Scholars Crossing 1986 The Fundamentalist Journal 7-1986 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 5, Number 7 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_86 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 5, Number 7" (1986). 1986. 5. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_86/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1986 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r+Etr <sFo 3N tr n'o$t\) SOr eonr c<p+ r-:'(')o o; sr o,i {G}O P;bFfiI MUT N ro frQ{ ur O*t f\J $ >$ o fil txl Tbdaythereare areeven some unexpected wonyabout the ink showing*rough. at leznttwenty-five dif- ffeasures:a harmony of the Gospels, timelines, Also.vou can choose bennaen that ferentstLrdy Bibles available. 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Thenopen a ryrie.Andsee for your- morestudy notes conveniently located ju$ selfwhy when it comest0 stucly Bibles, the belowthe text of everypage. Rr$t whereyou DNSTCHIEDTOLASI $,rieis the sandard by which all othersare needthem. irrraurtri.lnlmooDv pRE55 l-hecros-references alecarefullv AUrEUUE. \!,,THF NAMI VOU CAN TtrUST placedin spaciousmzrgins nert to each verse Ageat study Bible should ake the soyou can refbr to them easily wearand tear of daily use without coming A topicalhdex covers everything apaftatthe seams. So Moody hess goes to fromanger t0 worship. And there's a complete geatlengix to use only the linest materials. T}IERruE concordancewrth easy+o-find keyword refer- Thebinding is so sturdy you can ences.And articles and esap that cover all the supportthe entire Bible by just one page. major docffines within traditional Christianity Antiquewhite paper and open mar- SnnvHsrE IncludingPremillennial, Amillennial, and ginsmake each page inviting to read. And if Atyour Christian bookstore orwrite Dept. Fosfinillennialvieun. .& well as the tribulation. youdecide to markyour Bible, you need not MBW820 N. LaSalle Dr.. Chicago, lL60610. FORSERIOUS CHRISTIANS, THISBOOKCRIEDOUTTO BEWRITTEN Weqrcte from the edilorialrqtort thfr promptedw to select this bookfor the Conservdivehok Club: "Any honestbeliever will admit that he has often found himself facing uncomfortable dif- ficultiesand dilemmas when confronted by thepronouncements of scientists (genuine or pseudo)on matten that concem controvenial Biblical passages involving scientific areas. Wesearch for explanations,but too oftencome up withweak ones that don't even convincear. Thisbook should help straighten usout. Henry Monis brings together those key Biblical insightsand instructions related to all thenatural sciences. In his own words: 'Whenevera Biblicalprsage deals either wilh a bmadscienffiic pdnciple or wilh somepar- ticularilems of scientifrcdala, it will inevilrblybe found on carcfulstudy to befully acturatein its scientifrcinsighls, Often it will be foundeven to hrve anticipatedscientific discoveries.' A largeorder, but I thinkMonis fills it admirablyin whatcan only be called a monumen- $24.95 msrores - tal volume.The main thrust of thebook is to reassuretheists of thevalidity of the&rip FREE turesnot only as a guideto livingbut as an explanation of the facts of thenahrral sciences, YO'rS of mankind,and of theworld around us. It noy wellfu themeans o/ liberatingo reader fron longtimedoubts ond give him ammunitionfor co4frontotions with the scofers." Dr. Monis hasservd for 28yean on thefacultia of z Problemswith the "big bang" theory.Other majoruniversitia - including13 years as chairman Awwet Wfrus rc think@beliovr cut modemtheoria of creationand solar sy$em that of the Civil EngineeringDepartment of Virginia igmv don't hold up - evenon scientificgrounds. PolytechnicInstitute and StateUnivenity. He is the z "Fosils and the Flood": new findingsthat presidentof the Institutefor CreationResearch. z Evolution,creation and the Biblq wherethe $renghenthe old argumenhfor Genais. secularconsensus goes wrong. Fallacia of evolu- So isn't this bookheary going for the nonscientist? publicationthat would be unspuingif Dr. tionistslike Huxleyand Teilhardde Chardin. One Again,our oditor: Monisfailed to doju$ice to thecase for inenancyis z Apparentdiscrepancies in &ripture. (Dr. Monis bookis a massof scientificexposition and great "The giva unbelievena haing, ansrwerstheir TheBibliml Evangelbt.So its reviewcania widencs,but so clearbwritten and well arrangd full quations- pointd ques- weight: visuallythat it heldthe athntion ofeven a laymanwith and thenfues some tionsri$t backat them.) "Monis. isthe man to whomBiblical Christianity minimalscientific background like myself." probably morein pseudoscience z Greatpioneen in sciencewho had no doubtthat ows answedngthe of will As for the theologicalposition of Dr. Monis, our the Bibleis the inspird word of God. evolutionthan to anyother.. .The average reader editorwrites: h amazdthat fte Bibleand sciena arc so inter- ,, "Miraclesand the Lawsof Nature." relatd." "Basica.llywangelical Prot€stant, but I thinkthere\ verylitde that's not fully coruonant with conservative Catholicteaching. As a matteroffact, I foundmuch of .516 pagesr 41tables and figures o 3 indexes:Scripture (over histhinking and even his style reminiscent of Chester- 1,000 propername . EXTRA! tan'sottltdory.You muld say Monis'overall argu- citations),subiect'and "Global mentalmo$ parallels Chaterton's, with the addition ProcessesIndicating Recenl Creation" of tahnicalreferences!" How to get this important$24.95 book How the Club Works Every 4 weeks(13 tima a year)you get a freecopy of the Club Bulletinwhich coilsEnrrArwElii roor curB offersyou the Featurd Selectionplus a goodchoice of Altemates- all of interest . 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Blogrophy 47 WilliomAmes ll.' tiving wilh on Alcoholic MikeFluent '- Polenl-AnoeloElwell Hunl Corry Notionwos determinedto destroy"Demon Rum," With much AO lhunderIn the Pulplt proyer-ondoction-she - ' lO lhe Cose tor tofol foughtto TheMorrow of Theology ' ' Abslinence conouer the immorolevils thot WilliomAmes BernordR DeRemer teor livesond fomiliesoport, 52 In Review 21Corry Notion Determinedto Destroy Prollle DemonRum 55 DoveMusselmon
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