Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System. http://estta.uspto.gov ESTTA Tracking number: ESTTA317910 Filing date: 11/19/2009 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD Notice of Opposition Notice is hereby given that the following party opposes registration of the indicated application. Opposer Information Name MJ Sancus, Inc. d/b/a Average Joe#s Entity Corporation Citizenship Ohio Address 8453 Sancus Blvd. Columbus, OH 43240 UNITED STATES Attorney Robert R. Lech information Lech Law, LLC P.O. Box 3473 Dublin, OH 43016 UNITED STATES [email protected] Phone:614-530-1284 Applicant Information Application No 77300827 Publication date 10/20/2009 Opposition Filing 11/19/2009 Opposition 11/19/2009 Date Period Ends Applicant ON KORE, LLC 814-16 Broad Ripple Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220 UNITED STATES Goods/Services Affected by Opposition Class 043. First Use: 1994/00/00 First Use In Commerce: 1994/00/00 All goods and services in the class are opposed, namely: Restaurant and bar services Grounds for Opposition Torres v. Cantine Torresella S.r.l.Fraud 808 F.2d 46, 1 USPQ2d 1483 (Fed. Cir. 1986) Other Applicant is not the rightful owner of the mark. Anheuser-Busch Inc. v. The Florists Association of Greater Cleveland, Inc., 29 USPQ2d 1146 (TTAB 1993); Treadwell#s Drifters Inc. v. Marshak, 18 USPQ2d 1318, 1320 (TTAB 1990); and Kemin Industries, Inc. v. Watkins Products, Inc., 192 USPQ 327, 328 (TTAB 1976). The term for which registration is sought is not distinctive or has not been used as a trademark or service mark. Anheuser-Busch Inc. v. The Florists Association of Greater Cleveland, Inc., 29 USPQ2d 1146 (TTAB 1993); and Marshall Field & Co. v. Mrs. Fields Cookies, 11 USPQ 2d 1355 (TTAB 1989). Applicant#s mark has been abandoned due to a course of conduct that has caused the mark to lose significance as an indication of source. Woodstock#s Enterprises Inc. v. Woodstock#s Enterprises Inc., 43 USPQ2d 1440 (TTAB 1997), affirmed. Opposer seeks to restrict or modify the goods and services by the addition of wording that identifies the goods and services in terms in a particular manner. Trademark Act section 18, DAK Industries Inc. v. Daiichi Kosho Co., 35 USPQ 2d 1434 (TTAB 1995) and Eurostar Inc. v. #Euro-Star# Reitmoden GmbH & Co. KG, 34 USPQ2d 1266 (TTAB 1994). Attachments NOA77300827.pdf ( 7 pages )(192235 bytes ) Certificate of Service The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of this paper has been served upon all parties, at their address record by First Class Mail on this date. Signature /Robert R. Lech/ Name Robert R. Lech Date 11/19/2009 !∀#∃# %&∋(&&)! ∋∗+ , −) &∋! &∋.//#011!23/ % ∃.4&∀+∃&∋31!3115 ∋&!! . !∀#∃# %&∋(&&)67&∋8!4∋∋:4∋. .&;∃&.&∀2<=0 .%∀!.>∃!4<03<1!∃&.&%&4:..∃& ∀>(&∀∃?4&∋&(∋;4&>∋∗ , −)64&7 ∋∗84:&∋. //#011!23/64&7 .8;.&∀∃&∋≅1!311/∀∃.4&∀;∋ ∃&∋31!3115!∀4&∋&∃?&∋&(∋;4&>& ∋;! &∋&;..:+ &∋)>>:&∋%& ∋∗ ∀∋∀&>& (4 , −) ≅ &∋4&:&∋;>>.:&∋%&>∋∗;∋, −) 3 &∋4 .? &∀ , −)&∋%&>∋∗4& .&&∋.?311= 0 &∋.4&:&∋;4∋∀&>& &(∋≅Α00222;∋7 %&∋(& &)8:44:;.&∀&01!311Α!>∋&4≅=>4∋∋ .);.( ∀&;4& . < 4& , −)>>.:&∋%&>∋∗&;∃.%.& &∋?>∃.;&∋!Β.?&∋%&!∀(∀:.. = ∋&.;&∋)∃.%&>&4&∋>;&∋)&∋%& ∀&∋ , −)>∋∗!4&>∋∗4∃&>&&∀:4&∋∀ &∋%&4&>∀;4&∋∀&∀>&∋∀∋∀&∋.4 Α ; .(∋&∀4&∋&(∋(4∃?4& .!:.∀∃.& &Χ. %&∋(4 &4&>∋∗ , −);∋7∋&∋∀∃∋ &∋%&8 4∋&(∋:.∀∃&∋&;∀>(&∀∆∋?&∋ .)& (∋&&>& / ∋(∋& ;4& .!4&Χ>&∋&∀ &(∋0≅Α</0≅! :&∀ ∃? 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We have dedicated the walls of Average Joe's to you the weekend warrior, the average beer-drinking, hot dog-eating sports fanatic, who may have fallen short of their goal of becoming a professional athlete, but, who have, none-the-less, persevered and become stars in your own right. There are, of course, a few items that have been donated by over-achievers; those certain individuals who have gotten the breaks you deserved and gone on to the prosperous sports careers that can actually pay the rent. Don't miss your chance to be honored here at Average Joe's, where everyone's an All-American. Bring us any item of your sports memories that you do not need returned, and we will proudly display it. Just ask any employee how you can become a part of this monument dedicated to the Average Joe. And, while you're here, any of our Average Joe All-American employees would be honored to autograph your menu so you can take it with you. Show the folks at home that you, too, have a place of honor at Average Joe's. Average Joe's Sports Pub and Grub opened in April of 1995 as the third bar in the Party Trifecta. Having found previous success with the "Dance Bars", Mineshaft and Rock Lobster, owners Fred Treadway and Rob Sabatini decided to try their hand at the "Sports Bar" theme. They purchased the space, located between The Mineshaft and Rock Lobster. And with the help of the employees, completely "gutted" the place and built it from scratch. Within 3 LONG WEEKS Average Joe's was ready to open, just in time for the first of the Pacers two strong playoff runs in '95 and '96. We like to call Average Joe's a Sports Nightclub. When the BIG game is on, you can see it from just about anywhere in the bar on one of the 18 monitors or the BIG Screen. (We've even installed TV's in the restrooms so you won't miss a minute of the action.) With 5 satellite dishes, our specialty, so we've been told, is finding the games that other bars can't or don't want to find. On any other night, you can expect to see lots of sports related video non-stop. Whether it be pro or college basketball, football, baseball, hockey, or those wacky blooper tapes, true sports fans will not be disappointed. Or you could browse around and look at the memorabilia. The walls of Average Joe's are filled with items, old and new, donated completely by the staff, friends, and our customers. You say you're a race fan! Average Joe's is the favorite hangout of our Co-owner, Fred Treadway. His Treadway Racing team finished 1st and 2nd in the 1997 Indianapolis 500. Pictures of the momentous occasion are scattered throughout the bar, along with pieces of not so lucky cars from the past racing seasons. If you're a casual sports fan, or really could care less what the score is, Average Joe's has plenty to offer you too. You see, We've got BEER, See Our Beer List, and plenty of it, as well as all of your favorite mixed drinks and shots. If that's not enough, Average Joe's sports some of the best food in the area, in portions that won't leave you hungry. Like to see the MENU? Average Joe’s has twice been named Indianapolis Monthly’s “Best Sports Bar” and recently garnered Indy’s “Best Chicken Wings” (they’re fresh and char-grilled). A recent appearance on Bobby Flay’s Food Nation on the Food Network along with a recent remodeling that saw the addition of garage doors that open onto the main strip, Broad Ripple Ave., has put Average Joe’s back at the top of local sports bar action. Continued participation as a sponsor of the Indy Racing League and Indianapolis 500 have allowed us opportunities to “hang out” with such popular racing heros as Helio Castroneves, Arie Luyendyk, Robbie Gordon, Tony Stewart, and Jimmy Vasser, to name a few. VOTED TOP 10 PLACES TO WATCH THE SUPER BOWL BY USA TODAY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VOTED INDIANAPOLIS MONTHLY’S “BEST SPORTS BAR” 1995·1997·2002 “BEST WINGS” 2001·2002·2003 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FEATURED ON BOBBY FLAY’S FOOD NATION ON THE http://www.averagejoes.ws/about_frame.htm 11/19/2009 Untitled Document Page 2 of 2 FOOD CHANNEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VOTED ESPN’S “COLD PIZZA” #17 SPORTS BAR IN AMERICA Mon - Thurs Saturday 5:00pm - 3:00am Noon - 3:00am Friday Sunday 4:00pm - 3:00am Noon - 12:30am Open at Noon for Basketball & Football Season and for Special Events.
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