The Era of Gathering Together All Things in One in Christ The Church Comes Out of the Wilderness (Part 2) Introduction The JST One of the means by which the Lord restored truth through Joseph Smith was through his work of Bible translation. It was June of 1830—in the immediate aftermath of two unjust arrests, legal trials, and near- miss brushes with violent mobs in Colesville, New York—when Joseph Smith received a revelation now known as Moses chapter 1. This chapter records a significant revelation from God to Moses received while he was on a mountain top speaking with God face to face. It effectively frames the Bible, outlining God's purposes and designs regarding man, and acts as something of a preface to the account of the Creation and Fall recorded in Genesis 1-3. Joseph said that Moses 1 "was a precious morsel" that was "vouchsafed" to him and Oliver Cowdery as "a supply of strength" subsequent to "all the trials and tribulations we had to wade through" (History of the Church, 1:98). This significant revelation was the beginning of what would come to be known as the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (ie. JST). The next month, July 1830, the Lord commanded Joseph to devote his time to studying the Bible, among other endeavors (see D&C 26:1). During this study time Joseph began making additions and doctrinal corrections to the Bible which scribes would record. Although this biblical interpretation project did not involve multiple languages, the Lord referred to this endeavor as "translation" work (see D&C 37:1). The greatest benefit of Joseph's time spent studying/translating the Bible was surprisingly not the improved Bible that resulted from these efforts (although 1 there were several priceless additions added to the text); rather it was the additional revelations Joseph received as a result of the questions he was led to ask while engaged in the translation work. Many sections of the Doctrine and Covenants, for instance, are the Lord's responses to questions Joseph asked as a result of his JST work. These D&C sections tend to be doctrinally rich and deal with matters from the ancient past or the end of the world (see D&C 29, 65, 74, 76, 77, 86, 93, and 132 for examples). Thus the work of the JST served the dual purposes of (1) adding inspired text to the existing Bible, and (2) acting as a springboard for Joseph to ask meaningful questions to receive additional revelations, recorded primarily in the D&C. Gathering Together All Things in Christ on Earth As discussed in a previous class, one sense in which the Church went “into the wilderness” in the Meridian dispensation was that the teachings and practices of Christ continued to spread throughout the world, and another sense was that God revealed to portions of mankind additional truths and inspired certain practices in order to gently guide the fulfillment of his covenant purposes. Thus, as part of the Church coming “out of the wilderness” in the latter-days, these truths and practices were to be gathered together. In other words, in addition to revealing “new” or “lost” truths to Joseph Smith directly from heaven, the Lord also inspired Joseph to gather truth from everywhere he could find it on earth—including from his own culture and contemporaries. In this role Joseph acted as an inspired gatherer and synthesizer of those truths which already existed on earth. This work of gathering together truths from heaven and earth is a fundamental purpose of the Lord's work in our dispensation (see D&C 27:13) and seems to be an important part of the Church coming out of the wilderness. As Joseph Smith explained, “The work of the Lord in these last days is one of vast magnitude and almost beyond the comprehension of mortals…. It is … truly the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times, when all things which are in Christ Jesus, whether in heaven or on the earth, shall be gathered together in him, and when all things shall be restored, as spoken of by all the holy prophets since the world began” (Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, p. 234). In this class we will consider how Joseph’s work on parts of the JST and his encounter with and appropriation of parts of Masonry are examples of gathering together truth already on earth. 2 Scripture Reading & Textual Engagement Questions IMPORTANT NOTE: You are NOT required to answer all of the questions provided at the beginning of each section. The point of these readings is to rigorously ENGAGE WITH THE TEXT and WITH ONE ANOTHER to promote understanding. The questions are simply guides to help you do so. The Joseph Smith Translation Qs: When did the "JST" begin? How long did it take? What methodology did Joseph use to translate (and what didn't he use)? What different categories do Joseph Smith's changes in the Bible fall into? Did all of the changes Joseph made to the Bible come directly from inspiration? If not, what other source(s) did he use? Why is this significant? Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible translation, dictating inspired changes and (from churchofjesuschrist.org) additions to scribes who recorded them first on paper and later as notes in the margins of While translating the Book of Mormon, the Bible itself. His revisions fall into Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery found several categories. His early work on the they held different views on the meaning of translation resulted in long revealed a passage in the Bible. They “mutually passages that Joseph dictated to his scribes, agreed to settle” the question “by the Urim much as he did when receiving the and [Thummim].” As a result, Joseph revelations in the Doctrine and received a revelation giving the translation Covenants.2 These passages sometimes of an account by the ancient disciple John, dramatically expanded the biblical text. The written on parchment but lost to history. best-known example of this type of revision This early experience seeking revelation that is found today in the book of Moses in the expanded the text of a Bible passage was an Pearl of Great Price. Joseph Smith also important precedent. About a year later, made many smaller changes that improved during the summer of 1830, Joseph and grammar, modernized language, corrected Oliver received by revelation an account of points of doctrine, or alleviated a vision of Moses not found in the Old inconsistencies. As he worked on these Testament. This revelation marked the changes, he appears in many instances to beginning of Joseph Smith’s efforts to have consulted respected commentaries by prepare an inspired revision or translation of biblical scholars, studying them out in his the Bible. For the next three years, Joseph mind as a part of the revelatory process.3 continued work on his “new translation of the Bible,” considering the project a “branch Joseph proceeded from Genesis 1 through of [his] calling” as a prophet of God.1 the Old Testament until a revelation in 1831 directed him to advance to the New Joseph Smith did not employ Hebrew and Testament. Once finished with the New Greek sources, lexicons, or a knowledge of Testament, Joseph picked up where he left biblical languages to render a new English off in Genesis and completed his work on text. Rather, he used a copy of the King the Old Testament by July 1833. Joseph James Bible as the starting point for his briefly considered translating the 3 Apocrypha, a selection of books accepted as of Christ) published Joseph’s revisions in scripture by Catholic and Orthodox 1867 under the title The Holy Scriptures, Christians but rejected by many Protestants. Translated and Corrected by the Spirit of A revelation directed Joseph not to translate Revelation, but the volume quickly became apocryphal writings even though such known as the “Inspired Version of the writings contained “many things … that are Bible.”7 Brigham Young, then President of true.”4 the Church, expressed skepticism of the accuracy of the Inspired Version, having not Joseph Smith’s work on the Bible revision had the chance to review the manuscript led to several revelations now contained in sources himself. Despite possessing a the Doctrine and Covenants. Perhaps the handwritten copy of some revision most dramatic of these occurred when manuscripts, the Church under President Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon wondered Young’s direction and thereafter did not how to interpret John 5:29, a passage publish an edition.8 mentioning the resurrection of the dead, and were blessed with a revelatory vision of the During the 1960s, RLDS scholar Richard P. degrees of glory in the afterlife Howard and LDS scholar Robert J. (D&C 76).5 Several similar episodes Matthews each studied the manuscripts to occurred during the process of revising the authenticate the published editions using the Bible, prompting revelations original texts. The Reorganized Church regarding Matthew 13; 1 Corinthians 7; and made manuscripts available and granted the the Book of Revelation.6 LDS Church permission to publish excerpts as footnotes and endnotes in the 1979 After Joseph Smith’s death, the Bible LDS edition of the Bible. Continued translation manuscripts remained with his research from this collaboration led to the wife Emma until she gave them to her son publication of the complete Bible revision Joseph Smith III, who led the Reorganized manuscripts in 2004 and again as part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Joseph Smith Papers.9 The Reorganized Church (now Community 4 Masonry Qs: What is masonry? Where did it come from? What are the connections between masonry and our temple endowment? How are they similar? How are they different? How might Joseph's use of masonic ritual and symbolism in the temple endowment be an example of Joseph pulling together vestiges of truth from his own culture and infusing it with newer and higher meaning? Masonry 1600 and indicate that the organization was primarily concerned with regulating the Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that trade of stonemasonry.
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