June 18, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1149 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO DR. SHAFFDEEN nament on June 6th. This is Cabarrus High in Central Massachusetts as well as MIAA AMUWO, Ph.D. MPH ASSOCIATE School’s fourth state championship win. The State Softball. DEAN FOR COMMUNITY GOVERN- sensational Lady Vikings captured the state Along with the many committees Mr. Lewis MENT AND ALUMNI AFFAIRS, championship title in 1993, 2000, 2001 as 3A has devoted his time to, his contributions to UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS members and now in 2004 as 4A members. both the Massachusetts Secondary School SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Coached by Monte Sherrill, the team had an Athletic Directors Association as well as the astounding season with an overall record of community of Central Massachusetts have HON. DANNY K. DAVIS 32–1. The Lady Vikings claimed their title by earned him well deserved recognition. He has OF ILLINOIS beating Cape Fear with a final score of 1–0. received the National Interscholastic Award of The team is now ranked 7th nationally by USA Merit both statewide and nationally, as well as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today and the National Fast-Pitch Coaches two John E. Young Awards. Wednesday, June 16, 2004 Association. Gina Allen was declared the Most Today I, along with the rest of my col- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I take Valuable Player in the tournament due to her leagues would like to pay tribute to this strong this opportunity to commend and congratulate outstanding job on the pitcher’s mound. Allen community leader and outstanding Athletic Di- Dr. Shaffdeen Amuwo on a very meaningful tossed a five-hit shutout against Cape Fear to rector, Richard Lewis and we wish him and his and successful career as he approaches re- lead the team to the title. family all the best in the years to come. tirement. Teaching to me has always been The Lady Vikings have reached this level of f one of the noblest and most rewarding of all success by extreme hard work and dedication. ADJUSTMENT IN NUMBER OF the professions. I take this position because to Most of the players stay in shape by con- FREE ROAMING HORSES PER- me, when you teach you give a part of your- tinuing to play year-round on competitive trav- MITTED IN CAPE LOOKOUT NA- self to others who are attempting to move eling teams. Cabarrus County has done an TIONAL SEASHORE from one level of being to another. excellent job of creating recreational opportu- Dr. Shaffdeen Amuwo migrated to this coun- nities beyond the high school seasons. SPEECH OF try from his native Nigeria to attend school in Participating in individual and team sports an effort to improve his own life and to be in can offer tremendous social advantages while HON. WALTER B. JONES a position to make life better for others,, Never challenging a young person physically and OF NORTH CAROLINA one to shirk responsibility or to miss opportuni- fostering honest competition. There is also evi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dence that sports can increase a student’s ties, he worked at a number of odd jobs while Monday, June 14, 2004 attending school and eventually earned both self-esteem and academic performance. Ph.D. and MPH degrees. Sports allow teenagers to take on leadership Mr. JONES of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, Dr. Amuwo understood that education re- roles, handle adversity, and improve their time I would like to thank the House Leadership for quires more than just activity with the class- management skills. scheduling H.R. 205 for floor consideration. room. He took his knowledge and skills out The Lady Vikings of Cabarrus County have This bill would adjust the number of free roam- into the community sharing with common and succeeded in pushing themselves to be out- ing horsed permitted on Shackleford Banks in ordinary people. He became a prolific proposal standing athletes and have stood up to the the Cape Lookout National Seashore. writer and raised substantial sums of money challenges placed in front of them. They have Shackleford Banks is a barrier island off the for programs and instructional activities. come together as a team and shown their coast of North Carolina that has been home to Through his efforts and as a result of his seri- peers that commitment and self-sacrifice can a herd of wild horses for over three centuries. ous understanding of what public health lead to success. I congratulate them and wish In fact, experts believe the herd descended should really do, Dr. Amuwo helped to open them continued success next year. We are all from Spanish stallions that were shipwrecked up new vistas of understanding and was in- proud of their accomplishments. on the island during colonial times. deed a bridge builder between the school and f Over the years, the Shackleford horses the community as well as between his native have become an integral part of the natural African brothers and sisters and the traditional TRIBUTE TO RICHARD LEWIS and cultural fabric of Eastern North Carolina. African American community of Chicago. They are treasured by the local community Although you are retiring in a formal way, HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN and adored by the many visitors who come we expect to see you at all of the meetings OF MASSACHUSETTS from across the country to see them. and will continue to make use of your vast IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To protect these beautiful creatures, in 1997 knowledge, skill, and commitment. And as you I introduced the Shackleford Banks Wild Wednesday, June 16, 2004 go, in the words of an Irish Proverb, ‘‘May the Horses Protection Act which the President Road rise up to meet you, may the wind al- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- later signed into law. The Act directed the De- ways be at your back, may the Sun shine ored to pay tribute to one of Central Massa- partment of the Interior to enter an agreement warmly upon your face and until we meet chusetts’ most devoted athletic directors and with a non-profit group—the Foundation for again, may the good Lord hold you in the hol- community members, Richard Lewis, who is Shackleford Horses—to manage the herd. It low of his hand.’’ retiring from his position as Athletic Director of also required the Department to allow a herd f Wachusetts Regional High School. of 100 free-roaming horses in the Seashore, After graduating from the University of Mas- and it set out terms under which horses could CONGRATULATIONS CENTRAL sachusetts in 1966, Mr. Lewis went on to re- be removed, including a prohibition on re- CABARRUS HIGH SCHOOL SOFT- ceive his Masters in Education from Worcester moval ‘‘unless the number of horses . ex- BALL TEAM State College. He began his career in Western ceeds 110.’’ Massachusetts, followed by 10 years at the As the National Park Service and the Foun- HON. ROBIN HAYES Marlboro Public Schools, before he graced dation began to implement the Act, disagree- OF NORTH CAROLINA Wachusetts High School with his services in ment erupted over the law’s requirements on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1978. the size of the herd. The Park Service inter- Throughout his years at WMS, Mr. Lewis preted the Act to mean that the herd’s popu- Wednesday, June 16, 2004 has left an outstanding legacy, not only as the lation should be kept between 100 and 110. Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker it is my honor to MIAA District E Athletic Chair, but also assist- However, as the author of the legislation, I can rise today to congratulate the Central ing on several committees such as the MIAA tell you this interpretation was inconsistent Cabarrus High School Softball team on their Baseball Committee. Furthermore, he served with Congressional intent—which was to allow victory at the 4A NCHSAA Softball Tour- as the director of both the Softball Tournament the herd to hover above 110. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate May 21 2004 05:32 Jun 19, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17JN8.001 E18PT1 E1150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 18, 2004 The Park Service’s interpretation also con- sible systems of cost-effective community- To qualify for the All-American City Award, flicted with the established scientific con- based services. I am proud to have introduced Concord representatives first had to submit a sensus on the size of the herd. Studies by H.R. 2032, the Medicaid Attendant Services detailed application highlighting the city’s three world-renowned genetic scientists Dr. Daniel and Supports Act also known as MiCASSA most pressing challenges. They are: address- Rubenstein of Princeton University, and Dr. with my friend from Illinois, Mr. SHIMKUS. ing the medical needs of the uninsured and Gus Cothran of the University of Kentucky, MiCASSA as the Family Opportunity Act underinsured, eliminating substandard housing confirm that in order to maintain the herd’s would change the system of long-term care as in the community, and extending the men- long-term viability, its optimum size is around we know it today. Nationally, approximately 70 toring and civic responsibility of the Boys and 120 animals. The experts also agree that the percent of the Federal and State spending still Girls Club of Concord.
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