Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Volume 135, Issue 22 rMView Checl$ out the Web site for ·corn I breaking news and more. Students to hold fundraiser for rescued wom.an Blue & Gold Oub BY.CAITLIN MALONEY arm come down. to close after StaffReporter "We were all ready, we knew it Five university students are con­ was a possibility, but it just hap­ lack of patrons tinuing their efforts after helping a pened so quick," Crespo said. "It woman out of her car before it was was like bang, we just have to get hit by a freight train on March 25 by her out of the car, there is nothing BY CAITLIN MALONEY organizing a fundraiser for repairs on we cando." StaffReporter a donated car. Griffith said two of the men As part of an ongoing effort to Three weeks ago, freshman grabbed her by the arms and helped reduce costs, university President Elise Wolpert was walking back her out of the car. Patrick Harker announced that the from work when she noticed a car on "They picked me up and ran Blue & Gold Club, a members­ the tracks at the crossing between me across the street to get me out of only dining club serving the uni­ Main Street and New London Road. harm's way," Griffith said. "I owe versity community, will be shut­ She watched as 60-year-old June my life to them, I really do." ting its doors on July 1. Griffith tried to put her 1999 white Crespo said after pulling Junior Michelle Gentile, who Pontiac Grand Am into reverse, but Griffith out of the car, the men took works at the club, got the news the tires got caught in the track her to the side of a nearby building. while on vacation for ~pring grooves, Wolpert said. As Wolpert She remained facing the wall to Break. Gentile said she received watched, unsure of what to do, she avoid watching the impact. The an e-mail titled "Club announce­ noticed six men rush over to the car men, however, had a different idea. ment," which was sent to club to help. "First things first, we made employees by club director Five of the men, junior Brian sure she was safe, but I had to make Elizabeth Jordan. The e-mail stat­ Del Guercio; sophomores Alex sure I got a ·good view of the train ed that the club would operate Crespo, Eric Cirulli and Tommy hitting the car," he said. "I made sure I got a good spot to watch it." June Griffith got her car caught on these tracks of Deer Park. business as usual until June 30. Stackhouse; and freshman Frank out~ide "The e-mail was . kind of DiPietrapaul, are members of the Stackhouse was also curious the car down the tracks and created Avenue. sweet," Gentile said. "She felt bad Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. The to see what the impact would look some debris and sparks. and she was really upset about it." sixth man, Jordan Ricks, is a student like. But, he said, the crash didn't The train conductor tried slow­ A press release from the Newark Margot Carroll, interim asso­ at Delaware Technical and compare to what he is used to seeing ing the train as much as possible, but Police Department stated that the car hit the rear ·end of the car. Although ciate vice president of administra­ Community College. in the movies. was pushed approximately 100 feet tive services, stated in an e-mail · Crespo said the male students Crespo said he expected to see no one was hurt, Wolpert said every,, before being thrown from the tracks message that the club's board of first tried to lift the car off the tracks, an explosion with car parts flying in one involved was in shock and a state before reaching North College directors approved ·the closing but soon heard the track's crossing the air, but instead the train dragged See GROTTO'S page 3 after years of membership decreases and operating deficits. "In these difficult times, that deficit, and the increasing costs of maintaining the historic building it occupies, are the primary reasons Calls for Public Safety escorts down dramatically the club is closing," Carroll said. In the e-mail message sent out BY KAITLYN KILMETIS J. "Skip" Homiak Jr. said since a half minutes. to employees, the reason for the closing was described as "part of a Senior News Reporter the new system- was put into Homiak said during a week­ The Public Safety escort pro­ place, many changes have end in March 2008, the buses had strategic reduction of costs." gram has experienced a 94 per­ occurred. 323 riders, while during a week­ Carroll said a members-only cent decrease in calls after elimi­ "We have seen a reduction in end this March after the policy See CLUB page 4 nating driving escorts last month. the number of calls in escort serv­ change, the buses had 2,089 rid- The bus system has experienced a ices, and it seems like the walking ers. 547 percent increase. escorts we're providing are now Maj. Joel Ivory, the acting As of March 15, rather than used for those who are truly in chief of University Police, said he sending escorts in vehicles, only need of it, and bus ridership has believes the significant decrease walking and biking escorts are · actually increased significantly," in calls for escorts proves that the provided. These escorts either Homiak said. former system was being abused take students to their destination According to Homiak, on a by students. or take them to the nearest bus given weekend night in fall 2008, "I think it's an indication that stop and ride the bus with them to there was an average of approxi­ we were providing a convenient their desired location. The change mately 322 calls and an average ride, and the intention all along was put into place to decrease wait time of approximately 18 · was to provide a safe escort to abuse of the escort service, to bet­ minutes. In the first weekend with folks from one destination to THE REVIEW/Steven Gold ter utilize the bus system and the revised escort policy, the aver­ another," Ivory said. Bus ridership increased 547 percent lower student wait times. age number of calls was approxi­ He said with the change in Executive Director of mately 15 and the average wait the system,. the service is now since the elimination of driving Campus and Public Safety Albert time was approximately nine and See ADMIN page 3 escorts. The Blue & Gold Club wiU close on July 1. inside 2 News 14 Editorial 15·0pinion 17 Mosaic 20 Movie Reviews 27 Classifieds 28 Sports Commentary ...._ ... 1 ' ' t ' ~ 2 April 14, 2009 THE REVIEW/Ricky Berl The Deltones performed at the Red Cross Club's Top Model competition Thursday night. See stories, page 8 THE REVIEW/Natalie Carillo THE REVIEW/Ric ky Berl Flowers blossom on trees around campus as The Indian Students Association hosted Muquabla in spring fmally comes to Newark. Mitchell Hall Saturday. See story, page 18 Editor in Chief Layout Editor delaware UNdressed Columnist Laura Dattaro Andrea Ramsay Alicia Gentile The Review is published once weekly every Tuesday of the school year, except Executive Editor Graphics Editor Fashion Forward Columnist during Winter and Summer Sessions. Our main office is located at 250 Perkins Student Brian Anderson Katie Smith Jackie Zaffarano Center, Newark, DE 19716. If you have questions about advertising or news content, see the listings below. · Copy Desk Chiefs Administrative News Editor Sports Editors . 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Ted Simmons, Alexandra Duszak Darby DeCicco, Alexa Hassink time, place and manner. The ideas and opinions of advertisements appearing in this Steven Gold Senior Mosaic Reporter Business Manager publication are not necessarily those of The Review staff or the university. James Adams Smith Lisa McGough April 14, 2009 3 Admin. happy with escort changes Continued from page 1 they're keeping you safe," Kosydar said. ~·so if someone's being provided to those who truly · walking with you, I think that need it, like students who stay at they~re still providing that serv­ the library late or go· to work on ice." campus early. Freshman Matthew Block Ivory said the reception from said although he believes it is the public has been mixed. less convenient, the new escort Although many understand the policy still provides students a original system had . its flaws, safe method to get home. some have expressed safety wor­ "If you actually need to get ·ries. · safely back somewhere, you can "We've had some concerned walk with the escort there," parents call because their son or Block said.
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