Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76557-2 — A Social and Economic History of the Theatre to 300 BC Eric Csapo , Peter Wilson Index More Information General Index Abdera (IV Cxiii), 539, 597–600, 611 and second actor, 327 choruses at Delphi and Delos, 600 and Sicily, 355–64 theatre, 600 Atalante, 341 Abydos (IV Ei), 611, 728, 737–8 costume innovations by, 337 theatre, 728, 738 Daughters of the Sun, 364 Achaeus (tragic poet), 279, 605, 665, 668 death in Gela, 346, 349 Philoctetes, 676 epitaph of, 359–61 Acharnae (Attic deme, III B), 7, 37–59 irst victory, 4κ0 theatre, 5, 37, 38–9, 53, 56 hero cult in Gela, 350, 361 leasing of, 13, 51 in Gela, 280, 318, 358–63 Acragas, 280–2, 363, 368–9 in Syracuse, 278, 328 theatre, 281–2, 369 Laios, 475 actors, 271. See also names of individual actors leaves Athens, 358 at Rhodes, 608, 695, 698 Lemnian plays, 676 comic, 256, 310, 337, 575, 579, 583 military service of, 360 number of, 324 Oresteia, 358 competitions, 604, 694, 708 Persians, 278, 298, 331, 344, 346, 360 guilds, 526 Philoctetes, 676 hiring of, 534 Phrygians or The Ransom of Hector, 364 lists, 269–72, 608, 632, 687–98 revivals of, 696 payment of, 698, 709–10 Seven Against Thebes, 475 securing for festivals, 709 Sicilianisms of, 357, 364 tragic, 395, 575, 579 Sisyphus the Stone-roller, 364 number of, 78, 327 Theoroi, 166, 364 travelling, 27, 78, 350, 534, 582, 705 victories, 482 voluntary performances of, 653 Agathocles (tyrant of Syracuse), 304, 369 Ada (Queen of Carians), 766 Agathon (tragic poet), 46, 47, 537 Adrastos of Aphrodisias (scholar), 440 Agesilaus II of Sparta, 505, 511, 560 Adria agonothesia/agonothetes, 523, 527. See also names theatre, 287 of individual agonothetes Aegae, 537 at Athens, 18, 19, 57, 64, 274, 521, 683, 787 theatre, 537, 538, 595 at Chios, 629 Aeschines (politician, orator and actor), 4, 16, 17, at Cos, 632 27, 184–8, 581, 593, 596, 769 at Delphi, 566 Aeschines of Sphettos (philosopher), 365, 368 at Ephesus, 731 Aeschylus (tragic poet, IV Aix), 16, 17, 287, 331, at Epidaurus, 485 338, 339, 346, 355, 371, 474, 477, 480 at Eresus, 683 Aitnaiai, 278, 327, 364, 380 at Erythrae, 730, 759 and Eleusis, 91 at Halicarnassus, 773 and Epicharmus, 318 at Hermonassa, 787 885 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76557-2 — A Social and Economic History of the Theatre to 300 BC Eric Csapo , Peter Wilson Index More Information 886 Indexes at Ilium, 743, 744 The Woman who Drank Mandrake, 505 at Megalopolis, 436, 521 Alkathous (piper), 474, 670 at Mytilene, 680 Alkimachos (tragic actor), 695 at Naxos, 686 Alkimos (historian), 332 at Nymphaion, 778 Amarysia (festival), at Athmonon, 83 at Olbia, 784, 787 Ameinias (comic poet), 653 at Orchomenus (Arcadia), 436, 521, 523 Ameipsias (comic poet), 268, 322, 343 at Perinthus, 776 Amoibeus (kitharode), 467 at Priene, 763, 764 Amotopos, theatre, 535 at Samos, 605, 706, 708 Amphiaraus, sanctuary of, 530, 539 at Tegea, 436, 521 Amphiareia (festival), at Oropus, 530, 540, 541 dedications by, 436, 521, 523, 528, 539, 553, Amphilochian Argos, theatre, 532, 533 724, 760, 785 Amphipolis, 165, 538 monuments of, 476 theatre, 538 agoranomoi (market wardens), 212, 222, 223 Amphis (comic poet), 614 Agrionia (festival) Amyklai, 501 at Orchomenus (Boeotia), 556 Amymon (tragic poet), 473 at Thebes, 543, 564 Amyntas IV of Macedon, 332 Agyrion (IV Axv), 389–90 Anacreon (lyric poet), 583, 585, 600 theatre, 282, 389–90 Anagraphe (inscription from Sicyon), 469, 470 Aianteia (festival), at Salamis, 699 Anagyrous (Attic deme, III E), 7, 75–82, 191 Aigeira, theatre, 438 theatre, 75–6 Aigilia (Attic deme, III C), 7, 60–1 Anakos (piper), 527, 559 Aitnaia (festival), at Catane, 380 Ananios (poet), 307, 331 Aixone (Attic deme, III D), 7, 62–74, 190 Anaxandrides (comic poet), 609, 697 theatre, 61, 62, 63 Komoidotragoidia, 344 Akrai, theatre, 284 Anaxilas (tyrant of Rhegium), 329–31, 341, 392 Akraiphiai, theatre, 529 Andranon, 286 Akratopotes (hero), 210, 526 Andrineia (festival), at Phigaleia, 526 Alcaeus (comic poet), 606, 681 Andromache, 335 Komoidotragoidia, 344 Andronikos (tragic actor), 468 Alcibiades (politician), 281, 325, 378, 379, 380 Andros (IV Di), 605, 611–14 Alcman (lyric poet), 307, 503, 512 theatre, 605, 613–14 Alexander (garrison commander), 751 Anthesteria (festival), 775 Alexander I of Macedon, 595 at Athens, 31, 48, 87, 144, 257, 549 Alexander III of Macedon, ‘the Great’, 272, 279, at Cyzicus, 776 332, 530, 531, 537, 538, 544, 573, 590, at Thasos, 725 591, 594, 596, 611, 630, 669, 708, 729, Choes, 34, 583 730, 731, 735, 736, 738, 759, 766, 767, antidosis, 12, 13, 158 771, 772, 780, 788 Antigoneia, theatre, 535 and spread of theatre in Asia, 727–8 Antigoneia (festival) Alexander of Epirus, 771 at Delos, 645, 657 Alexander of Pherae, 272, 586–90, 716 at Samos, 657, 705, 707, 708 Alexandreia (festival), at Rhodes, 698 Antigonus I Monophthalmos, 243, 605, 644, 657, Alexandria, 481, 482, 791–2 707, 729, 734, 735, 736, 738, 742, 749, 779 library of, 296, 310, 455, 697 Antigonus II Gonatas, 644 theatre, 791, 807 Antimachos (choregos), 128 Alexis (comic poet), 288 Antiocheia (festival), at Cyme, 753 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76557-2 — A Social and Economic History of the Theatre to 300 BC Eric Csapo , Peter Wilson Index More Information General Index 887 Antiochos (agonothete), 519 Apollonius of Tyana (philosopher), 315 Antiochus I Soter, 731 Araros (comic poet), 480 Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 728 Arcadia, 340–1, 436–7, 514–27. See also names of Antiope Krater (IV Axviii), 393–8 individual cities Antiphamos (hero), 349 Arcadian League, 515, 519, 523 Antiphanes (comic poet), 334, 585, 609, 697 Arcesilas IV of Cyrene, 791, 796 Carians, 771 Archelaos (tragic actor), 598, 599 Lykon, 272 Archelaus I of Macedon, 346, 537–8, 584, 590, Antiphanes (komarch), 48 591, 593, 596, 727, 728, 736, 769 Antiphanes of Eleusis, 106 Archestratos (general), 730 Antiphilos (didaskalos), 444 Archestratos (tragic poet), Antaios, 575 Antissa, 606, 682 Archestratos of Gela (poet), Life of Luxury, 323 Apellis (choragos in Gela?), 346–52 archetheoroi, 635, 638, 650 Apemon (choregos), 197 Archiades (choregos), 271 Aphrodite Epistrophia, 387 Archias (tragic actor), 288, 707 Apollo, 85, 432, 559, 563 Archilochus (poet), 305, 306, 360, 611, 685 and paeans, 577 Archippos (choregos), 163 at Ceos, 618, 619 architektones (theatre builders) at Cyrene, 791, 796 at Delos, 639 at Delphi, 272, 578–9 at Syracuse (IV Aviii), 352–5 at Epidaurus, 435 Archons, 485 at Gela, 349 accounts of, 799 at Ikarion, 140, 146 at Athens, 13, 18, 57, 125, 199 at Sparta, 436, 501 at Delos, 638 at Taras, 411 at Naxos, 684 Erethymios, 694, 698 at Salamis, 211, 604, 699, 702 Helios, 771 at Samos, 708 in art, 180 granting choruses, 310 Lykeios, 485 leasing sanctuaries, 230 Patroos, 580 of the Marathonian Tetrapolis, 193 pinax dedicated to, 572 Archytas (philosopher and politician), 403, 493 Ptoios, 529 Areia (festival), at Acharnae, 41 Pythios, 4, 140, 146, 152, 160, 713 Ares, 59 sculpture at Delphi, 578 Arethousios (theatre lessee), 230, 233 Temenites, at Syracuse, 298, 301, 303–4 Argos, 433–4, 435 Zoster, 123 theatre, 433–4, 534 Apollodoros (agonothete), 553 Arion of Methymna (lyric poet), 559, 681 Apollodoros (tragic poet), Odysseus, 692 Ariphron (lyric poet), 46, 47, 474 Apollodoros of Sphettos, 249 Aristarchus of Tegea (tragic poet), 522, 690, 696 Apollodorus of Athens (scholar), 323, 325, 352, 353 Aristias (tragic poet), 342, 432, 475, 476, 477, On Epicharmus, 304, 323 479–80, 483 Apollonia, 776 Aristodemos (tragic actor), 16, 187, 289, 696, 707 theatre, 534, 535, 776, 791, 796 Aristokrates, 69, 70 Apollonia (festival) Aristomakhos (hero), 193 at Delos, 629, 649, 652, 653 Aristomedes (tragic actor), 688 at Epidaurus, 493 Ariston (piper), 732 Apolloniades (tyrant of Agyrion), 390 Aristonikos (kitharode), 538, 785, 788 Apollonides of Nicaea, On the Silloi, 479 Aristopeithes (choregos), 620 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76557-2 — A Social and Economic History of the Theatre to 300 BC Eric Csapo , Peter Wilson Index More Information 888 Indexes Aristophanes (comic poet), 17, 91, 163, 308, 314, at Sparta, 436, 502 326, 375, 428 Euklea, 462, 468 Acharnians, 3, 13, 19, 26, 30, 48, 98, 424–5, in art, 130 443 Katagogis, 793 and rivals, 442 Kolainis, 197, 198 at Eleusis, 15, 91, 93–5, 101 Korythalia, 508, 514 Birds, 427 Ortheia, 511–12 Clouds, 306, 326, 327, 427 Tauropolos, 131 Frogs, 95, 355, 417–18 at Halai Araphenides, 128 Knights, 331 Artemisia (festival), at Eretria, 667 Peace, 23, 334, 367, 786 Artemisia II of Caria, 769 Proagon, 125 Artists of Dionysus. See technitai Thesmophoriazusae, 415, 419–24, 425, Asclepieia (festival), at Epidaurus, 493 433 Asclepius, 494 Wasps, 144, 367, 786 at Epidaurus, 435 Wealth, 480 at Phlious, 435 Aristophanes (theatre lessee), 230, 233 Asklepiades of Byzantium, 776, 779 Aristophanes of Byzantium (scholar), 455, 460–1 Askolia (festival), 34 On Masks, 455 askoliasmos, 15, 32–6 Aristotle, 314, 315, 326, 327, 373, 402, 440, 476, Asopodoros (piper), 483 515, 728, 765, 768 Assos, 728 and epimeletai, 57 theatre, 728 crowning of, 572 Asteas (painter), 291, 426 Didaskaliai, 475, 480, 585 Astydamas (tragic poet), 575 Economics, 678, 765 Astypalaia (in Cos), theatre, 632 History of Animals, 737 Astypalaea (island in Dodecanese), 609 on history of comedy, 278, 308, 309–10, 317, Atarbos Monument, 181, 668 318, 320, 322,
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