Tracking Cancel Culture in American Higher Education The National Association of Scholars, [email protected] Updated July, 2020 Date(s) of Name Institution Position Incident Description of Incident Alleged Offense Response Source https://www. insidehighered. com/news/2020/07/28 Professor Mead's article "Poverty /leading-voice-welfare- and Culture" was published in the reform-accused-racism? journal Society in July 2020. The utm_source=Inside+Hig Associated Professor essay is based on his 2019 book her+Ed&utm_campaign of Public Service, Burdens of Freedom: Cultural =72a3623286- NYU Wagner; Difference and American Power. In DiversityMatters_COPY Professor of Politics both the book and article, Mead Several petitions for _01&utm_medium=em and Public Policy, argues that certain groups of retraction of article, ail&utm_term=0_1fcbc NYU Wilf Family people are better prepared to statement from NYU 04421-72a3623286- Department of thrive in America's individualist condemning Mead's 197564253&mc_cid=72 1 Lawrence Mead New York University Politics 7/28/2020 culture than others. Racism article a3623286&mc_eid=f77 7f8845e https://abc7news. Professor Hubbard allegedly asked com/society/exclusive- a Vietnamese-American student to oakland-student-told- Professor of "anglicize" her legal name because Placed on to-anglicize-name- 2 Matthew Hubbard Laney College Mathematics 6/20/2020 it sounds like an "insult in English." Racism, xenophobia administrative leave speaks-out/6256459/ https://loyolamaroon. Harold E. Wirth com/10028406/news/a Eminent Scholar Professor Block is under fire for cademic/petitions-call- Chair in Economics; numerous statements on topics for-walter-block-to-be- Professor of including slavery and the "gender fired-given-a-raise-over- 3 Walter Block Loyola University New Orleans Economics 6/17/2020 pay gap." Racism, sexism, ableism Petition for firing academic-work/ Moloney was asked to resign after sending an email to MIT's Roman Catholic community, in which he https://newbostonpost. expressed doubt that the killing of com/2020/06/19/heres George Floyd was racially -what-the-m-i-t- Daniel Patrick Massachusetts Institute of motivated. He also criticized catholic-chaplain-got- 4 Moloney Technology Chaplain 6/16/2020 Floyd's character. Racism Forced resignation fired-over/ https://www. thecollegefix.com/blm- Senior Director and activists-target- Chief Academic Professor Kengor is accused of renowned- Fellow for The Center spreading "anti-Blackness," racism, conservative-professor- for Vision & Values; and white nationalism through his paul-kengor-accuse- Professor of Political writing for Grove City College's him-of-white- 5 Paul Kengor Grove City College Science 6/15/2020 Institute for Faith and Freedom. Racism Petition for firing nationalist-rhetoric/ San Marco published an opinion column in LifeZette titled "Why institutional racism is a myth." In it, https://www.foxnews. she argues against the existence of com/media/syracuse- "institutional racism," primarily Terminated from role in student-journalist-fired- Undergraduate relying on crime statistics to make The Daily Orange, death institutional-racism- 6 Adrianna San Marco Syracuse University Student 6/10/2020 her case. Racism threats myth Professor Uhlig Tweeted two https://www. statements on the topic of race, chicagotribune. Bruce Allen and including saying the the Black Lives com/news/ct- Barbara Ritzenthaler Matter movement has "torpedoed university-of-chicago- Professor in itself, with its full-fledged support Under investigation; economist-black-lives- Economics and the of #defundthepolice." A 2017 blog placed on leave from matter-harald-uhlig- College; Head Editor, post by Uhlig has also resurfaced, role as lead editor of 20200613- Journal of Political which includes his views on Colin the Journal of Political hjqqlox7wjbz5iosdxkgo 7 Harald Uhlig University of Chicago Economy 6/8/2020 Kaepernick. Racism Economy e7ftq-story.html https://www.azcentral. com/story/news/local/a A group of Duhé's former students rizona- at Loyola University New Orleans education/2020/06/07/ claim that Duhé's remarks about asu-walter-cronkite- an African American student's journalism-dean- Dean of Walter hairstyle were racist. She also position-sonya-forte- Cronkite School of recently tweeted in support of the duhe-racism- Journalism police during Black Lives Matter accusations/317316000 8 Sonya Duhé Arizona State University (incoming) 6/7/2020 protests. Racism, pro-police Rescinded job offer 1/ Professor Hulbert has made multiple statements deemed controversial regarding topics such https://sdsubgsa. Professor of Biology as Black Lives Matter, immigration, Petition to revoke weebly.com/petition. 9 Stuart H. Hulbert San Diego State University Emeritus 6/7/2020 and globalism. Racism, xenophobia emeritus status html https://cen.acs. Professor Hudlicky'ś essay "Organic org/research- synthesis — Where now?" was integrity/ethics/Essay- published by the prestigious criticizing-efforts- German chemistry journal increase-diversity-in- organic-synthesis- Angewandte Chemie. In it, Hudlicky ́ deleted-after-backlash- Professor & Tier 1 expresses reservations about from- Canada Research preferential hiring on the basis of Article removed and chemists/98/web/2020 10 Tomaś ̌ Hudlický Brock University Chair, Chemistry 6/4/2020 race and sex in his field. Racism, sexism denounced /06 https://cornellsun. com/2020/06/05/as- Professor Collum Tweeted in students-protest-police- support of the Buffalo Police brutality-chemistry- Betty R. Miller Department officers who were professor-fans-flames- Professor of suspended without pay after an by-defending-cops-in- Chemistry & altercation with an elderly man on Denounced by Cornell incident-gov-cuomo- 11 David Collum Cornell University Chemical Biology 6/4/2020 6/4/20. Pro-Police president called-disgraceful/ https://www.cincinnati. com/story/news/2020/ 06/05/miami- university-professor- Professor Brooks allegedly called a accused-racist-remarks- Professor of group of Black Lives Matter following- 12 Douglas Brooks Miami University Education 6/4/2020 protesters "monkeys." Racism Petition for firing protests/3159056001/ Professor Negy is under investigation for "displaying bias and unfair treatment in the classroom." However, the investigation began merely one day after Negy Tweeted two https://www.nytimes. statements on the topic of race. com/2020/06/05/us/uc Associate Professor One contained the phrase "black f-professor-charles- 13 Charles Negy University of Central Florida of Psychology 6/3/2020 privilege." Racism Under investigation negy-race.html https://reason. com/2020/06/11/dema nds-that-cornell-fire- Clinical Professor and Professor Jacobson posted two clinical-law-prof- Director of the articles criticizing the Black Lives william-jacobson-for- Securities Law Clinic, Matter Movement on his blog, criticizing-black-lives- 14 William A. Jacobson Cornell University Cornell Law School 6/3/2020 Legal Insurrection. Racism Petition for firing matter-movement/ Professor Klein faced student http://losangeles. demands via email to award cbslocal. lenient grades to African-American Suspension; transfer of com/2020/06/10/ucla- students in the wake of George classes to different professor-on-leave- 15 Gordon Klein University of California, Los Angeles Lecturer in Accounting 6/2/2020 Floyd's death. Klein declined. Racism faculty gordon-klein/ Dean Neal-Boylan sent an email to the Solomont School of Nursing in response to the recent racialist tensions around the country. In the email, she wrote "BLACK LIVES MATTER, but also, EVERYONE'S LIFE MATTERS." The second half of this sentence was seen as racist https://www. University of Massachusetts- among fellow administrators, campusreform.org/? 16 Leslie Neal-Boylan Lowell Dean of Nursing 6/2/2020 faculty, and students. Racism Termination ID=15157 Professor Peris read a portion of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter https://freebeacon. from Birmingham Jail" aloud in com/issues/university- class. The excerpt contained the N- to-investigate-lecturer- University of California, Los Postdoctoral Lecturer word. He also showed a Denunciation, call for for-reading-mlks-letter- 17 W. Ajax Peris Angeles in Political Science 6/2/2020 documentary about lynching. Racism firing from-birmingham-jail/ Professor Senjo Tweeted several statements supporting the police's role in combatting Black Lives Pressured to resign, https://www.sltrib. Matter protests, including at least resigned, and then com/news/education/2 Professor of Criminal two that may be perceived as rescinded his 020/06/01/weber- 18 Scott Senjo Weber State University Justice 6/1/2020 threats. Racism, pro-police resignation state-professor/ Professor Adams Tweeted on 5/29/20 that he was living in a "slave state" due to COVID-19 https://www. restrictions. He also referred to starnewsonline. North Carolina Governor Roy com/news/20200605/u Cooper as "Massa." Adams later Racism, sexism, ncw-community- University of North Carolina, Tweeted remarks on 6/2/20 homophobia, anti- Petition for firing, speaks-out-against- 19 Mike Adams Wilmington Professor of Criminology 5/29/2020 perceived as sexist. COVID-19 restrictions forced retirement professor-mike-adams https://www. Richard and Frances Professor McConnell said the N- stanforddaily. Mallery Professor of word while reading aloud from Denunciation by at least com/2020/05/30/law- Law; Director of the historical source material in class. twelve SLS student professor-criticized- Constitutional Law The quote he read was allegedly by groups
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