquid and the concentration of the acid [2,9]. or concentrated liquids were mixed with deionized water as However, information on the pH and acid concentration do not a solvent (the osmolality difference from local tap water was have to be labeled, and most manufacturers do not publish this 3 mosmol/kg) and according to the manufacturer’s instruc- information. Consequently, it is difficult for athletes to consid- tions (g of powder and ml of solvent). In some cases, alter- er the pH or acid concentration of the consumed drinks. A native concentrations have been produced as indicated. Gels screening on the Swiss market in 2006 revealed that basically were analyzed in two ways. First, they were diluted with the all commercially available sports drinks, including domestic amount of water suggested by the manufacturer. If no par- and international brands, featured critically low pH values re- ticular liquid volume was suggested by the manufacturer, a garding dental erosion. Since then, some new products with volume of a comparable product was chosen, as indicated dedicatedly pH-neutral properties have entered the market. in the results. Second, we diluted the amount of gels con- Another characteristic of sports drinks that does not have taining 20 g of carbohydrates with 200 ml of deionized wa- to be labeled but with a certain practical relevance is the osmo- ter to get a carbohydrate-matched comparison between lality of the drink. Osmolality may influence gastric emptying products. Unfortunately, not all gels could be analyzed in rates and residual intragastric fluid volumes [10,11]. Although both ways. The gels of Winforce have a relatively unique carbohydrate content is clearly dominant regarding gastric texture and contain significant amounts of fat. It was not emptying and fluid absorption, osmolality also plays a role [12]. possible to properly solve and analyze this product with the While the carbohydrate content is labeled or can easily be cal- same methodology. culated by the consumer, there is usually no labeled informa- Osmolality was measured by the freezing point depres- tion on the osmolality of the drink. For optimal fluid absorp- sion (Osmopro 3250, YASN, England). Titratable acidity was tion, ingested fluids during exercise should be isotonic to measured by titrating 200 ml of a sample to a pH of 7.0 with hypotonic in relation to human plasma [12,13]. Our market 1 mol NaOH using a digital semiautomatic burette (TitrasPro screening in 2006 revealed that several commercial sports 613-5287, VWR Collection, Deutschland). The pH was meas- drinks showed osmolality values significantly beyond 300 ured with a digital pH meter (SevenCompact S210, Mettler mosmol/kg, with several internationally marketed products Toledo, Schweiz). To weigh the products and ingredients, a showing values between 346 and 391 mosmol/kg [14]. There precision scale was used (LPWG-723i, VWR Collection, is evidence that these higher values approach dimensions Italy). Products were weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. All meas- where gastric emptying and fluid absorption is significantly uring devices were calibrated according to the manufactur- reduced [10]. Over the last decade, several products with ded- er’s instructions. For volume measurements, calibrated icatedly lowered osmolality (“hypotonic” sports drinks) have volumetric flasks were used. The powder products were
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