E1702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 23, 2011 the right strategy to deal with both Afghani- of individuals on the other side of the world pansions. In 1900, the congregation welcomed stan and Pakistan. who also dared to demand freedom for their its third pastor, Father Albert Aust. Under the As with the ISG, I believe fresh eyes are people. I rise today, Mr. Speaker, to recognize leadership of Father Aust, St. Michael Parish needed now to examine U.S. policy in Af- the centennial anniversary of Republic of ghanistan and Pakistan. The security situa- thrived and added a new rectory, school, and tion continues to erode as evidenced by co- China in Taiwan. in 1908, teachers from the Notre Dame Sis- ordinated insurgent attacks on heavily for- One hundred years ago, on October 10th, ters. The parish later added a sister’s resi- tified U.S. and NATO compounds just this 1911, under the inspiration of Dr. Sun Yat- dence in 1934, built a new school in 1950, week. The Taliban still finds safe haven in Sen, the Republic of China began by throwing erected a new church in 1955 and new rectory the tribal wilderness of Pakistan and the ISI off the bonds of the Wuchang dynasty in order in 1968. In 1990, a new social hall and gym- actively funds terrorist groups. to create the first Republic in Asia. This year nasium were constructed and named Rappe Given these and other concerns on the the Republic of China (Taiwan) celebrates the Hall, in honor of Bishop Amadeus Rappe. ground in Afghanistan, I continue to be puz- centennial of its National Independence Day, zled why you, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Most recently, in 2001, St. Michael completed also known as ‘‘Double Ten Day’’. an interior renovation of the current church on Secretary Clinton are not supporting the Af/ The United States and Taiwan not only Pak Study Group idea in the same manner Chestnut Road. that Secretary Rumsfeld and other Bush ad- share a similar story of self-determination but The St. Michael congregation will celebrate ministration officials supported the ISG. we continue to maintain a strong and vital its 160th anniversary in conjunction with the Having the experience of serving on the ISG friendship. The people of Taiwan have made annual Feast of St. Michael. This year’s cele- and now serving as Secretary of Defense with clear through the years, their appreciation and bration will include an Oktoberfest dinner, ar- a Democratic president (who I acknowledge gratitude for the support the United States has cade games, and donations will be collected inherited the war in Afghanistan), you are in provided Taiwan through the decades. This for both the St. Michael School Student Coun- a unique position to make this group a re- friendship has been evidenced through invest- cil’s ‘‘Jeans for January’’ drive and St. Vincent ality. The authorization and funding for the ment and economic development, through cul- Af/Pak Study Group in the House-passed De- DePaul Society’s Food Pantry. fense Appropriations bill gives you the au- tural and social exchanges, and even through Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me thority to create this group today. the military support shared between our two in honoring the 160 years of service that St. I have to tell you that I continue to be dis- peoples. Taiwan has stood with the United Michael Catholic Church has provided to the appointed that your staff has yet to contact States to combat global terrorism; and the parishioners of Independence, Ohio. former Ambassador Peter Tomsen to discuss people of Taiwan have always given gener- f his book, The Wars of Afghanistan. His book ously in our greatest times of need. Through- provides insightful information on the tribal out the past ten decades we have become not PERSONAL EXPLANATION structure of both Afghanistan and Pakistan just allies, but great friends. and the political allegiances that underlie As the Republic of China (Taiwan) enters ´ all actions in the region. I believe his knowl- HON. ANDRE CARSON into her second century of democracy, it is just edge and experience in this region would be OF INDIANA as important that the United States stand with invaluable in formatting future policy in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES South Asia. I respectfully ask again, please her 23 million citizens to face the challenges take advantage of his work and meet with of the next hundred years. Surely there will be Friday, September 23, 2011 him as soon as possible. struggles, political and economic, at home and Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, due Leon, I don’t have the answers on Afghani- abroad. As we continue to engage other na- to a previous commitment, I unavoidably stan. Perhaps current U.S. strategy is the tions around the globe, we must remember missed two votes. Had I been present, I would best way forward. But we owe it to the men that in our Taiwanese friends we have a na- and women in uniform who have served and have voted ‘‘nay’’ on passage of rollcall 725, continue to serve there—some paying the ul- tion ready to stand with us in the effort to pro- and ‘‘nay’’ on passage of rollcall 726. timate sacrifice—to know definitively. I con- mote freedom, tolerance, and democracy. f tinue to believe that fresh eyes from outside On this very special day, the United States government focused on assessing the situa- joins with the Taiwanese people to recognize REED COLLEGE CENTENNIAL tion is the prudent action to take. I ask that the sacrifice of those who made Double Ten you take the advice of those who support an Day possible so many years ago, and we reaf- HON. EARL BLUMENAUER Af/Pak Study Group, including Jim Dobbins, firm that our friendship remains steadfast. I OF OREGON General Charles Krulak, Ryan Crocker, who ask my colleagues to please join me in ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I spoke with prior to his appointment as am- tending to President Ma Ying-jeou the good bassador to Afghanistan, and other promi- Friday, September 23, 2011 nent Americans with experience in this re- wishes of the United States House of Rep- gion. resentatives on this centennial anniversary. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, this year I believe it would be a sign of strength to f one of the nation’s top liberal arts colleges in appoint a study group and let the American the heart of my Congressional District in Port- IN HONOR OF THE 160TH ANNIVER- people know that the administration is will- land, Oregon is celebrating its centennial. SARY OF ST. MICHAEL CHURCH ing to examine all possible policies to Reed College began its first classes in 1911 achieve a successful outcome in this trou- with 50 students—26 men and 24 women— bled region. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH and five faculty members and has grown to Best wishes. OF OHIO Sincerely, 1,400 students and 135 faculty. Committed to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FRANK R. WOLF, intellectual rigours and academic freedom, Member of Congress. Friday, September 23, 2011 Reed has served as a groundbreaking model f Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in for liberal arts colleges over the past 100 honor of the 160th anniversary of St. Michael years. CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF Catholic Church in Independence, Ohio. Reed’s commitment to academic excellence THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA (TAI- St. Michael Catholic Church was founded in is reflected in the student body and faculty. All WAN) 1851 when Bishop Amadeus Rappe commis- students are expected to complete an original sioned Father Nicholas Roupp to begin cele- work in a major subject area—a senior thesis. HON. DAN BURTON brating Mass in Independence, Ohio. There A higher percentage of Reed graduates go on OF INDIANA had recently been an influx in the area of to earn Ph.Ds across fields than do graduates IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Catholic Swiss and German immigrants. After of all but three other U.S. colleges and univer- operating for several decades as a mission sities. Students regularly win Fulbright, Wat- Friday, September 23, 2011 church, in 1888, the Cleveland Catholic Dio- son, National Science Foundation, and other Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, the cese raised the community to parochial status fellowships, and the faculty has received na- United States is familiar with its own stories of and Father Peter Scerer became St. Michael’s tional recognition for its commitment to teach- brave men and women who fought to break first pastor. After two pastors in just a couple ing. the bonds of tyranny and form a new democ- of years, St. Michael Parish reverted back to While ‘‘Reedies’’—as students call them- racy. The walls of this chamber and the sur- a mission and was served by the Jesuit Fa- selves—are widely known for studying—sleep- rounding Capitol complex remind us daily of thers of St. Mary Parish. ing—and studying some more, they engage in our proud history. But I want to share with you Throughout the 20th Century, St. Michael a broad range of campus and civic activities. today the story of another like minded group Parish experienced many renovations and ex- One such tradition dates back to 1913 and is VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:00 Sep 24, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23SE8.005 E23SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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