The Journal of Osteopathy May 1912 Vol. 19, No. 5 Reproduced with a gift from the Auxiliary To The Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons, D.O. Care Fund May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine,SM The Journal of Osteopathy Edited by A. S. Hollis, A. B., D. O. LOCAL EDJTOM. FI ELD £:OlTORS. 6 . ) 1. La ughlin ),1. S. D., D. O. Edi to r Clinic Dept. A. G. Hildre t h, D.O., . .• . .• . .• . Legislatio n. Goo. A. 81m, M. B.. M.D., D .O., Dept of Surgery. C. P. McConnell. ~ i. D.,D. 0 Praotice. R. E. I111.m ilWn, :\L Pd., D. O Staff Writer H. F. Goetz,B . S., D.O••.•. .... •. ..Pract ice. Wellington K. Jacobs, D. 0 Editorial Dept . Frank Farmer,O .O Practice. pu blished monthly by t he J ournal of Osteop athy Publishing Co., Ki rks ville, Missouri. Bubecrfp­ tien S1.oo per year in advan ce: Canada $1.10 : Foreign $1.25. Those aendmg in, reqU8I!ltiDl!: changes of address, will please send both old and new loca t ions , 80 t hat t he change may be m ade promp tl.}'. Vol. X IX May, 1912 No.5 CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. PROFESSro" AL C ARDS 2iO EDITORIAL .. 2i5 OSTEOPATHY ' " ""ERYOUS DISEAS ES . ... .. ." 284 PAYI"" TO O DEAR FO RH IS WHISTL E .. .. 291 ANTI- V ACCINAT IO N TnOUGIITS ,.... .. 294 LEGAL AN D LEGISLATIYE " . ... .. .... ...... ..300 ASSOCIATIONS . .. ... ....... .... ..... .. .. .. •.. .. .. .. •. 305 Boox H EVIEWS . ..... .. .... ..... .. .. .... .. ... .. 31 1 PERSOKALS 3 15 ADOE" D.\ TO D IGEST OF STATE LA""S 3 18 BUSIKESS O pPORTUNITIES ..... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 324 DIED, B Oil" . ...... ... ........ 3 24 Lo CATIO" S AND H EMOVALS .. .. 3 2 8 MARIlIED . .. ....... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. 3 2 6 El1trred (ll tI,e Poet OJliu at Kirk~ 'r ille . M iJJMUri, as Seeond ClaB3 Matter PROFESSIONAL CARDS 271 - J EN NETTE S. ALLISON. D. O. JOH N S. ALLISON, se, D.. D. O. A. S. O. 1905. A.S. O. 19()'! P. G. P. C. 0 ., 1908 OS TEOPATHIC PHYSI CIANS Sa n Diego, Cal. llrofr.li.aiounl Ql nd l.li of fRrgulnr (@.atropntq 309- Tempkeo Bldg . 10 P hones: Home, 3089. Sero Set 3744 Bol,Il'1l : 9 a. m, to 6 p, m . Those "hose eerds appear ~ the columna of this Journal are endorsed by the American of Osteopathy sa qualified precu ucaere. All are graduates of recognized schoola. - --------COLORADO. -------- CALIFORNIA. GEORGE W. PERRIN, D. O. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 515-11)-17 Empire Buildin g, DR. A. C. MOORE, Osteopathic Sanitorium, HolUll: 10 to 12. phone, Main 4540. Corner of Sixteenth and Glenarm Ste. 1121-1123 Devlsdero St.. San Francisco. DENVER. COLORADO. Treatment at your home if desired. Phone West 2071 for appoint ment . DR. J. DAVID GLOVER Terms OD application for Treatment, Room and Board. DR. CHAS. C. REID DR. MYRTLE BAUM 535-538 ~l aj est i c Bldg. WILLIAM HORACE IVIE, B. S. D., D. O. Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4j by appoi nt ment after hours DENVER, COLORADO Graduate and Poet-graduate and formerly member of the A. S. O. Faculty. Telephone ~l 3769 Office hours, 10 a. m.-6 p. m. Telephone Berkeley 1183. Lady Attendant. 001-510 1st National Bank Bldg. Opposite San Francisco. DR. G . W. PAULY. B. S., D. O. DR. LEONA E . PAULY, B. S., D. O. Telephone, York 3326. ' . ... Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, KIrksville, Ml88Oun. Office, 201- 202-203-2M DeGraff Building, 118 N. Trejon St., Pbonee F 5394 Houra Main ~111 Residence, 1211 N. Weber. Both Phones. DR. ALICE B. CHAFFEE, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO. O STEOPATHIC P HYSICIAN. Instruct or in Osteopathic Techni que ILLINOIS. Loa Angelee College of Osteopathy. WELLINGTON K. JACOBS, D. O. Graduate American School of Osteopathy . Editor Journ al of Osteopath y 1909-12 L . LUDLOW HAIGHT, Oph. D•• D. O. Manager of Osteopathic Physician. Oculist NATIONAL SANITARIUM AND SPRINGS Phones: Residence, Hollywood 5151. Office, Home F 3551; Sunset Main 716 Freeport, Ill. V?~ 506 MaBO n Building , 4th and Broadway LOS ANGELES, CALIFO An Osteopathic Department for Nervous and Ment al Cases. Dr . L. H. Gerdine exam­ inee ell cases sent by Osteopaths. Other eases accep ted . Every facility afforded for sole Osteopathic treatment and care of pat ients . Correspondence solicited . W. F . TRAUGHBER. D.O.,M . D., DR. JOS EPH HENRY SULLIVAN Graduate of A. S. O. Gradu ate of Medical Depa rt ment of University of Sou ti 504-505 Trude Buildin g. California. Fou r years practical experience in surgery Formerly on A. S. O. Staff. Office Established 1894. 317· 1? Consolida t ed Realty B1d~., 6th & HilI St s., LOS ANGELES. Practice limited to office, and strictly druglese CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 272 PROFESSIONAL CARDS PROFESSIONAL CARDS 273 MORRIS LYCHENHEIM, D. O. NEW YORK CITY. OSTEOP ATHIC PHYSICIAN. OST EO P AT H I C I NFIRMARY OF NEW YORK CITY Suite 162 The Mentor Building, Residence Office 161-t13 State Stree t, Chicago 2030 Kenilworth Ave., Rogers Park, 120 East 34th Street Phone Central 1475 Phone, Rogers Park 4341 Dr. Daniel Neil Morrison, Graduate of Telephone Madison Square 1656 the American School of Osteopathy DR. CARL P .M c CONNELL. GUY WENDELL BURNS, M. D., D. O. 5757 } . 49 W. 57th. Street DR. F RANK C. FARMER PbODeI! { 5418 Piau. NEW YORK CITY MASSACHUSETTS. HOWARD T . CRAWFORD. D. O. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. MRS. CORNELIA A. WALKER, TheGill Bldg., 673 Boylston St. Tel., Back Bay 382 HOTEL MART INIQUE, Broad way, 32d and 33rd Street. Dean of th e Massa.chusetts College of Osteopathy. Phone, 8000 Madison. Thirteenth year of Practice. NEW YORK CITY. BOS TON. MISSOURI. DR. R IC HARD WANLESS, D R. HERMAN F. GOETZ, THE SWANNANOA 756 and 757 Century Building. Tel. 120 Stuyvesant l OS E. 15th Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOU NEW YORK, CITY A. G . H I LDRETH. D. O. F LORA NOTESTINE. D . Osteopathic Physicians. Phone, Olive 1982. Office HoW'8. 706-7-8-9 Century Building. DR. CHARLES HAZZARD, S T. LOUIS. MISSOUIIIl Astor Court Bldg., 18 W..t 34th Street. NEW YORK CITY. NEW J ERS EY D R. R OBERT CORNELIUS COX WEST VIRGINIA. OSTEOPATHIC PIIYSICIAN Graduate of th e American School of Osteopathy. Kirksville, Mo. Under th e Foun der of th e Science, A. T. Still, I. D. MILLER. AT LA~T I C CI T Y. ~ . J ., OFFI CE: Hote l Cla rendon, V ir ~ n l " a seaue. T ues., Thure., Silt. &: SUD OSTEOPATBIC PBTBICUII. • Other hours by appointment. I'liorn: 1300. PH ILADELPHIA, PA ., OFFICE : Wei&" h tman Boild.. 15:U Ches t nut Street, Monday, Wednesda~ iiIiI Graduate of American School of Osteopathy. F ridays. 9 to 4. PHONE SPRees 5924 A. 87 Beeehurst Avenue MORGANTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA NEW YORK. WALTER W. STEELE. D. O. H ARRY OREGON. Osteopathic Ph ysicians. Graduates American School of Osteopathy. LUT HER H.HOW LAND. D.O., Eotahli,hed 1896 560 Delewere Ave., Cor. Allen St. New Selling Building, Sixth and Alder. Branch Oflice-45 Pine Street, LOCKPORT, N . Y. Phonea, Main 2213 Residence, E. 3789 Houri: 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 4 p. m, Except Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 to 12 F 222. BUFFALO. NEW YOK PORTLAND,ORGEON 274 . P ROFESSIONAL CAR DS FOREIGN. DR. ASA WALMSLEY, Graduate and Poet-Grad uate under the Founder of Osteopathy. PETERBOROUGH, ONTARI O, CANAD ERNEST C. WHITE, M. D., D. O. The Journal of Osteopathy ANNATTE M. WHITE, D. O. Graduate of the American School of Oeteoperby. EDITED BY A. S. H OLLIS, A. B., D. O. By Appointment Only. 11 rue d' Al!ltorg, PARIS, FRAN VOL. XI X )IAY, 1912 No . 5 DR. STANLEY M. HALEY Osteopathic Physician Editorial Graduate of A. S. O. Olliee Cruz St., No.6 An)' We are anxious to mak e this Journal of the great ­ Suggestio n s ? est possible value to our subscribers in the field and wish therefore to be sure that we are publishing material that is helpful and of practical va lue as far as we possibly can. We should be glad to receive some ideas from field subscribers as to any improvements they might suggest. Of COUr8e , we cannot promise to follow out every thought that may be sent to us, but if any appeal To be successful a man mu st have faith- faith in his own ability to to us as being of real value and feasible, we shall be only too glad to form whatever he has undertaken. and faith in the chara cter of the ac incorporate them into the magazine make-up. Let us heal' from you and the purpose, to be accomplished. If he does not possess this positive f get into friendly personal relations . he is practically powerless. He may have the plan. he may have the des to make t he plan a reality, but he lacks the force to enable him to prooe . Epso nl Salts It is not often that a Medical Journal will quote Poiso nin g from the publicatio ns of a general hospital to show up the possible harm in certain drug procedures, and especially is it interesting to find such a confession when it concerns a drug that is so generally conceded to be harmless as M agnesium Sul­ phate or Epsom Salts . However, in t he Columbus Medical J ournal of last month we notice the followi ng statement: "It is certain that Epsom Salts under certain conditions may prove to be poisonous," and further we read that the wr iter is prepared to H quote three cases given in the publications of the ) Iassachusetts General Hospital of October, 1911.
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