MATEC Web of Conferences 157, 03009 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815703009 MMS 2017 Car body and bogie connection modification for track curves passability improvement Vladimír Hauser1,*, la . Nozhenko1, Kara Kravchenko1, Mária Loulová1, Juraj Gerlici1, Tomáš Lack1 1University of Ţilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Transport and Handling Machines, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Ţilina, Slovak Republic Abstract. For Tram cars, it is often necessary to operate in cities on strongly curved track, which is followed by an increased effect of the vehicle on the track. Especially, this increased effect occurs in spiral transition curves situated between direct and arc sections or between two arc sections of different radius. In such case, increased guiding forces, creep in the rail - wheel contact, wear and noise generation can be observed. Exactly with the aim to reduce these undesirable effects we designed a tram bogie with steered wheelsets. This paper deals with a modification of its coupling to vehicle body in order to improve vehicle dynamics in transition curves. Proposed innovative construction of this coupling unit is registered by authors under Utility Model Nr. u201609015 and Utility Model Nr. u201703246. Description of the proposed way for a vehicle to pass through curved track with regard to bogie-body coupling and wheelset steering mechanisms with usage of multibody computing software is given in this paper. Keywords: bogie to vehicle body coupling, track transition curves, tramcar throughput improvement 1 Introduction The way a vehicle passes a track arc depends on many factors. The most important of these include the bogie wheelbase, the distance of pivot pins, the way the car body is mounted on the bogie, the design of the wheelset guiding in the bogie, the track gauge and the width of the track free channel with which the geometry of the wheel and rail profiles is directly related. The most favorable situation for the vehicle during a ride in a curve is the radial position, the wheelset guides should provide zero angles of attack, the wheel and rail profiles should provide one-point contact as well as lateral displacement of the wheel from the track axis such that the change of the radius of the outer and inner wheels would compensate the difference in the lengths of the outer and inner rails. Fulfilling these conditions will result in a reduction in creep velocities in wheel-rail contacts, minimizing vehicle riding resistance in curve, extending wheel and rail profile service life, reducing bogie and track load, and reducing traffic noise. It is particularly desirable to achieve such a favorable condition in an environment with frequent occurrences of small radius arcs, such * Corresponding author: [email protected] Reviewers: Marek Macko, Mila Ţmindák © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). MATEC Web of Conferences 157, 03009 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815703009 MMS 2017 th rlways of ubl anspor vehl wher th increased on wear of onta pair rofl d, n arul, increased nois generon significant robl [1 - 3] Th team of uthors eal with soluon of his robl h form of ypl bog design suring fvorabl transiton rough track arcs [4 5]. ey lmen of h proposed oluon mechanism roviding adl steering of wheelets whl iding alo urved econ of the track, wher th poson of wheelets is erved fro he bog rame roon rlv to car o. 2 The wheelset control mechanism Th purpos of h ontrol mechanism s o efine h poson of h wheels and is desirabl th du o operon of mechanism er is o on of undulory movment of th vehl when rving on straigh ack. Th steering is rried ou by movn of th ale oxes in h longitudinal direcon y means of steering mechanism. Th inpu variabl is h angl of oon of h oie owards he vehl frame. h outpu variabl is h angl of oon of wheelset owards bog frame, which s created y movng the axl box of e wheelet uiding i ooite direcon. A schem diagram of h proposed bog esign is hown ig. a) A ro section diagram of the ooed bog esign is ow ig. b). Fig. 1. a schematic iagram of e oposed bog design b coss ction iagram of e oposed og design 2 MATEC Web of Conferences 157, 03009 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815703009 MMS 2017 th rlways of ubl anspor vehl wher th increased on wear of onta Th design of h wheels steering mechanism equires gear wheel egment (1 being pair rofl d, n arul, increased nois generon significant robl [1 - 3] mounted on pivo couli he car ody with oie (2). he ogie roon i Th team of uthors eal with soluon of his robl h form of ypl bog real arou he pivot (2). u, he gear frame (3 as only one degre of freedom design suring fvorabl transiton rough track arcs [4 5]. ey lmen of h owards car o Lvers ith gear segmen rotatabl mounted on h ge rame proposed oluon mechanism roviding adl steering of wheelets whl iding (4) The lvers 4) oupld y means of ods 5) o he l oes (6). With egard to alo urved econ of the track, wher th poson of wheelets is erved fro he th suspenson operon, pherl joints onsidered o attach h ro o th lvers. or bog rame roon rlv to car o. a orrec funon of h proposed mechanism, was ecessary o etermin th gear atio between gear segments wll s dimensons e" d ". Rlonships for calulon of es dimensons n determined fro he 2 The wheelset control mechanism requiremen hat the vehicl h to ss hrou ack ar with adlly rotated wheelets, Th purpos of h ontrol mechanism s o efine h poson of h wheels and is shown n ig. h following lonships based on assumpton h th pivo desirabl th du o operon of mechanism er is o on of undulory pin located the midpoin of e wheel of the oie, sown ig. s he movment of th vehl when rving on straigh ack. Th steering is rried ou by dimension ". movn of th ale oxes in h longitudinal direcon y means of steering mechanism. Th inpu variabl is h angl of oon of h oie owards he vehl frame. h outpu variabl is h angl of oon of wheelset owards bog frame, which s created y movng the axl box of e wheelet uiding i ooite direcon. A schem diagram of h proposed bog esign is hown ig. a) A ro section diagram of the ooed bog esign is ow ig. b). Fig. 2 Expected ay of vehl assing k rc (ride irection o e ight, ont og shown) or angl of oon of wheel owards bog fram [rad] can write a rlonship: b arcsin (1) 2R wher variabl b mm] epresents h bog wheel and mm] radus of e track c. or angl of oon of h bog rlv o car ody, is ossibl o wr h rlonship: B arcsin (2) 2Rv Fig. 1. a schematic iagram of e oposed bog design b coss ction iagram of e oposed og design 3 MATEC Web of Conferences 157, 03009 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815703009 MMS 2017 Wher the variabl B mm] epresents e istance of h pvot ins nd v [mm] represents ll deflon of pvo from axis of track n arc. or calulon of his vlu i possibl o us rlon 3), o rlon 4): b vR (3) 2 tan 2 2 b vR R (4) 2 The wheele teering mechanism equired o o th heelets in e oie whe rotating h oie frame owards th car o. his on lgly y longiudinally oving th axl oes i he oie frame. h vlu of his longitudinl displmen xd [mm] n expressed y: xdd sin (5) Wher d [mm] s h distance of e l box rom h longudinal axis of e ogie. is ecessary th he lver oints with gear segmen ar eing moved in h longitudinal direcon exacly b the xd vlu whe he bogie is urning. Therefore, or vlu of h dimenson [mm], is ossibl o wr h rlonship: x e d (6) sin After itting lons 1), 2) d 5) o 6), vlu of imenson [mm] n modified o: dbR v e (7) RB Since h variabl v each vlu much small an variabl R, can negld in h numeror of second raon. onsequenly, is ossibl o wr h following rlon or imenson [mm]: db e (8) B or onsidered vehl with og wheel 1900 m, distance etween h pvo pins 6 00 m nd joints iuated distance 350 m rom th longitudinl axis of h vehle, ruling valu of 104 m. th bog design ymmetrl everl ways of lg h bog under e vehicl car onsidered. is ecessary o find ou which poson wll mor favorabl in ms of oth id in ack and id stably. 4 MATEC Web of Conferences 157, 03009 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815703009 MMS 2017 Wher the variabl B mm] epresents e istance of h pvot ins nd v [mm] 3 Examinated options of bogie mounting on the car body represents ll deflon of pvo from axis of track n arc. or calulon of his vlu i possibl o us rlon 3), o rlon 4): Ther ar three pecif requirements for hing h bogie o car ody: 1. Ensue wheelset steering h is erved rom h pvo pin with h gear segment own b in g.
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