WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data Generated from the WTU Herbarium Database September 28, 2021 at 8:27 pm http://biology.burke.washington.edu/herbarium/collections/search.php Specimen records: 542 Images: 73 Search Parameters: Label Query: Genus = "Madia" Asteraceae Asteraceae Madia gracilis (Sm.) D.D. Keck Madia glomerata Hook. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, FERRY COUNTY: U.S.A., OREGON, WALLOWA COUNTY: Colville National Forest: Collected below road at Bang's Mountain Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. U.S. Forest Service Road #39. Vista. Salt Creek Summit Sno-Park, 0.5 mi. east of parking area. Elev. 3100 ft. Elev. 6150 ft. 48° 38' 13" N, 118° 12' 34" W; T35N R37E S6 SW 1/4; T35N 45° 12.47' N, 117° 4.07' W; T4S R46E S16 SE R37E S7 NW 1/4 Lodgepole pine, Abies lasiocarpa dominated meadow - surrounded Area near level to gently sloping to the east. Soil was rather dry with by burned areas; gravelly loam. Abundant; tar fragrance; yellow some rocks. Open stand of Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir, with a flowers; resinous hairs. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. good population of Physocarpus malvaceus, plus some Amelanchier alnifolia and Philadelphus lewisii. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Robert Goff 02-7 19 Jul 2002 Native. with Suzanne Bagshaw, Dale Blum, David Giblin, Richard Robohm. Don Knoke 65 11 Jul 1999 WTU-360983 Herbarium: WTU Asteraceae Asteraceae Madia glomerata Hook. Hemizonella minima (A. Gray) A. Gray U.S.A., OREGON, WALLOWA COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: Hell's Canyon National Recreation Area. Near Hell's Canyon North Cascades National Park; Horseshoe Basin Trail. overlook, Road NFD 3945. Elev. 3745 ft. Elev. 5367 ft. 48° 27' 57" N, 121° 1' 36" W; UTM Zone 10, 646657.705E, 45° 7.716' N, 116° 50.052' W 5367998.843N; Source: Field notes, UTM calculated from Lat-Lon. Gentle slope, mixed conifer forest (Abies grandis, Pseudotsuga Exposed, south-facing, rocky outcrop. Few scattered plants; mostly menziesii) with openings. Somewhat rocky soil with old logging in fruit; glandular hairs on involucral bracts and flower stalk. debris. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. Phenology: Fruits. Origin: Native. Don Knoke 180 19 Jul 2002 Dena Grossenbacher 02-51 10 Aug 2002 with Sara Tjessem, Shahid Naeem, Cindy Spurgeon, Dick Olmstead Herbarium: NOCA, NPS accession 632, catalog 22706 WTU-360230 Asteraceae Asteraceae Madia gracilis (Sm.) D.D. Keck Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray U.S.A., OREGON, WALLOWA COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ADAMS COUNTY: Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Duck Lake swale. 2 miles north of Macall. Elev. 6200 ft. 47.089782°, -118.01333°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: 45° 5.67' N, 117° 0.396' W; NAD 27, uncertainty: 15 m. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Drainage swale below Duck Lake - seasonally wet; bordered by Dry grassland. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. upland meadow. Growing against rocks in swale. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. R. G. Jeffrey s.n. 4 Jun 1946 Suzanne Bagshaw 02-5 20 Jul 2002 WTU-117733 with Dale Blum, Dave Tank, David Giblin WTU-359735 Asteraceae Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Asteraceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, BENTON COUNTY: Madia glomerata Hook. Hanford Reservation, crest of Rattlesnake Mt. Elev. 3500 ft. U.S.A., OREGON, WALLOWA COUNTY: 46° 30' N, 119° 43' W; T11N R26E S32 Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Lick Creek Campground, north of In soil along edge of road. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: campground, south of USFS guard station. Native. Elev. 5409 ft. 45° 9.702' N, 117° 2.119' W Joan T. O?Farrell 72-229 18 Jun 1972 Lush wet meadow interspersed with Picea engelmannii, Abies with Thomas P. O’Farrell lasiocarpa, Pinus contorta. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. WTU-260330 Ken Davis 02-015 19 Jul 2002 with Sarah Gage, Jessie and Joe Johanson, Tracy Fuentes WTU-360717 Asteraceae Asteraceae Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CLALLAM COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, LINCOLN COUNTY: Hurricane Ridge. Mouth of Spokane River. Elev. 4850 ft. Elev. 1290 ft. 47.93333°, -123.40833°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: 47.89389°, -118.33306°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Sandy beach. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. W. C. Muenscher 11070 15 Jul 1937 H. T. Rogers 584 1 Jun 1940 with M. W. Muenscher WTU-83838 WTU-122666 Asteraceae Asteraceae Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray U.S.A., WASHINGTON, LEWIS COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, DOUGLAS COUNTY: Stevens Canyon, Mt. Rainier National Park. Ca. 9 mi. W of Delrio. 46.71583°, -121.60139°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: 48.00553°, -119.29927°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 14500 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Moist sandy soil. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Scabland. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. F. A. Warren 1775 31 Jul 1932 C. L. Hitchcock 17487 19 Jun 1948 WTU-25197 WTU-125357 Asteraceae Asteraceae Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray U.S.A., WASHINGTON, OKANOGAN COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ISLAND COUNTY: Barker Mountain Preserve. Hoypus Point, Deception Pass State Park, Whidbey Island. T37N R28E S27; WGS 84, uncertainty: 800 m., Source: 48.39389°, -122.6475°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Scabrock. With Orthocarpus tenuicolius, Woodsia scopulina, Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Lomatium cf. macrocarpum, Sedum lanceolatum, Erigeron linearis, Erigeron compositum, Plantago patagonica, Heuchera cylindrica, Harold W. Smith 1463 31 Jul 1936 Madia exigua, Poa secunda, Selaginella wallacei, Agropyron spicatum, Microseris troximoides. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. WTU-38651 Origin: Native. Eliza Habegger 519 3 Jul 1998 Asteraceae WTU-338766 Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KING COUNTY: Asteraceae Seattle. 47° 36.3' N, 122° 19.8' 19.8" W Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, PEND OREILLE COUNTY: C. V. Piper 735 8 Jul 1889 Dry Canyon near Scotchman Lake. Elev. 3500 ft. WTU-18067 48.63778°, -117.3225°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 5000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Dry, open areas. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. Asteraceae Earle F. Layser 850 28 May 1969 Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray WTU-242458 U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KLICKITAT COUNTY: Mountain at Bingen. 45.715°, -121.46333°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 5000 m., Source: Asteraceae GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff In a shady, at first damp place. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, PIERCE COUNTY: Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 7128 25 Aug 1910 Tacoma. 47.25306°, -122.44306°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: WTU-229060 GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. J. B. Flett s.n. 1 Jul 1896 WTU-30851 Asteraceae Asteraceae Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SAN JUAN COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHITMAN COUNTY: Orcas Island, Moran State Park, Mount Consitiution, about 10m NE W. S. C. Campus, Pullman. of summit parking lot. 46.73139°, -117.17861°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Elev. 2400 ft. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff T37N R1W S21; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Pinus contorta woods. On small, dry mossy bank in woods, with F. L. Pickett 601 27 Jun 1916 Polygonum sawatchense, Collinsia parviflora, Microsteris gracilis; very local occasional annual, patchy and inconspicuous. Phenology: WTU-66635 Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Peter E. Rapp 183 30 Jul 1981 Asteraceae WTU-293465 Madia citrigracilis D.D. Keck U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: Asteraceae On Tip Top Peak. Elev. 4000 ft. Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray 47.440278°, -120.61°; NAD 27, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SKAMANIA COUNTY: Meadow among yellow pine. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Near Chenowith. Native. 45.73187°, -121.62838°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1600 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff J. William Thompson 10799 26 Jun 1934 Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. WTU-6633JWT Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 13110 16 Jun 1892 WTU-263033 Asteraceae Madia citriodora Greene Asteraceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ASOTIN COUNTY: Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Southeast slope along Grande Ronde River, just above the mouth of Cottonwood Creek, southwest of Anatone. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SPOKANE COUNTY: Elev. 1300 ft. Wild Rose Prairie, 15 miles north of Spokane. T7N R44E S33; WGS 84, uncertainty: 6000 m., Source: 47.876007°, -117.425°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Open, weedy, southeast slope. Plants strongly lemon-scented. Rays Dry ground. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. 5-8, yellow. Growing with M. gracilis, but blooming earlier. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Sister Mary Milburge 1209 11 Jul 1936 Arthur Cronquist 5869 19 Jun 1949 WTU-20091 with Quentin Jones WTU-183584 Asteraceae Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Asteraceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, STEVENS COUNTY: Madia citriodora Greene Along Columbia River 8 miles above Gifford Ferry. Elev. 1290 ft. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: 48.572811°, -118.086806°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Nahahum Canyon, 4 miles north of Cashmere. Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff 47.595991°, -120.447236°; WGS84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: Sandy flats. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff On open grassy slopes. Flowers pure white. Phenology: Flowers & H. T. Rogers 526 24 May 1940 Fruits. Origin: Native. WTU-83837 C. L. Hitchcock 23417 23 May 1964 WTU-217709 Asteraceae Madia exigua (Sm.) A.
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