THE LONDON GAZETTE, 4 AUGUST, 1911. 5805 notice of any minimum time-rate or general War Office, minimum piece-rate fixed by them, the Board 4:th August, 1911. of Trade shall make an order (in this Act referred to as an obligatory order) making REGULAR FORCES. that minimum rate obligatory in cases in which it is applicable on all persons employing labour COMMANDS AND STAFF. and on all persons employed, unless they are of opinion that the* circumstances are such as to Major-General William E. Blewitt, C.B., make it premature or otherwise undesirable to C.M.G., to command the Southern Coast make an obligatory order, and in that case Defences, vice Major-General J. K. Trotter, they shall make an. order suspending the C.B., C.M.G., who has been placed on re- obligatory operation of the rate (in this Act tired pay. Dated 24th July, 1911. referred to as an order of suspension). [ Colonel Alexander W. Roper, from the AND WHEEEAS on the 1st day of Feb- ' . Half-pay List, to be a Chief Engineer, vice xuary, 1911, the Trade Board established under Colonel P. R./Burn-Clerk-Rattray, who has the said Act for the Hammered and Dollied resigned that appointment. Dated 29th or Tommiecl Chain Making trade gave notice July, 1911. that they had fixed minimum time-rates for Major Edward J. Buckley, The Royal making Dollied or Toramied Chain and Hand- Inniskilling Fusiliers, to be a General Staff hammered Chain of the diameters therein Officer, 2nd grade, vice Major J. L. J. more specifically set 'forth and general mini- Clarke, The East Yorkshire Regiment, mum piece-rates for making Dollied or whose tenure of that appointment has ex- Tommied Short Link or Short Link Hand pired. Dated 31st July, 1911. Hammered Chain of the diameters therein Captain Maximilian St. L. Simon, Royal more specifically set forth and the rates fixed Engineers, to be a Staff Captain at the War are set out in the Schedule hereto: Office, vice Captain R. Walker, Royal AND WHEREAS the said rates have been Engineers, who has vacated that appoint- in limited operation sine© the 1st clay of Feb- ment. Dated 29th July, 1911. ruary, 1911: Lieutenant Guy Blewitt, The Oxfordshire NOW THEREFORE the Board of Trade and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, to be in pursuance of the powers in them vested as Aide-de-Camp to Major-General W. E. before recited DO by this order make the said Blewitt, C.B., C.M.G. Dated 24th July, minimum time-rates and general minimum 1911. piece-rates fixed by the said Trade Board and set out in the said Schedule hereto, obligatory in cases in which they are applicable on all CAVALBY. persons employing labour and on all persons 2nd Life Guards, Captain The Honourable employed in the said trade. Hugh Dawnay, D.S.O., from The Rifle Bri- DATED this 2nd day of August, 1911. gade (The Prince Consort's Own), to be Sydney Buxton, Major, vice J. C. Brinton, M.V.O., D.S.O., President of the Board of Trade. retired. Dated 18th January, 1911, but not to draw pay or allowances prior to 5th August, 1911. Second Lieutenant (on probation) Stewart Graham Menzies, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 1st August, 1911. 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), Captain Admiralty, 31st July, 1911. Laurie C. F. Oppenheim retires on retired pay to serve in the Special Reserve under Royal Naval Reserve. the provisions of Article 510, Royal War- With reference to the notice which rant for Pay and Promotion, 1909. Dated appeared in the London Gazette dated 7th 5th August, 1911. March, 1911, the date of the retirement of Lieutenant Ernest Vernon Gerald Schalch &th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards, Lieuten- should be 13th April, 1911, and not as therein ant-Colonel William Belk, on completion of stated. his period of service in command, is placed on the Half-pay List. Dated 4th August, 1911. Major Richard L. Mullens, from the 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), to be Lieutenant-Colonel, vice W. Belk. Dated Admiralty, 1st August, 1911. 5th August, 1911. In accordance with the provisions of His \2th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers, Cap- late Majesty's Order in Council of the 18th tain William B. Bell, from Indian Army, to October, 1909: — be Captain, vice H. E. Connop, who ex- changes. Dated 22nd May, 1911. Lieutenant Robert Francis Pitcairn has this day been placed on the Retired List at llth (DuJze of Cambridge's Own) Lancers, his own request. Second Lieutenant Charles E. D. Dubs to be-Lieu tenant. Dated 27th June, 1911. Miss Margaret Brand Paterson has this day been appointed a Sister in Queen 2Qth Hussars, Captain Morris E. Richardson Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service is seconded for service as an Adjutant of (on probation). ' Yeomanry. Dated 15th July, 1911. 28519. 5801: The Gazette- is registered at the General Post Office for transmission l)y Inland Post as a newspaper. The postage rate to places within the United Kingdom is one halfpenny for each copij. For places abroad the rate is a halfpenny for every 2 ounces, except in the case of Canada, to which the rate, by Canadian Magazine Post, is a penny for every pound or fraction of a pound. Foi* Table of Contents, see last page. FRIDAY, 4 AUGUST, 1911. In the matter of the Baronetcy of Mitchell of Chancery of the lioyal Victorian Order, Westshore (Great Britain 1724). St. James's Palace, July Uth, 1911. "T^TOTICE is hereby given., that in accord- .JL^i ance with the provisions of Clause IV. i The KING has been graciously pleased to of the Royal Warrant of tie 8th February, make the following appointments to the Royal 1910, the Secretary of State for the Home Victorian Order: — Department has referred to the Committee of His Majesty's Privy Council, appointed for To be Members of the Fourth Class. the purposes of the said Warrant by Order in 'Engineer Commander Joseph Henry Hill Council dated the 5th March, 1910, a Petition Ireland, Royal Navy. presented by Mr. Hugh Sykes Mitchell, of Engineer Lieutenant Frederick George Haddy, Hogarth, Coliiiton, Midlothian, to be placed Royal Navy. on the Official Roll of Baronets in respect of the Baroiietcy of Mitchell of Westshore (Great Britain 1724), and that the said- Committee has provisionally fixed Tuesday, the 28th day of November next, for the consideration of the said Petition. THE GRAND PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF THE HOSPITAL OF ST. JOHN OF And notice is hereby further given., that any JERUSALEM IN ENGLAND. person desiring to oppose the said Petition must, not later than Monday, the 13th day of Chancery of the Order, November next, give notice of his intention in that behalf to the Clerk of the Council, Privy St. ,7ohn',s Gate, Glerkentvell, London, ]3.G.y Council Office, Whitehall, S.W., and lodge in ' August 2, 1911. the Privy Council Office 20 printed copies of The KING has b'een graciously pleased to his Case against the said Petition. sanction the following promotions in and ap- 5802 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 4 AUGUST, 1911. pointments to the Order of the Hospital of St. at one o'clock, for Treasury Bills to be issued .John of Jerusalem in England: — under the Acts 40 Vic., cap. 2, and 52 Vic., cap. 6, to the amount of £3,600,000 in replace- 'As Knights of Justice (from Knights of Grace). ment of Bills falling due on the llth instant. Sir Robert Harvey. 2. The Bills will be in amounts of £1,000, His Excellency Sir George Sydenham Clarke, £5,000, or £10,000. They will be dated the G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E. llth August, 1911, and will be payable at six Lieut.-Colonel John Willoughby Wray. months after date, viz.:—on the llth Feb- ruary, 1912. As Knights of Grace. 3. The Tenders must specify the net amount per cent, which will b'e given for the amounts "The Hon. Sir Trevredyn Rashleigh Wynne, applied for?-and the Tendjera of private indi- K.C.I.E. viduals must be made through a London The Hon. Surgeon-General Charles Pardey Banker. ; Lukis, C.S.I. 4. The Bills will be issued and paid at the Surgeon Lieut..-Colonel Sir Warren Roland Bank of England. Crooke-Lawless, C.I.E. 5. The "persons whose Tenders are accepted David Charles Lloyd Owen, Esq., F.R.C.S,1. will be informed of the same on Wednesday, (from Esquire). the 9th instant, and payment in full of the Major Edward Howard Thornbrough Parsons. amounts of the accepted Tenders must be made Sir John Cameron Lamb, C.B., C.M.G. to the Bank of England not later than three John Harvey Hooper, Esq. (from Esquire). o'clock on Friday, the llth August, 1911. Sir Edward Clouston, Baronet. 6. The Lords Commissioners of H.M. His Honour Colonel John Morison Gibson. Treasury reserve the right of rejecting any Dr. Frederick Montizambert, I.S.O. Tenders. •Colonel Guy Carleton Jones. Treasury Chambers, Francis William Pixley, Esq. 1st August, 1911. As Ladies of Grace. [Elizabeth. Mrs. E. F. Chinery (from Honorary Associate). The Hon. Lady Harvey. The Hon. Lady Haig. Foreign Office, Miss Helena Constance Frank. June 1, 1911. Miss Mary Harriett Griffith. The KING has been graciously pleased Her Excellency Lady Clarke. to appoint— 'The Lady Catherine Milnes Gaskell. Captain James Gervais Lyons, His Majesty's Vice-Consul at Leopoldville, to be also His As Esquires. Majesty's Vice-Consul for the French Congo Major-General Francis Henry Rutherford Colony.
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