1 '^0 POPULAR i(h>^ BRITAIN'S BEST-SELLING MICRO WEEKLY News Desk Business Software houses moves from Commodore opt for Amstrad rron LOMMODORE f NEWS FLASH TITANIC SEE PAGE 30 SiUiOTi<:iJU l^STAR-j OOOOQOOOO DMSIS330000QOOOOO 2. • Prugrammlng Bon: Skull Trap I « Mi>lnrrJa-i mm aitH rtfltKM .n, on Commodore 64 See page 10 I 4. • New Releases .4. LGAMEtJ WJ itivmMl SO -SOFT WAR E CAN you HANDLE THE ULTIMATE? FEATURE PACKED, 100% MACHINE CODE, THE MOST AMAZING PROGRAMMES, THE SMOOTHEST AND PURE ADDICTION, AQiON, THE HIGHEST RESOLUTION GRAPHICS? SO WHICH WILL BLOW FIRST - YOUR COMPUTER OR ALL ULTIMATE GAMES ARE ARCADE STANDARD, VOUR MIND? ™H.BfollDwnBr I Send to: , UllimatePlayThcGo The Green, AshbydsbZouch, I of Aihby CompulJii andGrii(^iciLld..The Grwi. AiMay 6a I :wlBf.hir«,T«l([l530| 411485. D. ^1^ 15-21 March 19S4 Vol 3 No 1 5 Ediior News Imagine you are playing an aijwenture. Brendon Gore You are happily exploJing a fantasy world, indulging in a little monster News Editor Letters y David Kelly bashing, when an arrow appears in ttie Reportsr middle of your chesl. With dimming Star 10 Chrisiina ErsKitie Game eyes, you read the lollowing message: Sortware Editor Skull Trap on CoFTKTioOoiB 64 By James N "You have been Killed by Duncan, who G rati am Tayloi is floors Street Lite 12 in the same building two above Production Editor you". Lynne Conslabie Dauid KflHy lalksio Roban Slsm Editorial Secretary Reviews 16 Clao Clierry l^ulti-laskfna package trom Skywate Advertisement U»r>aget The Mulli User Dungeon (or MUD as David Lake it is more affectionately known) has Asslelant Advertisement Manager been up and running at Essex Uni- Allan versity since 1979. Written on a DEC AdverHsemeni Executive Spectrum 22 System 10 by Roy Trubshaw. MUD is a Tom Walson liriiicioiit Runby D Edwards, Pan 1 mulli player, real time, interacllve Classified Executive 24 Diane Dauis Dragon adventure. Advertising Production Dodn. Players siail as novices and attempt Pani to work their way up through various Administration BBC and Education 2B stages, such as champion and neciu- Theresa Lacy m an car, to achieve the ultimate acco- Managing Editor tade of witch. Points are obtained Duncsn Scol 30 through experience, combat and by PubllBhIng Director FaciiillesotihaSIDcfilDbyRichardBano salving numerous puzzles and quests Open Forum 37 contained in the game. Players can Popular Campuiing Weekly. even leave messages for one another 12-13 Utile Newport SlrBSI. by writing on objects inside Ihe adven- London WC2B 3LD MIcroradio 43 Telephone: 01-437 4343 Ray Berry's column But Ihe main obstacle to MUD, and Published Dy Sunshine Publications Lid Similar programs, gaining a wider air- Adventure 47 Reglctarsd M ing Is the cost of making a leiephone Tony Biicfga'scomar call. Olhefwise Micro net, or a similar ABC Peek spoke 49 system, could be running Interactive adventures now, linking players over the telephone lines. Newfielesses SB Lalesi sottwara piograms Typesei by The Anwork Group, S5-63 Goswell F^oad, LonHon EC1, This Week 58 Next week's star game Is Filght Simula- In association with Ink on Paper Lta. ToplOplKS all ihiB week's soilv-arti for 1GK/4BK Spectrum by D Murphy, Priniea by East Midland Utlw Printers tor S9 In wtiich you must land your plane Ltd, OurOie Road, Woodslon, the runway. Peterborough PE2 9QR. safely on Olsinbuled by S M Oislributlcn London SW9. 01 -274 B611. Telex; 261643 Subscribe to © Sunshine Publlcalions Ltd 1984 Popular Computing Weekly Papular Qxnpolmg Weekly canrral acceW ar 'esgansibilitv lor any Biroti in prngrams n publish. Bllhougn we win always liy our best I maiia sure pfograms work. AVAILABLE INAPRIL TWO NEW RELEASES nfS THE WOOLUF! CATUOGU t OF lATIST SOFTVMUU U ^gS^^^Tg^ML CRYSTAL COMPUTING, 2 ASHTON WAY, EAST HERSiNGTON, SUNDERLAND SR3 3RX- TRAOEENaUIRIESWELCOMEi-M:061-3l>S6M3. d. OvdFsea£ orderE. piflo! ! QL Oric shelves Willy arrives next month modem JET S Willy, long awtuted rooms may be entered in any production follow up to Manic Miner now cipectcd next month. It The game which c major problems communications modem for will be the first new formed the computer will have lo cast project from recently Ijvcr- SINCLAIR hai rcleiiscd mure iheir thoughts elsewhere. Software Projects— the software house run n formal km about the produc- Way back in December pool-hased iiin problem* which hove i^Sl. Oric adveniscd the mod- by Miner author Mtitthcw em Bl £79.95 along with many Smith and ex-Bug-Bylc Cm- other periphetals for the Oiie The game continues the wcct. the company story of Manic Miner — Willy mmiunced that plans lo llic Miner is now living in a luxury mansion, thanks tu the (riracy protection systt , |irodiicc it had been treasure he discovered in the fore play commences the play- er must input a special colour code. This can only be found commitment involved inmanu- from a special grid supplied izeoflhcQL'sRumis lacluring and making the mod- with tt»e tape. Potential tape . ciipieis would also need lo Tht OL has been em available. I hey have de- grid vibki\. being in wiIhunlyal6KRuiii. cided the iirojcct is not worth copy the ' pursuing. colour, would As recently as a fortnight special — Module I — ago. there was confusion in the 128K version deal ranks as tu the whereabouts providing two disc drives plus and status of the modem. disc interface, manual and a suite of three Perfect Software packages, all for iftW.W, JUKKIiiniL-hiiiL-.— However, if you buy both by at Oric I Ihe Laureate and Module 1 I 111- machine — called Ihe logelhet, a discount sets the Telecom •' appiuvd Umicaie — has 64K available combined price al a few pence till no hign. Inicifsr gainud Ram. of which 38K can he used by Sinclnir Irom iiur order tips has cleared the conftuion, and from Basic. under £I.(HHJ. rr Ihc £3 mark. also assured that all money Lynji have aimed the Lauie- received in response to the Is the a CP/M option. Sinclair Rom SINCLAIR has confirmed it Floppy disc alternative Ihe Rom in Ihc -Spectr Mag claitns the Phloopy will find a file and load or save it in bic, fur enample. ( ca lem tor the BBC n three to four seconds. rouiines alter a given III The Phloopy will cost elapsed. A form of wi to die floppy disc. £113.85. You will also need to Efered. Clallcd a Pbloop buy an interface for Ihe BBC >ility t s of the Am- lOOK of memory t n the I e scheduled for June iridge containing a Machine code programs which and a number of high-strcel loop of tape. Althou^ similar use routines in the Intetface I s including Boots, Rum- in concept to the Sinclair mic- Rom — such as Hunitrr Killer is. Cunys and Comei are rodrive, it works on a slightly from Pnitck — should ran inlly evaluating the different principle. without any difhcully provid- The tape UEes a nine-track ing, according lo a Sindait tape head to write on to ordin- spokesman — "Ihe recom- ary W indi recording tape, mended accessing points and ei^t bits at a time. The ninth machine code hooks to Ihe track is used as a "clock" track Aillumi!h [he Phloopyis cur- Rom have been used." to control the data transfer. rently only being developed for "Hie decisions (oUow Ihe Conwiiuently. the data is this machini". Phi Mag is con- blkewnrm reception pvcn to stored in a more compressed sidering produang an interface Coleco deficit Commodare'i; 700 Series form. The tape only needs to for other computers. Possible nudlines. be 12 feet long and be driven at candidates arc Ihe Electron Commodore has also de- 15 indies per second — not d the Con nodorc M. cided to follow Alari and begin much faster than on an ordin> Phi Mag hopes the Phloopy development of software for ary open-reel tape recorder. will be available by mail order Inside the cartridge, the tape from the middle of May. De- The company is to develop a snakes loosely around the cav- tails from Phi Mag Systems. range of software for the Atari. ity, so that it is not liable lo Trcgoniggie Industrial Estate, Apple and IBM compulcn. snap while in operation. Phi Fahnouth. Cornwall, v^/iM j^rr^' m^mwrn^~~>^ / ^. jr- POPULAR COMPtfTINQ WEEKLV Rear|[uard illegal; photocopying the article This being my first compu- for sole, distribution or proflt . or tet. I have hod to learn Basic position plagiariiing it for profit, is from scratch out of the Memo- obviouslyso, Yooitonot.inany tech manual. This is proving decision to stof tToa, rcttnl case, attempt <o solve the prob- almost impossible and what atcepling ndvertisementi I lem by banning photocopiers. good is an excellent computer for lapc-copving programs ir The US Supreme Court has it you can't use it? raises too many mponan POV recently ruled that the recording Could you please tell me if £399 + £5 lor tl to discuss in a shon leller Lssuci of TV programmes on home anyone has or is brining out a video is not illegal: to have book tor the MTX before 1 pull declared it so. the Court said, I the would have been an unaccept- manual, kill all my family, send And for th able infringement of personal alelierbombtoMemotechand gcd with the position, Sinclair port of Its operadng system, the liberty. Informed observers be- go completely psychotic. Research offers the option of an ability to lecord on tape ur disc a lieve that a similar ruling on the Siuan Uwin.
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