O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 10, ISSUE 505 June 16, 2007 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Niarchos Greek Doctors Create Foundation Worldwide Network at Announces Medical Conference in Kos 3 Projects By Yannis Sofianos during a visit to the United States by Special to the National Herald Greece’s Minister of Health and So- cial Solidarity Demetris Avramopou- Foundation Signs NEW YORK – The island of Kos, in los. the Southeastern Greek region of The purpose of this conference is Memorandum with the Dodecanese, home of Hip- to form an organized network of pocrates, the ancient “Father of Greek doctors all over the world, Greek PM Karamanlis Medicine,” was the host site for first which will not itself be a State-run ever Global Hellenic Medical Net- institution, but will enjoy the full By Demetris Tsakas work Conference, which was held in support of the State. According to Special to the National Herald conjunction with the 19th Biennial Mr. Avramopoulos, the GHMN will Conference of the Hellenic Medical seek “to form a knowledge base and NEW YORK – Greece’s Prime Min- Society of New York (HMSNY), last support system regarding medical ister Costas Karamanlis signed a week, from June 7 – June 10. This science, research and related institu- Memorandum of Understanding unique conference was organized by tions, as well as promote the ex- (MoU) with two trustees from the the Federation of Hellenic Medical change of medical knowledge, and Stavros Niarchos Foundation, An- Societies of North America (FHM- update members on new develop- dreas Dracopoulos and Spyros SNA) and HMSNY, under the aus- ments in the diagnosis and treat- Niarchos, marking the official com- pices of the Greek Ministry of Health ment of illnesses. The goal of the mencement of three major projects and Social Solidarity and the Hel- GHMN is to mutually benefit Greek to be completed at the sea-side lenic Academy of Medical Educa- doctors living and working in the Di- Athens metropolitan area of the tion. aspora, as well as the scientific and Faliron Delta. Namely, the projects Over 300 Greek doctors of the Di- academic professionals in Greece.” will include the construction of the aspora from all around the world The doctors present at this first National Library of Greece, the Na- came to Kos to attend the proceed- ever GHMN conference ever agreed tional Lyric Theater, and the Cultur- ings. Many of the attendees are to form an International Board al and Educational Park. All three renowned medical specialists, en- which will coordinate future initia- buildings will be located at the site joying international recognition for tives through its committees, as well of the old racetrack at the Faliron their contributions to their profes- as establish an international medical Delta. sion, and are at the forefront of in- award. “Communication” was the According to the MoU, the Niar- AP PHOTO/EUROKINISSI,TATIANA BOLARI novative medical research. The idea buzz word of the conference, and chos Foundation will finance the Gore meets with PM Karamanlis during his trip to Athens for this global conference was first appeared repeatedly in the confer- studies (architectural, static, and discussed with the HMSNY approxi- ence resolutions. Dr. George Dan- environmental), as well as assume Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis, left, speaks with Former US Vice-President Al Gore at the mately one year ago, and then sub- gas, President of the HMSNY said the full construction costs - includ- Premier's office in Athens on Wednesday, June 13, 2007. Karamanlis pledged to make Gore's book on the sequently with the FHMSNA. The that “communication is established ing equipment and furnishing ex- growing climate crisis "An Inconvenient Truth," along with the Oscar-winning DVD documentary based on details of this conference were offi- penses – of the three projects. The Gore's lectures, available in every Greek school throughout the country. See story on page 7. cially made public six months ago, Continued on page 5 location of these three major con- struction works spans approxi- mately 165.000 square meters. The Niarchos Foundation further pledged to follow the latest and most environment friendly proce- Texas Church Fights for Greek Language dures and standards while under- taking the construction. By Theodore Kalmoukos John Stehling to speak about the to a Greek-Orthodox member of As previously reported by The Special to the National Herald Battle of Crete in a special ceremo- the parish protested to Fr. Suciu ac- National Herald, all three of these ny of the Association that took cusing Deacon Stehling of using an- new sites will bear the name of the BOSTON – The anniversary of the place at St. Sophia’s Hall. Deacon ti-Semitic and antipatriotic lan- Stavros Niarchos Foundation, but historic Battle of Crete, which was Stehling was a Roman-Catholic guage in his speech. Fr. Suciu ad- will be given over to the Greek celebrated by the Cretan Society of monk and was converted to Ortho- vised her and her fiancé to write to State. The costs of these projects San Antonio, Texas, at the commu- doxy in 1963. He studied Greek, the parish council. Fr. Suciu had al- are estimated at 300 million Euros, nity center of St. Sophia parish on learned Byzantine music from the ready complained to Metropolitan and will be completed at no ex- May 28th 2006, revealed a long ex- late professor of Holy Cross School Isaiah of Denver about the Dea- pense whatsoever to the Greek tax- isting problem in the parish that of Theology Savas J. Savas and was con’s speech. payers. has to do with the use of the Greek ordained as Deacon and served the Metropolitan Isaiah suspended After signing the MoU, Prime language in the Liturgy and gener- parish of St. Sophia for more than Deacon Stehling without commu- Minister Karamanlis, noticeably ally in the worship of the parish. 40 years. Deacon Stehling declined nicating with him, nor the leader- content, stated “I am particularly Rev. Dan Susiu, originally from Ro- to chant in English despite the pres- ship of the Cretan Association. He pleased over the fact that a Memo- mania and Metropolitan Isaiah of sure he received from Fr. Dan Su- never even read the Deacon’s randum of Understanding was Denver are at the center of this con- ciu. speech. Fr. Suciu related Metropol- EUROKINISSI signed between the Greek State troversy that has divided the Deacon Stehling spoke about itan Isaiah’s decision after his re- Christodoulos undergoes surgery and the Stavros Niarchos Founda- parishioners. the historic Battle of Crete, (the Na- turn from the Clergy-Laity Con- tion for the construction and equip- In May 2006, the president of tional Herald has obtained a copy gress in Nashville, Tennessee in Ju- Deputy Minister of Health Athanasios Giannopoulos talks to re- ping of the new sites of the Nation- the San Antonio Cretan Associa- of his speech), but a non-Orthodox porters outside of Areteio hospital after Archbishop Christodoulos' al Library of Greece, the National tion, Ritsa Winters, asked Deacon (at the time) young lady engaged Continued on page 3 surgery. See story on page 7. Lyric Theater, and the Educational and Cultural Park, all to be located at the old racetrack in Faliron.” Mr. Karamanlis stressed the sig- nificance of this undertaking, say- ing “it will bring new life to Athens, Let Us Save the Forgotten Greek American Press Blackstone and, at an estimated budget of 300 million Euro, will serve as a mod- By Steve Frangos not used by the public, after a pru- they wish, based on the few scraps seen, the beginning pages always Founders to ern-day center of education and Special to the National Herald dent period of time, they are simply left behind. feature a month-by-month break- culture. This is yet another project pulled from the shelves and aban- You can help save the publishing down of the year both in terms of The Greek-American Press, so doned. history of the Greeks in the United astrological and ecclesiastical cal- Net $2.6 Continued on page 3 vibrant and productive for well With no active class of Greek- States. And without exaggeration if endars. In the pages that follow over 100 years, is from an archival American scholars and even fewer you have one of these now rare pe- each chronologia is a rich mix of point of view now nearly gone. Li- average Greek-Americans seeking riodicals you may, in fact, be literal- feature articles, poems, historical Billion in IPO braries and archives around the out these carefully saved collec- ly the only one who can do just accounts and even droll comedic country that once held long runs of tions they have slowly faded from that. satire. Greek newspapers, magazines and the shelves of our nation’s libraries. By at least 1903, Greek Ameri- Given the rarity of the Greek- Listing Teenagers Sing books have had to cull these mate- Every Greek-American should be can publishers were successfully American press I have only seen a rials from their collections. This is alerted to this situation. Private col- producing much more than simply ten year run of these chronologia. By James Politi, Ben White Greek Songs of no conspiracy. Public institutions lections are now very often the only newspapers and magazines. As fate would have it the only and Francesco Guerrera are living entities. As matter of source for these once commonly Among the readily available publi- chronologia I have ever seen were The Financial Times course newspapers, magazines, available documents.
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