ISS.:\ 02h 7-054 2 Planning History Bulletin 1986 Volume8 Number 1 PARKWAY T REATMENT OF HIGHWAY. Gu1erous provision of margi11s secures greater separalio11 of the dwellillt:S from the main roadway; allows space for ten11is or other recteations to be provided, or lum-out spaces where cars ca11 slop for repairs or picnic meal without obstructiot~ to the highway. Planning History Group - 1 - CHAIRMAN'S COMMUNICATION In the past , half the Executive of the Planning History Group has been elected annually , membership of those elected to :un CONTENTS for two years . Last year it was decided that the Execu~1ve 1 985-86 should continue for a further year, so no elect1ons were held last summer . There were then good reasons for an practices , but annual elections Chairman's Communication . .p • 1 i n terruption to our normal Editorial . .. ... p • 2 should now be resumed . Notices .. p • 3 F i r st , let me remind you of our present Executive : Reports of Meetings .. p • 7 Recent & Forthcoming Publications p.lO .. U. K. Non U. K. Research Reports: G.E . Cherry (Chairman)* A.F . J . Artibise M. J . Bannon 1. Chris Bacon "Deck Access Housing" p.l8 Patricia Garside (ex officio, 2 . Philip Booth "The Teaching of Pianning Membership Secretary) Eugenie Birch* History in Great Britain" p.21 D. Massey {ex officio, D.A. Brownell Treasurer) Christiane Collins G. Gordon J . B. Cullingworth* Articles: J . C. Hancock D. Hulchanski M. J . Hebbert (Editor) C. Silver Heather Norris Nicholson "Fortified Towns R. J.B. I<ain M. Smets* and Extension Planning in Nineteenth Helen Meller* J.B . Smallwood* S. WatC\nabe Century France" p . 29 J . Sheail* David John Gregg "The Origins and Phfi~soph;· A. R. Sutcliffe* of Parkways with Particular Reference to S . V. Ward (ex officio, the Contribution of Barry Parker" ••• p . 38 Meetings Secretary) John Punter "Circular Arguments: Central Government and the History of Aesthetic * Term of office to come to an end in August 1986. Control in Enqland and Wales" p.Sl Eligible to stand aqain . Would those members of PHG wishing to offer themselves for election to the Executive Committee (or re-election in the case of the names aster is ked above) let me have their names in writing not later than 30 June 1986 . Those successful will serve for the period September 1986-88. There are no requirements for proposers or seconders. If there are more Note on cover illustration than the required number of names submitted {four for U.K . and four for non u. K.) there will be an election by postal "Parkway Treatment of Highway" from the First Report of the ballot , voting slips to be enclosed in the July/August number Great~r London Req~onal Planning Committee (1929). David of the Bulletin. Greg~ s article d1scusses this and other early British appl1cations of the traffic planning philosophy of qrade On your behalf during the vear the Executive has taken steps separated, landscaped roads . - for the PHG to be given charitable status within the U. K. This means exemption from tax on our small {but sufficient) resources . A leaflet about the Group is in preparation; this will help in the drive for new members. The Editor is glad to be in contact with so many people wh o have contributions to submit. The Treasurer is grateful to all those who have paid their annual subscriptions on the due date , but wishes to remind those \.,hose memory has so far been faulty . The Executive has heard wit h considerable interest of the possibility of establishing a New Towns Centre in Britain as a museum and workshop for t he 20th century Ne w Towns movement ; w e are supporting moves for it to come to fruition . P l a nn ing history literature multiplies . This is ver y - 2- - 3- gratifying, but it is a personal challenge to keep up to date. Book reviews help and it is good to note that both PHB NOTICES and Planning Perspectives carry mention of so many recentl y published titl es. The Heritage of Functionalism - 8th Bartlett International Summer School Many PHG members will know that Planning Perspectives (PP) Bauhaus, Dessau DDR 7 - 12 September, 1986. made its appearance as Volume 1 no 1 in January this year . The publishers are offering the very generous subscription The Bartlett International Summer School is a for~m for rate of £16.50 for PHG members , compared with £39 . 50 for research, teaching and discuss i on of problems conc:rn1ng the others (non-members) . This concession only applies to Group development of the built environment on the bas1s of the members on a personal basis and is not available to production process. It represents a foc~s for approaches institutional members . It will not have escaped notice that relating to building design , plann~ng, manage'!'ent , £10 as an annual subscription to PHG , plus £16.50 for PP engineering, history, etc. , and places part1cular .emphas1s on repr_e~ents a very good buy; it should encourage many people analysing building production and , more speciflcally, the to JOln the Group and so extend our international network . building labour process in order to understand the process of The financially attractive package oeserves support; do take historical change . The Summer Schools have been held every ~ut a s~bscri~t~on for Planning Perspectives , the only year since 1979. the first four being held at the Bartlett J~urnal, _1n add1t1on to PHB , designed to express our planning School of Arch;tecture and Planning, University. ~oll:ge h1story 1nterest. London. Since 1983 , under an agreement with 1~ part1c1pat1ng Gordon Cherry inst i tu ions , the Schools have been held at eh f fer:n t places with a view to promoting international coop~ra~1on.. The fifth was held at the Ecole d ' Architecture de ~ ?n1vers1~e de Geneve, the sixth at the Dipartimento di A~al1~1 Eco~om1co e sociale del Territorio, Istituto Universitar_1o d1 _A~c hltett:ra EDITORIAL di venezia, and the seventh was organ1sed JOlntly w~th PROTECNOBAT (Association pour la Promotion des Technolog 1es Sadly, the PHG Spring meeting on History in the Planning Nouvelles du Batiment) and held in Vaulx-en-Velin , near Lyon, curriculum did not take place as advertised in the last France. Bulletin. However , we have been able to include the main paper that was to have been given at Sheffield. Philip Booth This year ' s Summer School is to be helo in the Bauhaus at has surveyed the teaching of planning history, and charts oessau , appropriately, for the Bauhaus is celebrating its some of the changes that have occurred in the professional 60th anniversary. The main theme is the heritage of schools since the 1970s, when Lewis Mumford and the functionalism, seen comparatively in the contexts of architectural histories still dominated the reading lists, capitalist and socialist builoing production. and the Mansell series , and Planning Perspectives were no more than a glint in Gordon Cherry ' s eye. We shall be The full rate for attending the Summer School is 01.'<1 700 • returning to educational questions in the next issue of the This includes full board (5 meals a day) and lodging in twin Bulletin, with a review of history teaching in Japan by a nd single rooms in the Bauhaus and other nearby places~ ~ape Ichiro Nishimura , and a comparative study of the histories of records leisure facilities , the costs of v1s1ts, planning E-ducation in Europe and North America by Au9ustin photocopying , and even the free use of bicycles. ~h~re is Rodriguez-Bachiller. · also a reduced rate of only OM 400 for up to 30 part1c1pants who do not benefit from institutional support and whose Members are reminded that the deadlines for contributions are financial situation is precarious. as set out on the back cover of the Bulletin. Copy for the next , Summer , issue should be sent before the end of J une Further details from: to LSE , where a great effort will be made to shift our publication date , which slipped because of Christmas printing or . Martin Schwartz , delays , back onto schedule. Ecole d ' Architectur e , Universi te de Ge neve, Boul evarde Helvetique 9 , CH - 1205 Geneve , Switzerland. My thanks to all our contributors , to the providers of news and information , to the Drawing Office at LSE for lettering * * * * * * and our handsome cover , and as always to John Sheail for his * abstracts and Jacky Jennings for her word processing . The State and Leisure: the heritage conservation and future Michael Hebbert of recreational amenities in cities End of September/Early October 1986 . Date to be confirmed in Summer issue of PHB . The autumn meeting of PHG is a joint venture with the Institute of Planning Studies at Nottingham University , i n -4- - 5- whose premises it will be held. 1989 - Urban Sprawl to the Surrounding Country 1890- 1920 Th: meeting will embrace the historical evolution of urban Study Group publishes the finding s of the colloqu ia u nder le1sure f ·1· · The ac1 1t1es, their current conservation and the editor s hip of Prof. Dr . G. Feh 1 and Dr . Juan ~anageme~t ~ and future prospects. It should be of interest Rodriquez-Lores in the series Stadt-Planung-Geschichte of o pract1t1oners as well as historians . Hans Christians Verlag , Hamburg. Fullt'details will be published in PHB VIII. 2 . In the J. Rodriguez-Lores, Gerhard Fehl (Eds . ): Stadtebaureform 1865 1 be addressed to:- mean 1me a 1 enquiries should - 1900 (Urban Planning Reform 1865 - 1900 - On Light, Air and 47 pages . Special Dr .
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