DECEMBER 2016 二零一六年十二月號 聖誕園林音樂會 DECEMBER 2016 | FINE MUSIC | FOREWORD 前言 1 掌台人隨筆 ▲ This year’s ‘Music Beyond Borders’ turned into a dance party! 今年的「無限領域」變成了熱鬧的派對! Fine weather dominated 5 and 6 November. Thousands of people gathered 11月5及6日風和日麗,數以千計的市民在香港文化中心戶外廣場 joyfully at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza. Hong Kong’s own Shaolin Fez 歡度了一個愉快的週末。來自意大利的卡拉斯馬和香港的Shaolin and Italy’s Kalàscima gave two exotic performances. The two Music Beyond Fez,為我們帶來充滿異國風情的音樂。兩場無限領域音樂會在一 Borders concerts ended on a high note, especially to the hundreds of people, 片狂喜的歡呼聲中結束,台前一大群聞歌起舞的樂迷,在節目完結 who got up and danced excitingly in front of the stage. Flashback of the day 後仍捨不得離開。當天的剪影刊於第14至17頁,現場錄音將於12 is on pp.14-17. You can listen to the recording in Live on 4 on 16 December. 月16日在第四台音樂會中播出。 We at Radio 4 believe that the joy of music is best to be shared by all. And 第四台最喜歡與眾同樂。節目一浪接一浪,我們的年度戶外盛 another outdoor event is just round the corner. That’s the annual Christmas 會―聖誕園林音樂會亦已準備就緒。由於香港公園奧林匹克廣場 Concert in the Park. Since our normal venue – Hong Kong Park Olympic 現正進行維修工程,因此今年我們將移師到九龍公園廣場舉行音 Square is under renovation, this year the concert will be staged across the 樂會。 harbour at Kowloon Park Piazza. 這個新地點的特色之一是充滿城市感;彌敦道近在咫尺,而舞台以 One of the main features of this new venue is its spectacular city feel! Nathan 一幢幢大廈作背景,很適合演出一些別具大城市特色的音樂。瞬間 Road is just a few steps away, and the stage is set against the backdrop of Hong 有不少想法 ― 熱鬧的管樂、融入大都會節拍的〈藍色狂想曲〉, Kong’s cityscape. Standing here, some thoughts came to our mind – a sonorous 由男中音唱出「Silver bells, Silver bells, It’s Christmas time wind and brass band, Rhapsody in Blue, which is so filled with the metropolitan in the city」(銀鈴響起,聖誕已來到這城中),還有天使般的歌 beat, a baritone gently singing Silver bells, Silver bells, It’s Christmas time in 聲‥‥‥正是上述聯想和狂想,成就了這場節目多元化、盡視聽之 the city, and the angelic children voices…… all such associated and rhapsodic 娛的聖誕狂想曲。 thoughts came together to be the theme of this year’s concert – Christmas 九龍公園廣場的面積約三千平方米,較香港公園奧林匹克廣場大, Rhapsody. 所以今年我們可以讓更多朋友蒞臨觀賞演出。當然希望其中有你! Kowloon Park Piazza is larger in size than our usual venue at Hong Kong Park. 請留意,音樂會將於12月24日(星期六)下午2時30分開始,較 That means we have room to entertain more music lovers. Please note that 往年提早了三小時。 the concert is going to start three hours earlier than before. That’s 2:30pm on 提起管樂,本月我們推出一個由管樂專家杜程主持的新節目。除了 Christmas Eve, which is a Saturday. 管樂,他同樣鍾愛室樂和合唱,因此這三類作品將成為節目的主 菜。請於逢星期六早上 至 時收聽程迷古典。 On wind and brass, from this month on, we bring to you a new programme 7 10 hosted by Colin Touchin, who is an expert in wind and brass music. And, since 口述歷史節目―耕耘集:我的香港音樂故事已先後有三位資深音 he is also fond of choral music and chamber music, we expect these three 樂工作者―盧景文、費明儀和陳達文登場。本月,我們繼續與你 music genres be the programme’s back bone. That’s In Touch with Music 重踏香港兒童合唱之父葉惠康、多才多藝的紀大衛,還有香港新音 brought to you every Saturday morning from 7 to 10am. 樂之父林樂培走過的音樂路。 Our oral history programme – My Life in Music has already brought you the 要提一提尚未遞交報名表和試聽錄音的年青音樂好手,樂壇新秀 stories of Lo King-man, Barbara Fei, and Darwin Chen. This month, in the 2017的大門已為你打開。截止報名日期為2016年12月31日。最新 limelight will be three other veteran musicians: Yip Wai-hong, the father of 消息是部份入圍新秀,將有機會參與一場由香港電台電視部主辦, children’s choral singing in Hong Kong; David Gwilt, the living testimony of 標誌著香港特區成立二十週年的音樂會,與眾多優秀專業音樂人同 music versatility; and Doming Lam, the father of new music in Hong Kong. 台演出。 Final call to gifted budding talents! The door is open to you to become one of the 昔日的樂壇新秀,今天已在樂壇大放異彩。在第12至13頁,我們 Young Music Makers 2017. Deadline for application is on 31 December 2016. 會為你介紹過往幾位新秀。 Don’t hesitate, record your audition tape and send it in with the application form 最後,如果你翻到下一頁,會找到第四台的聽眾問卷調查。盼望你 now. We have an update for the project: a number of successful candidates will 可以花一點時間,讓我們了解你對第四台的看法。 be invited to join other distinguished artists to perform at a concert presented 聖誕快樂! by RTHK TV to mark the 20th anniversary of HKSAR. 第四台節目總監 蕭樹勝 Some past Young Music Makers have embarked on an exciting performing career. Check them out on pp.12-13. Last but not least, turn the page and you will see a listeners’ survey. Hope you SHARE Your LOVE of Music with US, can spend some time to tell us how you think about Radio 4. Become a PATRON『美樂集』of ‘FM’ ! Merry Christmas! Radio 4 would like to thank the patrons DIAMOND PATRON 鑽石贊助者 for their generous support. If you would Sir Gordon & Lady Wu 胡應湘爵士伉儷 like to become a patron of ‘FM’ Fine Music, please call us on 9073 3474 for PLATINUM PATRON 白金贊助者 無名氏 further information during office hours. Anonymous 香港電台第四台謹向以下贊助者的慷慨 SILVER PATRON 白銀贊助者 Ms. Rayne Chai Chih-hui 蔡之慧女士 支持致以最深謝意。有興趣成為「美樂 Jimmy Shiu 集」贊助者的朋友,可在辦公時間內致電 Head, Radio 4 9073 3474 查詢有關詳情。 We want to know what you think! 謝謝你的迴響 Radio 4 wants to hear from you to help improve our fine music broadcast services. ▲ The colours of the pen shaft and the clip are for reference only. Fill out the listeners survey and you may even 筆桿和夾的顏色只作參考。 receive an awesome 4-in-1 Radio 4 gift pack. 第四台希望聽到你的意見,以提昇我們的美 Figo 樂廣播服務。完成以下聽眾問卷,你更有機 © 會獲得第四台的四合一小禮物包。 1. On average, how often do you listen to Radio 4? 你隔多久收聽第四台? Daily 每日收聽 A few times a week 每週幾次 Once a week 每週一次 Occasionally 間中收聽 Rarely 很少收聽 2. How do you usually listen to Radio 4? (check all that apply) 你以那種方法收聽第四台?(可選多項) On radio 收音機 Online 網上 Mobile apps 手機應用程式 3. At what time are you most likely to listen to Radio 4? (check all that apply) 你通常在甚麼時段收聽第四台?(可選多項) 0600 – 1200 1200 – 1400 1400 – 1800 1800 – 2000 2000 – 2400 2400 – 0600 4. What types of Radio 4 programmes do you prefer listening to? (check all that apply) 你喜愛以下那類型節目?(可選多項) General music programmes 一般音樂節目 Concerts 音樂會 Artsnews 藝術新聞 Artist Interviews 藝術家訪問 Educational / Informative 教育 / 資訊 Religious 宗教節目 News 新聞 Traffic 交通 5. What types of music do you prefer listening to? (check all that apply) 你喜歡下列那種類音樂?(可選多項) Western classical 西洋古典音樂 Chinese 中樂 Jazz 爵士樂 World 世界音樂 Movie 電影配樂 Contemporary classical 現代音樂 Others, please specify 其他,請註明: _______________________ 6. What do you think about our overall balance of music genres? 你認為我們播放各音樂類別的比例如何? It’s a good mix of music genres 現時的比例很好 I would like more __________________________________(music genre(s)) 我希望有更多________________________________________(音樂類別) I would like less ___________________________________(music genre(s)) 我希望有更少________________________________________(音樂類別) 7. What do you think about the overall balance between music and speech? 你認為我們總體音樂與說話的比例: A good balance 比例很好 Too much music, more speech should be included 太多音樂,應有更多說話 Too much speech, more music should be played 太多說話,應有更多音樂 8. Why do you listen to Radio 4? (check all that apply) 你為何收聽第四台?(可選多項) Radio 4 plays music that I like 喜歡第四台播放的音樂 Good presenters 有喜愛的主持人 To enhance my knowledge 希望增進知識 For background music 作為背景音樂 Others, please specify 其他,請註明:____________________________ 9. What is your perception of Radio 4? (check all that apply) 第四台給你甚麼印象?(可選多項) The Fine Music channel 美樂電台 Arts channel 藝術頻道 Bilingual channel 雙語電台 Educational channel 教育頻道 Others, please specify 其他,請註明: ____________________________ 10. Are you aware of any of these special events organized by Radio 4? 你知道第四台舉辦過這些活動嗎? Christmas Concert in the Park 聖誕園林音樂會 RTHK Quartet 香港電台弦樂四重奏 Music Beyond Borders 無限領域 Artist-in-Residence 駐台演奏家 Concerts at RTHK Studio One 香港電台一號錄播室的音樂會 Young Music Makers 樂壇新秀 We want to know what you think! 11. Please name your favourite Radio 4 programme(s), if any: 謝謝你的迴響 請列出你喜愛的第四台節目: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Please name your favourite presenter(s), if any: 請列出你喜愛的第四台主持: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. From 0-100, overall, how would you rate Radio 4? 請以0-100,為第四台評分: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. What language(s) do you speak? 你能操下列那種語言(可選多項): English 英語 Cantonese 粵語 Putonghua 普通話 Others, please specify 其他,請註明:________________________________________ 15. How old are you? 你的年齡: 17 or under 17或以下 18-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 or above 60或以上 16. What is your education background? 你的教育程度: Primary School 小學 Secondary School 中學 University / College 大學 / 大專 Postgraduate 研究院 17. What is your musical background? (check all that apply) 你的音樂背景(可選多項): None 沒有 I sing in a chorus 合唱團員 I play in an orchestra / band / ensemble 樂團 / 樂隊 / 合奏小組成員 I work in the field of music 我是音樂工作者 I have learned to play an instrument or sing 曾學習樂器或歌唱 I am a music graduate 音樂畢業生 Others, please specify 其他,請註明:____________________________ We want to know what you think! 18. Other views (continue on a separate sheet if needed): 謝謝你的迴響 其他意見 (如空間不足,請另紙書寫): Please send the completed survey by post before 15 January 2017 to: 請於2017年1月15日前,將填妥的問卷郵寄至: Radio 4 Survey 九龍廣播道30號 RTHK Radio 4 香港電台第四台 30 Broadcast Drive 「聽眾問卷調查」收 Kowloon Alternatively, you can return the above survey by fax to 2339 6427 or log in to to fill in the online version. 你亦可選擇以傳真擲回問卷,傳真號碼:2339 6427;或登入 填寫網上版本。 If you want to receive our free gift, please provide us with the following information. 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