Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 5-4-1956 Campus Crier Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Campus Crier" (1956). CWU Student Newspaper. Book 835. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/835 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. Crowded Activation League Discusses Many Problems By PAUL LAMBERTSON Standing room only was available at the first m eeting of the m us Crier tudent Activation League held in the CES auditorium Tuesday - j'vening. More than 400 students and faculty m embers swelled the walls of the room as problems and criticisms were expressed and discussed VOLUME 28, NUMBER 20 ELLENSBURG, WASH. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1956 during an open discussion period. ~ This meeting bro~ught about by IJ k ·l .b an aroused ·interest in a so-called a c . .y ye r "soap box speaker, a black hearse, . and ,a feeling ~f ·apathy" was set Tnkes ECSA up by a · group of students repre- u ~ senting no club or organization, . •d as a means for students tei ex- press themselves. Presi_ ency. ' George Worthington . and Don Robertson conducted the 21h hour Jack Lybyer , SGA president session at which time Bob Easton, elect, was elected to serve as presi­ a graduate transfer student from dent of the Evergreen Conference the University of Washington ·and Students' Association at the spring WCE, who has recently gained conference h eld at CPS last week­ 'r~cognition as the "noon· hqur soap· end. box speaker," made several brief 'The· conference approved the comments. proposal to change league resolu.­ During the meeting Easton saiq, tions to admit Seattle Pacific Col­ "My so'ap box campaign is through lege and · Gonzaga ·University to tomorrow. I'll move the hearse. the Evergreen Conference. · It's gone!" Also passed was a resolution A number of questions and state. proposed by CWCE to form a new ments were directed· 'at faculty agenda board composed_ of one members. In answer to a question member from each school in thP. that no scholarships were offered conference to work in conjunction THE LOTUS SKYLINERS will play for the Vet's C lub dance tomorrow in the gym. The band · for scholastic achievement, Dr. E. with the executive board to plan fl>..atures Patsy Nakasima as vocalist, and Don Kinsley, a former Central student, directs the band. E. Samuelson. pointed out that be­ the agenda for the spring confer­ tween 100 and 150 scholarships are ence. · Dale Mitchell will represent awarded yearly to outstanding stu­ Central on the board. 0 dents with scholastic achievement. E;WCE was selected as the host State Officials for the winter conference and 'Skyliners' Slated These include PTA, Munson, room and others. CWCE will host the spring meet. Speak Thursday Faculty members present at the Representing Central .at the con- Two prominent state officials wiil confab were Dr. Donald Murphy, ference were Colleen Moore and ·be on the Central campus on Saturday Night :· Dr. A. H. Howard, Richard :R.ein­ Conni~ Bankson, . present SGA Thursday, May 10, to meet with holtz, Bernard Michals, Dr. Dan co_un c1l me:nbers, . and Lybyer, faculty and students concerning a "The Lotus Skyliners," a 2 I -piece band composed of Se~ opplerrian, Anne Lembesis, Jean­ Mitchell, S~1rley W1lloug~by , an? number of important professional attle Japanese youths, will play for the Vet's Club all-college nette Ware, Bonnie Wiley, Dr. Wayne He1sserman.' new council problems. officers. dance tomorrow night in the gym. Floyd Rodine, Janet Lowe, Dr.• T. Vern B. Archer, Assistant Sec- Wesley Crum and Dr. George Fet- "Oriental Nights" is the· theme of the dance, which is set retary of the Washington Educa­ from 9-12. Decorations, under the direction of Norm Rice, ter. · tion Association; and Boyd C. Provisions for an athletic train- Kamola Fire ---------------·~will feature a false ceiling 'and Jacobs, Assistant Secretary-Man­ Japanese lanterns are also plan- i-"ig· table were mentioned. The food ager of the State Retirement Sys­ 'problem received many critical· SGAgenda ned.. Shocks Girls tem, will arrive in Ellensburg to "Tickets are on sale today in and some favorable comments. address an afternoon meeting with These ranged from the size of Tonight the information booth of the · Fire towered three stories high the faculty and an evening meet­ "Way. of a CUB," according to Myron 'Rade­ baked potatoes to cooks carrying in Kamola courtyard Monday, April ing for senior students and FTA 7 p.m.-Dime movie, food home from the dining hall. Gaucho," auditorium miller, who is handling ticket 30, at 1 a .m . An unidentified fire- members. sales. Price for tickets is 50c Public opinion seemed to be · that bug set tires, inner tubes, paper, The meeting with the faculty will 9 p.m.--"Manhattan the dining pall committee should Mode," apiece, or $1 a couple. and wood ablaze in a t_ulip bed be held O!l. Thursday afternoon North hall work harder toward attaining ·what Members of the dance commit­ about six ·feet from the dormitory from 4 to 5 p.ril. in C~l30 at· which the student body wants as a whole. Tom.orrow tee are Bob Easton, chairman, wall. · ·-~-- ·«Continued on Page 2) Bob Brandt and Rice. Other mem- . A humorous statement brought "Several explosions and a flash up during the food disc·ussion was 1 :30 p.m .-Whitworth baseball, bers of the club are helping wi~h of light made me leap out of bed. Tomlinson field the final preparations for the presented by a faculty member I thought the dorm was burnipg", " who said, "If you ate my wife's LeWis Heads 7 p.m.-Dime movie, "Anthony dance. Marlene Mansperger, student resi­ Adverse," auditorium "This band went over big when cooking you would be glad to go dent, said. back to the chow hall." He later they played here last J anuary," (Continued on Page 2) Ellensburg fire chief, J ack Cald­ Psych Club After movie-Vet'.s Club All Col- Royal Wise, Vet's Club president well, suspects it was a "mischie­ lege Dance, gym saia this week. "The drummer Don Lewis was elected chair­ vous prank" that wasn't intended was especially popular, but every­ to harm the- 200 girls in the dorm. man of the board of executives of the newly formed psychology club one made a big hit. O·rgan Heads He said the offense is punishable Snack Bar Bids "The band members are all by law and may be considered "a at its second meeting. J ama Goodman was elected sec­ Climb Too. Aigh Seattle high school students, aqd Herodoteans form of arson." the female vocalist is a junior at ''The individuals should be appre­ retary of the board and members at large are Floyd Ellingson and Bids. totaling $39,216 were open- the University of Washington. Dan Organ was elected president hended and punished," Chief Cald­ ed in Seattle last Wednesday for Some of the band members are of Herodoteans at a Tuesday night well declared. He said that the Richard Ozanich. The next meeting of the club is improvements for the CUB snack outstanding prep athletes, and meeting held in Sue. offenders must not ha ve realized bar. some of them are potential Cen- Other officers include : Dean the possible danger of spreading to be held in the faculty lounge at 6 :30 Monday, May 7. All psy­ "Since we do not have that much tral students." Brotherton, vice president; Loree fire. money available, the Union Board Wise explained that the band is Sliffe, secretary; Ross Simmons, "We were very lucky the girls chology majors and minors are in­ vited to attend. is considering operating in their sponsored by the Buddhist church treasurer. had control of themselves and did-. present status ·for another year," in Seattle, · which furnishes ipstru­ n't panic," Mrs. Ma rgaret Church, Meetings have been set for 6 :30 Plans were m ade for a bean said Dr. Robert E. McConnell. ments . All profits go to the church feed at the city park_ on May 15. K a m o l a housemother ; s a i d. each Monday evening until the end the meantime the union fees youth work. The group also decided to sponsor "Many girls slept through t he of the quarter a t a place to be I~ will be raised and the money allow- Band members . practice after whole event." decided at the previous m eeting. the book exchange next year. ed to accumulate until there is . school and on Saturday mornings, sufficient funds to finance the cost ! and last year they made a tour to of improvements. , California. They are planning an- AAS .Lists Military Ball Queen Hopefuls Some of the proposed changes other two-week tour this year, Wise include new counters, larger facil- sa id. 1 Nominated for queen of the Mili­ ities, and better dishwashing ac- Don Kinsley, director of the band, tary Ball this year are Leta Thorn­ commodations, and improved light- I is a Central graduate. He teaches ton, Marilyn Grove, a nd Marge ing. m usic in the Seattle schools. Hendrickson. The candidates for the formal ball were nominated by Arnold Air Society. Beverly Burbach was last year's AWS . Lists Daily Schedule queen. The formal dance will be held For Mother,s' Day Weekend May 11 in the Men's gym.
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