Wat Satlg OJamima "Serving the Storrs Community Since 1896" VoL LXXXVIIINo. 77 The university of Connecticut Wednesday, February 20, 1985 House approves clothing tax cut Chicago donates tic HARTFORD (AP)-The House Majority Leader save taxpayers $62 million House of Representatives on Robert G. Jackie brushed this year, if it is in effect by \monies to Health Center Tuesday rejected 13 Democ- aside the questions raised by ApriL Democrats and Repub- ratic proposals to cut taxes Rybak and Torpey. licans have been proposing ByPaulThiel before approving a bill that "We can respond to a strong tax cuts, since the state is Asst Managing Editor would eliminate the sales tax economy. We can respond to expected to have a $200 HARTFORD—It was officially Chicago Day here Tuesday, bjf on clothing priced less than the need of taxpayers," he million surplus this year. virtue of a proclamation by Gov. William O'Neill The dedication $50. said in supporting the bilL Prior to the final vote, the was to thank the rock-jazz from the windy city group for their The 136-4 vote capped a Rebublican leaders esti- debate became entangled donation to the Children's Cancer Fund of the UConn Health sometimes rancorous five- mate the tax exemption will over partisan issues. center. hour debate on the bill, which Chicago, who performed to a sellout at the Civic Center last was sent to Gov. William night has decided to donate 50 cents of each $15.50 ticket form O'Neill for his consideration FOI staff clarifies the last night's show and their return engagement here March 27 to The Senate approved the the fund. Officials estimate the donation will exceed $15,000. Republican-sponsored tax bill "We're absolutely delighted Chicago has decided to share] last week. ramifications of bill their inspiration," said James E. Muivihiii, the executive director of the Health Center. "If s about $16,000—we nee the money. It The debate on the tax ex- By Peter Coijulo sion, if legislation placed the comes at a time when the federal government is cutting back emption bill itself was limited, Staff Writer same standards as municipal research grants." with Democrats indicating Student government docu- governments have Those MulvWll presented Peter Cotera, Chicago's lead singer, with early during the debate that ments and meetings must be parameters include access to three-foot heart-shaped card from the 200 children involved they supported the proposal. open to the public, if a bill pro- all documents pertaining to the program. The card read "You colored our workT ( Four Democrats voted against posed by Jonathan Pelto (D- government function, the to the group's 1975 hit "Colour My WorkT) and was placed the bill; Reps. Michael Rybak, Mansfield) is passed, accord- establishment of regular busi- stage during last nights performance William R Dyson, Walter S. ing to Freedom of Information ness hours to allow public "Thaf s great" said Robert Lamm, the band's keyboard player, Brooks and Richard Torpey. Commission officials. scrutiny, posting of scheduled We all have kids, and where we live we're involved with hos- Torpey, from East Hartford The FOI Commission com- meetings with the secretary of pitals, so when this came up, we deckled to do it if s basically said he couldn't support a tax mented on House bill 6679 state, and available records of effortless on our part" cut without knowing what last night at Forum with meeting agendas and minutes. spending bills the General A proposal to require stu- Officials from the Health Center sent the group a seven minute UConn students and adminis- [video tape of the children in the cancer progam, and the group Assembly would have to con- trators last night Represent- dent governments to comply decided to do the benefit according to Bill O'Brien, the director sider and without knowing ing FOI Commission were with state FOI laws is curren- of development of the Health Center. what impact proposed federal Donald Friedman and staff tly facing opposition from "It's helpful not only in dolloar value," saidMulvihill, but also budget cuts might have on the attorney Marianne Smith UConn's Undergraduate Stu- the recognition of the program and the center that something state Smith outlined the require- dent Government Tuesday likes this generates. It helps us reach all those who might want to Rybak agreed, saying, "I ments that student govern- nighf s forum was designed to SeepageS question the process, and I ments would probably have See page 4 question the product" to follow under FOI Commis- WHUS9 aged equipment in need of replacement By George Edwards tion to have, according to the eventually save money through certs The fee increase will be 10 years, according to Ca- Staff Writer station's news director Henry lower repair bills and also large enough so that the sta- meron Renovation of an outdated Mondschein The present raise money through such tion will not have to ask for The last fee increase was studio, paying the salary of a engineer is a university em- activities as sponsoring con- another increase for another See page 3 chief engineer, and purchas- ployee and his salary has been ing new audio equipment are paid by the university in the among the major reasons past However, the university campus radio station WHUS- is requiring the station to start FM wants to raise its student paying the salary in fiscal 1986 fee from two to five dollars. and that would be an annual "The station's production expense of about $14,000, studio has outlived its anti- Mondschein said cipated 30-year life and needs The chief engineer fixes any to be renovated The cost of breakdowns and is the only doing that is about $75,000," person allowed to work on the Lee Cameron, operations station's transmitter, Mon- manager said dschein said The studio, which is used At present the station re- for producing local programs ceives about $22,000 per se- ;ind training students in broad mester from student fees. If casting, needs to be sound the proposal is passed by a proofed so it does not inter- student vote it would mean an fere with adjoining studios. increase of about $55,000 per The new equipment would semester, Cameron said This allow the station to provide is necessary, he said since the more coverage of live events. station needs capital before it Another major cost is pay- can begin purchasing the ing the salary of a chief en- new equipment gineer, which the Federal If WHUS receives the fee Communications Commis- increase, the station plans to WHUS DJ Cindy Lemek does her radio show yesterday at the station's studio in the sion requires every radio sta- buy equipment that would Student Union (Andy Schaffer photo). ^•* Inside Today: Weather Forecast: • If you're ever in Britain stick with breakfast for all your meals, see story on page 6. Mostly sunny today with tem- • Trying to stop vandalism here is turning into a time- peratures in the 30s and low 40s consuming communication effort see story on page 5. Tonight clear and colder in the teens Page 2 Morning Comment Andy Rooney News Digest Warshoiddn\paralyze Dress for success STAMFORD (AP)—Former from space deployed weapons, national security advisor Zbigniew sial "Star Wars" system in which Dressing in the morning isn' t one of my favorite things to do. I don't Brzezinski said Tuesday that attacking missiles would be shot mind the process of pulling clothes on my body but making the deci- American strategic policy should down by laser or particle beams sion about what to wear is difficult It isn't that I have a big choice Protestors combine the deployment of re In a speech to members of the because I buy so many new clothes. I don't buy many new ones but I taliatory nuclear weapons with a Foreign Policy Association, the never throw away any of the old ones. attested space based way to keep an onetime Carter administration There is a whole list of considerations you have to think about attacker's first strike from para- official said that given current when you're dressing It's work for a computer. NORWICH(AP)—Thirteen anti- lyzing the country s ability to fight events in the Soviet Union and the —Whafs the temperature going to be? nuclear weapons demonstrators back rapid evolution of weapons tech- —Is it going to rain or snow? were arrested on disorderly Without mentioning the pro- nology on both sides, his plan is —Are you going to be seeing anyone important for whom you'd conduct charges Tuesday while gram specifically, he lent support about the only way "to make a like to look well-dressed or, at least, not poorly dressed? protesting against the nation's to President Reagan's con trove r- first strike not feasible" —Do the clothes you'd like to wear still fit? Trident nuclear-powered sub- —Are there any holes, spots or missing buttons on the article o' marine program outside a Gen- Dbg handler arraigned clothing you've chosen? eral Dynamics Corp. computer There are things to be taken into consideration when you're center. NEW BRITAIN (AP)-An Argen- ered what they believed was all choosing what to wear that are hard to put in a list For no reason that The protesters, members of a tine national was arraigned Tues- the property stolen Sunday from you can express in words, a coat, a pair of pants, a sweater or a pair of group called Women of Faith, day on a larceny charge in the the Rocky Hill apartment of shoes is either comfortable or it's not You have the definite feeling were charged with disorderly theft of more than $1.5 million Rosalia Gomez DeJCampo Bacardi that you look better in some pieces of clothing than in others.
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