Procópio Annals of Microbiology (2020) 70:13 Annals of Microbiology https://doi.org/10.1186/s13213-020-01547-y ORIGINAL ARTICLE Open Access Microbial community profiles grown on 1020 carbon steel surfaces in seawater- isolated microcosm Luciano Procópio Abstract Corrosion of metallic alloys is a concern worldwide, with impacts affecting different production sectors and consequent economic losses in the order of billions of dollars annually. Biocorrosion is a form of corrosion where the participation of microorganisms can induce, accelerate, or inhibit corrosive processes. In this study, it was evaluated that the changes in profile communities, by the sequencing of the 16S ribosomal gene, grown over steel coupons in a microcosm with no additional oxygen supplementation for 120 days. Analysis of abundance and diversity indices indicates marked changes in microbial structures throughout the 120-day period. Homology results of OTUs generated by Illumina sequencing indicated Proteobacteria phylum as the dominant group, comprising about 85.3% of the total OTUs, followed by Firmicutes and Bacteriodetes, both with 7.35%. Analyses at lower taxonomic levels suggested the presence of representatives described as corroders, such as Citreicella thiooxidans, Thalassospira sp., and Limnobacter thiooxidans. In conclusion, the results suggest that no additional oxygen supplementation profoundly altered the core of microbial communities, with a predominance of facultative anaerobic species. Keywords: Microbially influenced corrosion, Seawater, Steel corrosion, Metagenome, Microcosm Introduction as organic and inorganic coatings, plastics covers and Corrosion of metals is a complex process that involves paints, and cathodic protection, which consists in creat- abiotic factors, such as temperature, physical and chem- ing a galvanic cell, and thus, acting with a “sacrifice ical stresses, and biotic factors through the direct and in- metal,” maintenance and inspection costs are also con- direct action of microorganisms. Although in the siderable (Baeckmann 1997; Price and Figueira 2017). In scientific literature, the action of eukaryotic microorgan- addition to these activities described, protective actions, isms such as fungi, yeast, and algae are described as cor- such as inspection, maintenance, and training of special- roders, the activity of bacteria and archaea constitutes ized technicians, may add an estimated $121 billion to the major part of the microbially influenced corrosion the total cost, thus corroborating the high economic im- (MIC) (Lugauskas et al. 2009; Li et al. 2018). Nowadays, pacts of corrosion on industries (Koch et al. 2002; the metal deterioration through corrosion is a global Thompson et al. 2007). concern, impacting numerous economic sectors, in par- The presence of microorganisms over metal surfaces ticular, offshore structures, as pipeline, navies, and har- and their consequent attack occurs through bacterial bors, and studies of the economic impacts of corrosion biofilm structures. Biofilms are a complex formed by demonstrate that values can reach US$2.5 trillion per bacteria and extracellular compounds, such as proteins, year, which represents 3% of gross domestic product DNA, polysaccharides, and metabolites (Procópio 2019). (GDP) (Koch et al. 2016). Expensive protective actions Biofilm formation is a process widely found on different against corrosion processes are currently available, such inanimate or organic surfaces, under different environ- mental conditions that influence their presence and per- Correspondence: [email protected] sistence. The forces involved in forming these structures Industrial Microbiology and Bioremediation Department, Federal University of may include nutrient deprivation, continuous water flow, Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Caxias - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil © The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Procópio Annals of Microbiology (2020) 70:13 Page 2 of 11 extreme or unfavorable temperatures, protection against participation of a complex microbial community. An al- harmful chemical compounds, biocides, and antibiotics ternative is the use of microcosm systems, where there is (Salta et al. 2013). The formation of the biofilm on the an effort to design a closed system in the laboratory that metals allows the generation of an internal microenvir- simulates the maximum conditions present in the envir- onment, which makes it possible to induce/accelerate onment (Angell et al. 1997; Mumford et al. 2016; Moura the metallic corrosion. The process of metal deterior- et al. 2018). One methodology that has been widely ation happens when the surface acts with an anodic site, employed for the study of biocorrosion under meso- and transferring electrons from the zero-valent metal to a microcosm conditions, and also in situ environmental cathodic site, in this case, the bacterial biofilm conditions, is the description of the microbial commu- (Hamilton 2003). This redox reaction would also occur nity through sequencing of the 16S ribosomal gene. in abiotic corrosion; however, the MIC allows to acceler- The microbial amplicons of the 16S rRNA genes, also ate the whole process up to 1000× (Melchers and Jeffrey called metagenome, enable the description of the taxo- 2013; Marty et al. 2014). Microorganisms can induce nomic profile of complex systems of microbial populations corrosion by altering pH and oxidation-reduction poten- present in different samples from natural environmental tial (Eh) in the secretion of corrosive metabolites or even sites (Rondon et al. 2000; Tyson et al. 2004). Despite the directly acting in oxidation-reduction reactions through limitations of metagenome techniques, such as metage- extracellular enzymes (Little et al. 2007). nomic methods only describe the taxonomic profile of the Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) was the first bacterial biofilm but do not establish a physiological relationship of group to be described as active participants in metal corro- microorganisms and the corrosion process, in addition to sion (Tiller and Booth 1962). Previously, SRB received the metagenomic sequencing identifying species levels, and most attention in studies on anaerobic MIC, mainly for H2S many of the characteristics metabolic are found at strain production, which exerts a strong corrosive action (Kato levels, numerous studies employing high-throughput tech- 2016). Currently, several other bacterial groups with distinct niques shed light on the participation of microorganisms metabolisms are known to be involved in corrosion pro- involved in corrosion (Dang et al. 2011;Parketal.2011; cesses, either directly or indirectly. Sulfate-oxidizing bacteria Rajala et al. 2015; Ramírez et al. 2016;Vigneronetal.2016; (SOB), iron-reducing bacteria (IRB), acid-producing bacteria Bonifay et al. 2017; Moura et al. 2018). In this study, the (APB), thiosulfate-reducing bacteria (TRB), Fe-oxidizing analysis of isolated environmental factors can contribute to bacteria (FeOB), and sulfate-reducing archaea (SRA) are the understanding of changes in the microbial community, commonly described in studies of metal corrosion (Beech and based on this, we use metagenomics to evaluate how and Sunner 2004; Videla and Herrera 2005;Lietal.2017). the structure microbial community changes over time in a Progressively, surveys have shown the participation of het- system where there is no oxygen entry into the microcosm. erotrophic aerobic microorganisms as having a preponder- ant role in corrosion, either as in maintaining corrosive Material and methods biofilm or participating directly in the metal attack. In a Microcosms design marine environment, the presence of FeOB lithotrophic bac- For the microbiological succession analysis on the coupons, teria has been related to iron oxidation under neutral pH a microcosm was designed, which consisted of a glass tank conditions (Emerson 2018). Another heterotrophic group with an approximate capacity of 8 l. The tank was previ- recently described as involved in corrosion is the APB ously autoclaved, and then seawater was added until it was group. The production of acid metabolites, such as formic filled. The seawater used in this experiment was collected acid (HCOOH), acetic acid (CH3COOH), and lactic acid near the Brazilian Navy Ship Maintenance Area, located in (CH3CHCOOH), allows metal deterioration by shifting the Cobras Island, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. The microcosm was inner pH of biofilms (Ray et al. 2010;Xuetal.2016). These maintained at the Microbial Corrosion Laboratory, located new findings on different microbial metabolic groups in- at Estacio University in Rio de Janeiro. The conditions volved in corrosion show that corrosion is a multifactorial maintained were water temperature around 23 °C, which complex process where the participation of microorganisms corresponds to the seawater temperature at the collection is not limited to a single group or environmental condition. site, a period of 12 h of light daily, and after the coupons This complex system found in the inner corrosive bio- had been accommodated, the microcosm was sealed to pre- films, which involves various microorganisms,
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