ol(o"locetco G6og (n'lo)offDe d(6)'loc)c(mco fiucmgmo m68r{@ d'l om o'l s c(6nD calcoJo (fio. 12'14 07.06.2018-cf, oqolsldo- oJ(r)6(rr16oo"l c6o6rB olcet5dBqos o1516 cel3R.\o aqoJsl (@)1. !c'1. aU(l) c 6 ooi (o.'lc@ooco@o (o P10 fiU.6d0o o @,1. nD1. g.#oa ord'.{ o@n) ("O) cDsl(])oo)loocol oJold.D'l6oDl c€o oB- ("O) 6QBd B'lfl'1on('3 .sEs'l()oonoDsoJl "J.Dd (ol(r)cq)'l o)qcoc€olco olcel66Bqos crt6o2lc€o6rBo1oc,on o)qcoc@o'lco) orsl€'conoA oDoo oo(q olcel66lssi d l3elffi3qos olSloanoi 19 o rcplo:rnui gO6nBC-I)" asroolaol@61{ioc; 261-lg. (,nn).rqmod oflruelcord',]opr dfJootflco (orn) dq oTod o6mlelo|o)lool 6l?ool6lo)lcoi oicer6oBSc6rD" (eJalo, olcelo, agojo dcelo, @lqlCq)il ol.e-lo. "nql.i o0mr'looc6m" 99pO.d)arD_ O{610)OC<rSOCOC; o6rD'lq)o dcelo @oBo) pnoJ;]oi 9gg.o: &sco(') .rsotlqd dceio oJrD: cltdooc6m otol.ocQl 495 eloer'o qdeoJos "OqlilcoC c'no@6,qo olcel6mgo onccoo i-f|"-o" o{)6ronm"l(])d (ruddogolcel$i" Bo6l-Dcoooo)l$lsa)n erGJo3€o1@lolo-ro ool@ilqo GDa)ot ol o"lGUoo (|) (r)6oi4o' Goo.slo oroJc.#oca) ox(lo"sti o(eJcoJl.elcmcos glo m)c(nlor0il@, olddslo a'IoocD'l6co (old)lcDciron ar)od.lild'srocai .nloggdl,qD dlJel6!13qo oJlGccoo .fl"l- oooan.D"lcoddo" m'ldeqroo .Doi6l- .ni*'. ((r\,rl)"lgalod o6nueio|dl'loel o6lDlcolo (od) 61"n"b-nlcotoi s].o((slo6.s]).Do. dcero oJCDd(rrlADldlocoi eooDcooooil 942120 1 7/"n. orqq. oLn o)'lo)aol (1)oi6ilco'l po6n3F,'loi l0l0'/1201'1 (d6coo I I c63s1 Qloi ic6nac: or6,coilad]a6lo'l Go6rDc0oooil moid,l c|oa)otool "16,6*f elGJacd6rcllc? @aioorq+tlc(,.erol (oJq.oton oso-lo Graoxelotoo- d,cmccofl- olf8m), "lqlorod ol'lr'laoo atl(o)(o&0)co)oo@elo coaalD' bJ.lcrolcon.d guiodsolol oortcoo m'ldotr'ldloc(i Ocq(/rn- orcero " J.D: €saro6nts: @oBo.) gorooonool -ldl,d^f cEco 6Dl(ftlro lq)] EBqSdOo O4lqlnlo *3.;^9** (darr'Se'Jrilo -t- ..nA- WP1?wt-J4'\ GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstlact Public Works Department - Budget Speech 2017-18 - Implementation ofProjects to be taken up by availing funds under Kerala Infrastrueture Investment Frrnd Roard qJIFs) ]! J4!q!pl! 4q.Ut'sq4!y" Sanciion - Accordgd: Or4er! !!!!e4, PUBLIC WORKS (G) DEPARTMENT G.O.RI)No.94212017IPWD. Dated,Thiruvananthapuram,10.07.2017 Read:- 1) G.O. (Rt) No. 596/2017/PWD dated 04.05.2017. q,q(49No, q dared I0.05.2017. ?) ! 6!201',7lPwD 3) Letter Nos. CE&.&B/GL-KIIFB/2017-I8 dated 06.06.2017 & 14.06.2011' from the Chief Engineer(Roads & Bridges), Thhuvananthapuam. ORDER It has been announced in the Budget Speech 2017- 18 as detailed below that KIIFB will invest ar amount of Rs. 18,185 Crcre for the development of Hill Highway, Coastal Highway, various Road Corridors, Bridges, Flyovers etc. under Public Works Department. Name of Work Estimate Amount (Rs. In Hill Highway Coastal Highway 182 roads 69 Bridges & Flyovers . (2) In the Reply Speech 20lT-18, cefiain cor:rections / substitution / deletion were made in the list of wo*s under PWD referred in Para 156 & 157 of ,2- Budget Speech 2017-18. Among the Road works in Para 156, Sl. No. 162 & 175 are repeated twice and hence S1. No. 162 was removcd frorn the list. The work "Karettu-Kallambalam road" in S1. No. ll3 ofPara 156 of Budget Speech 2017-18, has been replaced with Drinking Water Projects in Pulirnathu, Nagaroor and Karavaram Villages. As per Govemment Order read as l"' paper above Administrative Sanction was accorded for the work "Kundannur Flyover" (Sl No 34, Para l5'7 of Budget Speech 2017-18) & as per Government Order read as 2"r paper above in-principle sanction was accorded for the work "Vyttila flyover" (Sl. No.48, Para 157 of Budget Speech 2017-18) and the amount for the work "B dge Kurunkotta Island with Cochin Corporation" (Sl no 69. Para 157 of "onn""iing cut short by Rs. 10 Crore. Hence the total Bulgqt Speeqb- ?-q 17- 18) amount has been number of Bridges,&.OBsFlyovers decreases from 69 to 67 and the total amount falls from Rs. 2557 Crore to Rs. 2345 Crore. In case of road works, Sl No' 162 has been deleted and the \i/ork in S1. No. 113 of PaIa 156 has been substituted and the total Rs' number of Road works decreases from 182 to 1 80 and the total amount falls from 5628 Crcrc to Rs. 5583 Crore. (3) As per letters read above, the ChiefEngineer, PWD (Roads & Bridges) has requested to aacord in principle sanction for the works to be taker up under KItFB funding. (4) Govemment have examined the matter in detail and are pleased to accord in-principle Sanction for the development of Hill Highway, Coastal Highway, Irirprovements of 180 Road works and 67 Bidges & Flyovers as detailed below under Public Works Depaxtment for an amount of Rs 17,928 Crora (Rupees up Seventeen Thousand Nine Hun&ed and Twenty Eight Crore only) to be taken under Kerala Infrastructue Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) funding' (5) The Kerala Road Fund Board (KRFB) will be the Special Putpose Vehicle (SPV) for arranging the Roads & Bridges works and Roads and Bddges Development Cotporation of Kerala Ltd (RBDCK) will be the Special Purpose Vehicle for executirg ROB's and Flyovers. Hill highway and Coastal Highway will ,3- also be implemented by Kerala Road Fund Board and will be executed through Roads & Bridges and National Highway wings of Kerala Public Works Deparhnent rcspectively. Sl. No. Name of Work Estimate Amount (Rs. In Croie) I Hill Highway 3500 2 Coastal Highway 6500 3 180 roads (List appended as Annexure lj 55 83 67 Bridges & Flyovers (List appended as Annexure II) 234s TOTAI- l10ta (By Order ofthe Govemor), R SREEKALADEVI SPECIAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To The ChiefEngineer, PWD (Roads & Bridges) / National Highways, . Thiruvananthapumm. The ChiefExecutive Offrcel Kerala Road Fund Board, TC 4/1654, Mayoorarn, Belhaven Gardens, Kowdiar Post, Thiruvananthapuranr - 695003. The Project Director, PMU- Kerala Road Fund Board, TC 4/1654, Mayooram, Belhaven Gardens, Kowdiar Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695003. The Managing Director, Roads & Bridges Development Corpontion ofKerala, Preethy Buildings, 2'd Floor, Palarivattom, Kochi. The Joint Fund Manager, Kerala Infrastructure Inveshnent Fund Board, 4'h Floor, India Heights, Govt Women's College Road, Vazhuthacaud, Thycaud P.O, Thiruvananthapuram - 695014. The Accountant General (A&E)/(Audit)" Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. The Finance Deparhnent. The Public Works (D/H,?S) Department Stock File/Offi ce CoDvMebsite. Forwarded / By Order Section Officer. Copy to: PS to Hon'ble Minister (Works & Registration) PA to Special Secretary (PWD) -4- Annexure -l Estimate Sl. No. Nane of Work (Rs. in Crore) I Manqalam Tower-Market Roxd Bye-pass 53.00 2 Kunnamtulcm Munrcrprlity Ring Roal Projccl 25.00 l Kunnamkutam Municipalify Road Developnent Project 50.00 4 Various Roads in Cherthala including tron Bridge 22.01 5 Nathukallu-Adimali Road 50.0c 6 Navayikulam-Kudavoor Ring Roads 20.00 7 \ilambur Bye-pass conskuction Landacquisition 105.00 8 Nilambur-Nayadumpoyil Road 28.00 Neeleshwaram NH-Kacherikkadavu-Town Bye- pass Road and Bddge 9 - 40.00 Raia Road develoDment 10 Pathanad-Edayiri kkapuzha Road 20.00 1l Pa)ryannur Ambalaihara-Kanayi-Maniyara Vayal Mathamangalam Road 11.00 I2 Payyambclam-Chal Becch Road 25.00 l3 Bowikkanam - Kanathoor- Kuttikkol Road 15.00 Road and Bridge from National Higlway Vayalar Junction to Pallippuram l4 r00.0c lnfo Park l5 Pallimukku-Alimukku Road r2.00 t6 Pallimuklu-Mukkadaur Road 14.00 t1 Pallimukku-Medical College Road 25.0C l8 ltarappanpoyil-Karakunnath Road 20.0c l9 l?aravur-Cherayi Paralel Road 20.0( 20 lPazhaya Cha[tha - Kudavanad Road 32,00 2l Pazhakutty-Mangalapuram Road 200.00 22 Parassala-Panchamood Road 15.00 23 lPrltikkunnu -Chimmini Dam road 20.0{ 24 lPala Town Ring Road Second Phase 45.00 Pasuvannara-Aruviklara-Keezharoor Rins Road r0.00 26 IPU K Road 50.0( 27 PU KC Road Ullyeri Road 20.00 28 Pullivarakkonam-Kuzhakkad TemDle Road 18.00 29 PulluvazhiPaniyelipporu Road 20.0( l0 Pulimuttu Vattakkinar Road 25.00 ll Puthiyidam-Prayar-Aayiramlhengu Road 20.0c 32 lPookkiparambu-PathinarungalBye-passRoad r00.0c l3 Poowath *al-Velukkara Road 12.00 ,5- Poolhotta SN Junction Road 300.00 Padamrakkad Overbridgc-Vcllarikundu Road (including Bridges) 60.00 l6 Padinjarangadi-Manniyamperumbalam Road t5.00 3',l Badiyadukka-Eathadukka-Sulapadava Road 28.0C 38 Bhagavathippadi-Mallikkattikadaru Backwater road 20.00 39 Manathana-An1bayathode Road 20.0c 40 Sreekantapuram-Naduvil PwD Road r5.0c 4l Pathinarilchira-Nattakom Road 20.0( Achankovif Plappalli Road 25.00 43 Mattannur-Peravoor Road 25.00 Perambra-Paithothu - Thanikkandi -Thaniyodumukku road 10.0[ Mannanthala-Powdikonam Road 200.00 46 Mannarkkad-Chinnathadakon Road 80.00 Ambalarnkunnu- Roadvila -Poredam Road 10.00 48 Ammanappara-Chapparappadavu Chainage 20.0( 49 Amaravila-KudaDDana Sooravaklani Road 30.00 50 Arivithara-Bhamnanganam Road 20.00 Mala-Vattathani Road 10.00 52 Azhinilam-AJattamozhi Road 20.00 5l Maskumari-Kunrdapadaw Road 10.00 Mananthavady-Thrissileri Scenery Road 10.0c Matbra Palazhi Kuttikkattur Road 25.0( Mararikulam Railway Station Thumboli Road 20.00 5',l Mavoor NIT Koduvalli Road 25.00 )i1 Mukrarhan Valal,u- Vellaramku nnu Kumili road 25.00 Muthuswamiputhur-Ancham rnile 15.0( 60 Muringoor-Ezhattumuklam Road 20.00 61 Mulavana-Perayam NSS College Road 10.00 62 Muhamma Thanneemukkam Kayaltheera Road 21.00 63 Moonnar Flyover Bye-pass Road 35.0( Moonamkai Kaiveli Road 20.00 65 Muvazhupuzha Koothattukulam Road 25.00 66 Adivaram-Kelanmoola Road 20.0c Adoor-Thunbaman-Kozhelcheri Road 20.00 68 Manacaud-Attukal Temple Road 30.0c 69 Manald.ada\1r-Alakkode Road 10.0c '10 Manasseri Pulnarambu-Ch llikkaoarambu Road 20.0{ 7l Extendins Aashramam Link road from Olavilkadavu to Thevalli 150.00 7Z REC-KoodathayRoad
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